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planetary science
'Hot Jupiters' are Jupiter-mass planets orbiting close to stars. A study suggests that they might have been kicked inward from their original orbit, destroying or ejecting other planets.?
It's lonely, being a hot Jupiter. Skip to next paragraph
But that seems to be the lot for Jupiter-scale extrasolar planets orbiting within a whisker of sun-like stars, according to a new study. It shows that such planets are likely to be the only surviving children of their host star.
The work not only sheds light on how such systems form, it also gives humans one more reason to appreciate their own Jupiter. Had the solar system's largest planet followed the same developmental process that hot Jupiters apparently have, Earth would have been either pulverized or sent hurtling into interstellar space.
?That would be bad for us,? observes Jason Steffen, a researcher at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Center for Particle Astrophysics in Batavia, Ill.
While finding an Earth-mass planet in a star's so-called habitable zone remains the holy grail of efforts to detect extrasolar planets, studying oddballs such as hot Jupiters provides insights into the processes that create the wide range of solar-system configurations researchers have so far uncovered.
The study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, aimed to answer a question astronomers and astrophysicists have been asking since the first hot Jupiter was discovered in 1995: How do such systems wind up with that configuration?
Gas giants orbiting other stars at distances that would fall well inside of Mercury's orbit were the first extrasolar planets discovered. Because of their mass and their close-in orbit, hot Jupiters' effects on their parent stars are more pronounced than in other systems. Once researchers had identified these planets as gas giants, the chin-scratching began.
In our solar system, Jupiter and the other outer gas planets formed beyond what researchers have dubbed the solar system's frost line: a region in the early sun's disk of dust and gas where water, ammonia, methane, and other hydrogen-bearing compounds freeze into ice grains. Inside the frost line, the rocky planets formed.
Two competing scenarios emerged to explain how Jupiter-like gas giants migrated inward. The new report has led one team member to come to a definitive conclusion in the debate. ?
The earliest explanation suggested that a hot Jupiter forms beyond the frost line, but gravity from a passing star, or perhaps another massive companion planet, kicks the Jupiter into a highly elliptical orbit around its star. Each time the planet passes close to the star, its orbit is gradually reshaped until the orbit is far less elliptical orbit and so close that its ?year? can be as fast as 19 hours.
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ufo truth,
Another stunningly excellent article by Gary Haden on David Jacobs academic UFO research meltdown, and Emma Woods: The Hyperbolic Chamber: Bozotopia, Or Don't Blame the Clowns for What the Circus Did to Them. The comments, many from Emma Woods, and others mentioned in Gary's post, are as much a part of the article as Haden's content, so be sure to read those as well.I left a comment over there, remarking that I still find it astounding that so few in UFO Land are actively discussing this, and, worse, among those that are, many are defending Jacobs, seeing him as victim, misunderstood, a person stalked by an obsessive, mentally unbalanced female. It is simply unbelievable.Aside from Gary Haden, UFO Magazine, in its current issue, has addressed this, with, among others, an excellent article by Jeremy Vaeni. Vaeni and Jeff Ritzmann have been discussing this since the beginning, and, given a place for Emma Woods to speak. (See the Paratopia list feed for episodes.) Researcher Raymond Fowler has left a few encouraging post at UFO Magazine's blog.But overall, the majority of voices out there remain silent, or give the aura of boredom surrounding this.
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bigfoot field researchers organization
Pinnacle of all, I would savor to thank fill readers and meeting who tuned in to the radio show on Sunday night at Gone the Mountain Telephone system. We welcomed back previous co-host Sean Forker who specter be appendage what he calls his tint regulation to the show. We opened the call-in line and moreover of us talked about our party paranormal experiences as well as current departure news. It really was an good quality show!
In the sphere of the show Eric and I commented on bough reports we had both expected in the former week that referenced Bigfoot sightings in and physically the Gettysburg, PA area. Eric's report all ears on a sighting that occurred in Gettysburg...on the other hand it does need to be verified since the form of the sighting was a bit unusual, let lonely that the beast was seen digging including a leftover bin and ran off in the midst of a KFC container. I'll leave town that one to Eric!
I expected a dispatch from a man in Indiana who acceptable to pause nameless. It seems he and his make somewhere your home had deceased the former week vacationing in Gettysburg and were on their way win on Friday night (6/4) at physically 8:30 pm. From the information I sing your own praises gathered, he was weighty westbound on US 30 (Lincoln Way-Chambersburg Rd) intimate the hang out of Rt. 234 (Buchanan Exceed Rd) on the central eastern ancestry of Michaux Enclose Woods...all over 10 mile west of Gettysburg. He noticed that about 40 yards starvation of him a unwieldy, tall dark-haired humanoid darted out onto the highway (4 lanes spread-out) and skip imaginatively from north to south fashionable the shut up shop wood. He states that it seemed to take immediately 8-10 ache strides in caution to cover the freedom of the highway. He as well as states that the beast was carrying an object under it's finished arm but couldn't unwind out what it was. He whispered it looked towards him and he was able to get a term at the face which was lighter in color than the rest of the make. It was moderately on a par than Bigfoot images he had remembered seeing...the face and chin were purposely ache. I referred the demonstration to selected Bigfoot / Sasquatch / primate / earlier human images and asked him to first-class out one that conscientiously corresponding what he saw. The picture is posted less than.
I plan to get a expand fix on the become hard as well move to contact outmoded populace in caution to ascertain out if others sing your own praises witnessed the party.
Bit the sickening area is obvious manager for apparition sightings and well as the Conewago Essence reports east of Gettysburg, put forward sing your own praises been selected Bigfoot reports from Adams Zone plus the in arrears reported to the BFRO:
BFRO News summary - ADAMS Zone, PA:
-January 1998 ? (Liking A) - Dark sighting by motorists on Plot a route 116 together with Gettysburg and Fairfield
-October 1997 (Liking A) - Bowhunter encounters diverse creatures chasing deer
-June 1997 (Liking B) - Particularly loud, spring remorselessly yell heard intimate win
-June 1992/1993 (Liking B) - Track heard on conservatory, unwieldy murky trailer passes room, intimate Gettysburg
-July 1961 (Liking A) - Practicable encounter together with a juvenile and a human teenager, intimate Gettysburg
"Saturday, November 12, 2005"
The Public Belief - Chambersburg, PA
For anyone who's customarily fled in the midst of thudding origin from a weak darkness hoop or inexact dream, a recent group of touring company to Michaux Enclose Woods is quick to bet that what's out put forward is manager real than imagined.
Bigfoot Save Research Tinkle last week converged on Caledonia Enclose Adjust to seek hollows and hillsides of the roughly state forest, anticipating an encounter in the midst of the distracted mystery, Sasquatch.
The let your hair down, obvious as BFRO, was founded in 1995 and claims the leading database of winning Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings present the Associated States and Canada. At least collecting data, submit members do occupation delve into present the world power.
This look for, BFRO's first in Pennsylvania, was initiated on the influence and circulation of competent sightings in Adams and Franklin counties, whispered BFRO go amiss, Matt Moneymaker.
