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wikileaks ufo documents
Date: 2008Time: 9:28 p.m. I live in Santa Cruz CA. and conduct a new fascination inspection and tracking satellites and I as it should be saw a significant V shape craft flying overhead for the third time interior a month. Tonight at 9:28 p.m. PST, I saw it anew, address better me, gliding from south to north. No lights at all, significant V or triangle shape, lighter decorated than the night sky.
The other become old it flew from east to west, afterward bordering was southeast to northwest. It seemed to fly settle slow, slower than satellites or airplanes, and no lights at all several time. The austerely sense I can see it is when it is lighter than the night sky. Any participation. CT Santa Cruz, California. If you conduct seen at all close this in the enormously area please be compassionately ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "All inmost information is kept back hush-hush."
"The Vike Business (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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UFO sightings are up in Germany at the end result and new endeavors are being reported on a piece suit. One of the oddest recent UFO endeavors to be reported to one of Germany's UFO opportunity databases convoluted a set of friends who claimed a UFO dropped in on them since revels at a in house.
The opportunity occurred on the night of 10 November in a Berlin completion.
Allegedly a few companionship went out at 1pm to get a few harmonious air and tolerate the wayfarer newly baked weather. At that spell one of the group, Walter, noticed a pleasingly, bottle green, egg-shaped object balanced on your own fifty meters over the house and alerted the others. They stood and watched the object stupefied, with start on mouths. They felt a newly baked glow and picked up an odd odour in the air.
Along with the object sped off as in a few words as it happening. The group, hush reeling from shock went inwards and clearly a few of them got badly and felt uncommon. At this spell they realised the other companionship had spent and it was earlier 3am. A worship of absent advantage was felt by the witnesses.
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Date of sighting: May 3, 2013Location of sighting: Costa RicaFellow UFO researchers at Segnidalcielo state: (translated from Spanish)On May 3, 2013, the President of the United States Barack Obama made a visit to Costa Rica during the landing of the presidential plane Air Force 1 at the Juan Santamar'ia International Airport, on the edge of the airport there were thousands of people who were waiting for the 'arrival of U.S. President ready with the cameras on, to record the event. In one of the many photographs that showed the landing of the plane, you can see a small black dot, a small object that larger, it would show the silhouette of a flying saucer. The photograph was released by Mr. Tacsan Leonardo Sanchez, who through his facebook profile has published the photos that we show below.Please visit our friends in Argentina in the link below to see all four UFO photos of the UFO over Air Force One.!prettyPhoto
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At 830pm on Tuesday I passed by my window and noticed that a green orb-like object shot into the sky at a speed that I hadn't seen before. I had seen the same type of craft last week and weeks before that in the same direction. The craft shot up into the sky, hovered around, changed colors, turned the lights off, turned them on again, and then fell into treetops. Then a few minutes later it did the same thing. I recorded the scene the best that I could with my camera and iPad.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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Recent UFO SIGHTINGS - This day of the week UFO photo was unavailable in Cumming, Georgia on Saturday, 23rd October 2010 surrounding 11:25 am.Tribute report: "Unfamiliar flying object spotted in soft over Cumming, GA"On Saturday, October 23, 2010, my spouse and I were nomadic in our SUV rub down 141W (Peachtree Divided highway) at very nearly 11:25am EST. We were very nearly 3 miles from our destination equally my spouse, who was sitting in the personality passenger contain affirmed she sees something in the sky that she can't inform on. I asked her to tug it and she in effect couldn't, fair that's she's never seen whatever the same it. I later match out the glass for a skin and determine the object. I entrap a deputy and later triple-take. It was white in color. At times it looked cigar twisted but the exceptional we looked at it, it appeared exceptional of a set. It's ruthless to tell quite how high in the sky it was but I would say it was about the awfully smooth as a low flying plane. The object was not in effect distressing, it appeared dormant. It was not an level surface, nor helicopter, bi-plane, weather-balloon, explode or whatever else of the formulate. We were on our way to get our daughter's fur cut for the first time, so we brought our digital camera. My spouse got it out expeditious and took the first snapshot. The camera decided on her glass so it came out low. The moreover time I told her to go in as far as she can go and try to entrap option picture. She did, and the fixed picture is the finish. My spouse looked at the picture she fair took and by the time she looked speculate up at the object (less than than 10 seconds had transpired) was particularly out of site. We vanished the moreover duet account looking out the windows as we were thug to see if we can again spot it but to no avail. It was completely not there.""Violently 25 account go by and we are not to be faulted accomplishment our daughter's fur cut. We drive speculate on 141 little in the repudiation method. As we neared the happening everyplace we main sited the object, we began to expression for it again. Inexplicably, we spot it, in the awfully complete district, little this time it's nomadic in the repudiation method and distressing at a unprofessional but stable speed. I without delay detain a parking lot to progress into; it was a church. As I'm about to appoint the car, the object is in weighed down site, again, distressing more exactly unprofessional. I entrap an unnecessary 10 seconds to relocation the car 180 degrees fashionable a parking spot. By the time my spouse and I get out of the car, the object is now going on for out of sight in the far horizon. I couldn't upright spot it anymore and it was my spouse (in her interrupt far sight) that spotted it way off in the make unfriendly for a duet seconds past it again consumed.""In sum, my spouse is a UFO atheist. I was shocked that she was so fashionable this object and she really would move been if it was an limit anomaly. The shape and bendable speeds of the object is most impenetrable. To position, as we got speculate on 141 to drive farmhouse, we noticed a black helicopter fly suitably overhead at a few hundred feet. With you expression at the picture, you energy determine a phone/electrical line dispensation diagonally. Vertical bottom is the object. With zooming in, you energy without delay determine black bands/spots towards either end. I forwarded the picture to my create late last night, who is an prime mover and regularly has contracts in NASA and other aeronautical relatives, and he too is states that it is diverse whatever he's perpetually seen. Ask let me figure out if you move any rush questions and I would understand worldly wise whether whatever was reported in the sky by any other agency. Kindliness and decent percentage."Writer (source: mufon)Click ON THE Embodiment TO ENLARGE!
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MAY 21, 2013 - SPACE - Scientists searching for signs of life beyond our solar system should keep an open mind, for planets very different than Earth may well be habitable, a prominent researcher says.
While it may seem natural to zero in on "alien Earths," such a narrow focus would exclude many potentially life-supporting exoplanets, whose diversity continues to astound astronomers, says Sara Seager of MIT.
The artist's concept depicts Kepler-62e, a super-Earth planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Image released April 18, 2013.
And researchers can't afford to be so picky, she adds, since they'll be able to get in-depth looks at just a handful of alien worlds for the foreseeable future.
"The number of planets that we're going to be able to see in our lifetime - and look at their atmospheres for signs of life- is so small that we're forced to be open-minded," Seager told
Seager discusses exoplanet habitability in a review article published online today (May 2) in the journal Science.
Scientists discovered the first alien planet around a sunlike star in 1995. Since then, the tally has grown to more than 700 (or more than 800, depending on whose list is consulted), with thousands more candidates waiting to be confirmed by follow-up observations.
Some of these alien worlds are broadly similar to planets in our own solar system. But many others are truly alien - enormous "hot Jupiters" that whip around their parent stars at extremely close range, for example, or "rogue planets" that cruise through the cold depths of space alone, with no parent star.
"If there is one important lesson from exoplanets, it is that anything is possible within the laws of physics and chemistry," Seager writes in the Science article. "Planets of almost all masses, sizes and orbits have been detected, illustrating not only the stochastic nature of planet formation but also a subsequent migration through the planetary disk from the planet's place of origin."
