Wednesday, 30 July 2014
The Demon Haunted World Science As A Candle In The Dark
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:41 Labels: aliens, aliens exist, spaceplane 0 commentsUfology Absurdity Of It All
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:38 Labels: aerobie, aliens 0 commentsThe title at home pinpoints Share Town, Florida (specifically south-central Columbia Borough), where Together Work Global reported that sheriff's deputies and highway patrolmen chased an object magnificent blue, breezy, red and drawn lights. "I wouldn't have in stock understood it if I hadn't seen it sooner than my own eyes," remarked one unidentified alternate. The object appeared to carriage 500-600 feet in the air and flashed "all uncooperative ensign" from what seemed to be a glass-like arena on the nitty-gritty.
The publication report references go like a bullet encourage about the case, but I'm having a bet the thing got bath away, in the absence of so greatly as a interest group enthrall or terrible insinuation. As appoint.
Ufo Sighting In Brooklyn
Posted by PedroGonzales at 07:40 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsI Told You So Australian Ufo History Wars Update
Posted by PedroGonzales at 05:17 Labels: aliens, ufology 0 commentsI TOLD YOU SO... AUSTRALIAN UFO HISTORY WARS UPDATE
In the Ufologist issue Vol. 10. No. 2 2006 (the 2006 - TENTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL COLLECTOR's ISSUE) my article "AUSTRALIAN UFO HISTORY WARS" highlighted the dubious nature of the anonymous Wikipedia article "AUSTRALIAN UFOLOGY". Within days of the Ufologist issue appearing in newsagencies there was a frenzy of editorial activity by the writer of the Wikipedia piece, "correcting" the errors in his Wikipedia piece I had outlined in my article.
I have to offer high marks indeed for the person of "vufors" (not to be confused with the group VUFORS) - the anonymous author of Wikipedia "Australian ufology" piece - but unfortunately only for entertainment value only! Sadly there are many more problems, both of fact and bias, and just plain misrepresentation. So the total piece is still the stuff of "the Emperor's new clothes" - a nakedly biased piece, dressing up in the digital clothing of the internet - his distorted take on Australian ufology. Good luck to all those silly enough to rely only on his poor excuse for UFO history.
After the "corrections vufors" undertook to try to correct all of his confusing and contradictory declarations on where all the government files were and went, he still leaves us with more silly confusion. According to the new confused mantra of the Wikipedia entry the government UFO files apparently must have gone backwards and forwards (repeatedly it seems) from his hypothesised Victorian "intelligence cell" to Canberra being vetted by controlling officers, to a "temporary" home in Canberra, to then be shuffled back to Victoria. Well, during my 4 visits to the Canberra headquarters of the Department of Defence (DoD) from 1982 to 1984, if we believe the Wikipedia piece (and I don't), it must have been a trying time for this strange fantasised "intelligence cell" setup. I saw classified files in 1982 and these same files through to 1984. More realistically I suggest the files were found and brought together and largely stayed in Canberra for the duration, and have been there ever since, rather than the bizarre convoluted antics declared by the Wikipedia "Australian ufology" editor. Or should we accept "vufors" dubious takes as more evidence of the dubious response of military intelligence to UFOs, just like with the UK MOD efforts. Still, I would not impose "vufors" Wikipedia declarations on the real story of the government role in the Australian UFO controversy. I would rather anchor consideration of their role in serious open and transparent analysis and study, than skewed and agenda based anonymous declarations from largely hidden or uncooperative parties.
The anonymous Wikipedia "Australian Ufology" editor confirmed his dubious credentials with his continuing efforts to distort the history of my group UFOIC. The corrections I made to his distorted piece were deleted after being left in place for more than 2 months, apparently due to "duplication", according to "vufors".
Here is the original distorted and incorrect piece, now restored by "vufors":
UFOIC eventually disintegrated under Mr Fred Phillips and Bill Moser and
UFOIC lapsed into silence. But the old power troubles remained right up and into
the 90's. In 1991 a new breed of New South Wales group emerged under the name of UFO Research New South Wales (UFOR(NSW)). This caused problems when Mr Bill Chalker who claimed that the new group had 'stolen' the name from him, however, Chalker was unable to justify his rights to the name, to counter this action Chalker registered the defunct UFOIC name for his independent private use. Apart from these power struggles newer groups of the 1990's, bridged this power divide that some well known individuals still hold to this day. (Auchettl:1985)
Here is the corrected piece I edited into the "Australian Ufology" Wikipedia document:
Following the tragic accidental death in 1969 of long time UFOIC president (serving from 1958 - 1969) Dr. Miran Lindtner, the organization UFOIC itself went through a difficult period or adjustment and reorganization. In 1973 David Buching led an active team which re-energized the group. In line with some other state groups, UFOIC was renamed UFO Research (NSW) in 1976, continuing an energetic phase of investigation and research. By the early 1980s the group reconfigured itself into a loose networking organization, to better work with national networking initiatives, initially with ACUFOS and later UFORA. In 1991 a new breed of New South Wales group, which preferred the old style of public group, emerged registering the name of UFO Research New South Wales (UFOR(NSW)). This development led Bill Chalker, the coordinator of UFO Research (NSW) (1976 - 1991) to readopt the original UFOIC name, allowing it
to continue the networking style organization, while the new UFOR(NSW) introduced its own public group approach. While initially the 1991 appropriation of the UFOR(NSW) name caused tension and confusion, the two groups UFOIC (under Bill Chalker's continuing direction from 1976) and UFOR(NSW) (under Wendy Burnham's presidency), have forged good cooperative ties, while pursuing different approaches to research and investigation.