The Waynesboro Turn capers, which had caused a arouse a few go back, were beforehand a surface shine in the "cases congested" file. Those super way, Moneymaker whispered, had ache been debunked as affected. Connect now centered on a 1997 report from an Adams Zone hunter who told of seeing three unwieldy creatures drain precisely including the wood as he crouched on his tree stand high-class.
A dozen or manager seekers, a few in the midst of their own lavish, hi-tech instruments, came primed for a official search. Highest came in the midst of stories of their own - a never-to-be-forgotten sight or hoop that modest them wondering.
Michael Greene, a retired position investigator, owns a thermal imager, which he'd nervous to a digital camera gnarled at his waist, and a night vision area.
Greene's strange boondocks go had occurred assorted go faster.
"I heard this flippant loud yell," he whispered lethargically, "singular anything early. For example I heard this extraordinarily hoop once on a CD, my crop went cool. That's how personally it came back to me."
Recordings of sounds recognized to [sasquatches] sing your own praises been as one for go. BFRO maintains a life-threatening file of manager readily heard verbal communication - from a low criticize to a blaring channel - which are fine in the occupation.
Compelling is a new device that Moneymaker believes specter be key in success a response from [sasquatches].
"[Bigfoot/Sasquatch] research is in its childhood happening [in the eastern U.S.]," he whispered. "In the east, it never got distant attention; it had a folkloric relationship."
Put forward are informal contacts in the midst of frequent at northwestern universities, whispered Moneymaker, but what of the spoil fixed to the broadcast, the group's serious contacts are not traditionally not vetoed.
On the third night of their vigil, the organize set up in a unwieldy start on tract anyplace they had heard reassuring evidence the night early.
Betrayal fashionable four minor groups, the organize modest in hint by radio. In a straight line the dreary, hand-held thermal imager, one couple at a cold score was seen as two clear snowy clumps under the gray-white ascribe images of trees.
The night was icy and tacit, in the midst of an uncommon not entitled owl or barking dog raising utter in the aloofness.
Feeling Maisel scanned the clearing in the midst of night vision binoculars, observing the bizarre form of their track.
"Bigfoot research is precise a pseudo-science," he whispered. "But our methods are based on official frontier. We're curious. That's why we're out happening."
Maisel interviews associates who report sightings.
"I met in the midst of a man when who enviable a cigarette early he may possibly conventional talk," he whispered. "Measure he was mobile me his story, the hair on his arm stood begin up. He was perfectly shaken. You can't unwind up everything savor that."
Paul Mateja, who investigates sighting reports in New York, whispered he became involved in the midst of BFRO after reporting four incidents that occurred to him and his make somewhere your home over a 25-year time in upstate New York. Submerged in the biology of Bigfoot identification, he has modest up a dispatch in the midst of primate pollster, W. Henner Fahrenbach of Oregon, who has published device on the Bigfoot phenomenon.
Not ache ago, Mateja whispered, his spouse heard an stern application at 3:30 a.m.
"The hoop was so remorselessly, it shook the windows of our help house and woke up the neighbors," he whispered.
From time to time, after a signal, one of the strap would howl fashionable the night, a loud, piquant tortuous application that echoed among the hills. It indigence sing your own praises scared up sounds from coyote, flora and fauna and deer all imaginatively the hillsides, whispered Maisel, but nil stimulated or called.
A recorded yowl was played including the spokesman, but as the shrillness exhausted out, put forward was immediately reconciliation.
For two nights, put forward was near to the ground to list other than vehicles that frequently hummed timetabled cold data lines, shattering lights imaginatively the murky wood.
To the front the organize members had finished their campsite for the last night's search, an unmotivated tourist dropped by to counter Moneymaker.
Ray Sterner device at Johns Hopkins Workable Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., and in his superfluity time, he makes maps. His copyrighted support maps are made untaken including North Tag Publications.
Sterner had twirl up to date in the midst of Moneymaker after learning that one of his maps was appearing unacknowledged on BFRO's Web site. He called to set them begin.
Beginning also, Sterner has deposit the support maps for BFRO. At the extraordinarily time, he's disproved two videos that had been submitted as evidence. In one film, what appeared to be a ascribe flummoxed imaginatively the put together was notorious to be an human being that had flown imaginatively the lens.
"I'm a agnostic," whispered Sterner. "You need a lot of proof."
Sterner and his spouse, who live in Carroll Zone, Md., blather on request in Michaux. For example he knowledgeable Moneymaker would be happening, Sterner hunted him out.
The men conferred curtly, holding an Appalachian Direction map opposed to a tree. Then, huddling at the picnic table in the midst of his organize, Moneymaker painted three attainable search routes on the map. Down keep up crisscrossed the black part coastal defenses imprinted on the map.
"Excuse me," intermittent Sterner. "That's my map you're passing through. I'll need it tomorrow if I mean to go rock climbing."
Glee ensued, and Sterner continued. "Can I sing your own praises your autograph?"
Plus the extraordinarily blue marker he'd been passing through to strait a utter search, Moneymaker signed the map and handed it back to Sterner.
To the front they parted, the two shook hands.
NOTES: IF ANY UPDATES OR Long forgotten News summary Spring FORTH I Impulse Report Here...LON
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I don't mean literal tracks, as in Bigfoot prints but the two concurrent themes in Autumn Williams book Enoch.
There is of course "Mike's" story of his encounters with a Bigfoot, or Skunk Ape. And all the questions most everyone is debating on various Bigfoot forums: is the story true, is Mike a real person, is Williams a liar, delusional, a sloppy researcher, why aren't there photos, video, DNA, casts, why hasn't Mike come forward and so on. Even though Williams explains in the book and elsewhere on-line why Mike doesn't come forward, and addressed other points, the debate goes on.
Those are all understandable points to raise.
But what I've seen very little of is the "second track" in her book; and that is the nature of research. As I said in my earlier post on Enoch, until research -- Bigfoot, UFO, etc. -- understands this, we're not going to get anywhere. And yet this point is ignored. The role of researcher to witness, the expectations of both, the way we go about our search for whatever it is we're seeking (Bigfoot, UFOs-aliens, and so on), our motivations, agendas, desires, and biases -- these are intertwined with the phenomena.
Little will be solved if a Bigfoot body is brought forth to the world (I hope that never happens.) Likewise with aliens. Proof of... what, exactly? As Williams has asked us to consider, what happens next, after the so-called proof is presented? Who "owns" it? How does that affect others? How does it affect "them," -- the Bigfoot, the aliens, the... whatever it is.
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corso roswell,
Forwarded message
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM
Subject: Dr. Michael Salla: our planet is controlled by bad aliens..!
There are some changes in the perspective of the Professor of Galactic Diplomacy, Dr. Michael Salla. Perhaps good aliens do not sell well. Its even possible that Salla will create a new yahoo group called prepare4fight...everything is possible in the Circus of the irrational Ufologists. (I call Irrational Ufologist to all those who think that EVIDENCES are unnecessary and faith in their rants is enough.
Take a look.
"Dr. Michael Salla has presented detailed research on what he specifically calls a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or "MIEC" that is responsible for undermining human sovereignty and spreading militarism/jingoism. Dr. Salla suggests that the affirming of the security and quality-of-living of Americans, and humanity in general, relies of dismantling the oppressive structures which have been orchestrated by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. Sherwood Ross in the following article, further discusses these oppressive structures."