Intriguingly, a number of planets have been spotted orbiting within the so-called "habitable zone" - that just-right range of distances from a star where liquid water is possible on a world's surface. (Water is required for life as we know it here on Earth and has thus spurred astrobiologists to "follow the water" on other planets, Seager writes.)
Just where this habitable zone lies for each planet depends on a number of factors, most crucially its host star's brightness and the planet's atmospheric makeup.
"It's really all about the greenhouse gases," Seager told "The greenhouse gases are like a blanket that moderates the temperature at the surface."
The conventional definition of the habitable zone assumes a roughly Earth-like atmosphere, dominated by nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor. But the huge diversity of alien worlds argues for a new way of thinking, writes Seager, who literally wrote the book on exoplanet atmospheres ("Exoplanet Atmospheres: Physical Processes," Princeton University Press, 2010).
For example, large and/or chilly alien worlds could conceivably hang onto their gaseous molecular hydrogen, which long ago escaped from small planets such as Earth, Venus and Mars.
Hydrogen is a powerful greenhouse gas that could make liquid water possible on a number of worlds far beyond the outer edge of the traditional habitable zone - and perhaps even on seemingly frigid rogue planets, Seager writes.
Similarly, the habitable zone may extend inward, toward the host star, on "dry" rocky planets whose atmospheres have much less water vapor than Earth's does. So it's best to consider alien planets' potential to support life individually, on a case-by-case basis, Seager says.
Seager and others stress that a better understanding of exoplanet habitability is key to the next phase of the alien life hunt, which seeks to search promising candidates' atmospheres for water vapor and gases that may have been produced by life.
Astronomers have already scanned the air of a few dozen planets using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and other instruments, Seager said. But those were hot Jupiters with big, puffy atmospheres - relatively easy targets that aren't intriguing from an astrobiological perspective.
Scientists plan to do the same with smaller, potentially habitable worlds soon, Seager said. They'll use the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which NASA recently approved for a 2017 launch, to identify promising candidates relatively close to Earth. Then NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (which is scheduled to blast off in 2018) will follow up, getting an in-depth look at these worlds' air.
Though JWST is designed to be incredibly powerful, the 8.8 billion instrument will probably only be able to investigate the atmospheres of exoplanets that lie within a few tens of light-years from Earth, Seager added.
Seager said she hopes her review article in Science helps her fellow astronomers make the most of this small pool of observable candidates.
"I hope it gets people to realize that so many types of worlds could be habitable, and that our chance of finding one is higher when we accept that," she told - YAHOO.
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Fault referencing surrounding apiece day of what's more month in these wee blurbs I enclosure to capture "Rendezvous of the UFO" entries, it's illogical to bolster the peculiarity and unassailable standing of the UFO phenomenon. The reader in actual fact has to clap on and take full advantage of these monthly pages to evaluate and abstract as a collect the dependable truth that UFOs are real and be in possession of the moving to dynamism our lives in ways far separated from current precise tools. If the reports highlighted in August don't marker that end, what would?
Lakenheath, England, in a famous series of happenings, was the surroundings of compound radar and realistic UFO incidents in 1956 (well-reported in the journalism). In 1950, Nicholas Mariana remarkably retrieved his camera in time to film in color two, still legally strange, UFOs over Rumbling Cascade, Montana upfront they consumed.
In 1959 a UFO short on a Brazilian office station by some means caused obligatory keys to tube off, and upon departure they turned on once more. Ten being some time ago in 1949, astronomer and discoverer of the planet (or not a planet, depending on whose science one immediately believes) Pluto, Clyde Tombaugh, and his associations watched six rectangles gradually thwart the sky. Tombaugh's symbol customarily seems to play whenever the question arises, be in possession of scientists seen UFOs -- probably from the time when he brashly community the mystery of the meaning in on paper reports and drawings. When this writer reviewed an mp3 disc release from Sun-bleached Discs (see limit in border) a few months ago, featuring an astronomer unfolding his UFO sighting of no more than hours upfront, the low fellow was equally on the sharpness from the time when he had never "alleged" in these textile some time ago -- and now he was confronted together with a sighting that in all probability despoiled apiece precise influence he mirror image he knew.
Goal Sad Undergo proceed Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt ended a most strange say in 1953 like he not worth it that a gun camera's UFO photo active even if a jet pursued a UFO over Ellsworth Air Plummet Bottom showed the "best unnamed." After that in 1953, in conjunction together with the Robertson Veer (CIA) report on UFOs, Air Plummet Peacefulness 200-2 was put inwards effect, detailing how Air Plummet employees necessitate report UFOs and, unusually crucial, that USAF employees would be utterly resident in illuminating UFO information to the natives.
Not to employment the visible by now, but new readers necessitate be grateful for that in most cases one can go to (limit in border) and meeting its awful search engine for the best information on the cases highlighted in these monthly calendars.
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ufo sightings video,
warp drive
As the 1980s began, one of the most significant UFO cases of strange lights, landed objects, and even tales of contact with alien beings occurred at the Bentwaters-Woodbridge bases in Rendlesham Forest in England.
See the details of this case at The Rendlesham Forest Landings.
In 1983, an incident occurred known as the Copley Woods Encounter. Debbie Jordan-Kable, of Indiana, relates an extraordinary account of a UFO and an encounter with alien beings.
Drawn to a basketball-sized light in her backyard, she proceeded to check it out. She was hit by some type of force, enough to knock her to the ground. Regaining her feet, she could now see six beings standing about in the yard.
After that, she could remember little. She awoke the next morning with her eyes swollen shut. She had to be treated by an eye specialist. The doctor said her eyes appeared to have been burned by a welder's torch. Her event was made into a CBS movie.
In 1985, well known writer and UFO abduction researcher Whitley Strieber would have an encounter he would never forget. In upstate New York, he was staying in an isolated cabin with his wife and son. He had installed a state-of-the-art alarm system on the cabin.
On the night of December 26, Strieber activated the alarm at 11:00 PM, and the family retired for the night. A couple of hours later, he was jarred awake by a sound. As he got up to check his house out, he saw a creature in his bedroom.
The very next memory he had was being in the woods. His memory of the events of that night had to be recalled by regressive hypnosis, administered by Dr. Donald F. Klein.
These sessions would produce details of Strieber being floated from his cabin, and into a UFO, where he saw four different types of alien beings. His experiences would produce a book, and also a movie, both titled "Communion."
In 1987, a woman from Toms River, New Jersey, had an eerie encounter with alien beings. As she lay down to sleep about 10:00 PM, she had an uneasy feeling as if she was being watched. Then she heard a voice say:
"We have come for you... You will not be hurt."
Her body was totally paralyzed, except for her eyes. The five foot tall beings with long, slender arms subjected her to various tests. One of the beings seemed to be their leader, and when he communicated with the others, the woman could hear a buzzing in her head.
She would later discover that she was taken by the alien beings and subjected to medical testing. She suffered other medical maladies, and it was years before she felt healthy again.
View the here
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Some of you may already know the UFO or unidentified flyong object (in slovenian language they're called neznani leteci predmeti), but some of you may not already know that the term itself is for every flying object that unindentified to human, and not only for spacecraft used by alien. The first moden sighting of UFO can be traced back to the 1878 when a local farmer from Texas said that he saw a circular, dark, large flying object that shaped like a balloon flying at an amazing speed. He also said that its shaped and also sized like a saucer, which then popularize the term of flying saucer. But on that time the sighting of UFO was very rare, but there was an increased amount of sightings especially on the World War II when many pilots who participated in the war saw mysterious lights that travel in a fantastic speed and also with weird movement, they can go fast and then stop momentarily in the air and few seconds later, they fly high to the sky in a zap.
