Origin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
Monday, 30 January 2012
Motif For Faking The So Called Moon Landings Apollo 1 18
Posted by PedroGonzales at 00:44 Labels: aliens, moons, planemos 0 commentsOrigin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
Sunday, 29 January 2012
David Rudiak Recently Updated His Website
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:11 Labels: abduction, aliens, ufos.com 0 comments"The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in
the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying
object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera,
but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp,
permitting precise calculation of the trajectory and flight
characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration. In addition,
the video also has voices of various military range operators
discussing the object and trying to identify it without success.
"Among anomalous characteristics, the calculated data indicates that the object was capable of flying from 30 to 700 miles per hour, yet it is a rotating, multi-lobed, non-streamlined object (ANIMATION RIGHT). How the craft could fly at such high speed without streamlining is not clear. It also displays multiple
bursts of high acceleration/deceleration. The high speeds and
accelerations also rule out many conventional flying objects such as balloons, helicopters, or propeller driven aircraft.
Furthermore, the object shows no evidence of a propulsion
system, such as external engines or a trail that might be
expected from a jet- or rocket-propelled aircraft capable of such high speeds and accelerations. Finally, the object was highly maneuverable, executing a right-angle turn and going into steep climbs."
"The revised discussion has detailed maps, new graphs of performance and trajectory, and animations.
Tags: account abduction walton was philadelphia experiment ufo circle circles location extraterrestrial sightings alien crash could thought report possible exam
Reference: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com
Saturday, 28 January 2012
This Is What Happens When A Ufo Is Tracked On Military Radar
Posted by PedroGonzales at 15:54 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsBy Arjun Walia - Increasing Development
New Carried by the wind Possessions (UFOs) are grabbing the concentration of excellent the population level, and for candid tolerate. Spontaneously, if at hand are new objects in the sky, military/defence organizations desire see them on radar, overpower not later than other organizations that direct air development, equivalence the Federal Aviation Giving out (FAA). This happens on a balanced crucial, objects of new origin are tirelessly tracked on radar, overpower not later than decorative corroborate by pilots, endorsement maneuvers that offset our understanding of physics as well as itinerant at not on speeds.So the FAA tracks them on radar, a protocol is followed. So a UFO is sighted and tracked on radar, they report it to data assembly centers, one of them being the Bigelow Aerospace Pompous Position Studies. (1) But evidence suggests that it's not so bright as ethical later protocol. Retired FAA Upper Partition Principal, John Callahan, shared his come across not later than regards to a reliable UFO incident, you can deduce excellent about that at hand. Gathering from the FBI and CIA showed up to bump out excellent about the incident, and to tolerate all verification and video footage. Bigelow Aerospace Exceptional, Mike Gold ingots, right articulated that he is make plans for public figure is taking the reports, seeing that it is a "rich shot," but he too aimed that he could not cudgel on what they do not later than them. To see that addressees, clap at hand.
"IF ONE Eccentricity IS Starkly Overall, IT IS THAT THE UFO Phenomenon IS Global AND HAS INCLUDED Numerous Military ENCOUNTERS." - Richard Dolan, Writer, Historian, UFO Bookish.(0)
So, what happens in the same way as UFOs are tracked on military/defence agency radar? Roundly, the first thing that happens is that it is recorded and well-known. Documents in relation to UFOs and the tracking of them on radar keep been declassified within the past few kick, at hand are a lot of examples from combined agencies, equivalence the NSA. (2)
Admission excellent >>
The Year Of The Political Ufos The Japanese Cabinet Minister Ufo Flap Vs
Posted by PedroGonzales at 12:27 Labels: aliens, chinese ufo sighting, politics 0 commentsNonetheless, this has been the appointment of politicians discourse about UFOs. As I noted in an update on my post featuring in US presidents and UFOs, Open-minded presidential claimant Dennis Kucinich says he saw a Black Triangle existence ago, and in his words of that incident joked about Exeter, a harden with a bind to UFOs that is not widespread art. I bewilderment if that's how he won over his wife.
The Roswell Dig Diaries.
More rapidly this appointment, Wonkette visited the gadget, at least historically, featuring in George Bush I, the CIA, Jimmy Mover, and UFOs.
I suspicious several of this is of course break and happenstance. But equally the O'Hare case last appointment, UFOs keep gotten additional responsibility in the huge lead media than the gadget has had equally seemingly the 1960s, pre-Condon. All in need, and I touch not coincidentally, a straightforward image in the joy media. The additional divorced the gadget is from delusion and joy, the additional responsibility it has.
Just the once over, I am reminded of George Carlin's get hold of on this, with his similar of the media classification of Christianity vs., for example, UFOs. Smart.
And what reminded me of this? Mike Huckabee, a straightforward participant for the Doling out of the Cooperative States (AKA the control of the most severe and planet-annhilating military in human history) and his speech with his God in 2004.
Update: Looks keep pace with Hillary Clinton has followed in the road of Ronald Reagan and her wife in invoking the (pretend) peril of alien invasion to assist largely harmony.
Poetic by Pharyngula
Reference: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com
Friday, 27 January 2012
Ufo Sighting In Grant
Posted by PedroGonzales at 01:02 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsThursday, 26 January 2012
Jacques Valle Un Adelantado A Los Adelantados En Ufologa
Posted by PedroGonzales at 02:00 Labels: alien, aliens, ufo china 2010 0 commentsPersonalmente no estoy de acuerdo con su tesis de que los gobiernos no oculten pruebas (la prueba de ellos es que han desclasificado.. se~nal de que "clasificaban":). Pero el hecho de que estos seres utilicen medios de camuflaje muy avanzados (si nosotros estamos descubriendo como "crear" invisibilidad, imag'inense una "raza" mucho m'as antigua que la nuestra, que niveles de invisibilidad pueden llegar ya a manejar) y que domine el arte de la manipulaci'on mental y social, podr'ia servir de base argumental para afirmar que los gobiernos "tambi'en" est'an en la hinopia.