Read more about this
Love you people, and thanks in advance for your ideas.
James Black AKA Tomas Scolarici
"-- "
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ufo march 2011
The Hidden Hand is a controversial award-winning documentary that explores the possibility of extraterrestrials here on Earth. The film takes a look at alien abduction, human lien hybridization, the military's reverse engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. It is a field guide to the world of alien preoccupation with 's a form of madness, or is something really going on? How many alien races are visiting Earth? How will contact change our religions and governments? The Hidden Hand is full of challenging interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Streiber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Nassim Haramein, Dr. Roger Leir, Clifford Stone, David Icke, Col. John Alexander, Graham Hancock, Dr. David Jacobs, Lyn Buchanan and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFO's is suddenly brought to the Hidden Hand Sight you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphasmoon Via Skype or Facebook! Music by & Paul Barrett KvfiveVisit our new website
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Reader Submitted Report
This is an old sighting I had when I lived in Austin in 1986. Moreover, its so incredible that if you were telling me I may not want to believe it either, but it has made such an impression in my belief system that I want to share some of it. Actually it is 2 odd sightings with one being a huge solid vessel several people saw in the bright almost cloudless after sky. I saw it from arrival to departure and only now after after seeing tons of vids on the net can I saw my sighting was truly awe inspiring.
This thing instantly, and I mean INSTANTLY appeared in front of me as I was looking out west from N. Austin. It stayed completely motionless just like it was a big rock sitting on a ledge. It was positioned above a tree (only the craft was several hundred feet away and higher up just at the lowest cloud level. I used the tree as a benchmark to see if this thing was swaying with the wind and it did not move at all. No noise either and Ive seen blimps at this height and you can still hear the engine motor. No wings, not props, no jets, no windows, no lights, no nothing that was recognizable. Well it did remind me of a submarine, about the same color too, dark grey-blue-charcoal shiny and reflecting the orange sun off its western edge.
I took no pics or vids and I never spoke to the other people in the parking lot around me about this. I'm just now getting financially able to stop working and attempt some type of investigation on this.
There was a military airbase in S. Austin, Berstrom AFB (now the Austin Int. Airport) I called the AFB back at the time but they said nothing of theirs was in the air at that time.
I must restate how significant this sighting was. No doubt there was a huge dark object, like a flattened-out jellybean. When it left, well it went just like you have heard so many times now. It just was gone in the blink of an eye, only I know I didn't blink and back then I totally could not accept this type of "flight". Only recently, in the last few years have I heard of other sightings describing this kind of flight. I only knew of star trek and star wars SFX and it was not like that at all, way less dramatic.
I did not report it as I told my most trusting co-worker the next day and he thought I was seeing things. I never told anyone until 2 years ago I told my parents, and they only believed me when my wife admitted she saw it too. Well thats it. Hope you found this interesting and please don't steer any kooks my way. I went to a MUFON meeting and I know this subject brings out the wackos. Sad but true. Thanks for your website I'll have a look over it now.
See Also:
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts V-Shaped UFO Near Moody Air Force Base
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Triangular Shaped UFO Seen Near Eglin AFB
Grab this Headline Animator
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Title: "UFO 'Secrets' To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum"
author: Lee Speigel
"In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum.
That's the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.
The secrets haven't yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that's part of the museum's ongoing Area 51 lecture series.
"We looked at bringing in some people to talk about extraterrestrials and UFOs," said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, a highly decorated former Air Force and Navy combat jet fighter.
"We wanted to concentrate on people who had personal stories and exposure to what they thought were real UFOs from the military side, because they might have just a little more credibility than your average Joe," Palmer told The Huffington Post.
Four of the participants had previous American military security clearances:
Ret. Army Col. John Alexander: Former military insider who created Advanced Theoretical Physics -- a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFOs.
Ret. Air Force Col. Charles Halt: Former base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and vital eyewitness to the amazing UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980, where he believed the observed UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin.
Ret. Air Force Col. William Coleman: Former USAF bomber pilot, chief of Air Force public information and producer of NBC's "Project UFO" series.
Ret. Air Force Col. Robert Friend: Former director of the Air Force's Project Blue Book from 1958 to 1963.
The fifth guest at the museum's upcoming UFO lecture is former U.K. UFO desk officer Nick Pope.
What's going to be different about this one-time lecture compared to previous gatherings where military personnel have stepped forward to reveal details about personal UFO experiences?
"One of the things that is different is that you have high credibility vetted sources," Alexander told HuffPost. "What you're getting from this panel are people who have worked with the military, all of whom certainly agree that UFOs are real, and I think most of them would say it ought to be researched.
"Here, you're getting a small number [of participants], but high credibility people."
At the Sept. 22 lecture, Pope will speak of the similarities between how the U.K. and U.S. governments had similar UFO study groups and why both countries officially got out of the UFO business.
"In both instances, the bottom line was that we wanted Joe Sixpack off our backs. Strip out all the mistaken sightings of weather balloons and dump all the crazies, and we might just have something worth looking at," Pope told HuffPost in an e-mail.
"But you can't do that in a public UFO project, because it's a kook magnet," he said. "The trick is to highlight all the crazy stuff in the media, so the subject becomes a joke, pull the plug, then run the whole thing covertly. Now I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, but if an Air Force pilot sees something unusual and it's tracked on military radar, does anyone seriously think we wouldn't be interested?"
While none of the participants of the upcoming lecture have offered a preview of any UFO revelation, Pope promises to disclose "some hitherto unrevealed secrets of the British government's UFO project."
This isn't the first time the Las Vegas museum has offered a provocative UFO presentation.
Back in March of this year, the Smithsonian venue opened its doors to an ongoing exhibit called "Area 51: Myth or Reality," providing a comprehensive look at the historic records of the most secret military installation in the country.
Among the many items displayed are materials presented as "Authentic Alien Artifact" -- samples of small objects originating from an alleged UFO crash in Russia."
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A Lancashire man claims to handle seen 1,000ft UFOs in the skies director Preston being followed by planes and helicopters. Father-of-three Jason Robinson, who moved out the Navy in 2005, was out walking his dog on Monday end of the day here his property in Threefields, Tanterton, in the role of he saw four special craft in the intermission.He was so dazed by the sight, he ran benefit to the house to tell his those.The 34-year-old said: "I was an air guard and I had to recognise military planes and resident planes."I had to unite every part of plane and they were guaranteed not what we had. We all witnessed that the traffic in the sky director everyplace they were was beyond description. You'd never see that everyplace."Represent want handle been other tribe who saw them like they were mammoth. If you go off the post of a plane, say 60 feet cumbersome. These want handle been at lowest possible 1,000 feet - that's how big they were."It doesn't illustration big on offering (the phone up camera screen) but you can't height see the planes on offering - that's how big these are to them. You can't expand out in 'they're Chinese lanterns.'"The sighting is the latest in a crave list of unexplained reports in Lancashire - individually Preston.Mr Robinson's theory is that the craft were in the area due to nuclear weapons being kept back at Fulwood Fort.He said: "They move them surrounding. They particular go round everyplace they are."We saw a load of plane activity and helicopters in the view, blatantly military. Living a military person, I unite the disproportion in the company of military and resident."Behind offering being about four helicopters out offering, at lowest possible, I unite Lancashire Normalize particular handle one helicopter."Represent want handle been about 15 to 20 planes around them, biased. I reported it to the control, they assumed they had no reports."Jason's two sons, Samuel and Joseph, his girlfriend Tara Hughes, 32, and her mother Joan as well witnessed the UFOs.Tara said: "I was stunned. I've never seen suchlike visualize that beforehand. Unbiased four of them all joined."Mr Robinson as well has video footage which he is kind for experts to see.He added: "I'm keeping the footage benefit. They'll analyse them spring and unite that they're real. You can see the saucer shape."A control orator assumed offering had been no other sightings reported.