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urban legends,
Written by Nelson C. Rivera (PRUFON)Many ufologists state that the phenomenon known as the Chupacabras is an extraterrestrial beast, while cryptozoologists claim that it may be an unknown, yet to be discovered, terrestrial creature roaming the wooded areas of Puerto Rico and the Americas. Others say that it is just a figment of people's imagination. One thing is certain; the Chupacabras has formed part of Puerto Rican folklore and culture.The first known animals killed by their blood being sucked occurred in the municipality of Moca, Puerto Rico. As early as 1975, in the town of Moca, many farm animals; chicken, rabbits, goats even cows and horses were found with their bodies bled dry through a series of small circular incisions in the throat or neck leaving their carcasses intact without being eaten. At that time the killer was dubbed, "the vampire of Moca" but there was no description of the killer and the name "Chupacabras" was not yet given.In March of 1995, the municipalities of Orocovis and Morovis, in the interior of the island, discovered that their farm animals were being killed in an unconventional manner, and in a different way, wild animals kill their prey. In this attack, eight sheep were discovered dead, each with three puncture wounds in the chest and completely drained of blood. However, when the attacks frequently occurred in the municipality of Can'ovanas, the phenomenon spread rapidly throughout the island and internationally.The first description of the mysterious killer came in September of 1995 by Madeline Tolentino of the town of Can'ovanas and other subsequent witnesses who described the creature as being bi-pedal and hopping like a kangaroo or a rabbit. The descriptions further presented the killer as being a horrendous looking reptile-like creature with a leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. It stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. The creature is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue, and large fangs. It is described to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well leaving behind a sulfuric stench. When it screeches, some reports assert that the Chupacabra's bulging eyes glow an unusual red, which gives the witnesses nausea.Soon after the first incidents were reported in the press, Puerto Rican comedian and entrepreneur, Silverio P'erez, said jokingly, in a live television program, called the creature "El Chupacabras (the goatsucker)." People took it seriously and the name stuck and popularized internationally. This was in reference to the creature implicated in the attacks with a habit of drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Soon, thereafter, Chupacabras sightings were reported in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Brazil, and United States.In the United States, a hairless dog-like creature began attacking livestock in several areas in Texas. This has made people to believe in the U.S. that the Chupacabras is a hairless dog or coyote with mange. No dog sucks blood and leaves the carcass intact without being eaten. No dog leaves puncture wound(s) on its victim's throat or neck draining all the blood. No dog is bi-pedal and hops like a kangaroo. No dog has sharp spines or quills running down its back. It may be wild dogs attacking livestock in Texas, but the situation in Puerto Rico is a lot different.Most ufologists agree that the phenomenon known as the Chupacabras is an extraterrestrial beast. In some cases, it has been seen with the Gray aliens in Puerto Rico and other places in Latin America. Numerous of animal deaths occurred in almost identical circumstances coinciding in the same geographical area with dozens of cases of UFO sightings and other phenomena.The British cryptozoologist, Jonathan Downes, has traveled to Puerto Rico in search for the Chupacabras in the rainforests of the island. He believes that it is a cryptid creature like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot and not an extraterrestrial. An unknown terrestrial creature hiding in a small heavily populated island, for me it is unlikely. According to Wikipedia the on-line encyclopedia, out of 238 countries in the world, the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico is number 21 in population density, number three in density in the Americas and number two in the United States. Can an unknown creature finally appear in the 1990's without being seen for 500 years of the island's history? If it were an unknown animal, it would have been caught or killed by now.Read more about the Chupacabras on the following:Chupacabras sighting in Puerto RicoA Puerto Rican police officer shoots the Chupacabras
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ufos video
On few occasions in this investigation regard we had all of the elements on hand to before I finish industrial action one conclusions on this phenomenon. Pinnacle, to provide our readers up to velocity, we shall send you subsequent to spare information on the story.
News Point From the Misiones Media:
Ten store were mortally attacked in recent weeks in a hoard farmer's pasture in this locality, according to eyewitness information to be had to the Sheriff's office, the workers that has been investigating the out of the usual run of things soir that has shaken the residents of this grassy area.
Because the attacks occurred on two occasions and without fail at night, the caretakers, promote effort and Order officers regard set up a rotational watch v the program that the out of the usual run of things rat may reply again. It not here amply clear prints to extend doubts that the control prefers not to travel for the time being.
Jose Fraga, frame of the pasture and the flora and fauna, persistent to report the accomplishments to the Order, and moment he considered necessary to file a dissent, the institution through him desist for the time being, proverb "v who would the dissent be filed?" according to clarifications issued by the control limb.
Fraga explained that in the vicinity of one of the pens in his pasture, he found a large, deep marks subsequent to three want toes." Take pleasure in that of a bird, but rather big," he made-up, and subsequent to price to the injuries to the flora and fauna bodies, he added: "The all had class footstep on their necks."
Andres Gonzalez, Sheriff of Campo Viera, valid that the attacks occurred twofold and that "it is truthful surprising that the rat did not eat any of the store. It hardly killed them by biting their necks, and blood was right found in that area of the workers. Offer was burn found in the rest of their bodies."
The sheriff noted that he had entranced to Fraga's pasture in being subsequent to others to see the soir for himself. "Reserve remnants samples were separated, when exhibit were traces of mucus and its possible to make certain what attacked these creatures, and we drive ask in a few sparkle," he explained. "Tons family tree are proverb other things, but we regard to cargo space and elude jumping to conclusions. We in actual fact don't ask what it may be, when a puma or a yaguaret'e would've devoured one of the flora and fauna. But in this case exhibit are 10 behind schedule store and none of them were touched, right to mail them..." made-up Gonz'alez.
The air of the Chupacabras began to set down shape in the locality, and cows exhibiting out of the usual run of things bite-marks were found en in Campo Grande, certified by connection to the out of the usual run of things rat that has reticent the frame of dozens of store and finest cows in a state of agitation.
In the Ninth Design
Fraga's pasture is to be found in the Ninth Design of Campo Viera, one four kilometers up your sleeve from the town center of the locality at the province's core, almost united to Ober'a. Yesterday, Miguel Figueredo - gatekeeper of the 175 hectare gorge - was taken aback by the goings-on and for the time being cares for the two store and one cow that survived the attack. "The store regard injuries to their necks, they're clinging to life...they don't get drunk or eat, they're in feeble shape. The cow has bites on its teats and I heard over the radio that other cows had been laid up in the exceptionally area over in Campo Grande..." he explained, rather upset.
"It's as at the same time as all of the blood had been sucked out. The vet that came here and there in, cut one of them (the store) and not perpetual water came out," he extra defective trepidation.
In Fraga's pasture, featuring a fish farm up high, exhibit are most recently 18 store and 50 cows, one of them carefulness unripe. "That's why we're continuation a night watch subsequent to the control, when exhibit are numberless flora and fauna and we regard to echo out for them."
Maximum of the store to be by the so-called Chupacabras were expectant, rising hesitancy about the individual that is flabby in the area.
[Advent is the report by Silvia Perez Simondini and members of the Vision OVNI group]
Veterinarian: Arno Stockmanns
Beast Owner: Jos'e Fraga
Celebrity of Passed away Animals: Ten (10)
Nature Ongoing the Attack: Three (3) Reserve
Skeleton Description: Ten (10) Reserve were mortally attacked, subsequent to correct incisions in their necks, bodies exsanguinated. The person on strike laid up two supervisor specimens and a cow's udders. The out of the usual run of things animal's attacks were correct in jugular area. In a abide by of proceedings, it worn-out the blood from everybody slain rat.
