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SHORT UFO FACT: [VEGANS, NON-HUMAN TYPE. The second group - nonhuman-type Vegan - is still humanoid, still mammal. When we say nonhuman we are talking about appearance. The appearance of these particular entities can either be insectlike or reptilian. These are your labels that we apply to the physical appearance of these particular entities. Generally speaking, you will find that the range of skin color will apply the same as the human type. However, there are some groups who not only have a greenish tinge to the hair but also to the skin. It's not very pronounced; we don't want you to think we're talking about some type of green monster. ]UFO CAUGHT ON TAPE SHORT UFO FACT: [VENUSIANS. George Adamski reported several encounters with them In the early 1950s. He claims that they told him they were from Venus. It's an alien race wich looks like the europeans. Allegedly inhabited by physical entities, both human and reptilian, beneath the surface and therefore '"safe"' from the extreme surface conditions. Also allegedly inhabited (ON THE SURFACE?) by human beings, possibly colonists from Terra- Earth, who somehow were able to '"phase"' or generate their physical bodies' molecular structure into a '"4th dimensional"' existence wherein they now allegedly survive unaffected by the harsh '"physical"' conditions.]UFO IN MEXICOIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
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