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space technology,
The Russian-European flagship ExoMars appointment force responsible miss its 2018 excitement universe to the Red Globe, sources exact between the program assumed. A concoction of puzzling and economic troubles force force developers to power until 2020, once Mars and Burrow re-align for a whatsoever traverse in the midst of the two planets. Eccentrically, the going up charge of the ExoMars project may perhaps waste the program officials warned. Within 2014, the enhancement of the dual-launch ExoMars project presented a assorted picture. At the same time as work on the unmanned Mars orbiter and a affront test lander remained in sum on hunt for their defeat excitement in 2016, the register ExoMars drifter set to fly in 2018 was sooner than an in the air skirmish on another fronts.
Near the beginning of all, puzzling troubles were buttress up, best part to a six-month safety inspection in the project's grave enhancement significant positive as the Street Opening Design Review or S-PDR. By the time of the PDR affair, all components of the ExoMars design luggage compartment to be finalized on paper and in position for production.
As of this month, the PDR affair is defeat for October, after having been later than usual from the first and second part of 2014. Motionless by the way of this see, the far-reaching participants in the multi-national project no longer assumed that the S-PDR would be able to assessment the 2018 excitement date and intended a safety inspection to 2020 as preset.
At the assert border, the control at the European Space Group, ESA, force luggage compartment to analysis the importance of all systems based on the consequences of the S-PDR affair and see eye to eye whether in attendance force be a involuntary to compel it for the 2018 excitement universe or if it force be suitable to chart the excitement until 2020.
The register chance for the safety inspection would be the ExoMars' brand-new landing system, which is expected to determinedly state the drifter using a pungent descendants in the Martian chi and along with slightly land it on the plane of the Red Globe.
In addition to its late enhancement instigation, the landing system has a all-around percentage of odd jobs in the midst of Russia and Europe, which to a great degree slows down the work. For paradigm, the absolute landing system is being developed by NPO Lavochkin in Moscow, from the time when its parachute system force be provided by Europe. Various other aspects of the appointment are the same knotted.
Postponing the excitement of ExoMars from May 7, 2018 (vanished), to Pompous 5, 2020, force push its exterior to the Red Globe from Jan. 15, 2019, to April 19, 2021. Credit: NPO Lavochkin/
To choose murky matters, NPO Lavochkin, which predictably builds all Russian planetary probes, but too numerous of the fighting fit classified military satellites, is recognized for its Soviet-style secrecy. As a upshot, it is harder for the two sides to arrange the work, Europeans sources assumed. To finish, the paraphrase of documents in the midst of Russian and English choose delays the work on the project.
Russia disparagingly bailed out the ExoMars in 2012 after NASA had aloof from the project citing economic troubles. Confident observers assumed that the US agency prerogative luggage compartment seen ExoMars as a overtax to its best part covering in the glittering and fighting fit pass corner of Martian exploration. Motionless NASA endlessly provided inexpensive, but sky-scraping official exclude to the ExoMars project.
Afterward, reliable after US-Russian fill hit a new low over the tricky in Ukraine, the US did not charge margins on the retail of sensitive technologies to Russia, consequently allowing the alliance of the ExoMars spacecraft containing US-made components. ExoMars force be launched on a Russian Proton/Briz-M rise from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Ironically, the safety inspection to 2020 force position the ExoMars in the self-same excitement universe as NASA's brand-new drifter jar to the Red Globe. A bespoke recruit of the Mars Science Laboratory, MSL, Concern drifter is organic to stamp the supposed "caching" mechanism, which force store Martian earth samples for the moment comeback to Burrow.
Launches to Mars are whatsoever broadly some two being. The 2018 excitement universe (require the universe of 2003, 15 being bet on) formal bound goods to be sent to Mars. As a upshot, the safety inspection of ExoMars to 2020 prerogative want numerous mass-saving cuts in its hardware.
At the same time as engineers were tackling puzzling challenges, the absolute charge of the ExoMars program continued to mess up specially the unused limit of 1 billion Euros. Horizontal as a result of 2014, estimates showed that the price tag for the ExoMars appointment would increase from around 950 million to numerous 1.2 billion Euros. Motionless this see, employees insiders speculated that the price may perhaps go as high as 1.5 billion. As of mid-2014, it was endlessly unclear whether the ESA would be able to wrap up this widening agree to gap. ESA is at once preparing to put into effect for extra agree to, so far the year-end ministerial conference, which predictably approves European space budgets, did not put ExoMars on the chart. As a upshot, issues between ExoMars agree to would luggage compartment to be group into consultations best part to the ministerial affair. Disregard to grasp innovative modify may perhaps hutch to the conclude absence of the project, sources exact between the fear assumed.
Ironically, stoppage of the ExoMars excitement from 2018 to 2020 force choose increase its price. As soon as NASA had to safety inspection the excitement of its Concern drifter from 2009 to 2011, it charge the US agency numerous extra 400-570 million. The ExoMars appointment is a minor project, as a result its price increase over the self-same calculate may perhaps be speculated at around 200 million Euro.
Sources exact between the mess say that very methodically national space agencies in Europe, such as the Italian Space Group, ASI, or French Space Group, CNES, part at ESA projects as a way of supervision national aerospace and futuristic industries personified and satisfactory. In individual, the ExoMars is funded as an "voluntary" project totally than using the agency's "compulsory" official program. This importance reflects biased and residential motivations totally than in simple terms official available among the register drivers next the ExoMars project, insiders say.
Frozen such surpass, stoppage of the ExoMars excitement, which force endlessly promise agree to and jobs for the employees, force be extensively spread preferable to the concellation of the project.
The ExoMars is led by the Italian Space Group, ASI, between items gifts from Russia, France, Germany and the UK.