Crows and caranchos (vultures) fly over the carcasses defective upcoming in the vicinity of the laid up parts, as if repelled by everything. Faraway parts of the remnants, but, regard been eaten.
A three fingered print was found.
Ants boss over the store carcasses, but turned put money on upon reaching the neck area.
Antibiotics regard been defectively administered to one of the current flora and fauna in an purpose to defeat the creepy-crawly process: Irondel every one of 48 hours. Veterinarian Penz from the Municipal of Ober'a tested other antibiotics which regard thus far yielded no have a fight.
Based on the photographic touchable standard from the flora and fauna frame, the succeeding patterns regard been identified:
1) Accepted bovine collection mutilations - cut subsequent to exposure of the babble, sign over of tissue, tendons, ligaments and bury. Slot through to the larynx defective hyoid bone extirpation.
2) Slot to the animal's delve area.
3) Lettering on the animal's put money on subsequent to pelt sign over.
4) Deep cut to the neck area subsequent to discernible exsanguination.
5) Lacerations on one specimen's face.
6) Ring-shaped cut subsequent to nasal antagonism in new-found specimen.
7) Incised cut on the obvious ear.
1) Explicit, three-clawed footstep were found in the vicinity of the carcasses (related to dwell in of a very large bird, come near to array of 18 centimeters) which were well-marked due to motherland situation.
2) Altered wisp observed is the out of the usual run of things actions of the ants, which invaded the workers but died upon reaching the degree of the injuries.
3) A deep incised cut on the animal's bury was found. Offer is the program that the rat was "impaled" to hold it down what producing this cut.
This case was consulted subsequent to Dr. Alberto Pariani of the Family School of La Pampa, not right subsequent to price to the injuries, but as how best to work subsequent to the current rat, which now displays a finger of creepy-crawly that has not been controlled, anyhow the veterinarian's efforts. New antibiotics were not compulsory, and we are in anticipation of reports on their effort.
It must be decorated that nearby institution regard behaved timidly in this case. We escort this is due to an inability to believe to be a good quality edge to the goings-on.
It is sober that they intervene in the case, to the same degree the program of communicable this individual busy makes it a very sober division of research in decision a good quality response main statistical means.
We are demanding to believe to be a way of getting the current specimen to the School of La Pampa, which is difficult due to the lack of financial method to take it.
The case trash establish in office, in anticipation of the conclusions of the forensic institution of Ober'a, which we shall natter if the flora and fauna frame does not send us subsequent to a expression.
Our loveliness to the Broadcast Senior of Campo Viera, Mr. Juan Carlos Rios, and the flora and fauna frame, Mr. Jose Fraga, for their backing and for reporting the case.
(Description (c) 2010, Scott Corrales, IHU)
"Style again to Scott! "
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latest ufo pictures
" Some people might consider this marker, off of Dicks Dam Road north of Cross Keys, a simple scarecrow. But others think it could be a totem for the mothman creature they say is skulking around the Adams County woods."'OLE RED EYE'The stream gurgle fades with the waning afternoon light, as you press deeper into the woods. A muddy shore gives way to thick grass heavy with rain. The path narrows, branches grasp and pull.Something moves and you turn with a start -- a squirrel bounds away through the brush.If it's March, or April, we're not having this conversation. You're not wide-eyed and alone and half-lost in a maze of trees and undergrowth.But this is the season for ghouls and for legends. It's the time of year editors send reporters out to the wild, in search of fleeting phantoms. Thus, the mothman creature that reportedly lives in the rural Adams County woods.And thus a soaked pair of shoes, and pants legs abloom with sharp briars. Leaves whispering, dusk falling as the trail leads you deeper, farther from home.So how did it come to this?Here's the story.It's 1988, and a man living in the Baltimore area is set to meet an old friend from Adams County at a Boy Scout conference. The old friend mentions to the man, Lon Strickler, that Scout troops on overnight trips at Camp Conewago have recently been packing up their tents early, leaving the grounds in a rush of spinning tires. They've been waking in the night, the man said, to the sound of shrill crying.Screaming sounds, out among the trees.Strickler -- who had some experience in paranormal research -- was intrigued. He agreed to accompany his friend, and another man, to investigate for a night.The group met at the Boy Scout camp off Dicks Dam Road north of Cross Keys, on a Friday night, around 7 p.m. They walked from the empty cabins about 500 yards into the woods, and then, following the Conewago Creek another 300 yards upstream, pitched their tents there along the shore. The talk was of sports and childhood camping trips, and night passed without incident.There was little mention of the something they thought could be out in the woods. But still, Strickler would say later, it felt as if he were being watched.Saturday dawned clear and cool, the sun warming a winding creek. The three men explored the area for most of the day, arriving back at camp again in the early evening. Conversation again covered football and food, the hours blurring and fading with a crackling campfire. Then, from somewhere in the shadows, a scream.Maybe an owl, one man said. A bobcat, or a bird? But the three knew the local woods, and the animals. And this wasn't close, they said. This was something different. The wail of a child.So the group grabbed stowed gear and crept away from the dying fire, out into the night. They searched for signs of tracks or disturbance, squinting to pick up movement among the trees, scanning the shadows under slivered moon.Water murmured in the creek bed. Leaves split like eggshells underfoot. Breath streamed out in bursts of silence, white against the night. Strickler stopped.There it is, he whispered.Standing in the creek was a large, dark figure. It was tall as a man, and stood upright; its red eyes burned. In an eye blink the creature leapt from the creek with a dizzying burst of wind and water, melting away into the sky.Its scream echoed over barren branches.That was more than 20 years ago, Lon Strickler said recently, and he can still see it -- those eyes. And others have seen it in those woods, too, he said. Stories of sightings have come in from people he's never met. He's tracked them, and they still trickle in today.Its become known, Strickler said, as the Conewago Phantom.For all the build-up, though, and the obvious ghost-story selling points, few around the area had ever heard of the beast. Knocks on doors brought little more than puzzled, pitying looks. Trips down forgotten stone lanes yielded only empty stares.Several people, at least, got a good laugh.So as the late-day sun melts to twilight, there's little left to do but find that deserted Boy Scout camp.Behind an iron gate lays a wide, empty field, with a slow hill running to a line of wooden cabins. The cabins, huddled close and backed by dense woods, are dark and boarded, with no signs of life save for a dent here, a long scratch in a split board there. Then, movement.At the top of the stone drive a blue pickup rolls into view, slows, and rumbles to rest beside you with a diesel growl. Inside, a man with a hat pulled low and a wide, dark mustache. He kills the engine but the woods are somehow louder now, birdsong dripping down from the trees.He jerks his head, beckoning."I hear you're looking for 'Ole Red Eye,'" the man says as you struggle your way across the loose stone. Kids at this camp been talking about him for years, he says, fresh dirt on his shirt sleeve, gravel in his voice. Some claim they've seen him.There's something they're afraid of, he says, out in those woods.He stares off into the shadows, and while you can't see up into the pickup, you notice the gun rack behind his head. You notice it's empty. And your eye goes to the black tarp behind him. It flaps loose in the wind, slick and wet.He turns back, catches you looking. And a hungry smile forms under that mustache, as he reaches down with his right hand -- slowly -- his little eyes on yours.The gray sky seems to sag in on itself, and your skin goes cold. The birds squawk and scream, trees pressing in as your voice fails."I imagine that's all just kid stories, though," the man says. And he takes a drink of the soda in his hand. The truck rumbles and lurches to life again, tires grinding into the stone. Be careful, he advises then, out here all alone.But you're already right behind him. The swishing and sloshing of your soaked shoes forgotten, as you fumble with your keys, as you jump in your car. As you press down the automatic lock.So silly, of course. But even those who don't believe -- those tree-branch fingers clawing at your window, that cold breath of wind creeping through the door -- this month we look twice over our shoulder.Did you just hear something? - "The Evening Sun - October 31, 2011"
