The bottom line: "The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth." So says "Phil Larson who is the "Obama Administration spokesperson on the matter.
It is interesting to me to see that so many people, 17465 to be exact, believed that the US government would even bother to answer this question and that they would answer positively that extraterrestrials were known to exist. Of course the US government would not admit it even if it were true, why would they?
The petition method of asking the US government a question or to demand disclosure of information is not guaranteed to elicit the truth, no one in the government is going to jail for telling a lie. In fact most of the statement is true.
The truth about aliens on Earth, should it exist, will only come from rigorous investigative journalism and most likely whistle blowers. It is perhaps disquieting that the US government is doing all it can to silence popular forums for leaked government documents and legally pursue the owners of those sites.
So far however, no leaked sources have definitive proof of any alien presence and most published files on UFO sightings are inconclusive. The evidence is usually poor quality and even recent videos and pictures on media sites are either poor quality, identifiable as something earthly or obvious fakes.
We wait for either undeniable proof with video and corroborating witnesses reports, a leaked document or the landing of an alien craft at a public event. Then denial will not be an option.
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