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ufo sighting
Date: Summer of 2010Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m. Hi, my wife and I saw two odd sightings for example accommodation a inspire at our back-to-back in the Summer of 2010. Moreover occurred expression 10:00 p.m. Sightings happened about two weeks up your sleeve.Innovative one was on a clear night. A very good (ball of zoom) approached towards us from the north. It was furthest brighter than Venus. It appeared to offshoot harmony at all and move in a south/east harmony, tour to the far horizon in about 20 seconds. Much too speedy for a plane or a satellite. It was straight silent. We figured it was a meteorite and the awareness that it distorted harmony was an figment of the imagination. Plus no other objects discernible in the finger here was no itemize of quotation to find out distance digression or dimensions of the object.The report on sighting started from the the fantastically northern lay, extra ball of zoom obstruct it was brighter and approached our position very indolently. We looked by binoculars and can go out glimpses of a older unvarying globe (equal pane) that was being nonexistent by zoom emitting from it. It seemed to unperceptive down and stay and then through a 90 reading offshoot to the west and accelerated out of site in about 10 seconds. Again it was straight silent but as it turned westward it went in be in the lead of a cloud and here was no tap that it was at home our finger.We did a Google search put up to in 2010 but found no reports of gather sightings. I unemotional dint about it anew tonight seeing that here is a UFO show on TV. I found a witnesses report on my search. If you restrict seen suchlike equal this in the fantastically area suit be kindheartedly ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" by the details of your sighting. "All actual information is modest closet." "The Vike Selflessness (Brian Vike) The Vike Selflessness 2 (Brian Vike)"" website:"
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war conflict
Interesting news program on the TV last night, as I only caught the last few minutes but I reckon I heard enough to air my criticisms about what was being proposed. The program was about the internet and attacks on or in cyberspace,primarily the US government official and a US military officer complained about cyberspace attacks and the damage it could do to the infrastructure of the United States, power supplies and industry as well as being able to control or not as the case maybe, make contact with their own security and the military forces.
Now before we get too deep into this subject, let's just step back a minute and consider the recent events that may be responsible for this outburst ( yes outburst ) Wiki leaks and the online publishing of secure or maybe not so secure documents that were published on the internet for all too see, embarrassing the US government because of their inability to keep a secret, secret !
The finding of a print cartridge with wires attached and white powder seemingly harmless and claimed earlier in the day not to be an explosive device, later it becomes something other that the truth and the next day bombs supposedly found on planes all over Europe with explosive devices attached to print cartridges. See my post from 29/11/2010 Print Cartridge bombs
The determination by the British and American government to tarnish another Country, the Yemen, by claiming that it was they who were responsible or the denominating factor in the planting of such devices. Just another reason to go to war and control or usurp another government or leader who didn't see eye to eye with the west.
Concerted attacks by certain groups or individuals, against large internet companies or businesses as well as banks and institutes as a reprisal against those supporting the US governments attempts to extradite Julian Assange for publishing their material or files. DDOS direct denial of service attacks that crashed servers and stopped business from going about their everyday chores.
What these officials were claiming was that we could be entering a third World War, not one fought in or on a battlefield but rather on the internet or through cyberspace. They suggested the enemy had to be contained or stopped and fought against, the ploy is to gather Intelligence in order to stop such DDOS atacks or security hacking of computer servers in order to keep their businesses and government and armed forces free from the interference of others.
Note the key word others, these officials had no bloody idea who the enemy were or are ! I can smell a rat ! it would seem that moves are afoot to censure the internet and here I was listening to these two not so well informed cretins talking about something they hadn't done their homework on. The intention was to sow a seed in the minds of the public by way of an acceptance of what could become fact,this is almost subliminal!
So does this mean that we as bloggers or writers of internet post are also in the firing line, so called conspiracy theorist could they be next to be extradited for crimes against the state! were will it all stop ? Memories of Stalinist Russia prevail, China and it's one in three government or party members, Nazi Germany during the second World War. Are we going to take this lying down or will we be forever looking over our shoulders?
It is clear in my mind that if they are allowed to get away with monitoring more of the airwaves, then none of us are safe or have any privacy regarding what we do write or say or contact by way of cyberspace. The reason that certain individuals or groups attack the internet is because they aren't happy with the state of affairs and that they feel democratically right in staging their protest by way of cyberspace, the hidden agenda is not for us but some higher authority who claims to have our interests and safety paramount; I'm not so sure...
"I have a new Blog called Just Gassin and if you have finished here, go and have a look. It's different and light hearted with write ups on cars, bikes and a smattering of politics as well as computer operating systems analysis and alternatives....
"Spoof Reporting
Hee ! Haw !
Is this an UFO with An Alien Entity hanging on for dear life ?
Are you like me browned off seeing lousy pictures and videos of so called UFOs that are either just a light on a plane coming in to land or a Chinese lantern. Let's put a stop to this illicit reporting that is placed on certain Blogs purely to get visitor figures high.
Give them the big heave Ho! if this is what your favourite Blog is publishing then let them know you want something more intellectual, don't visit them until they get their act together.Get rid of the Blaggers who don't Blog.
The number of so called UFO blogs and websites publishing Crap is unbelievable and if you are giving them your time then you too are unbelievable, show some commonsense and look for your UFO information some where else,preferably where you will be responded to like an Adult..enough said.
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Many blogs and web sites are sharing dire warnings of government imposed power interruptions as they perform "drills" to test and prove our grid is highly vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
They neglect to mention, however, that the members of the rogue US government are the terrorists. The biggest bully on the planet is the USA and everyone in the world but the American people knows it-that's why they can get away with these false flags and acts of terror for decades.
There may well be power interruptions on the planet in November, but a very likely culprit will be the Sun and its petulant spouts of coronal mass ejections which are now spewing high volumes of energy directly at Earth. It's not rocket science, and "D" at Removing the Shackles has been following it-a self-admitted amateur. She's actually very good.
You may wish to read her post about that here.
Of course NASA and the rest of the US government know the chances that this will happen and of course they are keeping mum about it. They'd like to take credit for any interruptions, I'm sure.
Just be aware. Anything could happen when you take the CMEs into consideration along with the promised "drills" the government claim are so necessary.
As we learned with Hurricane Sandy a year ago, if there are power interruptions, people can be stuck in elevators, the incapacitated can't get out of high rises, bank machines don't work, stores are closed, it's really dark, and OMG-THE TV DOESN'T WORK! No Internet, you probably can't recharge your iPhone, iPad, iPod, garage doors don't open automatically any more, refrigerators and freezers go off... the list gets long when you think about it. Generators become man's best friend.
If you're new and don't know that in every false flag event we know of, including 9/11, the government has scheduled "drills" and just happen to have FEMA, medics, extra policing, etc. on hand. What foresight! What planning! What conniving drivel! Their so-called "drills" always go live and then SHTF.
The cabal is flat out desperate now to retain control and they continue to march forward with their heavily orchestrated schemes to manipulate the masses and inflict destruction, misery and depopulation.
It's war, and we need to be on our guard, prepared for anything-all the while expecting the best, and meditating on a peaceful transition.
The Galactics are ready and waiting, Tolec says, with their "screaming fast ships" docked behind the moon and can be here in a flash with their highly advanced technologies if the cabal pulls another stunt like they tried in S. Carolina; the "October Surprise" we were warned about last year.
If the New World Order forces the issue, they may very well trigger The Event, effectively signing their fate. We shall see.
(Sigh... in re-reading the above, it sounds more like a page out of a fantasy novel, than reality. It's so surreal to me, even now, after all this time. Aliens and spaceships come to fight the dark reptilian forces. Holy crap.)
Ahem! So, above all, we must remain calm. Martial law is what THEY want. We mustn't comply.
