Tuesday 29 April 2014

Recalls Maryland Ufo Encounter Possible Abduction Depiction

Recalls Maryland Ufo Encounter Possible Abduction Depiction
Embodiment by SW.


A man recalls that in 1969, he and his brother-in-law had a undemanding sighting of a disc-shaped UFO about Swelling Sun, Maryland.

In the course of the sighting, all men clearly experienced "Completed Time".

"NOTE: Gossip is "as is", behind no corrections."


MUFON Sand # 28939

Article Date: 1969-07-15

Time: 19:15

City: Swelling Sun

State: Maryland

Shape: Replica

Distance: 500 feet or lower than

Summary: I seen a UFO up harsh


I hand-me-down to live in Maryland from 1964 to 1977. I infer it was about 1969 to maybe 1972--I don't go on the precisely court having the status of we seen a UFO. It was in the summer, I had been fishing behind my brother-in-law "Bo" (who is now minute) It was in the sunset as we were on our way land-living on Dairy Trail about the town of Swelling Sun. I lived on Dairy Trail and was fair a pair of proceedings from land-living having the status of I spotted the UFO. As we were leaving down the government exhibit was a keep on my spent and straddling the keep exhibit were two hills seperated by a valley, as we were shipping whatever thing having difficulties my eye potential from the vally along with the hills. I turned my head to the spent and seen the sassiness of the UFO shipping about 3 feet of the ground and leaving about 1 mile per hour (impartial shipping specifically prolonged) I told Bo view AT THAT". I sedentary in the government and we watched it move real prolonged compelety out now overall manner. As we were environment exhibit inspection it move, all of a acid it sedentary and was about 3 feet off the ground. I infer the expansiveness of it about 50 feet straddling and about 20 ft. high. It was specifically big. It ended NO not dangerous and the color was a contamination hoary. Equally it sedentary I got the sixth sense that it didn't determination to be seen. Equally it sedentary it set exhibit about 3 seconds and than motivated frank up about 20 feet and sedentary again. Thats having the status of I debate we may be in big worry but at that spit having the status of it sedentary it was equal a rocked blasting off, send off came from beneath it about 5 foot circle and still ended NO not dangerous. One time it took off we fair seen it for about 300 feet and it passed away and was vulnerable. The diffidence from us was concerning 200 yards so we got a specifically laudable manner of it. There were no windows that I may perhaps see or any markings. I would say the olive thing from activate to put the last touches on took about 90 seconds. The thing that we were not able to picture out was it was sunset having the status of we seen the UFO and fair lived a pair of proceedings down the government but didn't get land-living till after sullen. Birth we never debate to tell self about it. We impartial forgot about it. It was a gag come to get. I Relay seen several other UFO's but that one was up harsh.

Credit: alienspress.blogspot.com


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