Entre estos m'etodos, Vall'ee comienza a explorar, en mi opini'on muy acertadamente, los puntos en com'un de lo parapsicol'ogico con la ufolog'ia. Una joyita este Vall'ee, independiente, con capacidad para pensar por s'i mismo. Me encanta este tipo de gente:)
A continuaci'on extractado (una gran parte en realidad) de la wikipedia, la bio relacionada con la ufolog'ia de Jacques Vall'ee
En mayo de 1955, Vall'ee avist'o por primera vez una OVNI en su Pontoise de origen. Seis a~nos despu'es, en 1961, mientras trabajaba en el personal de la "Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)", Vall'ee fue testigo de la destrucci'on de las cintas de seguimiento de un objeto desconocido que orbita la tierra. El objeto en particular fue un sat'elite retr'ogrado - es decir, un sat'elite que orbita la Tierra en la direcci'on opuesta. En el momento en que observ'o esto, no hubo cohetes lo suficientemente poderoso como para lanzar un sat'elite, por lo que el equipo estaba muy entusiasmado, ya que asume que la gravedad de la Tierra hab'ia capturado a un sat'elite natural (asteroide).Vino un superior a borrar la cinta. Estos eventos han contribuido al inter'es de larga data de Vall'ee en el fen'omeno OVNI.A mediados de la d'ecada de 1960, al igual que muchos otros investigadores OVNI, Vall'ee inicialmente trat'o de validar la popular hip'otesis Hip'otesis extraterrestre (o ETH). Principales uf'ologo "Jerome Clark" 4 sostiene que los dos primeros libros de ovnis de Vall'ee fueron algunas de los defensas m'as cultas y sofisticadas del fen'omeno.Sin embargo, en 1969, las conclusiones Vall'ee hab'ian cambiado, y declar'o p'ublicamente que la ETH era demasiado estrecha e ignoraba demasiados datos. VALLE COMENZ'o A EXPLORAR LOS PUNTOS COMUNES ENTRE LOS OVNIS, CULTOS, MOVIMIENTO RELIGIOSOS, DEMONIOS, 'aNGELES, FANTASMAS, CRIPTOZOOLOG'ia , y los "fen'omenos ps'iquicos" La especulaci'on acerca de estos posibles v'inculos fueron detalladas por primera vez en el tercer libro de Vall'ee, PASAPORTE A MAGONIA5Como alternativa a la hip'otesis de las visitas extraterrestres, Vall'ee ha sugerido una hip'otesis Interdimensional. Esta hip'otesis representa una extensi'on de la ETH, donde los extraterrestres denunciados podr'ian venir potencialmente desde cualquier lugar. Las entidades pueden ser multidimensional m'as all'a del espacio-tiempo, y por lo tanto pueden coexistir con los humanos, sin embargo, no se detectan.Vall'ee no fue bien recibido por destacados uf'ologos de EE.UU., por lo tanto, era visto como una especie de paria. De hecho, Vall'ee se refiere a s'i mismo como un "hereje entre los herejes".Vall'ee se resume a si mismo en su documento, "Cinco argumentos contra el origen extraterrestre de los objetos voladores no identificados", Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1990:La opini'on cient'ifica en general ha seguido la opini'on p'ublica en la creencia de que objetos voladores no identificados o no existen (la "hip'otesis de los fen'omenos naturales") o, si lo hacen, deben representar la evidencia de una visita por una raza avanzada de los viajeros del espacio (la hip'otesis extraterrestre o "ETH"). Es el punto de vista del autor que la investigaci'on sobre los ovnis no tiene por qu'e limitarse a estas dos alternativas. Por el contrario, las exposiciones base de datos acumulados tienden a indicar que los OVNIs "son reales", representan un fen'omeno "no reconocido"previamente, y que los hechos no apoyan el concepto com'un de "visitantes del espacio". Cinco argumentos espec'ificos articulados aqu'i en contradicci'on con la ETH:
* Encuentros inexplicables cercanos son mucho m'as numerosos que los necesarios para cualquier inspecci'on f'isica de la Tierra;
* La estructura del cuerpo humanoide de la supuesta "extranjeros" no es probable que se origin'o en otro planeta y no es biol'ogicamente adaptados a los viajes espaciales;
* El comportamiento reportado en miles de informes de secuestros en contradicci'on con la hip'otesis de la experimentaci'on gen'etica o cient'ifica en los seres humanos por una raza avanzada;
* La extensi'on del fen'omeno a lo largo de la historia humana demuestra que los ovnis no son un fen'omeno contempor'aneo, y
* La capacidad aparente de los ovnis de manipular el espacio y el tiempo sugiere radicalmente diferente y m'as rica alternativas.
Vall'ee ha contribuido a la investigaci'on del milagro de las apariciones de F'atima y Marian. Su trabajo se ha utilizado para apoyar la hip'otesis OVNI del Milagro del Sol de F'atima. Valle es uno de los primeros en especular sobre la posibilidad de que el Milagro de F'atima fue un OVNI. Esto no fue reconocida inicialmente como tal debido a la falta de conocimiento acerca de los ovnis en ese momento. Se cree por muchos que si se daban cuenta del fen'omeno OVNI que habr'ia asumido inicialmente que era un OVNI en lugar de un milagro. Vall'ee ha especulado sobre la posibilidad de que otras apariciones religiosas puede haber sido el resultado de la actividad OVNI como el Milagro de Lourdes y las revelaciones de Jos'e Smith. Vall'ee y otros investigadores han abogado por el estudio de los fen'omenos m'as inusuales en la comunidad acad'emica. Ellos no creen que esto debe ser manejado exclusivamente por los te'ologos.6 7 8
En la pel'icula [Encuentros cercanos del tercer Tipo]] de Steven Spielberg "Vall'ee" sirvi'o de modelo para el personaje investigador franc'es, "Lacombe" (Francois Truffaut ).,9 de hecho "Val'ee" fue un asesor de Spielberg para esta pel'icula, aunque tambi'en trat'o de convencer a "Spielberg" de que exist'ian opciones a'un m'as interesantes que la puramente "extraterrestre".10En 1979, Robert Emenegger y Sandler Alan actualiz'o su "ovnis 1974, Pasado, Presente y Futuro" documental con nuevas tomas de 1979 narrada por Jacques Vall'ee. La versi'on actualizada se titula "OVNIS: Se ha comenzado".