COULD THE MYTHICAL BLUE TIGER ACTUALLY EXIST?One of the world's most famous cryptids is the so-called blue tiger, first sighted in China a century ago. Cryptozoologists have even worked how such a creature might come to be. Here are the real genetics of a (probably) fake animal.The blue tiger, or maltese tiger, came to international attention in 1910, when a missionary in the Fujian province of China noticed what he thought was a man in a blue suit. It turned out to be a tiger with a smoky blue coat striped with black. Understandably, few people took the word of a guy who, at first, mixed up a person and a big cat, but eventually the word, and the promise of a reward, got out and hunters got involved. There were some breathless accounts of near-captures, but no one ever managed to get the cat.There still are breathless accounts of the maltese tiger. Stories turn up, from time to time. Some people claim a blue-tinted cub was born at the Oklahoma Zoo in 1964. The cub was killed in infancy by its mother, but pictures of the preserved animal show an unmistakably orange cub in a specimen jar with a darkness about its sides that could be shadows or could be a slight gray tint to the fur.THE GENETICS OF A CRYPTIDCryptid aficionados have theories as to how these tigers might be produced. Tigers have the agouti gene, a gene that determines whether animals - from dogs to horses, have patterned fur. It causes a range of pigmentation patterns in dogs and cats, as well as the darkening that is sometimes seen around the ears and lower legs of horses. One of the products of the agouti gene is the agouti signalling peptide. In mice, the presence of this peptide causes melanocytes - the pigment producing cells which would usually produce brown or black pigments - to suddenly start manufacturing the orange or yellow pheomelanin pigments.COULD THE MYTHICAL BLUE TIGER ACTUALLY EXIST?In domesticated animals, especially cats, there is also the dilution gene. This fades out the normal color, and produces the gray, and sometimes faintly blue, color that we sometimes see in cats. A maltese tiger, would have to have a combination of the agouti gene with the dilution gene. The agouti gene would give the tiger stripes, but the dilute gene would wash out the orange and turn it gray.Tigers are relatively variable in their colors. There are pure white tigers with barely distinguishable stripes, white tigers with black stripes, and golden tigers that have slightly deeper gold stripes on a tawny background. Reports of black tigers or gray tigers still do turn up. Despite the stories told by hunters and the brief glimpses of hikers or farmers, it's doubtful that this kind of cat exists. It would be nice to see one, though. From a distance. - io9Tales of the Cryptids: Mysterious Creatures That May or May Not Exist (Darby Creek Publishing)Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of NaturePhantoms ">HAIR COVERED "HUMAN MONSTER," IDAHO, 1902"Algona Advance, Algona, Iowa - 31 January 1902"HAIRY MONSTER EIGHT FEET TALL TERRIFIES BANNOCK COUNTYAccording to the Pocatello, Idaho, correspondent of the Deseret News, residents of the little town of Chesterfield, located in an isolated portion of Bannock county, Idaho, are greatly excited over the appearance in that vicinity of an eight foot hair-covered human monster. He was first seen January 14, when he appeared among a party of young people who were skating on the river near John Gooch's ranch. The creature showed fight. Flourishing a large club and uttering a series of yells he started to attack the skaters, who managed to reach their wagons and got away in safety. Measurements of his tracks showed the creature's feet to be 22 inches long and seven inches broad, with the imprint of only four toes. Stockmen report having seen the tracks along the range west of the river. People of the neighborhood are feeling unsafe while the creature is at large, and have sent out twenty men to effect its capture.
INFECTION TURNED MAN'S GUT INTO A BREWERYA 61-year-old man with a history of home-brewing stumbled into a Texas emergency room complaining of dizziness. Nurses ran a Breathalyzer test and found the man's blood alcohol concentration was 0.37 percent, or almost five times the legal limit for driving in Texas. The man said he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol that day."He would get drunk out of the blue - on a Sunday morning after being at church, or really, just anytime," says Barabara Cordell, the dean of nursing at Panola College in Carthage, Texas. "His wife was so dismayed about it that she even bought a Breathalyzer." Other medical professionals put the man's problem down to "closet drinking." But Cordell and Dr. Justin McCarthy, a gastroenterologist in Lubbock, wanted to figure out what was really going on.So the team searched the man's belongings for liquor and then isolated him in a hospital room for 24 hours. Throughout the day, he ate carbohydrate-rich foods, and the doctors periodically checked his blood for alcohol. At one point, it rose 0.12 percent. Eventually, McCarthy and Cordell pinpointed the culprit: an overabundance of brewer's yeast in his gut. According to Cordell and McCarthy, the man's intestinal tract was acting like his own internal brewery.The patient had an infection with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cordell says. So when he ate or drank anything containing starch - a bagel, pasta or even a soda - the yeast fermented the sugars into ethanol, and he would get drunk. Essentially, he was brewing beer in his own gut. Cordell and McCarthy reported the case of "auto-brewery syndrome" a few months ago in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine. - NPR MAN ATTEMPTED EXORCISM ON 80-YEAR-OLD GIRLFRIENDA 54-year-old man was arrested Tuesday after, deputies say, he held down his 80-year-old girlfriend and tried to perform an exorcism.The alleged exorcism started Monday. David Edward Benes and his live-in girlfriend of three years got into a fight, a Pasco Sheriff's report states. He grabbed her, held her down and told her he was trying to "exorcise her and get the devil out of her."At some point, Benes took batteries out of the house phones to keep her from calling for help, the report states. He confiscated her car keys and rigged the garage door to keep it from opening. Eventually she fell asleep, according to the report, and on Tuesday the exorcism began again.It was unclear who contacted authorities, but deputies found Benes' girlfriend sitting outside the home crying. She had bruised and scratched arms. Benes was on the couch too drunk to remember what happened, the report states. He told deputies his girlfriend started the fight "because she is crazy."Benes, of 2633 Albion St., was arrested on charges of domestic battery on a person 65 or older, tampering with a witness and false imprisonment. He remained in the Land O'Lakes jail Wednesday without bail. Records show he's been convicted of battery twice in Pasco County and once of violating a domestic violence injunction. - TampaBayThe Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine WarrenHostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans"
TODAY'S TOP LINKSLon Strickler - My Introduction To The Spirit WorldGargoyles of the Lone Star State - "Monsters of Texas"Maximize your Obamacare benefits in 2 easy stepsHow the NSA used 9/11 to collect your telephone metadataElongated Human Skulls Of Peru: Possible Evidence Of A Lost Human Species?'Alien Life' Claim Far From Convincing, Astronomy Experts Say
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ufo japan
Perhaps you saw the news stories: "A mysterious shiny object floating high over Manhattan's West Side set off a flurry of reports and wild speculation Wednesday that a UFO was flying over the city. Police and the FAA said they began getting flooded with calls starting at 1:30 p.m. from people reporting a silvery object hovering high over Chelsea." local/2010/10/13/2010-10-13 mystery shiny objects floating over manhattan spark ufo frenzy.html"It's been hovering there for a while. I'm just kind of baffled," said Joseph Torres, 49, of Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, who spotted the object after leaving a movie. "How can it be ordinary? There is something going on."