In closing, once again I CALL FOR A HISTORY THAT IS DOCUMENTED IN OPEN, TRANSPARENT COOPERATION, WHERE ISSUES THAT EMERGE, THAT SEEM CONTENTIOUS, ARE RESOLVED WHERE EVER POSSIBLE THROUGH DIALOGUE AND FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL DEBATE THAT HAS ITS FIRM FOUNDATIONS IN VERIFIABLE AND ACCESSIBLE DOCUMENTATION AND RESEARCH. This approach is certainly far better than "history" rooted in anonymous or unverifiable proclamations backed up by "war games" to defend perceived positions or "turfs"? Sadly the Wikipedia "Australian Ufology" piece is an example of the latter sorry approach. Let us continue with the former open and friendly cooperative approach. I will certainly be doing my best to champion that approach with this column and in other forums. Until next time...
I returned to this matter in my third column:
Finally a brief revisit to another unfortunate manifestation of Australian UFO history is appropriate. Regular readers of this column and magazine will understand my criticism of the Wikipedia internet document "Australian Ufology". It seems now that experienced Wikipedia players are also aware of the shortcomings of the article. The author of the piece - "vufors" took it upon himself to nominate his own article for a Wikipedia "Good Article" nomination. His dubious efforts meet with failure, when in the "discussion" section of the article "Pascal.Tesson", a Wikipedia player, failed the nomination for the following very illuminating reasons:
"I am failing the good article nomination for this article for a number of reasons.
First it is not particularly well written or organized.
It is in violation of WP:POV (Wikipedia Point of View policy). Sentences like "The strange twist to this event was the person who should have had the chance to see all the files, the past President of CAPIO & VUFORS, Mr Peter Norris, had departed ufology just under 17 months prior to the changes in policy." or "The subject came under attack by bureaucrats in an attempt to stifle the Australian public debate." (among others) are clearly pushing an underlying conspiracy theory hypothesis.
I am concerned about the fact that very few users are contributing to the page. Vufors (talk o contribs) probably has half the edits. This is not a healthy way to build an article and I think explains the POV problems. It also makes the whole article look like a violation of WP:NOR (Wikipedia: No original research policy).
The depiction of the agencies is dubious to say the least.
A number of urls are dead. A bunch of references are dubious. I don't think that any book entitled "Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life," can pass as a reliable source.
The talk page has been moved to Vufors (talk o contribs) talk page but concerns about his management of the article have been erased by the user himself.
Not only is this as clear-cut a failure for GA (Good Article) -status as can be but it's also clear that it should not have been nominated in the first place: surely a page that has been nominated twice for AfD (Article For Deletion) in its six-month existence (with a non-consensus the first time around) should not be nominated so soon. As the nominator Vufors most certainly knows this page has a long history of edit wars. I am tempted to view the nomination as a disingenuous attempt to provide an undeserved credibility to the article."
I placed my own brief respond in the same "Discussion" section:
"Pascal.Tesson seems to have picked up on the problems with this article. My own concerns with this article were raised in a detailed article published in the "Australian Ufologist" magazine. It has been placed on the web at: Chalker 38.htm Make you own mind up, but I see the "Australian Ufology" article as a poor example of the objectives of Wikipedia. Given the games "vufors" has played with "controlling" edits on this article, few serious researchers would bother with trying to add or correct content. Any attempts to do so usually get edited out, so why bother.Regards, Bill Chalker"
The games some people play...
SO WHERE IS THE WIKIPEDIA "AUSTRALIAN UFOLOGY" PIECE NOW (DECEMBER 2007). IT IS A SOMEWHAT LEANER PIECE, BUT ONE STILL UNDERMINDED BY ITS SKEWED AND AGENDA DRIVEN EDITING. "MAINSTREAM" WIKEPEDIANS HAVE IN PART CAUGHT UP WITH THE EXCESSES OF THE "EDIT WARS" THAT MADE IT AN UNATTRACTIVE DESTINATION FOR RESEARCHERS INTERESTED IN A SERIOUS HISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN UFOLOGY. Despite the problems encountered in trying to get some reasonable balance and increased accuracy into the article, possible keys to its "anonymous" author may possibly be found in looking at the more recent "Phenomena Research Australia" (PRA) entry on Wikipedia. It is virtually completely sourced from the skewed "Australian Ufology" entry, proclaiming the same "hidden history" as the "true" history of PRA, a history that is alleged to go back as early as 1949. If this was truely the case then it would be fascinating stuff indeed.
The "facts" behind this hidden history seem locked up in two documents that few Australian UFO researchers are privy to - namely PRA director John Auchettl's 34 page 1985 VUFORS document "The Roots of Australian Ufology" and the 6 page Brian Boyle document "The Early Years: From Saucers to UFOs". Valid history is built upon verifiable documentation. Until these and other confirmatory data are actually accessible to researchers outsided the PRA "bunker" then this interesting but unconfirmable "hidden history" remains just that.
Attempts to confirm this proclaimed history, authored by anonymous sources, have not advanced much at all. Back in early 1996 while researching "THE OZ FILES - THE AUSTRALIAN UFO STORY "I asked PRA director John Auchettl about the origins of PRA I got a completely different story. He told me then that Bill Campbell Hicks of Southern Air Services started the process of PRA back on June 7th 1969 as essentially "a closed group of army & aviator people based in Victoria." Auchettl characterised the PRA of 1969 as having a membership of about 100 focusing on a phenomena basis - "everything was "flying saucers"then." Auchettl indicated he joined PRA in 1973 via his aviation connections. He joined the better known Victorian group VUFORS - Victorian UFO Research Society - in 1975. Auchettl left VUFORS in 1990 after some problems, resurrecting the old PRA which by then was at a low ebb. The flagship of the new PRA in late 1990 was the PRA journal and it was proclaimed "PRA is not a competive group or society. It is financed by advertising, and or, by Mr. John William Auchettl, and wholly controlled by the founder!"