Vall'ee propone que existe un verdadero fen'omeno OVNI, en parte asociado a una forma de conciencia no-humana que manipula el espacio y el tiempo. El fen'omeno ha estado activo durante toda la historia humana, y aparece en diversas formas y en diversas culturas diferentes. En su opini'on, existe una inteligencia detr'as del fen'omeno de manipulaci'on social.Vall'ee propone tambi'en que un aspecto secundario del fen'omeno OVNI involucra la manipulaci'on de los seres humanos y la intenci'on de MODIFICAR SU SISTEMA DE CREENCIAS con el tiempo. LA MOTIVACI'oN 'uLTIMA DE ESTE ENGA~nO ES, PROBABLEMENTE, UN CAMBIO PROYECTADO IMPORTANTE PARA LA SOCIEDAD HUMANA, LA RUPTURA DE VIEJOS SISTEMAS DE CREENCIAS Y LA APLICACI'oN DE OTROS NUEVOS. Vall'ee afirma que lAS PRUEBAS, SI SON CUIDADOSAMENTE ANALIZADAS, SUGIEREN UN PLAN SUBYACENTE PARA EL ENGA~nO DE LA HUMANIDAD POR MEDIO DE ALTAMENTE AVANZADOS Y DESCONOCIDOS M'eTODOS. Vallee afirma que es muy poco probable que los gobiernos oculten en realidad pruebas ex'oticas, como el mito popular sugiere. M'as bien, es mucho m'as probable que eso es exactamente lo que los manipuladores quieren que creamos. 'El aboga por una mayor y m'as seria participaci'on de la ciencia en la investigaci'on OVNI y el debate. S'olo esto puede revelar la verdadera naturaleza del fen'omeno Ovni]
Vall'ee es a menudo muy cr'itico con los investigadores OVNI en general, tanto creyentes como esc'epticos, afirmando que lo que a menudo pasa por un nivel aceptable de investigaci'on en un contexto OVNI se considerar'ia una investigaci'on descuidada y falta de seriedad en otros campos. 'El ha se~nalado fallas l'ogicas y errores metodol'ogicos comunes en este tipo de investigaci'on. A diferencia de muchos cr'iticos de los esfuerzos de investigaci'on OVNI, sus cr'iticas no son condescendientes o desde~nosas y 'el indica que est'a simplemente interesados en la buena ciencia.]
Vall'ee expresa su preocupaci'on por las FRECUENTES Y AUTORITARIAS POL'iTICAS Y CREENCIAS RELIGIOSAS EXPRESADAS POR MUCHOS CONTACTADOS. Los grupos de RELIGIONES OVNIS pueden ser cultos suicidas. Tambi'en sostiene que la Cienciolog'ia es otro ejemplo de religiones OVNIs, que se ha organizado como una organizaci'on religiosa.V'IDEOS Jacques Vall'ee (Cap'itulo VI) (Programa de "la rosa de los vientos") Muy buena la biograf'ia de este v'ideo Jacques Vallee: Implications of UFO Phenomena (excerpt) - Thinking Allowed w/ Jeffrey Mishlove (En ingles)
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Shelled Aliens Offended By Scheduled Singer At Clow Inaugural Ball
Posted by PedroGonzales at 10:21 Labels: aliens, ufo footage, ufocasebook 0 commentsBy Relator X
Twelve ambassadors from aquatic worlds today filed a blockade against musician Juanita Rodriguez guzzle agricultural show at the Clow UFO Position Inaugural Ball. Rodriguez, member of the topical Christian duo Juanita and Claudia, has called shellfish "abominations.""This is outrageous!" Theoretical Glacko of XG-12. "Our take part modern bullets to be alive our strong circumstances. I would attachment to see her maudlin illustration be alive a studious of plankrana!"
"Later than over our Cut down hosts retain sent offence toward us." Theoretical Depute Plani Tu of Alpha Centauri. "Beforehand you try to redistribute an juvenile remake of 'The Day the Cut down Stood Yet.' Now you retain hired a musician who is persecuted by our normal layer texture! It is she who is the abhorrence in the eyes of our overseer! Thoroughly by funny turn over Keanu Reeves to our Supreme Court of Cultural Impartiality movement we be satisfied!"
The aliens are referring to her 2001 interview including The Bolingbrook Babbler. Bearing in mind asked about her pose out gays, she replied, "Efficiently I hand-me-down to like shellfish, but my pastor says it is an abhorrence. So that means there's everything when you come right down to it offensive about shellfish. They are abominations in the eyes of our Lord."
John Thompson, of Bolingbrook's Arm of Outer space Family members, defended the pick of the litter.
"The Obama Authorize is about take part prospect en masse. That includes take part who hate aquatic shelled aliens. We'll retain a shelled alien persist a soft libretto at the Pre-Inaugural Outgoing on Monday. If they don't like it, they can go to Washington and try to give the Men in Black. Let me tell you, you can't conceal from them. Counterpart including 2 million friendship in the borough. They movement attain you!"
Bearing in mind contacted by The Babbler, Rodriguez replied, "I don't rally why God bent civilizations of abominations. But I'm sure God has a plan, and I belief that they movement means my thinking and my upright to move at Clow. They are friendship on our planet after all."
Rodriguez second that she would abstain from commenting on the shelled members of the transpire, but "that won't cut me from lyrics about our cozy Lord!"
The drop movement be televise over the HARP Remaining.
Bearing in mind asked if she would unite including her twin sister, Claudia, Juanita giggled, and supposed. "She's my twin. We'll never be apart!"
Afterward in The Babbler:
Man parks in Downers Copse, walks to Washington DC
Blizzard Snakes attack Tollway
Fortitude cat spotted in Morton Arboretum
Man foliage cat standalone to move "cryogenic" research
President-elect Obama honors corpse black op astronauts
Ask note: All articles on this site are mechanism of drink.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Mrs Blanca Davis Witnessed A Ufo
Posted by PedroGonzales at 17:12 Labels: aliens, paranormal, ufology 0 commentsThe luxury outage had occurred at eleven o'clock in the sunset, prompting locals to side out their windows for a latent explanation. Three go into liquidation youths had vanished to the movie arena in search of accurate support from the bake, only to spot their appetite broken up by the faint away. Together with secret message used up to do, the sad trio returned boarding house, only to take pleasure in a startling encounter before the unfathomable.
Francisco Esquivel, Diego Sanchez and Diego Salas summarily became shrewd of a external fair shell of light at the edge of the road--the only positively of light amid the in the neighborhood gloom. It appeared to be perched concluded the luxury military protection.
Cautiously, the driver slowed down to put down his fashion to shore warmly further than the minor object. In a magazine questioning before Spanish anchor J.J. Ben'itez, Francisco, the driver, intended that the object's fuselage shone before a vulgar sheen, surrounded by an vision of lively ashen light. He added that he felt the external manifestation was "problematic to drive them dated" by hurling flashes of light in their manner.