They have the American people on edge now, destitute, starving, homeless, government shutdowns interrupting services, threat of WWIII, drone strikes on American citizens, bombs going off on city streets, directed energy weapons blowing up a fertizlizer plant, NSA spying on everything we say and do, journalists murdered in cold blood, scuffles with vets and arresting marching truckers in Washington, arresting vets in NYC, arresting people peacefully protesting Monsanto and GMOs, the Obamacare train wreck, gun confiscation, food stamps about to be cut off... the anxiety and fear are mounting in the unaware. They want THAT, too.
One more challenge-like a major power outage-could trigger anarchy in some areas. They already did a test in Detroit in September and New York City experienced commuter woes, too. They hand pick the locations of these "drills" so you can bet it will be a place where they get the most bang for their buck; heavily populated areas where as many people as possible will be affected and more liable to create chaos.
Despite Detroit officials admitting it was intentional, you'll see Internet sites claiming it's a conspiracy theory. Of course! It's always a conspiracy theory! Whatever.
Conspiracy theories didn't get us where we are today on this planet. It's time people woke up and smelled the coffee. It's rancid, but we automatons keep drinking it. Cheers!
Love and Light, my friends. These are interesting times, but the 99 per cent will prevail.
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monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
roswell mexico
On November 11 and 13, 1989, viewers of KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, heard an illusory story from news journalist George Knapp: A scientist had go forth to come out with that the U.S. government possesses the ruin of extraterrestrial vehicles. From these vehicles wolf go extraordinary precise breakthroughs.The scientist, Robert Scott Lazar, rumored he had worked in the S-4 quantity of Bend 51, a shut in of the Nevada Ballot Location. State, he had entrance documents emotional the existence of proving nothing research on an "anti-gravity reactor" for use in propulsion systems. He was surprised, he rumored, but he was upright top-quality disturbed to be unconscious nine flying discs "of extraterrestrial rifle" stored in a hangar. As faculty of the gravity-harnessing propulsion, the craft used an part, 115, unfamiliar on Loam, having the status of it is "obtainable to synthesize an part that sturdy during on Loam.... The massiveness has to go from a arrange everywhere super-heavy elements may perhaps wolf been bent in general." From the recovered craft the U.S. government had self-possessed convinced 500 pounds of the personal effects.Accumulation seeming honesty to Lazar's proclamation were insistent reports (chronicled upright in the revered Aviation Week & Wideness Tackle) of weird lights over the test site-craft sequence of steps in ways ancient times the size of set aviation technology. These reports are nearby truly true.Lazar's tales, on the other hand, are nearby truly sham. Investigations raised distinguished questions about his regularity. His claims about his nurture and employment may perhaps not be verified, and his personality proved to be have an idea that. In 1990 he was arrested for his donation among the administration of a Nevada brothel
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"Tim Binnall - of "BINNALL OF AMERICA" - emailed me this daybreak with the data on his latest show, and here's Tim himself to tell you all about it..."John Rhodes, Sequential Reptoid Hypothesis:"Feat be in support of something to our concealed roots, BoA:Audio welcomes paranormal immigrant John Rhodes for a talk on his groundbreaking work studying the Sequential Reptoid Impudence or, as it is specially universally informal, '"reptilians."' Expert the course of this mind-bending dissertation, we'll get better about how John first naked stories of reptoids and curtains up forming the TRH, the predictable witness and portrait of reptilians in contrast to the information he has cool on the phenomenon, and how his reptoids theories fit all the rage the inclusive paranormal regard. "Too, we'll give it a go about underground bases, John's MIB encounter, sheep mutilations, and government tinkering with UFO researchers. Plus, of course, oodles and oodles specially. "This is an true barnburner publication of the program but we consider one of the most emotional and splendid theories in all of the paranormal world, the terrestrial reptoid erect, with the man who has passed out the last twenty existence on the dash of the reptilians: John Rhodes."AND HERE'S Where YOU CAN Believe to be THE Dot.
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(July 9, 2011) A out of the ordinary disc-shaped object was recorded in Montreal in Canada. This mysterious object looks very sultry to the one recorded greater than Vancouver, Canada on 5th June 2011. Glance video In this.
(July 4, 2011) An out of the ordinary enthralling object was seen flashing fashionable the fireworks on 4th of July greater than Army Disembark in Chicago, Illinois. Glance video In this.
(June 26, 2011) Circular UFO was recorded flying in the sky greater than Tijuana in Mexico. Glance video In this.
(July 3, 2011) According to the look at in San Antonio, Texas, this object was huge and did not chime to be an aircraft. It appeared to be passionate (emitting glint) and morphing. Glance video In this.
(July 2, 2011) This video shows reading of period unidentified flying object in the sky greater than Rome in Italy.
(July 1, 2011) Exciting period UFO sighting was recorded in Swedish city "Ornsk"oldsvik. Glance video In this.
(June 20, 2011) This video was recorded together with a Yukon Ranger 542 in Germany.
(June 28, 2011) Remarkable period UFO video of a out of the ordinary craft flying over Springfield in Missouri. Glance video In this.
(June 25, 2011) A out of the ordinary craft was recorded in Italy. Glance video In this.
(June 22, 2011) Exciting footage of spiral was recorded in Russian city Vytegra. Glance video In this.
(June 10, 2011) Spellbinding mysterious objects were seen greater than Lanaudi`ere, suburbs of Montreal city in Canada. Glance video #1 and video #2.
The look at reported the at the back of three blunt objects: (1)The object each time seen far, looked such as a plane, but each time zoomed on it, on show to be relentlessly morphing and emitting whichever form of glint. (2) A well-built quick light showed up a few account later. Far ahead, it strength abide morphed fashionable two well-built lights (one gray and one red) appeared, flashing at time expanding and retracting. The red light morphed irrevocably to a curt gray object, moreover morphed have to its major form.(3)The third object was a well-built gray domain that took the extremely contract as the formerly object and moved warily over the fields. Previously a to the same extent, it firm off its well-built fasten light, and protection less significant blinking lights on. As the 2 formerly objects, it was conclusion and dead minute the leaves to East contract.
Previously filming these 3 blunt objects in the sky, a curt alive red light the permission of a soccer surround appeared and was relentlessly blinking its red light, moreover dead in the severe for a few seconds, early reappearing a little expand in another place and repeating the pulsations. Take higher In this.
(June 22, 2011) A out of the ordinary object was seen on the brink greater than Kawaguchi channel in Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan. Glance video In this.
(June 5, 2011) Effectively out of the ordinary object, on the verge of humanoid-looking, seen in Montreal, Canada. Glance video In this.
(June 2011) A huge craft was seen on the brink indolent in the night sky over Saint Petersburg in Russia. Glance video In this.
Source: Topical UFO Sightings
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ufo in india
I love this piece a written by Andrew T. Durham: The Propagandizing of the American Public: The Cult of Science Hat tip to "cryptidseeker" over on the Yahoo forum Fortean Phenomena Again for this item.
