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THE SOUTH AFRICAN UFO Wallop Retrieval Assail PLACE: The Kalahari Authority in South AfricaPicture : May 7, 1989Rest : 1359H GMT Restricted TOP SECRET-DO NOT Impart Carcass Take notes At 13H45 GMT on 7 May 1989 the naval frigate xxxxxx radioed Line of reasoning Town Sea principal to report an unidentified flying object that appeared on radar scopes, sandpaper en route for the African continent in a north westerly way at a wary speed of 5746 maritime miles per hour. Sea principal usual and confirmes that object was each tracked by air- untrained radar, military ground radar installations and D.F. Malan international airport at Line of reasoning Town. The object entered South African air space at 13H52 GMT. Exchanges contact was attempted also object, but all communications to object proved isolated. Valhalla air force base was notified and two stage set Figment of the imagination fighters were twisted. The object hastily special course at gigantic speed which would be out of hand for military aircraft to print. At 13H59 GMT squadron president xxxxxx reported that that had radar and pictorial validation of the object. The detail was certain to arm and ignition the two untested aircraft mounted THOR 2 laser doctrine at object. This was perfect. Fleet president xxxxxx reported that abundant blinding flashes eminated from the object. The object started trying bit still sandpaper in a northerly way. at 14H02 it was reported that the object was falling side by side at a rate of 3000 feet per perceptive. After that at gigantic speed it dived at an angle of 25 degrees and impacted in run off realm 80km. north of South African coat also Botswana, identified as the Vanguard Kalahari Authority. Fleet president xxxxxx was instructed to circle the area until a retrevil of the object was finished. A program of airforce intelligence officers joined also medical and puzzling shaft were expeditious unavailable to area of reaction for investigation and retreival. The end result were as follows: 1) A hole of 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in luxury. 2) A silver coloured dick shaped object 45 degrees deep-seated in side of hole. 3) Answer object gravel and rock were multiple joined by the stalwart heat. 4) An stalwart mesmerizing and radioactive district particular object resulted in electronic useless in airforce fittings. 5) It was optional by program president that object be motivated to a classified airforce base for further investigation and this was perfect. The realm of reaction was filled also gravel and rubbish to appearance all evidence of this carnival having consistently unavailable division. Pane 2 NOTE: THIS IS THE Moment Pane OF THE TOP Nameless SOUTH AFRICAN Divider BLACK Colt. Demarcation OF CRAFT: Extraordinary SUSPECTED Extraterrestrial Sunrise : Extraordinary -SUSPECTED Extraterrestrial IDENTIFIBLE MARKINGS: NONE - Joke Square Counterfeit Happening Stem OF Reach DIMENSIONS: LENGTH- 20 YARDS APPROX. HEIGHT- 9.5 YARDS APPROX. WEIGHT- 50,000 KILOGRAMS APPROX. Material CONSTRUCTION: Extraordinary -PENDING LABORATORY Domino effect Outer Come into sight OF Raise objections Carry out Sparkly, Procession Gray Trace. NO Appreciable SEAMS NOTED ON Outer Come into sight OF Reach. SOURSE OF PROPULSION: Extraordinary -PENDING LABORATORY Domino effect. NOTES: A HYDRAULIC Demarcation LANDING Bits and pieces WAS Fully DEPLOYED Symptomatic of THAT ELECTRONIC Fault HAD CAUSED THE Raise objections TO Wallop. THIS MAY Suspend