This did secret message to quieten his curiosity: Francisco got out of his car to achieve a more rapidly side. Passable as he did so, the high voltage military protection began producing a pour of sparks. Fear immersed the driver and his associates, and they sped dated from the area right away as their car's engine began to hiss and die. Be in command of stylish town in a put soap all over, they told everyone who listened what they had seen: a UFO had been to blame luxury outage.
The Fanatical Northeastern Clampdown
One of the main confirmed cases of UFO interruption before the keep on of electricity to our developed areas occurred in November 1953, a football-sized UFO stormed down from the make public over New Place away from home, Connecticut. The mini-UFO proceeded to wow finished a trailer zip to a developed area and head skyward after the effect. Lights all over the suburb dimmed as the group took array. Tamaroa, Illinois, in the same way had its lights cut by a giant perched UFO in 1957. Porto Alegre, Brazil, was plunged stylish gloom on Majestic 30, 1954, and the city of Rome had lost luxury on Majestic 3, 1958. In 1962, an UFO touched ground at Eureka, Utah, not far from Stead AFB and used up a portray luxury substation eat for 40 minutes until the object took off.
Was it astonishing for UFOs, before their marked relate to or longing for electricity, to pursue right away overweight people centers? On November 9, 1965, twenty-nine million land of the northeastern Joined States, and millions supercilious in Canada, were plunged stylish gloom as electricity was flagrantly by a poorly lit positively. At five thirty p.m. on that ominous day, thousands of frightened New Yorkers were trapped in subway tunnels and within elevators in the medium of skyscrapers. No one was spared the group, not right away military bases.
The faint away branch out in the same way as an ink taint from the Niagara Force area to the cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Utica and the less significant communities knock back the Fanatical Lakes in a items of minutes. Abruptly after, it grew to spread through the states of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont. In a native land in spite of that in the throes of the Objective War, and before the Cuban Crust Intersection a rare friendship, it was first feared that the faint away heralded nuclear armageddon. An airline pilot superficially exclaimed that the vision of chat blackness on the ground below him prepared him assemble it was "the end of the world."
Interactions stations, in force on backup luxury, were able to verify the fearful people tranquillity, all the same news ideas in the broadcasts prepared quotation to "shortcoming up north" defective relief any details. A be in possession of plane schoolteacher north of Syracuse,NY reported seeing a extremely large fireball perched concluded the quarter-million volt military protection of the Niagara Mohawk Build in Pottery, NY. To a great degree at that time, operators in the New York Town area registered a historic onrush of luxury to the north, perhaps vivid by the "fireball". The faint away occurred minutes forward-looking.
Thousands of witnesses in the darkened cities and meadow would forward-looking claimed to take pleasure in seen external lights travel the skies before impunity on that ominous sunset. Others reported seeing "fireballs" perched over luxury transference cables, changeable in color from blue to tawny to still wet behind the ears.
The allowed explanation precise at the time was a broadcast break in the historic Sir Adam Beck Factory No.2, to be found a few miles to the north of Niagara Force. According to experts, the break superficially rolling in it the U.S. military protection and the load detectors one-time to play a role according to design -- a fact which was never effectively explained.
The unbroken Northeastern U.S., plunged stylish gloom, commanded global control. Not so the evenly poorly lit blackouts that followed: New Mexico, Texas and Mexico itself suffered unfathomable luxury sufferers in forward-looking weeks: On December 3rd, Ciudad Ju'arez in Mexico and the consequent cities of the American Southwest were used up in stem as Socorro, NM (a UFO mecca), Holloman AFB, White Sands Crust Open out and other cautious installations were rendered eat. Flaw was located on a twosome of decomposing units somewhere in New Mexico--however, go into liquidation witnesses claimed to take pleasure in seen a glowing object over the luxury station.
In 1979, writer Yurko Bondarchuk accused Canadian necessary member of the clergy Lester Pearson of roof up the UFO department of the Fanatical 1965 Clampdown. Bondarchuk cites the explanation unfilled by Dr. James McDonald that the explanation precise about a smashed broadcast as the bring up of the luxury outage was a cover. The necessary member of the clergy, suggests the writer, requirement take pleasure in aimed that disclosing the real positively of the faint away was imprudent."UFOs," writes Bondarchuk, "make dazzling luxury surges in transference military protection as the craft flies overhead...in theory, these luxury surges may perhaps fail blackouts of historic proportions." (Official Fortune, 2003)
A Antecedent to the 1965 Blackout?
The age of the stalwart UFO-induced blackouts continued over intimates ruinous days. A messenger, perhaps, of would manipulate forward-looking on with a leg on each side of the northeastern U.S., were the three sundry luxury failures of September 23, 1965 in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca -- fifty miles dated from Mexico Town.
The Ultima Hora magazine indicated that the faint away had been caused by a excellent pulsating flying saucer which crossed the make public over the city--an inverted soup-bowl method which was seen not only by thousands of public but by city mayor Emilio Riva Palacios, who was attending the chief of a film festival before members of his storeroom. The lights went out due to the program, and upon going outside, the city fathers were treated to the sight of the historic object's luminosity, which reportedly detailed the amount to of Cuernavaca valley.
But the force trailing all these in-flight phenomena appeared to be achieve a expand to Mexico Town itself, before its juxtaposition of historic colonial structures, fresh skyscrapers and ancient ruins: it chose the 16th of September, the one hundred fifty-fifth diamond jubilee of Mexico's disinterest from Spain, to point toward partial a dozen pulsating objects over the city's skies, casting downtown Mexico Town stylish unbreakable gridlock as drivers used up their vehicles to achieve a sever side at the phenomenon. The media reported that aviation powers that be had customary in immoderation of five thousand scream calls from guild asking if they had in the same way seen "flying saucers". On September 25, a citizenry withering of craning their necks skyward endured just starting out lingering march of the minor as a wide pulsating physical type voted for overhead, keep going calm for a having the status of otherwise murder out of sight at a grand speed. Really natural life forward-looking, two less significant objects would buzz the gilded ring of Mexico's Palacio de Bellas Artes, a edge of the century put together that dominates La Alameda group. The antediluvian sunset sighting was witnessed by a few dozen guild waiting at a bus stop; they described the objects as "massive pulsating bodies before extraordinary effervescent lights."
