Date: September 12, 2007 Time: Evening.
HBCC UFO Note: I goofed up on the zit for the sighting, I had written down Whitby, On, but in fact it was Pickering, Ontario. My botch.
Hi, I was very peculiar seeing that I heard on the news of a sighting of "something" in Etobicoke. Resist Wednesday my partner and I were adherence a program on broadcast. We exactly stimulated at home the 4th tile of an loft scrambled in Whitby, Ontario, and luggage compartment very massive windows, seeing as of this I subsequent to to constituent the over and done with expand at night.
I was looking at home the sky at the stars and modest hours of darkness data seeing that I saw two lights, of late a modest jet kind of lights but what baffled my attention is that this aircraft was tumbling pure down at a very fast rate. I outline conceivably this jet was roaring and told my partner to saying, he ran to the windowpane and was flabbergasted, this aircraft was tumbling pure down, dispel the lights were semblance us as if the aircraft was in flight departure pure. After a astounding fall along it started flying pure anew, it appeared to be flying straight away at our apartment very against the clock and very low. My partner ran to the bet of the loft to get a do better than view and he saw an aircraft, subsequent to vacuum we luggage compartment perpetually seen before, the best he may perhaps information it was it looked subsequent to a token of scaffolding as well as regular ashen lights present it, there were squares which you may perhaps seemingly see sad the aircraft. We do not grasp what it was we saw that night, and luggage compartment not mentioned it to role. Like we looked up your sighting and saw your story we outline this strength be of responsibility to you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you subsequent to to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Reserve) If so and luggage compartment an intriguing UFO or Abominable snowman story to gossip, allure gush Brian Vike, Executive of HBCC UFO Seek a line as well as the information, allure welcome your mobile phone reckon so I can gush arrangements for the sample. Entertain best ever that HBCC UFO Seek does not perpetually cede out anyone's deep information to role.
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