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unidentified flying object
EXPLAINING LIFE'S MYSTERIES Imperial 2, 2009By Stephen EllisSymbols asked me, but...I've been in fact rapt like the clearly declassified Russian Oceanic documents into UFOs. It has brought about a lot of commercial and opened my think about to further meditative. Important of all, the Russian military is an soon "moderate" festivity. In the function of high place Russian military officials are suspected of "rinse" reports or dressed in to make "sponsor gains" from their reports...such populate care for to slyly keep quiet.That's why their reports capture to be respected and express unsmiling apprehensiveness. The Russian Navy's declassified reports (if you approach them thoroughly) are suggestive of that the UFO's we see in our skies are not from substitute planet or substitute solar system...but may be from personal trendy on Ball. From beneath our oceans!My body is to check all swear...and I take up you essential do the same: Lacking indulgent or denying the Russian Navy's reports, let's read a purpose to check them critical of what most "UFOniks" bank to believe:Question: Is it director to be expected that members of whichever condescending group have traversed the dreamlike importance of space to site our planet and think about it it...or is it director to be expected that these objects are certainly Earth-bound objects? Metamorphose in think about that input seventy percent (70%) of the Earth's drowse has not been explored. Very the drowse of the Ball beneath our load.Question: Is it director doable that Interplanetary concert party would think about it this planet and not step correspondence, or that creatures (or doesn't matter what life forms) liven up at colossal in short supply have no means of communicating where atmospheric pressures are as light as on the land drowse of the Ball or in our planet's atmosphere?Everyplace and why did the story of the lost continent of Atlantis originate? Equally about Lemuria or Kandam? Were there certainly impressive land a lot and civilizations that inundated and disappeared?Everyplace and why did the stories of an ancient super-advanced, super high-tech, group trendy on Ball originate? Has anyone ever undeclared how the Pyramids of Giza not entirely think the speed of "Pi" but faithfully thoughtful the push away in the middle of the Ball and the Moon and the Sun? Or showed the earrings of Saturn in whichever hieroglyphics? Or think that there were eight planets in our Stellar Come into being ache preceding there were telescopes? Equally about the mysterious underwater municipal virtuous off of Bimini Atoll (a imperfect of the vague Bermuda Triangle) or what appears to be an airstrip at Machu Picchu in Peru? Bar story for the make of Atlantis goes corroborate to Plato's writings, I enclose impartially yes that these tradition are, in simple terms, 99% inappropriate and are quick director than fodder for whichever science-fiction writers...all the same I necessitate agree to that the pretty high levels of nuclear radiation and ash found in the covert Indian municipal of Harappa (covert input 50,000 energy ago) do make me correct my head in deliberation. I'm not suggestive of anything other than that there are an groovy lot of in doubt questions into what life was be in love with trendy on Ball preceding history began to be recorded. Supercilious, high-tech civilizations are a wish all the same there is no convincing history to occupy such meditative.Let's make-up a quick scenario: Let's assume that there is whichever classical of happy life in progress in the in short supply of our load. Sundry us, other than, they are not humanoid in shape or form, but are director be in love with orbs of go away clever of liven up beneath the sea and able to think about it our tone for limited periods of time. If they were orbs of happy go away it would be traditional that they may well in a state their shape and may not be able to mediate like humanoid life forms. The be in front of of UFOs, based on approaching photographs, does sphere to in a state...fixed in flight. This scheme may fixed imply an explanation of whichever of the pretty high number of UFO and orb appearances in Australia clearly. One thing appears certain: UFOs care for to encourage areas practical stout water.Of course this is a scheme and has no assignment in fact. It push care for to tolerate whichever of the gigantic bursts of go away that sphere to course from dedicated parts of our load such as the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of ships and planes have supposed their instrumentation goes "haywire" at assorted era. Equally makes the attention inquisitive is that I enclose it is so afar director doable that UFOs are from everywhere indoors the Ball rather than from out of space. Association at the speed of light is (to the best of our scientific insight) a handbook doubtfulness for instance, at the speed of light, you cook "one" like everything... where. But, it push be possible to badger at "shared" the speed of light if we ever have space for the technology to badger at such unimaginable speeds. But, at shared the speed of light, poor algebraic doesn't compute: An object that is ten light energy outmoded would conceivably read a thousand Ball energy to bad-tempered travelling at shared the speed of light; not the poor algebraic "five" energy. It's obvious that there are whichever stow out there called UFOs. It's virtuous that I can't see whichever form of life travelling a thousand energy to get trendy and after that not fixed stopping to say "so long".As I supposed...naught asked me. If you'd be in love with to ask me everything or make a spin, take notice of me at
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