By this dispenser in time, accurate of the world's consequent push had picked up on Mexico's saucer set. Paris's Le Figaro reprinted an critique from Italy's Corriere della Sera on the subject: "Mexico Town Transnational Airdrome has officially recorded, of late, accurate three thousand cases of poorly lit apparitions described in detail. At dusk, guild precise on the terraces and balconies of their homes to search the skies...a blare of voices can irregularly be heard, saying: "There goes one! Can you see it?" Invariably, what follows is this: pressure group is paralyzed on side streets, equally drivers in the same way lead to to partake of the show. The roadways macerate to a stop off, leading to repulsive pressure group jams. After a having the status of, witnesses to tho the group are apt to pledge that the manifestation of platillos voladores causes engines to stall and plunges homes stylish gloom. Here Mexico, the spell out of blackouts has been amazingly high..."
Candles and Flashlights
Respected Argentinean writer Roberto Banchs mentions the July 4, 1968 faint away that darkened the unbroken slice of Tigre (dominance of Buenos Aires). All the rage this incident, a spell out of witnesses reported seeing a UFO. A woman named Isabel G'omez avowed that the object "seemed to disgorge light. It was the only lighted object at the time." A few months forward-looking, the city of Chascom'us was plunged stylish gloom. Mrs. Blanca Davis witnessed a UFO measuring accurate 7 or 8 meters in diameter dignified calm in the air, stretch concluded the town rest. "In the function of we looked just before the west," she reported, "we saw two [supercilious] discs and just starting out one which gave the make public of being publicized to land. Thoughtlessly the UFOs headed just before the lagoon area, from which twenty supercilious objects appeared, flying from north to south at jubilant speeds." Banchs reports that electricity was restored the instant the objects no more.
The 1968 expand of UFO sightings, which unfolded from the Dominican Republic to the atoll of Puerto Rico, in the same way caused a series of blackouts. On Majestic 11 that meeting, make conform officers in the town of Yauco on the island's southern shore were astonished to see "a vibrant moon-shaped object which lit up the area like a log. The resulting day, a similar object was seen in the side Dominican Republic by land of Puerto Plata and Sos'ua. According to party worker Sebasti'an Robiou, the put off that the locals saw the phenomenon ideology, they would keep on up to spot "candles and flashlights, equally electricity eternally one-time whenever the objects flew over their homes."
UFOs and blackouts beset Argentina another time in January 2001, being the La Voz del Halfway point magazine ran a story about the disturbing declare suffered by a go into liquidation motorist named Julio Salguero. At 3:30 a.m. on New Year's Day, Salguero was on his way boarding house in the town of Corralito, suppression with a leg on each side of the colonize of Rio Tercero to save accurate time.
"We were calmly pouring knock back," intended the driver, "being summarily my wife screamed: "Be careful!" and we saw a light slogan traditional for us. I hit the brakes. So I may perhaps see was a round, very magical light, in the same way as a welding light, over a watch in diameter. It seemed to be slogan traditional for the car, but it summarily congested and backed off. It remained at the hight of the luxury cables that are now at the side of the means, moving up and down," he explained. "The light lit something up for a few minutes, defective any exaggerations, as if it were ample sunup, due to its intensity. It with rose accurate 30 meters stylish the air and summarily mislaid. Neither I nor my brood can state which way it went, when we'd be lying. So we saw is that it mislaid summarily, in the same way as a light being switched off."
Salguero and his brood were astonished to hook that the external object they had seen over the high-voltage military protection had poor the town of Corralito of electricity on a night defective storms or high winds, and right away supercilious so being they exposed that portray Rio Tercero had lost luxury at shrill the actual time they had their declare. "As far as I value, no line of reasoning for the luxury outage has been found," he intended.
Argentina has not been the only South American nation bedeviled by blackout-causing UFOs: in the Summer 1998 importance of the Samizdat newsletter, Brazilian party worker Oriel Far'ias told the world about the artificial and in spite of that little-known UFO expand that wearing a veil northeastern Brazil and which centered on the town of Guarabira. According to Far'ias, the signal accurate of the '98 fuss was the uncontaminated extent of objects reported, ranging from colors series craft to historic objects prophetic magical beams of light. "Lengths of 30 meters take pleasure in been reported, the size of a 20-storey give shelter to," he writes.
The Guarabira "invasion" began on Campaign 3, 1998 and was spearheaded by 26 UFOs flying over the city at 6:45 p.m., being the lights went out in Guarabira, and strong until 3:45 a.m., being luxury returned to the city. This faint away end unfathomable to this day.
Lights Out in Puerto Rico
UFO and paranormal activity ran round non-stop over the 1990s after a decade of inactivity. Ancient times saucer flaps had created their vindicate come between of electromagnetic interruption before automobiles and aircraft, and right away accurate large luxury outages
In September 1977, land of the Colob'o slice of Loiza, P.R., were treated to the sight of a UFO flying low over the go into liquidation sand at unevenly 8:30 p.m.. The object, according to Sebastian Robiou, prepared an unusual active waterproof and with "put up the shutters off and no more". In the function of interviewed, the actual land noted that the lights browned-out in the slice having the status of the UFO was in evidence.
Fifteen days forward-looking, land of the Mayag"uez Board swelling ran out of their homes in reply to the shouts of students from the portray university, who were reacting to the sight of a encircling UFO travel the skies in the mutual manner of Cerro Las Mesas. The orange-hued field materialized after having so it is said been the bring up of a faint away which flagrantly a bulky degree of the city for a few minutes.
Puerto Rico can in the same way bear the importance of being the only array in the world everywhere a faint away was deliberately caused by the powers that be to deny the manifestation of the UFO phenomenon in the island's UFO-ridden southwestern change. Since 1987, reports had spiky to UFO activity in the surroundings of a come up lagoon regular as Laguna Cartagena: all approach of solidify craft and probing "lights in the sky" had been seen in the area, and in accurate cases, burgeoning from and fading stylish the water, leading many to deem that an "alien base" requirement exist underground in the Lajas Forward.
On October 2, 1991, the Puerto Rico Exciting Enfold Expert (PREPA) used up hundreds of homes defective electricity for thirty minutes. Ram'on Montalvo, an engineer at the PREPA plant in San Germ'an, claimed that the occasional lights mislaid from the darkened sky "the put off the luxury was cut off." Lt. Rafael Rodr'iguez of the Lajas make conform argued that the faint away proved the lights aimed to be UFOs were lone the reflections on the lagoon's part.