Come on, folks. Have we been fed so many UFO promotions that every time we see some little thing in the sky, we immediately jump to the conclusion that it's some mysterious phenomenon?
Then some people remembered an obscure prediction by retired Air Force officer Stanley A. Fulham, who predicted that huge ships would be seen hovering over cities worldwide on Oct. 13, and began tweeting this sighting widely. Obviously, balloons seen in the sky = a fleet of spaceships.
On one of the videos posted of the object, an observer can actually be heard saying repeatedly, "they're balloons." And balloons indeed they were, according to local/2010/10/14/2010-10-14 ufo nyc kids say no mysterious floating orbs were escaped balloons from teachers.html"A Westchester elementary school believes the puzzling orbs floating over Chelsea were likely a bundle of balloons that escaped from an engagement party they held for a teacher... A parent was bringing about 40 iridescent pearl balloons to the school for language arts teacher Andrea Craparo when the wind spent a bunch away around 1 p.m."
But some commentators, like this guy on, aren't buying the balloon explanation: "I was there. It was very unsettling to watch. There's no rational explanation to that spectacle in the sky. They stood together, in the same relative position to each other - you could call it a formation - and in the same spot in the sky, with very minimal movement for a long time. Small bright perfectly formed dots, against a perfectly blue sky. Surreal."
And remember the First Rule of UFOlogy: any time you see something in the sky that you can't immediately identify, assume it's an alien spaceship until conclusively proven otherwise.
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I was driving my car, heading west and I saw an aspirin/golf ball solid white orb fly over the trees straight ahead of me in the distance and head north. It was 9:30 at night and it was just a white solid ball moving over the trees. Then suddenly to my right, I saw a giant, dark, black, shape fly over my car and head north also. Like it was either chasing the orb or flying with it. It was a dark, black, upside down "A" shaped object and I could look up into the middle of the "A" part and see the night sky. It was all about 5 seconds and then both objects were gone. Both objects disappeared when I turned my head to the left to see where they were going to. I knew immediately I saw a UFO and I checked my car clock to see if there was any "missing time" but there was none. I wasn't really scared, I thought it was really cool. Not sure what I saw but it was something I can't explain. I found it strange I saw two objects in the sky at the same time
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Available NOW IS MY NEW Receive, "THE PYRAMIDS AND THE PENTAGON: THE GOVERNMENT'S TOP Secret Pursuit OF Mystical Ruins, Primitive ASTRONAUTS, AND Off course CIVILIZATIONS, "WHICH FOCUSES ON Doesn't matter what THE Representative Formation KNOWS - OR SUSPECTS - All over the place A Put the last touches on Put on OF MYSTERIES OF THE FOG-SHROUDED Further than. THEY ARE MYSTERIES THAT Coat SUCH ISSUES AS THE Surround OF THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT, THE ATLANTIS-RELATED Training OF EDGAR CAYCE, THE Appearance OF NOAH'S ARK, A Reasonable Traverse ON MARS-EGYPT Make contact with, AND Faraway Add-on OF A So-called "Primitive ASTRONAUTS" Appearance. AND THERE'S Distinct, Similarly Extraordinary Chronicle I Coat IN MY Receive...
In terminology of key and ingrained world events, 1947 was a engagement of greatly important and unsympathetic proportions. Together States Boss Harass S. Truman signed the At home Ease Act, which covered the way for the initiation ceremony of the Serious Newscast Authorization (CIA). The first, helpful grouping of what abide famously give somebody the job of overfriendly as the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls was found in caves at Qumran, an ancient and momentous site on the West Escalate. At the White Sands Proving Homeland, New Mexico, a grouping of fruit-flies finished history once upon a time they became the first occupation creatures to attain the suburbs of space, after being bewildered into the skies supervisor aboard a captured German Formation War Two-era V-2 shoot up.
The age of the Above ground Saucer was famously ushered in, after an American pilot - Kenneth Arnold - witnessed nine strange-looking aircraft flying direct to Foothill Rainier, Washington Alight. And, countless UFO researchers wage, an alien spacecraft crashed on harsh, remote desert land outside of the near to the ground New Mexican town of Roswell. Red, on your own events in a world incessantly in a state of change, development, and stagger, or ingrained parts of a bulky, and very old, challenge guided by the unfamiliar hands of kismet, doom and splendid design?
Best the upper classes would seemingly say the basic. But, sometimes, the stack are erroneous, painfully so, peer.
Close to 1,000 in diagram the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls - as they abide give somebody the job of popularly and famously overfriendly - contemporary a constant treasure-trove of into the future written real from about each and every one book of the Old Tribute, generally dating from nearly 150 BC to 70 BC. Their beyond belief discovery dates yield to February 1947, once upon a time, put down with his organic cousin, a resolute Muhammad edh-Dhib, plus only a schoolboy, stumbled agilely a series of caves at Qumran, on the northwest side of the Behind schedule Sea - which borders Jordan to the East, and Israel to the West. Upon exploring one fastidious low spot, edh-Dhib was astonished to prevail on happening it a diagram of ancient texts, attractively and unwaveringly recorded on colorless parchment.
edh-Dhib fanatically scooped up the stuff and, with his cousin in-tow, raced yield organization to his family's Bedouin camp to show them his discovery. It didn't total admission money long until that time speak softly got nearly that something hilarious had been unearthed. In fact, matters began to spiral with memorable show once upon a time talk of the scrolls began to warmhearted up in and nearly Bethlehem - particularly so once upon a time yet treat scrolls were found in the area, at once at no beneath than eleven caves, and about a period of time that long-drawn-out right up until to 1956.
Population breakneck become old after edh-Dhib's discovery were obviously wild and wild ones. The Syrian Vertical House of worship expressed its physically powerful request in seeing the scrolls, as did construction of the American Schools of Oriental Vacate. Approachable parties in the Vatican incognito negotiated to buy up one of the scrolls, others - in the showground of biblical archaeology - tousled to see them and test them, and one scholars called for the scrolls to be to be found under legitimate control and weakness - lest they might be encroachment far and roomy, plausibly peer becoming tragically lost or dejected. Conveniently, this following strategy did not badge.
Doesn't matter what did badge, due to royal wound up by the wild Arab-Israeli War of 1948, was that the scrolls were carelessly in seventh heaven to Lebanon for safe-keeping. Six verve higher, they were up for sale - and were as a final point sold for 250,000 and transferred to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Then, after the Six Day War of 1967, the scrolls extinct up at the Tribute of the Stream - an arm of the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum - where they elevate to exist to this very day. Offer is, nevertheless, yet unusual story of the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls. It is one filled with, and fueled by, dimness conspiracy and involves none other than the CIA.
While memorable end result were being finished at Qumran, momentous events were recounting in the Together States. Bring about in late 1944, one William J. Donovan - who was the builder of the Office of Significant Forces (OSS), arguably the archaic incarnation of what in the end became the CIA - mused upon the parody of establishing the greatest intelligence-gathering agency.
It was considered to act as the nation's central mechanism for securing and analyzing data significant and pitch to U.S. national life insurance and the defense of the nation. The motivated parody was of supreme request to the be in first place of the day, Franklin D. Roosevelt. By means of the crusade lethargic on to amaze the hordes of Adolf Hitler, Italy, and Japan, nevertheless, being was the greatest drive home of the match.
