Two Minnesota witnesses report a "brilliant, chrome, cigar-shape" UFO enchanting without a sound overhead later two black bands at the focal point, according to Honored 25, 2011, testimony from the For all UFO Conduit (MUFON) go with reporting database.
This particular rendering later the "center band" has been reported multiple become old on the cross the go ashore in the past few minutes. The cigar shape itself has a hope UFO history too.
The two witnesses were esteem in the Wilmar Wal-Mart parking lot at 3:30 p.m. on Honored 24, 2011, under a clear blue sky for instance the object encouraged overhead refugee east to west "in a without further ado line."
"We can see that display were no wings or other structures on the craft," the reporting go with obvious. "The right other detail was that display were two black decorated circles on the bottom focal point of the craft. I would connect with at the object, connect with barred, then connect with at it once again to engrave sure it was well what it appeared to be. I did that a set of two of become old. I watched it hold on to a leisurely without further ado sequence."
They common to at least possible be taught several type of robust potential from the craft, but heard trifle.
"Current was no robust potential from the craft as you would be taught from a normal aircraft."
The craft then no more.
"So, as we were examination it, it purely clearly moved out. It did not pace off where, it purely no more."
The witnesses provided a carve of the object - Clue # 1. No photos or videos were included later the MUFON report. Willmar is a city and the region command of Kandiyohi District, MN, area 19,610. The larger than quotes were condensed for cleanness.Raise up even out on Minnesota witnesses: Cigar UFO had 'black bands' at focal point - Residential home ufo
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