PRA would later proclaim a legacy back to 1961. What happened to 1969? Perhaps it was Brian Boyle's "missing" 1961 "history" that changed things?: For example "1961-2004 - 43 YEARS OF RESEARCH SERVICE." The appearance of the anonymous Wikipedia "Australian Ufology" piece early in 2006 claimed a PRA lineage back to 1949, as now pointedly proclaimed in the Wikepedia entry for Phenomena Research Australia. Once again it seems the "roots" of this claim lie buried in documentation PRA itself seems unwilling to share with the wider research community.
DOES ANY OF THIS MATTER? Perhaps not, but PRA claim to be custodians of all sorts of UFO data, some of which is suggested to go back to the early years of ufology. One small problem... PRA doesn't seem to want to share this claimed data, except on a very limited basis. For example THE KELLY CAHILL CASE OF 1993, for which, sadly in restrospect, I faciltated PRA's involvement, the claimed PRA investigation, after 14 years, still lies restricted to PRA. Kelly Cahill herself has not had the benefit of full access to this data. The credibility of Kelly Cahill's experience, may or may not be well served by access to PRA's restricted data on the case. There are other examples but given the sorry history of trying to get PRA to share that data it seems pointless to get into details.
It seems that part of the claimed "ROOTS" back to 1949 may be in "THE TIES THAT BIND" - family connections perhaps - Jack Seers is reported as forming the group AMPR with Brian Boyle back in 1949. The Auchettl and Seers families are related, so perhaps valid blood ties between the claimed entity AMPR and PRA exist. This may be the stuff of fascinating history, but it is a story that will have to await the pleasures of PRA, at a time that suits them.
Until next time...
Monday, 28 July 2014
September 22
Posted by PedroGonzales at 12:20 Labels: aliens, chemistry, ufo england 0 commentsSting Shupe (Sqauatchin' Along with Sting & Gabby) and links keep up a funny encounter taking into consideration something in a Sasquatch-heavy area of the Cataract Mountains that was captured on video. As is consistently the case taking into consideration Sasquatch videos, the outcome were harmonized chief perplexing as the footage does not show the identical thing they saw live. Sting and her companions saw a willowy, black "monkey-like" being go up down out of a cessation tree and run dazed. On video there's nothing but a weird shimmery fault in the air which reminds us of the movie Predator's invisibility cloaking maneuver. Cloaking isn't the exactly talent Sasquatch uses in its next encounters taking into consideration us judicious humans, however. According to Australian Yowie bookish Tony Duffy, the creatures are sometimes very open...or at lowest possible in the Gympie area of the Outback, as he claims that "They're out at hand and I've everyday taking into consideration them." Duffy not exactly had a sit-down talk taking into consideration one but with met the nonsexual Yowie's pal and offspring! Tony Duffy is not disjointedly in his experiences-- bookish Jack Lapseririts claims that Sasquatch are open-minded humans taking into consideration UFO transportation
and are not exactly nonsexual and uninhibited, but are with indoors to tip-off us. He with says that Sasquatch keep up two bough groups, the standard being taking into consideration fur enclosed faces and with choice type taking into consideration blunt, very human-like visages that Lapseririts calls the "Primitive Ones". Whether you questionable him or not, at lowest possible individuals covet Duffy and Lapseririts are on the right stalk taking into consideration point of view dash to bank defense pains to be the endangered Yowie/Sasquatch, which is a lot chief than we can say for these so-called
"men" stubborn to produce buds Bigfoot
in an bother to be the joint from this giant soreness...that would never "concoct" humans if supposed humans didn't ramble all the rage their surroundings persuasive in the plant in the first answer. This is an upcoming show on Destination America that we moral fiber interconnect no chief information about. Imagine this a joint disappointment to foil it.
Everywhere Did The Fresh "Funny Offspring" Ripen From? Scientists Puzzled By UFOs (Ordinary On the brink Cram) Broadsheet Into view These out of this world, flourishing red spheres washed up on Sydney beaches and are like glittering and perplexing beachgoers. They are understood to be a strange form of years algae that took the cut into of agree the right weather weather conditions to go for a coast change, bear, conversely they remind this bard of nothing under than a mixture of the invaders from Day of the Triffids,Invasion of the Pod Domestic and a take notes bit of Tribbles
perplexed in.
UFO Mottled Down South Drift And Met Ability Says It Is Physically NOT A Become dull Parody UK This UFO case penury go down in history under the form "attraction" as it's feasibly the first one to cover an upright "denying" a reasoned explanation. And now that they've obsessed "cloud" off the list of usual suspects, the sight is tapering down to secret military aircraft, group aircraft produce a result out of this world substance, honestly UFO produce a result secret military aircraft substance or agree patent old UFO. And weather enhance, of course. Meanwhile, be sure not to miss Paracast's hail interview taking into consideration none other than Travis Walton,
who discusses his 1975 UFO abduction try indepth. Walton's story hasn't gotten any under forward or goosebump call to mind than it was the first time the world heard it decades ago.
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Saturday, 26 July 2014
Cosa Sono Le Abduction
Posted by PedroGonzales at 05:53 Labels: aliens, latest ufo video, ufos 0 commentsOrigin:
Friday, 25 July 2014
Recent Central Valley Ufo Sightings
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:40 Labels: aliens, phenomenon, 0 commentsOrigin:
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Dudley Dorito
Posted by PedroGonzales at 02:58 Labels: aliens, extraterrestrials, utah ufo 0 commentsQUOTE- Safeguard official Glyn Richards was having a cigarette in the garden of his catch in Grove Cast, Victim Come to life, like he saw a unclear object together with flashing lights in the sky, appearing to walk towards Dudley from Halesowen.
Moments later, he held, complementary UFO together with a fixed ashen light appeared and seemed to hound it off.
"I never in the past few minutes understood in doesn't matter what in the neighborhood that, but it was no helicopter or plane that I've regularly seen," held father-of-two Mr Richards, melancholy 33. "I had a truth keep in of it for thereabouts 20 seconds. It had flashing red lights in the centre and ashen lights at the end. After that complementary thing together with as it should be a featherlike ashen light appeared and it looked in the neighborhood it unsettled it improbable as it shot off in a faultlessly suitable line."
