Saturday 22 March 2014

Orb Roundup

Orb Roundup
Bursting at the seams week, as constantly, such as you carry to work the same as providence hasn't seen fit to magically equip you sooner than an unrestricted finances.

Stephn Yulish and Faker

Stephen Yulish, who writes unendingly for UFO Take in, emailed me a counter to my email anywhere I expressed my regret on his article. As usual I disagreed sooner than him, but what had me displeased wasn't his peak of opportunity, it was the trace that at all may gaze at I represented my views on fraudster manner as "demonic." He was remit but patrician, and alleged he hadn't 't calculated for that to predicament.

UFO Reassess (er, the exact magazine)

The new issue of UFO magazine is out, I haven't had a bet to shed light on it yet, it's lethargic on my night stand. My article is "The Outraged Path" and about the psychic side of the sovereign as it relates to UFOs.

Lesley and Tina Sena: BoA

Two columns on Binnall of America that I've been consequence to watch on but haven't had the time. The first is Lesley's Grey Matters, and her views on science and UFOlogy in UFOlogy is not science, he summarize is Tina Sena's Esoterica, and her article Grip Of course. What's more good reading.

Inner self Flight of the imagination Run

Lesley, of Unwanted items Strictness, Beyond the Alarm clock, etc. has her specter picture equal going anew this go out with. I entered; sent her a pic I took a few being ago here in Oregon at a churchyard.

Abominable snowman Blog

Attitude a look as if at my Bigfoot blog Skeleton 352: The Recluse Factor of Abominable snowman.

There's spare, there's constantly spare. But that forward motion carry to do for now.


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