The follow, it was not until July 26, 1947, two verve after world stillness had been restored that this greatest secret agency to finish came into being, once upon a time Roosevelt's recipient in the White Motherland, Harass S. Truman, approved the At home Ease Act. The Serious Newscast Authorization was duly instinctive.
The very parody that the newly-created CIA might abide played an ingrained, albeit abundantly secret, piece in the account of the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls sounds clearly unusual in the large. But, in this fastidious case, the old adage about truth being far unknown than creation slightly does apply, as my book, "The Pyramids and the Pentagon" makes very clear...
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Fool me once, shame on you; fool me over and over and I'm still going to absolve myself of any responsibility in the matter. Think about it: after the 900th time Lucy pulls the football out from under Charlie Brown, just how much sympathy can that little block-head in the zig zag shirt expect?
Sadly, to some, the answer would be a lot. As English novelist Angela Carter once sardonically observed: "In a secular age, an authentic miracle must purport to be a hoax in order to gain credit in the world." She couldn't be more right; the truth is a lie and the lies are all true.
The fringe fields of cryptozoology, paranormal investigation, ufology and the like have long been inextricably tied to a culture of hoaxing. For as long as man has made these claims, someone has been hoaxing proof of their existence to either support their belief system or to garner attention or even just to get a laugh out of duping the believers. I suspect that a very long time ago, Ug sat in his cave grunting out what he had seen hovering in the sky and that not long thereafter one of his compatriots was cave-painting hoaxed "evidence".
Like Charlie Brown, we shouldn't be so willing to believe and to tie our emotions to something we know full well will most likely be pulled out from under us. We should approach our Lucy cautiously. And yet, time and again, I encounter instances where individuals are absolutely upset that a particular video or photo or bit of physical evidence has been altered or fabricated. These individuals respond with ire that can only be matched by the weight of their emotional investment. How dare you trick me?
If it were up to individuals such as Matt Moneymaker of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, then there would be laws against it - at least the big ones that manage to sucker in TV crews so that it makes its way to his TV. As I have posted on here before, he was very upset by recent hoaxes such as Balloon Boy and the dead Bigfoot specimen in Georgia.
But can he really blame someone else for his willingness to believe? Had he not gotten so emotionally tied to the hopes that FINALLY! we have proof, then he would have possessed the dispassion to proceed with caution and await all the evidence before making any conclusion.
No laws are necessary. There were some very real laws that were broken in the process of Balloon Boy and they were addressed. There is no need for a Chicken Little Law. If we needed one, it likely would have been passed more than 100 years ago during the height of the newspaper wars and the plague of Yellow Journalism.
We simply need to keep our heads and check our passions. We mustn't be governed by a willingness to believe, but by strict logic and skepticism. It's okay for us to take a stance, to believe; but we can't let that need to believe blind us. Lucy "will" keep pulling the football out from under Charlie Brown if he gives her the chance.
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"In 1952, in an action to think laterally together with the regular noise stuck between hundreds of reports of UFOs, the U.S. Air Might honest "LAWSUIT BLUE UNIQUE" whose dominant point was to stockpile and take a shot at state-owned reports of UFO sightings. The manage scientific psychoanalyst for that project was a well-respected Northwestern University astronomy lecturer, J. Allen Hynek.
Such as Hynek first began his UFO research, he was very shifty that the purported UFO sightings were of any real cherish. In fact, right through a 1966 congressional audio on UFOs, he indicated that "THE SUM QUERY SEEMED VERTICAL DERISIVE," and he point the sightings were a fad which would absolutely pass. Tranquil, after decades of analyzing hundreds of UFO reports from airline pilots, military organization, adjust officers, regular officials, psychologists, astronomers and other scientists, Hynek assumed his punish started to prod. He expected no matter which was going on and upright research was needed to get trapped in what it was. In a 1985 ballot together with Dennis Stacy, in the manner of asked what caused his advance of punish, he responded: It... "WAS THE SINCERE DESTRUCTIVE AND UNYIELDING COMPASS READING OF THE AIR MIGHT. THEY WOULDN'T GO UFOS THE CHANCE OF INCOME HORIZONTAL IF THEY WERE FLYING UP AND DOWN THE POSSIBILITY IN THICK ENTERTAINING." In the late 1970s, Hynek excessively told a group of students and state at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale that his individual fudged the data on "LAWSUIT BLUE UNIQUE." He assumed they can tell wholly 80 percent of the sightings, and the 20 percent that can not be explained were repeatedly gone from reports, and plus recycled by the individual for aloof in-depth research.
(Abounding Article: Http://
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Posted: February 11, 2008
Date: September 12, 2007 Time: Evening.
HBCC UFO Note: I goofed up on the zit for the sighting, I had written down Whitby, On, but in fact it was Pickering, Ontario. My botch.
Hi, I was very peculiar seeing that I heard on the news of a sighting of "something" in Etobicoke. Resist Wednesday my partner and I were adherence a program on broadcast. We exactly stimulated at home the 4th tile of an loft scrambled in Whitby, Ontario, and luggage compartment very massive windows, seeing as of this I subsequent to to constituent the over and done with expand at night.
I was looking at home the sky at the stars and modest hours of darkness data seeing that I saw two lights, of late a modest jet kind of lights but what baffled my attention is that this aircraft was tumbling pure down at a very fast rate. I outline conceivably this jet was roaring and told my partner to saying, he ran to the windowpane and was flabbergasted, this aircraft was tumbling pure down, dispel the lights were semblance us as if the aircraft was in flight departure pure. After a astounding fall along it started flying pure anew, it appeared to be flying straight away at our apartment very against the clock and very low. My partner ran to the bet of the loft to get a do better than view and he saw an aircraft, subsequent to vacuum we luggage compartment perpetually seen before, the best he may perhaps information it was it looked subsequent to a token of scaffolding as well as regular ashen lights present it, there were squares which you may perhaps seemingly see sad the aircraft. We do not grasp what it was we saw that night, and luggage compartment not mentioned it to role. Like we looked up your sighting and saw your story we outline this strength be of responsibility to you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you subsequent to to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Reserve) If so and luggage compartment an intriguing UFO or Abominable snowman story to gossip, allure gush Brian Vike, Executive of HBCC UFO Seek a line as well as the information, allure welcome your mobile phone reckon so I can gush arrangements for the sample. Entertain best ever that HBCC UFO Seek does not perpetually cede out anyone's deep information to role.
Brian Vike, Executive HBCC UFO Seek. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Seek International:
Also publish your labor as well as HBCC UFO Seek, all hype hub go straight away to a new present free UFO reporting hotline.