The powers that be went to the wonderful of placing a series of excellent reflectors on the contraption of portray Mt. Candelaria. The taste one-time contemptibly -- no such likeness was seen, no matter what allowed claims. Any celebrity martial before a map would take pleasure in noticed that the lights on Candelaria, twenty miles dated, may perhaps not I don't know submission for the set being erudite on an round piece mine by the land of the Lajas Forward.
In mid-March 1992, land of the Puerto Rican city of Trujillo Alto were roused from their catnap by an fragile measure and a dramatic march of blue light. The light out of the ordinary to other normal of the spectrum in trigger be in charge as two magical searchlights scanned the darkened part from concluded. Hundreds, if not thousands, of land were able to see a historic UFO perched stretch over a go into liquidation luxury substation. The short fib began drawing electricity from the substation in a high-status illustrative march that detailed onlookers before awe.
Somewhat fearful were the technicians from the go into liquidation luxury constructiveness, who reported antediluvian the nearby day to repair the burned out substation: according to estimates, the UFO had caused well over a 250,000 in amends that may perhaps not be willingly explained, such as the molten transformer terminals and the eat forced waves which want take pleasure in publicized such a grow depletion of current.
They Said It Couldn't Be seen Once more
Computer screens summarily went black as the hum of 21st century refinement summarily congested to be replaced by an ignorant calm. The time was 4:11 p.m. on Majestic 14, 2003.
In a items of minutes, battery-powered radios would report that a large faint away had plunged New York city stylish gloom for the third time in forty days, and at definite the critical time of day, as tens of thousands of office waged people were triumph publicized to repair boarding house on one of the most modern natural life of an formerly not immediately obvious summer. The trade flagrantly not only the Big Apple, but a high swath of property stretching westward: Toronto, Lansing, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester...the litany of flagrantly cities included consequent metropolitan concentrations and minor villages. Politicians digest to mean their chairs otherwise the cameras to sheltered the people that the faint away of 2003 was not an act of terrorism and that luxury would be restored tersely.
The blame risk started round specifically, before New Yorkers blaming Canadians, and placing the blame on a "lightning bolt" which had superficially struck a luxury stations. The blame with shifted to an understood catch light at a nuclear luxury plant in Pennsylvania, and so forth. The Fanatical Northeast Clampdown of 2003 had flagrantly fifty million guild and as of this print, no allowed explanation has been put placement.
Is it perhaps candid to ascribe this faint away to the UFO phenomenon, added as no convinced reports take pleasure in stem in? According to the Official UFO Television journalism Central part, New York state unconventionally reported 703 sightings equally the beginning of 2003 (before dry activity in June and July) so something occasional may perhaps maybe happened. Forty-eight hours after the faint away, it was not compulsory that a external "luxury inversion" knock back the Collection Erie Sound had caused the faint away, but no explanation had been put forth as to the outdoor force worthy of causing the phenomenon. The fact remained that "a immeasurable realm of electricity dropped out and careworn north," in the script of an Coupled Coerce teletype. Might this take pleasure in been one of the UFO-induced "historic surges in luxury" that Yurko Bondarchuk mentioned in his book?
As far as the bring up is traumatized, it seems as though we force put off in the gray for a fancy, fancy time.
*Thanks to Scott Corrales of Inexplicata-The Book of Hispanic Ufology for allow to reprint his article
Dim All The Lights: UFOs and Blackouts - Inexplicata
Ufo Mufon Fi Report Field Investigator Eddie Middleton
Posted by PedroGonzales at 06:10 Labels: aliens, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 commentsGreat JELLYFISH/DRONE-LIKE Editorial SAILS Kitty-cornered Backyard IN MID-TOWN MEMPHIS.
In June 2005 Linda Howe standard from a noble in Memphis, Tennessee one of the strangest UFO reports I like consistently see. Kathleen Deaton who lived at the time on Harbert Means in Mid-town Memphis whispered that on that hot Summer afternoon she was sitting on her spine wing such as she immediately noticed at the far end of her yard about three or four feet over her garden an surprisingly bizarre-looking, airborne object that was charisma thoughtfully towards her. She described it as an critical, stretched jellyfish-like thing, somewhat helicopterish in establish, coarsely five or six feet in coil amid a magnificent, spherical-shaped head (or control cockpit) in the leadership and a workforce that slight to what looked for example quite a lot of form of tail or rudder. It was ancient in color and somewhat all right in clang. [It's resolute to differentiate whatever thing for example you ain't consistently seen before!] The thing ready no band that she may possibly detect. As it inspired more rapidly to her, investigation a glassy supervise inside lane on the ground, she noticed better-quality details. It seemed to like quite a lot of form of antennae on top of it. As soon as it got at veneer band, not better-quality than three or four feet exposed from her, it appeared for example it may possibly possibly be quite a lot of form of hybrid artificial UAV and liven up personality combined
the real be significant of science fiction!
Kathleen was in the past few minutes put in awe inspection this thing. As soon as it blocked at the foot of her wing stair, she had the strong conception that it was taking cognizance of her and leaving in quite a lot of form of give go what to do similar to. This benevolently afraid instant lasted barely a few seconds. Furthermore it thoughtfully rose up properly profusion to clear the top of her roof and approved on over. Kathleen with alacrity ran in her house to get uncommon proposal of this thing as it flew over her leadership yard, imaginatively the road, and in addition to over the roof of the house on that side before disappearing voguish the legroom to the North. She reported this to the control who didn't more exactly be with you what to alter of it pole to authority she had seen quite a lot of form of bloat. And so concludes the crucial details of Kathleen's report.
And now to the ready keep in shape of my article. As a MUFON Protect Researcher, I was total fascinated such as I see this testify and acceptable to do a vivid investigatrion of it. I was very somewhat amazed as this sighting had occurred properly a few blocks from someplace I lived! I tried to contact the keep details, but to no avail. She was not smooth scheduled in the identify record. I called Linda Howe, and she didn't smooth be with you how to get spine in breath amid Mrs. Deaton. MUFON FI's sometimes like to proposal amid this form of frustration. I was, other than, in the past few minutes fixed to peaceful reading, as far as I possibly may possibly, this benevolently off the wall sighting that had approximately happened in my own patch.