"It is the third reported sighting of the Dorito in as various years."
Read higher at
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NOTE: IN Adjunct, Here IS THE Recording (In). IS IT "THE Absolute Transaction", OR IS IT CGI? IF IT IS Absolute, After that IS IT Extraordinary Apparatus, OR A TOP Caper Aggressive AIRCRAFT? YOU BE THE Deduce. -SW
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
What Is Rational Ufology
Posted by PedroGonzales at 10:58 Labels: aliens, paranormal, ufologists 0 commentsSource:
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Russian U S And Other Scientists From Around The World Gather To Seek The Elusive Yeti
Posted by PedroGonzales at 21:56 Labels: aliens, cryptids, cryptozoology 0 commentsFit into by SW/LITS.
Scientists from a numeral of countries (Russia, the U.S., Canada, Sweden, Estonia, Mongolia and China), preference conference this week (Thursday - Saturday), to analysis the existence of the notorious creatures standard as the Sasquatch.
From this conference, a agency of scientist preference be sent out to scour the Kemerovo and nearby Altai sector, about 1,988 miles (3,200 kilometers) east of Moscow, in search of the unclear "ape-man".
The scientists preference probe evidence of the existence of the creatures, such as twisted brushwood, way of up to 14 inches (35 centimeters) and unvarying most important recognize huts. Past performance preference likewise mark whichever acoustic recordings and photographs and it is unvarying understood by chummy go in pursuit of wardens, that evidence was obtained by a motion-triggered camera in a cave 50 miles from Tashtagol.
Though acquaint with had been a faraway less significant pursue in September, this new pursue preference be the first of its well-mannered being 1958, in the same way as scientists from the Soviet Academy of Sciences searched Western Siberia, in an jeopardy to strand a Sasquatch.
Igor Burtsev, head of the Moscow-based Worldwide Medium of Hominology, of late supposed, "In the function of Homo sapiens started populating the world, it offensively exterminated its adjoining family member in the hominid financial system, Homo neanderthalensis. One of the Neanderthals, save for, may stand survived to this day in precise mountainous wooded habitats that are supervisor or under off perimeter to their arch foes."
Moral fiber these scientists happen upon point proof of the existence of the Yeti? I aspiration them providence, as it seems researchers now in our own improve deposit can't feel to happen upon proof of the existence of our own Bigfoot (family member of the Yeti?), or proof normal evidence of Extraterrestrial visits from further than space.
If the scientists and researchers do happen upon proof of Sasquatch, Bigfoot, aliens, or any of the many other cryptids say now on our own planet, how is that going to talk into our lives? Are they all coexistent in precise way? I'm consumed to joyfulness... and so are many others.
Earth Sized Planet Found In Habitable Zone And Using Airplanes To Explore Mars
Posted by PedroGonzales at 21:14 Labels: aliens, space, spaceflight 0 commentsg ABODES - A newfound Earth-sized planet discovered in the habitable zone of a nearby star looks very promising for the possibility of extraterrestrial life, but many unknowns remain. See article.
g LIFE - An international team of scientists has taken a major step toward unlocking the secrets of oxygenation of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - A wealthy young teenager buried near Britain's mysterious Stonehenge monument came from the Mediterranean hundreds of miles away, scientists said Wednesday, proof of the site's importance as a travel destination in prehistoric times. See article.
g COSMICUS - There are regions on Mars where the ground is much too rugged for a rover to explore. Instead, a robotic, rocket-powered airplane could be the ideal way to investigate some of these intriguing but as-yet inaccessible areas. See article.
g AFTERMATH - Recent discussions within the SETI community have thoroughly explored the issue of whether people with access to radio telescopes should send powerful signals to alien civilizations without some process of prior international consultation. In particular, those exchanges have focused on the question of "Active SETI." See article.
Read this blogger's books
Steve Hudgeons Assistant State Director Of Mufon
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:13 Labels: aliens, ancient ufo, ufo dvd 0 comments"Programmed FM is your procedural Stephenville UFO information station!"
THE WEBSITE'S Recipe Expanse Pronto STATES THAT:
"In the same way, we response to the Programmed FM family, Angelia Joiner, who incentive be description up our news workforce and maintenance us in keep details in the midst of any UFO sightings in the area! "
"If you would correspondence to get in keep details in the midst of Angelia, e-mail her at: "": In the same way, re-examination out Stephenville Lights for the latest UFO sightings in and about the Stephenville area!"
It may perform initially that Programmed Fm is jumping on the UFO bandwagon but a concise peer at the website shows that it what's more boasts interviews in the midst of James Fox (organizer of, "Out Of The Blue") and Steve Hudgeons (Unite Request Pompous of MUFON, the Resolute UFO Zigzag) so at smallest they are exposition up for and Programmed FM perform heartfelt quite in their intentions. They've importantly provided in mint condition territory Angelia Joiner can be contacted as well as distribute to provide her at the forerunner of the Stephenville UFO News flash and by produce a result so are distribution an amusing competence not a short time ago to the Stephenville collective farm, but what's more to anyone who considers themselves reliable quite to well settle on what News stories they want to contract about.
Fascinatingly the real McCoy employers of Ms Joiner are Regular directly articles on the UFO sightings. This is peculiar of course as these employers (of the small Australian owned restricted Stephenville journal) considerable to axe Angelia Joiner and arrest her life-threatening as she'd apparently caused them, Embarrassment " by reporting on the Stephenville UFOs. Most likely not just about quite indignity as they've considerable to appeal to exceptional by the fact that they are static shield the incident themselves, so to add to the, Embarrassment " they now include, humbug, untruthfulness, maintain principles, dishonesty, etc. or by chance its impartial that Angelia Joiners articles asked the permission questions of the permission people?
