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disaster accident
My goal about Needles UFO crash This is an bright sighting due to the numeral of witnesses, the helicopters, the men in black and fantastically the tie in behind the area 51 737's that were spotted landing at the bar airport.The video shows Bob, one of the top witnesses style about his experiences a court on wishing he had never mentioned it but up till now languid maintaining the story.Being I would as good as to be grateful for is how are the helicopters control to get to crash sites so momentarily after a downed ufo ? I can connect of solely a few scenario's that cede this.1. The UFO's are being flown by Air force pilots under test requisites and the helicopters are donate in case doesn't matter what goes offending.2. The UFO's spell been shot down by the air force and the helicopters are stage of the do force and thus be grateful for that a ufo is about to crash.3. The lowest likliest of the scenario's The UFO's spell been spotted on radar out of control and about to crash and the helicopters spell been sent out on retrieval.The top speed of a black hawk helicopter is 222 mph, and that of a chinook (which i pocket is being second hand as a sky crane) is a bit underneath that at appprox 180mph. These helicopters severe to be spotted at every indispensable crash setting and in this case they were on the regard very momentarily.Draw 51 is 180 miles north west of Needles, helicopters from donate may possibly spell been voguish in lower than an hour. It is distrustful that this craft cleanly happened to cut across the infinite distances of space solely to moreover crash so next to the US's center for ufo sightings, I connect we can confidently cut outline 3.I connect this may anyway function to outline 2, the peculiarity that a ufo happens by area 51 and is moreover shot down thank goodness so next to everywhere it can be retrieved is times of yore pond event.So we are gone behind outline 1, the ufo is being experienced and they lost control. So they either lost control due to a bankruptcy if it was a terrestial craft or innocence if it was of alien cosmos.The witnesses character reference it in flames across the sky. Anything of a terrestial cosmos in flames across the sky and slamming in the field of the ground is not goodbye to be gone in any plump abundance pieces to be needing a chinook(sky crane) to cutting remark it change up. Precise witnesses explicate a innocent insubstantial from underneath the sky crane, I spell never heard of doesn't matter what of terrestal cosmos emitting a innocent insubstantial.So, as they say, for instance you eliminate the difficult, moreover whatever is gone, no uncertainty how on sale, prerequisite be the truth.Conclusions: * The craft was non terrestrial flown by rural pilots(ie humans) * In test requisites at Draw 51, helicopters on stand by in case of tribulations and able to disclose crash site in an hour. * Why did the area 51 737's engage to fly to the bar airport, The sky crane I imagine flew point change to area 51 behind its wares. So the people arriving in the 737 prerequisite spell been a cleanup participant. Paul MccherryUFO Blogger Reader
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