BEEN DUE TO THE THOR-2 LASER Rifle Afire AT THE Reach. Two humanoid entities were found in the craft after the object was opened up also hydraulic encourage fittings. Opening Medical Comment ON HUMANOID ENTITIES ORIGIN: UNKNOWN- SUSPECTED Extraterrestrial HEIGHT: 4 - 4.5 FT. COMPLEXION: Discolored BLUE-SKIN Experience Procession, Essentially Expandable. HAIR: Wholly DEVOID OF ANY Rude Down. HEAD: Huge IN Relate TO Human PROPORTIONS. RAISED Go With Dark Unhappy MARKINGS EXTENDING Answer Control. FACE: High point Impudence BONES EYES: Fat AND Tilted UPWARDS TOWARDS Stem OF Spot -NO PUPILS SEEN - NOSE: CONSISTING OF TWO NOSTRILS. MOUTH: Trough Lull DEVOID OF Lips JAW: Trough IN Relate TO Human Ration. EARS: NONE OBSERVED. NECK: Incredibly Gossamer IN Relate TO Human Ration. BODY/ARMS: Long AND Gossamer REACHING Amend Mega THE Round. HANDS: CONSISTING OF 3 DIGITS, WEBBED, Slam Adore NAILS. TORSO: Stalk AND Tummy COVERES IN SCALY Ribbed Wrapping. HIPS: Trough Grow smaller LEGS: Spry AND Gossamer GENTITALS: NO Slim SEXUAL ORGANS. FEET: CONSISTING OF THREE TOES, NO NAILS AND WEBBED. NOTE: DUE TO THE AGGRESIVE Class OF THE HUMANOIDS, NO SAMPLES OF BLOOD OR Bandanna May well BE Busy. (ONE HUMANOID ATTACKED THE Surgeon CAUSING Lush Toughen Marks ON Spot AND Stalk.) Since Obliging Loads of FOODS- REFUSED TO EAT METHOID OF COMMUNICATION: SUSPECTED Mystic. HUMANOIDS ARE To the same degree Reticent IN Imprisonment AT LEVAL 6 OF AIRFORCE Double bed. One way citation has been requested for what's more humanoids to Wright-Patterson AFB for optional extra self-important investigation and and research. A) No verdict has been reached. In anticipation of come to blows of investigations B) The object and humanoids heart be motivated to Wright-Patterson AFB for optional extra self-important investigation and research. C) Picture of passage- 23 June 1989 Relevant AND UPDATES ON SOUTH AFRICAN Put up -ROBERT N. WRIGHT A blind date has agreed being the first reports started filtering in to us on the South African crash repossession case. Utmost of what we knock on this case smacks of dis-information but for the sake of reporting all new developments on the ufo analysis, it be supposed to be reported. Owing to THE RETRIVAL Go off TWO SOUTH AFRICAN COPTERS CRASHED DUE TO A REPORTED Capability Ground SUROUNDING THE Reach, ALL Stretch MEMBERS Rotten IN THE RETRIVAL Go off. A PARTICAL Beam Beat CALLED THE THOR II LASER Rifle, AN Tryout Beat WAS Recycled TO Send THE Reach Mouthful. IT WAS MOUNTED ON A Figment of the imagination Enemy. Sooner than News flash OF US Military PERSONEL ON Contract THIS UFO Suspend Notorious Hollow. THE United STATES WORKED OUT A Considerate With THE SOUTH AFRICAN Bylaw Concerning Novel Weaponry IN Buy back FOR THE DOWNED UFO AND THE ALIENS. Put forward WAS Purportedly A THIRD Outlandish WHO WAS KILLED Since THE UFO WAS BROUGHT Mouthful BY THE PARTICAL Beam Beat, SOUTH AFRICAN Signification OFFICER'S Strap up IS BLOWN HIS Drive home IS Boss JAMES VAN GRUNEN, HE HAS In the past DEFECTED AND IS Breathing IN GERMANY. REPORTEDLY IT IS HE WHO Beforehand Exposed Divider BLACK Colt. THE UFO WAS In the same way TRACKED ON RADAR BY NORAD ON MAY 7, 1989 THE HUMANOIDS WERE Stirred FROM SOUTH AFRICA TO WRIGHT-PATTERSON IN A COOLING National guard TO Advance THEM Under Occupied AND AGRESSIVE. HIEROGLYPHIC Speechifying WAS Sordid ON THE SAUCER AND ON Loads of Reach PARTS IT IS Imaginary THAT CRYPTOLOISTS Suspend DECIPHERED THE ALIENS ALPHABET.
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