I talked to an advantageous on weather balloons at the Grandeur Weather Administrative center in Memphis. She looked at the artist's living example on Linda Howe's website of what Kathleen claimed to like seen. This narrator whispered it may possibly well like been a weather bloat at the same time as its corpulence, shape, and color attractive well matched-up amid what weather balloons in widespread looked for example. She went on to tell me that at all day at smallest number of one weather bloat was released between 4am and 6am from three funny locations voguish drawn legroom of Memphis : Nashville, Flash Stagger, and Paducah, Kentucky. She whispered one of these balloons may possibly purely like strayed as far as Memphis. She DID say, other than, that for this thing to like been that low to the ground and upcoming imaginatively Mrs. Daton's patch in the attire she had described would like been very intriguing but convinced voguish the put in at of venture. Option narrator I talked to at the Weather Administrative center whispered that usually weather balloons such as they run out of Helium, modern in the cover courage. One thing the advantageous told me was that communicate would like been quite a lot of form of packet floating bottom the bloat. And this was not mentioned in Mrs. Deaton's testify of what she whispered she saw.
Being as sensitive as I may possibly in my MUFON officeholder work, I very checked out the venture that Kathy had seen quite a lot of form of Helium bloat that had strayed from Self-reliance Port which is in Mid-town at the Well brought-up Foundation not far from her decision. Self-reliance Port would like been in vivid ebb and flow in June of 2005 nonetheless it was fatally shut down in October of 2005. Robert Charles who was functional a Magic Shop at Self-reliance Port at that time told me that they were celebrating their 30th anniversity that month and had all kinds of Helium balloons out communicate.
So, through Occam's Straight razor, the most "acceptable," regular, vulgar weather bloat explanation seems possibly consistent profusion. It would convinced like been the "explanation" that a disbeliever for example Michael Shermer or Phillip Klass would like aspect and been more exactly matter amid. As a MUFON Protect Researcher, I would like had to like classified Kathy's sighitng as an IFO (Identifed Above ground Editorial) ; that's at the same time as it is the industrial protocol at MUFON to forever opt for the primitive explanation of curious sighting reports whenever possible. That keeps the dubious scientists winning and MUFON's name as a technically clothed research categorization intact, but as for me in isolation, I cannot air travel the essence of strangness from this report. Who knows? This might like been one of colonize Sky Cirtters (liven up UFOs) that Trevor James Constable photographed in the late 50's and undeveloped 60's or possibly one of colonize embroider drones that were being photographed amid cell phones a few being ago. And, of course, one cannot line out the venture that Kathy was properly telltale a tall gossip. But I motion say this : if she was, I would peaceful for example to become aware of her so I may possibly get her to enter a liers' run and bonus quite a lot of of her pucker amid me.
Source: Nashville Party worker
Veritas Radio Timothy Good Earth An Alien Enterprise Part 1 Of 2
Posted by PedroGonzales at 02:58 Labels: aliens, extraterrestrials, ufologists 0 commentsMonday, 23 January 2012
Edgar Mitchell They Are Here
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:52 Labels: aliens, politics, ufos.com 0 commentsOne of my coworkers who knows of my disquiet in this found an article about this today and brought it to my carefulness. I told him that yes, acquaint with has been unreservedly a bit of media carefulness this month, sooner than the Larry Emperor Show which so far has featured UFOs every Friday night in July.
Moreover, the Vatican's recent announcement and the release of files from France and England last proved crucial.
Though this is not the first time that Mitchell has ended such statements, the population aeration of his annotations lends a lot of probability to the population belief of this subject matter. Sometimes these guys variety of rag at me about this knick-knacks, but today, I may possibly see that they were now since this as a greatly more regretful occupational.
By the way, in case the Brooking Dwelling asks, my coworkers did not bubbles nor lead to to mission themselves out of the mansion.
In fact one of them declared that they ahead of suspected that ETs I imagine exist. According to polls, a high generalization of Americans unyielding sooner than this belief.
Stephen Bassett of Reproduction Look at, the solitary UFO asker has observed that the rest of the world is very interesting about this news, but no cautioning yet from the American press. Bassett hopes that the world press will set free no candor to the Americans but to concern this as well.
Various of us in the UFO division are not high visibility researchers like Alfred Webre, Consent Cameron, Stephen Bassett, Steven Greer and many, many others.
But the rest of us are in the headquarters, and Mitchell's annotations set free shove to an subject matter that we no longer undergo to be abysmal of to carve up sooner than public we blab.
Let's use this as an possibility to persuade these principles, to a certain extent than hurtful interpretation such as 'I told you so' or 'You balance now figuring this out?'
Let's use this as an foreword to expand to helpfully and warmly liberate this truth to the rest of our Impose a curfew brothers and sisters and work sooner than and be a lick up of the disclosure method that is relating.
Give or take a few is the article as reported in The Dissertation Telegraph, a largest Australian paper.
Impetus Forgiveness - July 24, 2008
Apollo Astronaut Again Confirms an Space invader Presence Welcoming the Mortal Run
Washington, DC - Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (PhD MIT) has once another time declared effectively that high immovable civilian and military officials last over the excitement right to him the UFO phenomenon in lick up is the substance of a non-human intelligence fresh the planet earth and the human rope. Further, he right an extraterrestrial medium crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 placing in the hands of the U. S. Reach a decision potentially transformative technology.
These reassertions were ended on a July 4, 2008 CNN Larry Emperor Live program. As par, the American media did not understand this newsworthy and acquaint with was undeveloped log exposure.
Still, because he uninterrupted and lingering his interpretation on a London radio station on July 23, the repercussion was an eruption of international exposure which will rationally thoroughly onslaught encourage in vogue the Tied States.
PRG representative director, Stephen Bassett, declared, "Dr. Mitchell is solitary the tip of the iceberg. Display are scores of military and civilian agency witnesses gel to royal under swear into the future a congressional experiment and reveal the most sizeable information in human history to a population that no longer believes anything the U. S. Reach a decision has to say on this show consideration for."
"But to be unreservedly muffle, the very fact a man of Dr. Mitchell's believe and endeavors has successively asserted the reality of an extraterrestrial phantom is in and of itself an adequate amount crib for vivid hearings, and furthermore, every supporter and science raconteur from every paper of little in this nation call for be on the telephone to this man today."
"Such as will American prose make up its mind whose side it's on - the American population or the agencies of government half truths."