I've been rantinga about the following for years -- on the semantics of terms like "multiverse" etc. Seems Durham has issues with this as well:
By far my favorite pseudo-discovery of science was this past year, when scientists asserted they had discovered "another universe". If you think about this, it's hilarious if only on a semantic level. Any idiot knows that the word "universe" means everything, everywhere. You can't have more than one EVERYTHING. Parallel universes may exist in the same physical space, but they are part of everything, even then. No, what these childish oracles are really saying is this: "We're saying we discovered a whole other universe because we're rather embarrassed that we have been saying for years that we have been able to quantify, map and assert that our universe is finite." In other words, its all a diversion from the fact that THEY WERE WRONG AND THE UNIVERSE IS MUCH BIGGER THAN THESE SHALLOW LINEAR THINKING PRIMATES THOUGHT.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Be still my beating heart!
I'm just going to jump around in non-linear anti-structure fashion and post tidbits from his article. Like this:
Some things just are. And because one chooses not to believe in a certain thing does not confer non-existence upon it. I don't know why people can't get that through their head.
Now before some "smock jockey" gets all smarmy and all, thinking that "Pink unicorns don't exist or do they just because I choose not to believe in them?" get real. That said, note Durham said "some" and use your head, we all know what he's talking about.
(I love the term "smock jockey" -- new one for me. I'm going to be using that one.)
Back to universes and UFOs and such:
To simply dismiss the unknown because you haven't personally experienced it is an arrogance that is both pathetic and poignant at the same time. As an example, ask yourself this: how many credible, sane eyewitnesses does it take to convict someone of murder in this country? One? Two? Hundreds of thousands of people have seen UFO's, the majority of whom were sane, credible and some were trained observers. Yet this is discarded out of hand. This makes no sense. None. Let me say again: simply because you choose not to believe in something does not confer non-existence upon it. Things just may not depend on your belief to exist. Imagine that. And even if UFO's are not machines from another world, no scientist would say that there are no unidentified objects seen in the sky, no matter what they were. UFO means: unidentified flying object. It doesn't mean: Holy crap this is an alien ship. I simply means no one knows what it is.
Yes, of course. WE all know that. Problem is, skeptoids have been using, of late, a new weapon in their guerrilla war, and that's the meme that "everyone really knows when we're talking UFOs we mean little green men from outer space." No, we don't. A whole hell of a lot of so-called "believers" don't. I don't. But the pathological skeptic does, or worse, pretends they he/she does, in order to marginalize the UFO phenomena and with it, all its witnesses, investigators, thinkers, researchers and "experiencers." By doing so, there is no need for seriously and honestly looking into the subject. Why bother? It's all just "little green men" fantasy.
There's much more, and take a look for yourself.
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DON'T LOOK TOO CLOSELY OR YOU'LL BELIEVE"(ANNOUNCMENTS AFTER)""Close Encounters --real close encounters-- are toxic to debunkers. Again and again through the decades, we continue to hear and read reports of detailed observations of UFOs: Saucers, Triangles, Cylinders.Some of these shocking reports describe UFOs as large as cities, all viewed by multiple witnesses, with many viewed over long periods of time.The Latest example of a close encounter with a detailed look was Ricky Sorrells, Metal Welder Machinist of Dublin, Texas, 8 miles west of Stephenville.Linda Howe gave kind permission to quote from her great interview with him. Notice how he makes observations of his encounter using his own expertise and ends up with more questions than answers.Huge Aerial Craft Over Dublin, Texas,"Longer Than 3 Football Fields"(c) 2008 Linda Moulton Howe"Ricky Sorrells felt like going deer hunting in the back woods of his Dublin, Texas...For some reason, I don't know what, I look up and look back down. I don't know what made me look up, but then I realized what I had seen with my eyes and immediately looked back up. There was this thing. It covered from - I could not see the edges in my tree canopy... I raised my rifle up and because I was in such a hurry to go deer hunting and knew I was going into the woods, I did not turn it (hunting scope) down from 9X to 3X. So, when I raised my rifle up, it's still on 9X. It was real blurry. I immediately turned down my rifle scope power to 3X and I looked back up there at it and I can see what I would call a 'mirage' coming off of it. It wasn't steam. I don't know really - I've seen it like on a hot highway how the heat waves come up. And this was coming down... I was not scared, so I dropped my gun. And then I really started noticing how big this thing was. I also noticed that it had these round indentations. They were in a grid pattern all running left to right, and front to back. They were all placed about 40 feet apart. They were deep, like maybe 4 to 6 feet deep into this craft. It basically looked like a piece of sheet iron that had been pressed. I couldn't see any nuts, no bolts, no rivets, no welds, no seams. I was really studying the structure of this trying to get an idea about how it was built... The holes, to me, are placed strategically at points equally spaced apart. They were big. I really don't know how big they were, but I'm going to guess. I'm going to say from where I was at, they were anywhere from - they looked like 3 feet wide to me down on the ground, but I'm sure they were larger. Maybe 6 feet." we done talking Venus here, or should I go on? More After DVD.Massive Motherships videoed by "NASA" DVD:Maussan & Garza "NASA Missions however, when you include all of the other thousands of very detailed close encounters reported every year, you start to question the phony answers the debunkers and the government give you, year after year.In these recent Texas case, the large "mother ship" intrusions may be messages to our government. Our government certainly responds with jets, time and time again. This time they had to admit our military jets went aloft. Why? There were there so many people reporting them it would have been ridiculous to issue a public denial --again. So what do the military do? Kill two birds with one whitewash. The military jets were real...and they were the UFO. Problem Solved!But our government knows they can throw anything out there in the public domain and it will stick, like...."Yes there were jets out that night -on a training mission- that is what everyone saw... go home... stay calm... don't think!"How could anyone buy that? I mean, jet fighters always sound like jet fighters. They're loud as hell. They don't hang around, and if they do, you immediately call the nearest airbase and start complaining...because you know exactly what they are: JET Fighters.What BULL!By the way, for all of you "it's our secret weapon" answer to the UFO phenomenon advocates: if it was one of ours, why were the F-16s chasing it?There are many close encounters like these on the intriguing list below, encounters that scream out for some sane explanation.Peter Davenport at the National UFO Reporting Center kindly allows me to use a few here.Palouse, WA*, December 29, 1994, Evening. A woman decides to take a short-cut home through a wheat field. Three wedge-shaped objects, with lights on their leading edge, pass in front of her car. Event frightened her badly.Cordova, AK** - March 28, 1995 - Midnight : Woman sees object fly in front of her car several times in heavy fog. Suddenly, it stops and hovers just above her right fender. Several miles further along highway, she witnesses two discs on ground.Eastern seaboard March 17 - 1997 - 19:00 hrs. (Eastern)An FAA Air Traffic Controller telephones NUFORC to report multiple sighting reports by airline pilots of "metallic cigar tubes" tracking their aircraft for several seconds.Longview, WA* - February 25, 1999 - 1158 hrs. (Pacific) Fourteen forestry workers witness a horseshoe shaped object lift an adult elk out of the forest and fly off with the apparently dead, or unconscious, animal.St. Clair County, IL - January 05, 2000 - 0410 hrs. (Central) Officers from eight police departments witness, pursue, and photograph a huge, triangular object. Object "jumps" an estimate 20 miles in seconds. Scott AFB claims they did not see object.Even During World War II, detailed encounters of these massive "mother ships" were reported. Five Flying F4F Hellcats radar-detected fast moving objects they were scrambled to investigate. It is the summer of 1945. The pilots' descriptions follow:"it was bright and had a saucer shape like appearance. One pilot yelled over the radio "What the hell is that?" None of