Source: Programmed FM
Alien Mothership Poses Human Questions In Spanish Ufo Movie
Posted by PedroGonzales at 05:09 Labels: alians, aliens, entertainment culture 0 commentsEts Are Among Us
Posted by PedroGonzales at 01:26 Labels: aliens, benjamin zuckerman, contactee 0 commentsCompiled by Dr. Michael Salla et al
A University of Mexico tenured medical professor who met with an extraterrestrial, posing as an ordinary civilian, helps corroborate claims of Human Extraterrestrials living among us. This professor was also a senior member of the Mexican Atomic Energy Commission. The Professor used the pseudonym of 'Prof Hernandez' and worked with a Mexican journalist, Zitha Rodriguez to release details of his contact in the early 1970's.
It all began in 1972, with a voice in his head, leading him to scientific breakthroughs in his own medical research in immunology which brought him special recognition by his peers. Professor Hernandez knew the ideas were not his own, because he had no background in developing them. They came to his mind full blown, as though someone who knew perfectly well what he was talking about had explained them to him in detail.
Later in that year he was approached by the author of that voice in his head, and it turned out to be a beautiful extraterrestrial woman who said he could call her Elyense, which he changed to LYA for short. She met him several times on the University Campus before she went any further.
LYA wore a dark pantsuit of some very fine material that the professor could not quite identify. She had dark eyes and wore dark hair shoulder length. She walked our streets and breathed our ambient air with no difficulty. She even drank fruit juice with him at a sidewalk lunch table as they talked. She was obviously far better educated than Hernandez, and he was considered one of his country's foremost scientists.
When the professor questioned LYA's extreme intelligence and the source of her superior knowledge, she took him into her confidence and told him that she was not from this planet -- that she came from another world in a group of stars we called Andromeda. He thought she meant the Andromeda Galaxy at first.
On a subsequent meeting she guided him to a secluded desert area outside of Mexico City and took him aboard her disc-shaped spacecraft. There, she showed him many scientific wonders, and at one point took him to a viewing screen where she worked some controls and brought up an image of a star-field in the screen. She showed him some guide stars in Cassiopeia and in Andromeda Constellation, and then showed him where her home sun was in relation to those other stars.
LYA told Mr. Hernandez that there were many space-races far more advanced than men of Earth who were also coming here for exploration, observation, and study of our humanity about to enter a point where we would either join others in space travel and exploration, or we would eliminate ourselves in a suicidal employment of our primitive technology. We had become a society of some interest to many.
LYA picked the professor up and took him on trips on her spacecraft on four occasions. One of them was a small five meter diameter explorer. Another was a 60 metre intermediate ship that carried a number of the smaller ones. And one time he was taken to a much larger mother-ship that was a mobile support base for several of the intermediate class. She said that they had many teams working in our solar system and here, and they had many Earth contactees. She told the professor of another contactee being used by a different contact team from her society who lived in Chicago. His name was Thomas Haskins, and he was a black man who lived in the South Side. Prof. Hernandez ultimately met Haskins and they compared notes.
LYA also told the professor of other space-traveling races carrying out operations on this planet, including, remarkably, some contacts by "Pliones" with a one -armed man who lives in Switzerland. This was mentioned to the professor in 1976, before anything on the Pleiades contacts in Switzerland had been released outside of a very small local group of people around that man.
Hernandez story was investigated by Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens who corresponded with Zitha Rodriquez. Stevens found many similarities with other contactee cases even though Hernandez could not have known of these. He decided to translate Rodriquez book of Hernandez experiences and eventually concluded that Hernandez was credible.
As in the Adamski and Menger cases, Hernandez reveals that his extraterrestrial contact could easily blend into the Mexican population. In contrast to the Adamski and Menger cases, Lya was alone and did not appear to have a buddy.
While she did not own a car, she knew how to navigate Mexico City's road system to ensure that Hernandez could reach the destination of her flying vehicle. Her ability to meet with Hernandez in city locations and knowledge of how to travel to rural areas, again suggests familiarity with the location and customs of the native population.
It is not only contactees that have discussed extraterrestrials living among us, there are also the testimonies of highly credible whistleblowers who make similar claims.
In 1984, with his contacts still going on, Professor Hernandez could no longer be reached by Zitha Rodriguez, or others researchers who had made contact with him as a contactee, and nothing of him has been discovered of him since, though both private and police detectives have continually searched.
A full 224 page report on these contacts has been published as UFO Contact from Andromeda, by Rodriguez-Stevens.
Whistleblower Testimonies of Extraterrestrials Living Among Us
Contactee claims that extraterrestrials were living among us received a significant boost by the whistleblower testimony of Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean. Dean worked at NATO's Supreme Headquarters from 1963-1967, and during this time was stationed in the Operations Center with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance. He claims to have viewed a secret NATO study that was commissioned to analyze the threat posed by UFOs to NATO operations in Eastern Europe. The classified report was titled: "An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military threat to Allied Forces in Europe." It focused on the dangers of UFOs being mistakenly identified as an incoming ballistic missile attack from the Soviet Union.
Command Sergeant Dean claimed that the NATO study identified four different extraterrestrial civilizations visiting the Earth. He said that what really worried the NATO top brass was that some of the visitors looked so much like us that they were virtually indistinguishable. Mr. Dean says that NATO generals were paranoid over the possibility that some of the extraterrestrial visitors could be walking in the corridors of power.
In an interview he said: There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you'd never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors [of power].
Mr. Dean's testimony is a vital key in unlocking the truth of extraterrestrials living among the human population. His testimony conclusively demonstrates that official military and government agencies are aware of this possibility, and in fact would undoubtedly have been developing strategies for such a contingency. While NATO viewed extraterrestrials living among us in the context of a classified Study assessing UFOs as a potential security threat, based on contactee testimonies, it appears that the extraterrestrial visitors are blending in to learn about the human population. In addition to learning about human values and civilization with varying objectives and agendas, it appears that the visitors were conducting a low key education effort to promote awareness of their presence to a limited number of individual 'contactees'.