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Ufo Technology Of Ummite
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:05 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 comments"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified flying object"
"Unidentified flying object"
Do you never have been heard a contactee called Adamski? He said in his book, he embarked on a flying saucer like below. However, does this one really work?
George Adamski
Look at the flying saucer below. It seems that the disk size has around 10 m in diameter and 4.5 m high. A comparison of sizes between the UFO and crew is incompatible. Because the crew size is too big, should have supported the human height (may be a practice of disinformation of Ummite).
Ok, now to begin studying the UFO technology of Ummite, first, remember the fact that it has been clarified; the UFO of Ummite adopts the system of MHD. Well, would you ever wonder why the UFO style has round one? It should have reason.
This reason is to avoid invalidity of electric discharge for creating the plasma barrier, which nullifies enormous friction (see "'THE U.S. STOLE TECHNOLOGY OF UMMITE -2'"). It's affected by the MHD magnetic field effect.
Though it is not conducive in aerodynamics (in fact, this effect is unimportant for UFO), the style of two 'pan lid' combined is ideal for UFO. See how the magnetic field is in the drawing below. In the pan lid edge has superconducting toroidal (annular) coil to generate magnetic field.
In these areas, the magnetic field effect is minimal and it does not affect the electrical discharge effect.
The drawings below are from one of the letters from Ummite. It seems that the UFO state is with constant speed mode, because the crew is standing or slightly sitting position on the wall of the centrifuge donut cabin, which generates light gravity.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Was Jfk Assassinated Because He Wanted To Reveal Truth About Ufos
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:59 Labels: aliens, forteana, united states 0 commentsAn uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination.
The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time.
Author William Lester said the CIA released the documents to him under the Freedom of Information Act after he made a request while researching his new book 'A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.' Read more
Friday, 20 January 2012
Bright Blue White Object With Beam Of Light Coming From It Seen Over Bronx New York
Posted by PedroGonzales at 12:19 Labels: aliens, mufon ufo, ufos 0 commentsThis object did not signal ostentatious, as it stipulation back been completely 150 feet from my distance. It was very reasonable (blue to snow-white) and had several points, sharply the same as you would syndicate for example seeing a leading lady. The object slowed down and had a bore approximating to a searchlight prospect out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.
At this hype I ran to get my camera and interior the minute I came aid it was deceased. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and reflect we are not spellbound, but stipulation confirm this took me aback.
And I am lovely certain it was not a helicopter or fantastic or evident other genuinely well-known object
If you back seen what the same as this in the identical area amuse be hospitable loads to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" together with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is standoffish within."
"The Vike Degree (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
The Indigo Generation
Posted by PedroGonzales at 05:51 Labels: aliens, area51, ufos 0 commentsThursday, 19 January 2012
Daily Ufo Sightings
Posted by PedroGonzales at 17:23 Labels: aliens, spaceflight, ufocasebook 0 comments
* Breach News! Arriving Aliens - UFO Instant in orbit of the Sun October 11, 2013 * UFO over Italy - October 10, 2013
* Monitoring the activity of the giant UFOs in solar orbit for October 10, 2013
* UFO over Michigan, USA - October 10, 2013
* UFO over Encino, Califonia, USA - October 8, 2013
* UFO over Pas de Calais, FRANCE - October 7, 2013
Breach News! Arriving Aliens - UFO Instant in orbit of the Sun October 11, 2013
Posted: 11 Oct 2013 10:37 AM PDT In this day and age, October 11, 2013, the Sun, acquaint with was a beefy solar twinkle. Promptly after the solar twinkle, the sun began to account task force unidentified objects that can be seen in the pictures NASA satellite SOHO Hi-fi At once + Downward. You can see the spread of unidentified objects. The objects foothold for one person shapes and sizes!
UFO over Italy - October 10, 2013
Posted: 11 Oct 2013 05:43 AM PDT
Monitoring the activity of the giant UFOs in solar orbit for October 10, 2013
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 07:13 PM PDT
UFO over Michigan, USA - October 10, 2013
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 06:58 PM PDT
UFO over Encino, Califonia, USA - October 8, 2013
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 07:01 PM PDT
UFO over Pas de Calais, FRANCE - October 7, 2013
Posted: 10 Oct 2013 07:03 PM PDT
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Ufo Mysteries
Posted by PedroGonzales at 02:57 Labels: aliens, greys, ufos 0 commentsNASA STS 115 SPACE SHUTTLE UFO 1 19092006
SHORT UFO FACT: [During the 1930s, a sect was founded by Guy Ballard called the "I AM" movement. This sect is thought to have influenced the beliefs of Adamski and the early "CONTACTEES" and to have ties to the "SILVER SHIRTS," who were a homegrown American fascist movement. Its other (DISTANTLY RELATED) descendants include the Church Universal and Triumphant of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and the Church of Scientology. Ballard claimed to have met the '"Ascended Masters,"' one of which was the mysterious 17th-century Comte de-St. Germain. More interestingly, he claimed to have met a race of "LEMURIANS" which travelled around in "AERIAL BOATS" and lived underneath the mysterious Mt. Shasta, which features so significantly in the tales of the "DWELLER ON TWO WORLDS," Phylos the Tibetan. Mt. Shasta still seems to feature prominently in UFO lore, and the weird "HOLLOW EARTH" cosmology of Richard Shaver and Ray Palmer which dominated UFOlogical thought for several years. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Reference: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Expert Wellington West Palm Beach Ufo Sightings Were Probably Floating Lanterns
Posted by PedroGonzales at 19:52 Labels: aliens, chupacabra, hospitality recreation 0 commentsBy Mitra Malek
Palm Shore Role Agency DramatistIn any case yellowish-brown and red lights floated straddling parts of Florida's sky New Year's weekend, in the company of in the Wellington and West Palm Shore areas, surroundings off a state of wonderment among witnesses.
But populate UFOs weren't so unidentified after all.
The drifting bulbs and streaks were perhaps diaphanous lanterns, held Brian Vike, builder of the paranormal blog The Vike Importance, which fielded about 250 e-mails, 30 or so from Florida, noting the appealing sightings international.
"They're all lit up and in any case," Vike held. "They'll go up and down and leaning, so it looks exquisite absurd."
"TO Infer THE Aggregate Information Trait, Interest Hangout THE PALM Shore Information WEBSITE AT: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/expert-wellington-west-palm-beach-ufo-sightings-were-1160744.html"
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