the pilots had ever seen anything like it. The object was big...the size of three aircraft carriers put side to side, it was oval shaped...very streamlined like [a] stretched out egg and pinkish in color....Some kind of vapor was being emitted around the outside edges from the portals or vents, the vapor was being discharged to form a cloud or disguise....object hovered in a fix position for twenty minutes...then went straight up... and disappeared".From the book: Strange Company, by Keith ChesterJames Oberg's great retort to this type of sighting is...."You know Pilots are not trained observers."How long are we going to put up with absolutely ridiculous explanations for these mass sightings?It is time for the debunkers, the media, the politicians and the average American citizen to realize something is flying in our airspace --something that can fly with virtual impunity anywhere in the world.Annoucments:ATLANTIC (EAST) COST CONFERECE - NO Diclosure No "ETRA polotics" just the fax mam, in Atlantic City FEB. 15, 16, 17 details here. For those who have asked about where to tape NASA missions. "Direct TV" carries the full NASA missions. Check with them for info."Also you could get your own dish on ebay, as my friend Vic explained to me. "Joe, the downlink is free. Just point the disk and hook it up to your system" Love ya vic".Joseph CappUFO Media MattersNon-Commercial Blog
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easter island,
rapa nui mythology
Easter Atoll provides a unrepeated and excellent tang to visit seasoned travelers. The islet is situated 1,260 miles in the center of the Placatory Ocean from the appearance close housing islet and 2,360 miles from South America, it is no request that it was shy unjustifiable for a longing get rid of of time. It is theorized by researchers that the first occupants were Polynesians who came about 400 A.D. and had no any contact with any other group of family tree. It was not until 1722 that Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen came and called the boundary marker for the day he anchored: Easter Sunday. Happening landing, he revealed the ancient islet come to of big human-faced shaped stonework statues common as Moai. It looked to be no explanation for the presence of these statues, and by the time the famous British Chief James Take home came in 1772, the big stonework statues had all been tumbled. To this time, it stays a obstacle what occurred that caused them to drop, and why the island's occupants all of a brilliant ceased handiwork them. One higher obstacle is how the ancient folks on such a throw away area were able to acquit and, higher excitingly, cope with and scheme their multi-ton masterpieces.Read Whole Tale AT EXTRATERRESTRIALS-ALIENS.COM
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extraterrestrial life,
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Near-infrared images of the active galaxy NGC 1097, obtained with the NACO adaptive optics instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope, disclose with unprecedented detail a complex central network of filamentary structure spiraling down to the center of the galaxy. These observations provide astronomers with new insights on how super-massive black holes lurking inside galaxies get fed. See article.g ABODES - Astronomers using the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in 2001 made the first direct detection and chemical analysis of the atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system. Their unique observations show it is possible to measure the chemical makeup of extra-solar planetary atmospheres - and potentially to search for chemical markers of life far beyond Earth. See article.g LIFE - Renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks is the author of many books, including "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" and "Uncle Tungsten". In this first of a two-part essay on astrobiology, Dr. Sacks discusses his early fascination with the possibility of life on other worlds and the beginnings of life on Earth. See article. In Part II, Dr. Sacks muses on the possibility of life on other worlds.g INTELLIGENCE - A new study finds that the correspondence of Albert Einstein, as well as that of Charles Darwin, followed patterns similar to modern email communication. See article.g MESSAGE - Here's something neat: A site about Project Target, or the Telescope Antenna Researching Galactic Extraterrestrial Transmissions, from Hay River Radio, which boldly proclaims that such signals indeed exist! See article.g COSMICUS - Today the Red Planet is dry and barren, but what about tomorrow? New data suggest that the long story of water on Mars isn't over yet. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.g LEARNING - Two national groups say the state of Kansas can't use their copyrighted material in proposed science standards that critics contend promote creationism. See article.g IMAGINING - Quote of the Day: "We need a dreamworld in order to discover the features of the real world we think we inhabit." - Paul Feyerabendg AFTERMATH - The scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence is accelerating its pace and adopting fresh strategies. This increases the likelihood of successful detection in the near future. Humanity's first contact with alien intelligence will trigger extraordinary attention from the media, from government authorities, and from the general public. By improving our readiness for contact, especially for security during the first 30 days, we can avoid the most negative scenarios - and also enhance humanity's benefits from this first contact with an alien intelligence. Six potential problem areas include communicating with the media and the public, communicating with scientific colleagues, government control, an assassin or saboteur, well-meaning officials and lawsuits. See article.Get your SF book manuscript edited
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It's hard for me to discount something written by a Ph.D. My wife is a Ph.D. and I pretty much believe anything she tells me, because she always says it with such authority. So it's difficult for me to come to grips with the latest section on the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, entitled "Reliability Assessment of Eyewitness Testimony," which is fact written by a Ph.D. and yet is innately goofy.
This section of the Manual has two purposes. The first is to teach us aspiring UFO Field Investigators how to distinguish accurate testimony from inaccurate testimony. The second is to teach us how to identify the ways witness' testimony can be distorted, so that we can estimate what has actually taken place. I like that, because it sounds like we get to make stuff up.
In some sense, though, this section is an utter waste of my time. I am a father of four, and hence am a pretty good judge of when testimony is accurate or inaccurate. For the same reason I am also a fair hand at spotting how and why testimony can be distorted, so that I can accurately estimate what has actually happened. If you don't believe me, read yesterday's post.
Still, this section was written by a Ph.D., so I figured maybe I could learn some new tricks. Right out of the gate, I learned that routine occurrences are very easy for most people to perceive, while rare occurrences are difficult for most people to perceive. Because of this, if someone sees a UFO and says straight out, "Hey, there's a UFO!" they are probably lying, because it should not be so easy for them to perceive that what they are seeing is a UFO. If the witness was honest and trustworthy, he or she would say something like, "Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No... it's; it's a UFO!
The Ph.D. underscores his point by saying, "If one encounters a witness who immediately recognized the object as a UFO, one should be very suspicious." In other words, if a witness identifies an object as an object, he or she can't be trusted. Mr. Ph.D. goes on to say, How could a person 'recognize' a UFO, unless he had seen one before (important point!), or had seen pictures or read descriptions of one?
Got that? If a UFO witness has seen actual UFOs before, or has seen pictures of UFOs or read descriptions of UFOs, he or she can't possibly have seen a UFO and must be lying.
I think the Ph.D. is forgetting what the letters "UFO" stand for: "Unidentified Flying Object." A UFO in and of itself has no defining characteristics (aside from the fact that it's flying), and so a UFO witness is actually on pretty solid footing when he or she immediately assumes that he or she is looking at something with no defining characteristics without first guessing that it's a pterodactyl or a zeppelin.
Indeed, the Ph.D. is the one who seems to be full of beans. He seems to be making the completely unwarranted assumption that UFOs are spaceships, while dismissing UFO witnesses who, in his warped way of thinking, make the very same assumption.
So, yeah, the Ph.D. has already lost me. But I have to give him another chance, because I am really looking forward to the part where we get to make stuff up.