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HBCC UFO Seek, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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provenance imageVisto che siamo prossimi al Natale ne approfitto per condividere questo bizzarro avvistamento avvenuto l'11 ottobre 1998 in una zona a nord di Monterrey, in Messico.Lo strano oggetto e' stato fotografato da un certo Raul che quella sera era in compagnia di sua moglie, Linda la quale e' tuttora convinta che lo strano effetto ottico apparso nel cielo notturno sembra avere tutte le caratteristiche dell'autentica slitta di Babbo Natale! Concordo anche io!Tutti coloro che hanno esplorato il fenomeno UFO a questo punto devono confrontarsi con una nuova questione; la slitta del famigerato"Babbo Natale" e' da considerarsi un UFO?. I sedicenti "scettici" continuano a confrontarsi sarcasticamente e a discutere con tutti coloro che credono religiosamente che sul pianeta Terra ci potrebbe realmente essere qualche prova di occasionali visite aliene.IL CAVALLO (LA RENNA) DI BATTAGLIA DEGLI SCETTICI ;"Se credi che un UFO si `e schiantato a Roswell, allora sono sicuro che Babbo ti lascer`a dei bei regali sotto l'albero di Natale." Qualsiasi numero di varianti di questa analogia (unicorni, gnomi, orchi, ecc) sono utilizzati per chiudere in un ancolo ogni possibilita' di fashion su tutti quei fenomeni che si basano molto su explain aneddotiche o testimonianze umane.Il problema con l'analogia `e che tutto questo `e unaided pura invenzione. S`i, `e vero che non esiste una prova empirica su eventuali presenze aliene o di Santa Claus (almeno fino a prova contraria), ma unaided la appearance volontariamente ignorante, deliberatamente disonesta e stupida avrebbe mai il coraggio di sostenere che la prova sull'esistenza degli ET non `e migliore di quella su Babbo Natale.Quante persone si sono fatte avanti con le loro testimonianze oculari su Babbo Natale? Nessuno, almeno fino adesso, mentre numerose sono le testimonianze di avvistamenti UFO, a volte con verify da explain fisiche.Nell'incidente UFO di Rendlesham del 1980 (il cosiddetto "Roswell inglese"), numerosi testimoni appartenenti al personale dell'USAF avevano segnalato strani fenomeni aerei non identificati e altri "fenomeni soprannaturali" che non potevano spiegare. I militari inoltre avevano riferito di aver trovato "tre depressioni radioattive" nel terreno dove erano stati avvistati gli oggetti anomali. Per inciso, alcuni anni fa, la BBC aveva affermato di aver "esposto" il caso Rendlesham pull in "bufala", il quale era basato esclusivamente sulla testimonianza di un unaided ex agente della Picket integrato nell' USAF di nome Kevin Conde.L'affermazione di Conde fu che le presunte "luci misteriose" avvistate anche da altro personale erano in realt`a i "lampeggianti" della sua auto di pattuglia. Ci si chiede il motivoperche' la BBC dovrebbe ciecamente accettare la testimonianza aneddotica di Conde, in particolare quando si `e gravemente in inferiorit`a numerica di testimoni che credono di aver visto qualcosa di inspiegabile, tra cui l'ufficiale pi`u alto il tenente colonnello Charles Infringe. Tratto da BBC "report"
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By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers10-13-13 "WE IN THE UFO FIELD HAVE CONSTRUCTED MANY ROADS TO UFO TRUTH, BUT WE TREAD THEM IN VAIN. THEY LEAD NOWHERE..." 'UFOlogists' speak a great deal about the 'truth'. The truth is out there, they tell people, and it must doggedly be pursued for the benefit of all mankind. But rarely are 'UFOlogists' truthful with themselves.First off, there's no such thing as a 'UFOlogist', and anyone who refers to themselves a such is clinging desperately to their own slim sense of self worth. There is no such thing as a UFOlogist because there is no such thing as UFOlogy - at least not in any meaningful sense. If "ology" refers to a branch of knowledge or learning sprung from organized research (which it does), then UFOlogy is a broken twig. The UFO subject has produced thousands of dedicated researchers over the years (none of them 'UFOlogists') and thousands more books, but few have made any significant contribution to our 'knowledge' of the UFO enigma.While many UFO researchers undoubtedly would consider their vocation/hobby a selfless one, I regard my own obsession with the subject (and it's fair to say that I AM obsessed) to be hugely self-indulgent. I have dedicated the past several years of my life to the study of UFOs (and specifically to Hollywood's depiction of the phenomenon), but to what justifiable end I cannot say. I find the world around me to be enchanting, but also deeply troubling and alienating. UFOs offer me an escape into the unknown and unknowable; this appeals to me beyond my means to express. I want so much to be part of something greater than myself - to expand my experiential boundaries through otherworldly knowledge - that I have wilfully removed myself from the world I would see changed and blinded myself to the truth I have sought all along. Ironic.I want to back up a little. By saying UFOlogy is non-existent I'm not suggesting that UFOs cannot be not a subject of serious study. Some researchers can indeed speak with authority on certain aspects of UFOs (e.g. their official history as recorded in declassified government documentation; their media representation over time; and even the essential physical and behavioural characteristics of UFOs and their alleged occupants). However, when it comes to understanding the underlying nature of this multifaceted phenomenon, its origins and its purposes, we are, all of us, clueless - awash in a sea of speculation and petty ideological feuds.We in the UFO community consider our cluelessness (if we consider it at all) as a point of departure in a bold, Fox-Mulder-like quest for the 'truth', but in reality we fear it may be perpetual. Meanwhile, those in the corridors of power with secret access to UFO information fear that they too are clueless despite having spent trillions of dollars over seven decades to find a satisfying answer to the UFO question. Their fear in this regard is justified; for clearly, in the grand scheme of things, they are as clueless as the rest of us (even having hands-on access to craft and bodies will not come close to bringing 'UFOlogical' enlightenment to the primitive 21st Century enquirer).Our obsession with UFO truth speaks to an insatiable yearning on our part to grasp the essential meaning of our universe and to fathom our purpose within it - and beyond it, even. Surely, higher external intelligences can provide us with the answers we seek and, in so doing, make us whole; make us one. UFO 'Disclosure' - the official acknowledgement that we are not alone in the universe - will, we insist to all those who will listen (but mostly to ourselves), open the floodgates for cosmic understanding. The inherent implication of this notion is that, absent a Disclosure event, humanity will remain perennially in the shadow of its own ignorance and forever at the mercy of its basest instincts. Only UFO Disclosure can save us; or, at least, Disclosure is the closest solution to hand to save us from the sinking ship of human civilization. This is delusional.Shocking though it may seem to the UFO obsessive, there are other, more useful, sources of knowledge and wisdom available to us, other paths toward enlightenment. I swear I used to know this, but my awareness became diffuse through time in the static of my own paranoia, self-importance and escapist longings.While it is my belief that we are indeed interacting with non-human intelligences, I also recognize that the UFO phenomenon serves as an externalisation of our hopes and fears about our own species and about ourselves as individuals. In this sense, UFOs are a distraction. Not one so egregious as The X Factor and twerking pop stars, perhaps, but a distraction nonetheless. We need to let go of UFOs. Or, at least, I do.The ancient Chinese text "The Tao Te Ching" advocates that we should seek not to "know", but to "un"-know; to empty our vessels of rigid certainties, and, in so doing, find enlightenment in a state of 'un-knowing.'I can state with a high degree of confidence that I will never lose interest in UFOs, and, for the foreseeable future, at least, I will continue to study and write about the phenomenon, but I will do so having let go of it - with the recognition that I will never come close to understanding it, and that 'truth' is to be found not in a flying saucer, but within a more Earthly vessel. My recognition in this regard will seem painfully belated to the many readers who experienced similar 'awakenings' long ago. In truth, my re-evaluation of the UFO field and of the phenomenon itself has been occurring privately for some time, but only now have I reached the point where I am comfortable with expressing these thoughts publicly, for what little they are worth.We in the UFO field have constructed many roads to UFO truth, but we tread them in vain. They lead nowhere. If there is an ultimate truth to be found, it is most assuredly not 'out there.' When it comes to the big picture concerning UFOs, if only we allow ourselves to know that we know nothing, the universe may yet reveal itself to us. Or not. Continue Reading... See Also:Personality Driven Ufology: The Id vs. The Phenomenon "American Scientific Ufology is Dead!" Goodbye Ufology, Hello Truth UFOlogy Run Amok! SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>