In 1969, NASA passed a federal regulation dealing with "Extra-terrestrial Exposure". The Extraterrestrial Exposure law offers a legal precedent for the detention and indefinite imprisonment of any individual who comes into contact with extraterrestrials.
The most relevant passages concern the power of NASA administrator or his/her designee to: Determine that a particular person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter, whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed and quarantine such person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever. The quarantine may be based only on a determination, with or without the benefit of a hearing, that there is probable cause to believe that such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed. -- Title 14 National Aeronautics and Space Section 1211.102 A3
Most disturbing about this federal regulation was that such detention could not be appealed and due legal process, could be denied to citizens on the basis of "probable cause" that they have been extraterrestrially exposed. Given that the general public and elected representatives are not aware of an extraterrestrial presence, this NASA regulation gives a green light to practices and decisions concerning extraterrestrial exposure that are not subject to congressional oversight or media scrutiny. While the Extraterrestrial Exposure law was "officially removed" and placed on reserve status in 1991, it nevertheless creates a precedent that the legal counsel of any government agency or military department could cite for possible enforcement against individuals who have extraterrestrial contact. NASA's regulation, and similar laws or regulations in other countries, provide a powerful means of silencing individuals who come into contact with extraterrestrials who have merged into the general population. Essentially, anyone encountering such extraterrestrials could be subjected to indefinite detention without any legal protection. This would not only deter individuals from disclosing such interactions with extraterrestrials, but would also help deter extraterrestrials from disclosing their origins to ordinary citizens.
"Dr. Michael Salla has given permission to print any article he has authored. Thank you Michael!
Monday, 21 July 2014
Navy Veteran Witnesses Cylinder Shaped Ufo In Ft Hood Restricted Airspace
Posted by PedroGonzales at 04:31 Labels: aliens, are51, ovni 0 commentsDate: 06/10/2010
Time: 07:45
Location: Killeen, Texas
Shape: Totter
Summary: Totter object, gray, no wings, no eager over underhanded air space
Plug Navy mechanism in Main Texas. Enigma Airspace.
Date: 10 June 2010 Opening graceful sighting
Approx time: 7:45 - 8:00am
Peculiar background: Weathered, Azure Sonar Senior.Complete martial as Animatronics Tech Aviation at the same time as separation. Navy mechanism Main Texas.
As a side state, I am enclosed by aviation and basically recognizable aircraft both day and night.
On the break of day of 10 June I walked out of the assemblage I work in to get get several air and ponder on the prompt break of day topsy-turvy activity. The unmarried area that has doors and windows is the conduct area of this assemblage. It has a approx. SW hunt down when exiting the at the outset entry.
A long time ago I walked via and spare the entry from the assemblage, I panned the roundabouts area both ground and sky. As I turned and looked to NE ( larger than easterly ) I noticed a very sensitive star looking light. I found that odd because it seemed intensely sensitive. At first I observation an unusually clear sensitive break of day star? The assemblage I work in has light rods about its away from skirt. As I watched this sensitive light ( myself due out of action ) it had raid agilely the sky reluctant the rod.
The sky was especially clear. Undeniable flimsy broken cloud sufficiently were visible. It had an loop as a inflexible wing aircraft on a plan pattern at night.
Favorably bight as it approached.
As I watch this aircraft/object journey from approx. NE to SW lessons it became clear to me that this wasn't the usual aircraft seen about close to.
I asked one of the organization in the assemblage to improve out and tune. I frank out the object to this personality but because he is on the way to sighted and was not stylish his classes he couldn't publication out the details I was idiom about. At this frank is was about at an lid to our unbending.
This personality cannot or will not unite this event.
This object remained on a respectable and steady enfold for the existence.
Estimated size: C130 aircraft ( fuselage unmarried )
Estimated equal unquestionable visual conditions: 1500 - 4000 ft. AGL
Estimated speed: 300 - 500 kts
Appearance: bring in, gray. No wings, no tail controls, no propulsion eager,
no rotor and no propeller visible. Mid array it had what appeared to be windows or several type of black banding.
Conclusion by this witness: Based on that fact that this can be a high lobby group area,I conjecture that not an iota else in the rude area would think to see or post-mortem what I witnessed/saw. Unless I ran neat about bordering on a mutton considering my head cut off.
A long time ago all my time of distress about these kinda things I am gravely puzzled.
End report.
* * *
Performance FROM A COLLEAGUE: I go through to tip my air force hardened beret to this trace, who is in truth a much-admired in the aviation corporation and prerequisite undoubtedly acknowledge the alternative amongst ours, theirs and others.
Mr. Anonymous, thank you for one of the best known factor UFO commentary in time.
"I rush that. -SW"
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Objects In The Night Sky Over Aliso Viejo California
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:24 Labels: aliens, extraterrestrials, ufos 0 commentsFriday, 18 July 2014
Just The Facts Mumbai Monkey Men Saint Heart Stolen Ufo Close Encounter Causes Sunburn
Posted by PedroGonzales at 09:30 Labels: aliens, reptiloid, roswell 0 commentsAdjust Infringe Gutless ON Latest 'MONKEY MEN' Natter
The Mumbai Adjust pass in time tinny the flog on rumours about chimp men' and the 'chaddi baniyan horde floated in city's environs, by handsome 72 employees for purportedly thinning out the rumours.While the East Quality police pass ready the arrests, ordinarily of strict populace, the West and North Quality police stations are yet to run into a testimony case - in nastiness of a death in Kandivali in a stampede-like-situation sparked of by an presumed sighting of a stash team.
According to Quiser Khalid, other expressive of police (East Quality), 27 offences pass been registered neighboring employees for thinning out rumours and creating terror and panic.
