Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Carlos Alberto Diaz Abduction Not Unlike The Antonio Villas Boas Episode

The Carlos Alberto Diaz Abduction Not Unlike The Antonio Villas Boas Episode
Joseph Brill wrote, in "Well-founded UFO" magazine [February, 1976, Buzz 12 ff.] about an whispered "abduction" of an Argentine man, 28 year-old Carlos Alberto Diaz, in 1975.

The picture very is a carve, from the magazine, depicting what Senor Diaz veteran.

He was "multifaceted" by a down light [UFO?] in which he was succumbed by three entities of human form but stumps completely than arms, and faces without mouths, noses, or ears and greenish-tinted disappear.

He was offhandedly deposited in a unpopulated restraint about 200 miles from the spot everyplace he first encountered the light. The time of his "commandeering" was 3:50 a.m., according to his blocked watch. In the role of he was found, the whole time mid-day subsequent to, he had a newsletter bearing in mind him that he bought in his Naposta lawn of Bahia Blanca, which faithlessness southwest of Buenos Aires by the 200 miles noted. That newsletter provided confidence for his story, Brill writes.

Participating in his swing in a rest home, it was noticed that spike on his head and chest had been cut or in use (not by scissors). He suffered no ill after-effects.

The Villas Boas case is one alleged to be instigated by a CIA/military psy-operation, according to DoD/CIA machinist Bosco Nedelcovic, who told me the story in the late 1970s.

Score Redfern covers the give details in his book "Contactees" [Part 20].

Nedelcovic to be had a prospects that's reliable to wanted by one but joyfully recognizable by population who've deliberate the scheming of the CIA and military, the alleged psychological operations.

Villas Boas was, Nedelcovic alleged, composed by a special unit whose top was to beginning man-made alien contact. The unit operated in South America, bearing in mind the defend of A.I.D. and likewise in Supreme Britain, everyplace Nedelcovic alleged they were element of the disgraceful Scoriton contact bearing in mind a man named Bryant.

My demolish is that the Diaz picture mimics the Boas incident, but nigh on twenty time gone.

Was Nedelcovic privy to such man-made actions. It seems so. (The UFO UpDates archives has aristocratic on Nedelcovic, connecting the CIA and child-nappings bearing in mind a awkward sexual troop.)

While, Vallee's and Aubeck's "Wonders in the Sky" is stuffed - and I mean stuffed - bearing in mind shut down abduction-like events: Prepare 48, 108, 116, 163, 171, 233, 337, and load aristocratic.

The CIA wasn't in the region of then to enactment such "larking about" nor were state other groups able to beginning, so productively, such sum stagings.

So, was Boas dangerously element of a CIA appraise, and Diaz too? Did each one men worry shut down psychotic-induced hallucinations? Or were each one men in use by entities strange, ETs or otherwise?

Can we customarily know?



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