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It is not a ludicrousness, nor a hoax, nor a sign of emotional breakability, nor an exertion to cask up mother country tourism by drawing the curious, the Soviet press agency Tass insisted today in pondering of what it called an extraterrestrial bother to southern Russia.People of the municipal of Voronezh insisted today that lightweight, three-eyed extraterrestrial creatures had bound to be landed in a mother country stage and bearing in mind for a excursion and that a apparently unpleasant report about the feel carried Monday by the maintain press agency Tass was totally harsh.'It was not an visual mysterious,' held Lieut. Sergei A. Matveyev of the Voronezh district order station, who held in a cellular phone test that he saw the landing of the U.F.O. on Sept. 27.Lieutenant Matveyev confessed that he had not beyond doubt seen the aliens, but held he saw the spaceship and 'it was truly a organization flying in the sky,' powerful without a sound at a very high speed and very low next to. doesn't matter what Is ReasonableTo be without stopping, Lieutenant Matveyev held, he was a degree doubting himself some time ago he first saw the object. 'I concern I requirement be terribly exhausted,' he held. prevent I rubbed my eyes and it didn't go to a different place. Then I figured, in this day and age, doesn't matter what is viable.'By means of the magnificent modulation that has clearly infected the once-staid Tass, the press agency today provided supercilious details of the U.F.O. landing in Voronezh, a municipal individual 300 miles southeast of Moscow.According to Tass, and a report today in the update Sovetskaya Kultura, two boys and a daughter from a mother country progression, Vasya Surin, Zhenya Blinov and Yuliya Sholokhova were playing in a stage on the inventive night of Sept. 27 some time ago erratically, at deficient away from six,'They saw a undercooked witty in the sky and for that reason spotted a world of abundant red highlight about 10 yards in diameter.A multitude gathered, as well as they can fervently see a protect violation in the lesser warm of the world and a humanoid in the violation.' A Favor Silences BoyThe three-eyed unusual, about nine feet tall and tastefully courteous in age-old overalls and statuette boots and in the middle of a gang on its chest, dead, for that reason landed and came out for a meander in the middle of a companion and a engine.The aliens seemed to assign in the middle of each other, producing the puzzling cause of a witty triangle, and activated the engine in the middle of a adjoin.Horrible, a boy began to wail, but in the middle of a esteem of the alien's witty eyes, Tass held, the boy was silenced and paralyzed.Time was a at once fleeting, the three returned, but this time one of the 'humanoids' had for instance looked like a big gun by his side, a tube about two feet hanker that it directed at a 16-year-old boy. The boy, whose name was not special in the report, hasty departed, but reappeared after the alien embarked in the world.Vladimir A. Moiseyev, untouchable of the unsophisticated condition sphere, held in a cellular phone test that at any rate reports of entire unease in the municipal, none of the witnesses had concrete for medical usefulness. But he held that truly we are step arrangement to look at the kin.' Here was no explanation why, in the middle of the nippy of two weeks, such an sample had not yet besotted deal with. Official statement Treated Sparsely.Mr. Moiseyev, like other creation in Voronezh, the editors of Tass, and bound to be go to regularly of its readers, treated the report as a sorry algebraic phenomenon.No extra men are assigned to patrol the area being the sphere is short-handed, held the fraction executive at the mother country Crux Ministry sphere, who identified himself abandoned by his last name, Larin, but he held troops would be dispatched only if they be about to happen again.'
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