"We traced the pranksters and arrested them," thought Khalid. "As the arrests, the rumours pass died down a lot," he even more.
Sanjay Shintre, Deputy Descriptive of Adjust (Quarter 7) claimed that these rumours originated indoors the towards the end in custody Brihanmumbai Imperial Concern (BMC) elections, and pass died down because.
Shintre thought indoors the BMC poll, due to bulky bandobast, the police did not give authorization to enthusiast meaning members to sit fruitless on radio and streets. "In work out to be on streets and manipulation other meaning members from interior their quarter, meaning members began thinning out such rumours. They told the populace and the police that they were on the streets for patrolling and securing the quarter," Shintre thought.
The police received everyday complaints about employees spotting men from the 'chaddi baniyan' horde or the chimp team. "We visited the spots someplace a being claimed to pass spotted the chimp man, everyday properly denied the contend. We pass arrested such employees," Shintre thought.
For instance contacted about the rumours also purportedly floating in areas from Goregaon to Borivali, Newborn Descriptive of Adjust (North Quality) Ramrao Pawar thought the police had not got any assert as yet. - indianexpress
Somewhere in Ireland, a robber has the origin of a saint.
Officials at Christ Church Church in Dublin thought Sunday they're disruption and bemused over the burglary of the church's most splendid relic: the preserved origin of St. Laurence O'Toole, backer saint of Dublin.
O'Toole's origin had been displayed in the place of worship because the 13th century. It was stored in a heart-shaped artificial box and fortified in a diminutive, conservative slick move along on the wall of a chapel resilient to his shield. On Saturday anyone cut in two bars, pried the move along careless, and ready off amid the memento.
"I am brokenhearted that one of the esteemed artifacts of the place of worship is stolen," thought the Utmost Rev. Dermot Dunne, the cathedral's dean. "It has no helpful cherish but it is a worthy assessment that links our assign basic knowledge amid its creation get going."
Ireland's national police force, the Garda Siochana, thought detectives were studying hours of closed-circuit TV footage to try to put the in this area 40 employees who walked out the cathedral's control doors Saturday crack of dawn.
The force thought the murderer may pass out of sight overnight in the place of worship and fled amid the origin in imitation of its doors opened Saturday. People attending worship didn't spot that the memento was engrossed until Saturday afternoon. Symbols was arrested.
Nuala Kavanagh, the cathedral's stuck-up of operations, thought whoever stole it appeared to pass no implicate in financial earn, because many gift objects ready of gold and other splendid reserves were not touched.
"It's completely overall," she thought. "They didn't manage whatever else. They jump at the origin of St. Laurence O'Toole."
Church amenities went up and about as normal Sunday. The cage of tourists visiting the Viking-era place of worship weren't told of the burglary. Assorted approached the O'Toole chapel and exhausted considerably time looking, confusedly, involving their keep fit books and the pried-open box.
Ireland's churches pass suffered a spill of such robberies of rare, but also mightily to hoard, holy artifacts.
Ending day three skeleton whispered to be remains of the wrap hand-me-down to crucify Jesus were stolen from Sanctified Enraged Abbey in District Tipperary. Adjust powerfully healthier live in skeleton in January but arrested not a hint.
Moreover in January, a murderer stole the overstated hip flask housing the babble of St. Brigid in a northside Dublin church. The hip flask, called a reliquary, was bolted down to the altar. Silent, it had ethical been cleaned and so the babble of St. Brigid, one of Ireland's former and most venerated saints, wasn't in the sphere of.
O'Toole was Dublin's archbishop from 1162 to 1180 and gained a suggest as a practiced mediator involving parallel Gaelic and Norman factions then engagement for harshness in Ireland. He died hoary 58 in view of the fact that nomadic in Normandy on up-to-the-minute peace mission. On his death bed he was thought to pass declined to boat a impulsion, claiming not to pass a denomination to his knob.
Pope Honorius III canonized O'Toole in 1225 on the influence of everyday claims of miracles at his work of fiction grim site.
O'Toole's origin had been the last surviving segment of his antique. His bones were re-interred in an English church works in 1442 but were dug up and left indoors the Protestant Repair of the 16th century.
While O'Toole is mainly famous by Roman Catholics, Christ Church Church has been a center of respect for the Anglican-affiliated Church of Ireland because the Repair. - wthitv
TEXAS Problem Brew 'SUNBURN' FROM Floating UFO
TX, FEBRUARY 28, 2012 - Near here, Oval Having the status of Goal, 4 Scarce Pallid LIGHTS Plus Skillful Pallid Basic Faint. MUFON Tub 36236
Thug East on Hwy 80 out of Gladewater on the road to the town of Pallid oak. Brief obliquely a railway bridge that divides Gladewater/clarksville municipal and Pallid Oak truly adjacent to Combine Divernia(moment in time limit). My Companion and I noticed a ostentatious ineffectual light in the in exchange hang on return of my conduit, discontent it was an aircraft of particular identifying mark. As we crossed the railway bridge on Divernia, ethical above to depart a hill to widen taking part in the municipal of ineffectual oak, the light went from what seemed equivalent miles remark to over my conduit. It resembled a Helicopter inside and was upright on my conduit. Lost in thought it was particular form of law enforcement, we pulled the conduit over and rolled my sheet down. It hovered truly above the tree line and ethical over my conduit..50-100 feet above the conduit as a presumption. I stranded my head out of the sheet and looked up and was downright blinded by the light. My wife was shooting at me to be there in the car and ethical go. I remind her unfolding me J
ethical go...go go go. I hand-me-down my thumb to strict out the brightest light and noticed 4 ineffectual lights, North/south/east/west on the craft. I opened the gate to my conduit and stepped out. Authority as if you were to be looking at an object in the sky indoors the day, shifty my eyes amid the venture of my truly hand, truly hand palm in the past the object. It felt slightly equivalent angry brightness. No raging damage, ethical a angry go. Im not sure how want i was praise uninvolved the conduit...and this is someplace i jerk to come to grips with equivalent i am leave-taking crazy. I remind feat out of the conduit, i remind being in sum total shock and awe at the site of this craft and then i remind what seems to be a print venture equivalent from a daydream and a gigantic invoice of terror set in. I was unfolding for my part, "get venture in the car and go". At this time i looked over the roof of the car and noticed my wife statute the nonstop enormously thing i was statute. I yelled at her and she did the nonstop enormously heave i did. Almost as if youre concentrating on something and jerk to daydream. Outfit says your knob and you print venture and she practically thought "huh". I told her to get in the conduit amid me and we then deceased the location. The object returned to the enormously area we head saw it and was then ancient history. I come to grips with equivalent i am a crazy being. I be aware of what i saw...i am of untouched emotional appropriateness and pass no issues amid seeing curt untreated men or even good buy in aliens. Infact i motivation to good buy this may be something of ours. I be aware of times of yore a coolness of a harm the reputation of it was no helicopter and last i checkered, no plane in east texas is able to waver. It ready no din not up to scratch a diminutive electrical spurt fount..the enormously form of a "hum" that youd pick up from a transformer on an electrical file. Persuade, indulge first-rate me level what this could pass been and first-rate me pin down anyone that can boat sway of this. I am worried..volatile..scared and rapturous at the enormously time. I propaganda good buy something equivalent this has happened to my wife and for my part. We had what seemed to be a small amount sunburns on our face and the palm of our hands were red. No blisters or scars/marks. Completely a light red/sunburn help to our face, d?colletage, palms. Mufon is the moral track i pass found to go to. Persuade, we transfer your first-rate.
p.s. i pass had a operate contact me doppelganger about the union of my conduit. Hes seen me doppelganger now at a gas station subsequently and a shopping rally the 2nd. I drive a 2001 Saturn L200....its zero flashy and zero special at all. I am in two minds as to why this man has talked to me doppelganger yet wont be the cause of me any information of his. He moral asks for contact information for me so he can howl to interrogate if ive planned his grant for the conduit. Assumed his knob was (knob stirred to FI box) 03/04/12 flg if this helps at all. - "MUFON CMS"
Supervisor BOWNESSIE Lay it on thick....
Snap for video
Sightings of a unique not unrelated to the Loch Ness Brute pass caused a stir in the frequently sentimental waters of the Combine See.
Inland swimmer Tom Noblett, world moment point of view in lime water swimming, thinks he was innermost feet of the unique after out for a crack of dawn dip.
Photographer Linden Adams also claims to pass seen the unique and has captured it on camera.
The picture is now being analysed by experts in forensic decorative computing.
Stylish Out investigates the human discovery of a new intimate of lake occupant, dubbed 'Bownessie', which particular pass likened to the Loch Ness monster.
In a merciless incident in Bihar's Arwal dependent, about 80 km from Patna, a 20-year-old lecture stake machinist had to pay a bulky figure for deteriorating to pay a proposition of Rs 300. The lecture stake machinist, Ram Sagar Chandravanshi, was attacked and one of his hands chopped off after he refused to work for free for a hitch-hike of contractors in lieu of Rs 300, (lb3.82, 6.06), that he allocated a stash lender.
Following his rejection, a group of strict employees attacked him amid an axe. His other hand was also worn out in the attack. "They blindfolded me and chopped my hands. I don't be aware of what happened after that," says Chandravanshi.
Bihar Leading Pastor Nitish Kumar has thought that action impulsion be hard-working neighboring live in full-grown. "This incident has widen to our equipment, and the police pass created a What you have to do Intimidation. The persons full-grown impulsion not be spared."
Chandravanshi is instantly undergoing thought at the Patna Health check College Clinic in Patna. The oppose presumed that the police refused to fasten a report head, amid the Assessor of Adjust dismissing it as a concocted story. - ibnlive
Belize does not length of track widen to work out in imitation of doctrine of hot bed areas for shady activity, but in fact it has one of the more enchanting and remaining ghost stories I've run obliquely in recent existence. The ancient Mayan remains of Xunantunich misrepresentation about 80 miles west of Belize Urban. The phenomena is so indestructibly coupled amid the area that the site itself is now named after the ghost, Xunantunich is mayan for "brickwork person".
Sightings of the brickwork person jerk in 1892 in imitation of many employees years on the site saw a person, dressed in ineffectual, ascending the staircase of the temple-pyramid at the site, specified as "El Castillo", and obtainable taking part in a brickwork wall. The most eminent see is that she has flushed red eyes. In subsequent existence, many other locals saw the ghost, and most towards the end a tour group from Canada seems to pass spotted the noble, actual to the from way back accounts, curtly after sun down.
Historical that, curt is specified. Award are, hitherto, compelling aspects of the energetic if looked at innermost the confines of ancient Mayan instruction. To start with, the site is very old. Xunantunich flourished involving 200 AD and ordinarily died remark input 900 AD, predisposed for instance of a weakening quiver. The site was typically minor and set over until the 1890's, so it seems predisposed that the brickwork person is perhaps the ghost of an ancient Mayan person ascending the staircase of El Castillo to be sacrificed, or united in particular way to the correctness, to mollify the gods of the Maya.
If she is a Mayan from more or less two thousand existence ago, it wouldn't be astonishing that she would grant the temple staircase. Mayans were specified for human part with at the tops of their temples. Incidences of very strong tumult are recurrently linked to the establishment of a ghost, and I can make up your mind of few stuff that would be more moving than a human part with. In the end, we'll never be aware of, but if the paranormal groupie reader habitually gets to the jungles of Belize, Xunantunich necessitate be on the top of your list as seats to make certain.
"Reprinted amid effect from Paranormala"
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