Monday, 29 September 2008
Friendly Extraterrestrials Or Leading The Lambs To Slaughter
Posted by PedroGonzales at 22:44 Labels: aliens, mutual ufo network, unidentified flying object 0 commentsThe First Alien Abduction
Posted by PedroGonzales at 14:06 Labels: aliens, cropcircle, 0 commentsBy Canadia
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:25 Labels: aliens, ufo, 0 commentsI also was not alive during the cold-war era, but i had the impression that UFO investigation was a higher priority back then, if only to see if it was the soviets. If governments were doing anything to look for this stuff, I assumed it would be back then.
I do not think that any government has access or has had access to alien technology ever. Every technological advance ever has a clear lineage in terms of previous ones. Alien-acquired tech would stick out like a sore thumb. Nor do I think that aliens have ever "visited" earth and shook hands or taken pictures of anyone.
My point was that if there was some tiny but conclusive or even suggestive piece of evidence, it seems likely that if a state-level power found it, they would have no reason to release the knowledge to the general public.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Ufologists Mufon Star Team Member Reports Sighting And Missing Time
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:46 Labels: aerobie, aliens, ufo triangle 0 commentsDate: 2011-06-16
Time: 22:10
City: Farmington
State: Missouri
Shape: Command,Star-like,Triangle
Distance: Undisclosed
Location: Border
Terrain: Mountains
Visibility: Somewhat Murky
Weather: None
Entity Type: Undisclosed
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary: Combined UFOs and gone astray time in SE Missouri mountains
I am the Accessory Denote Head for Missouri MUFON, and a Take precedence Connect Party worker. The type sooner than me was a Triumph Connect investigator for Kansas MUFON. We had a wonderful UFO sighting having the status of on the last leg of our deed from Kansas Town to Piedmont, MO, to be found in the SE favor of Missouri in Wayne Region.
The part of the deed requisite delimit been six hours according to my GPS. In the company of stops demanding into delightfulness, we requisite delimit arrived at 9:30 p.m., but we arrived at our destination at 10:37 p.m., so we had over an hour of gone astray time. We cannot demonstration for the gone astray time.
As I was minder South on 67 Line in the same way as Farmington at the very South structure of Francious Region, I noticed a perceptive object in the sky to the East. The object appeared to be three very perceptive lights in a triangular kind. It was speak the distinction of a commodious pea thought at arm's array. The object was greatly brighter than any planet (5 x brighter than Venus) and was bluish/white in color. It was at speak 50 degrees off the horizon and ENE of our announce. It appeared to get portly and clearer as I watched it. I correspondingly had an uneasy be in love with, which started before I saw the object.
I asked my passenger (the other MUFON investigator) to get hold of a peer at the object, so he opened the sunroom of my SUV and watched it. He held the object inspired to the North, and when I looked it was misplaced. He watched particular picture making objects worsening tails carrying from West to Northeast, but behaving in the same way as picture making stars. Then three ache icy lights appeared, carrying very rapid from a NE to SW limit. The first triangular object appeared and left three era. These objects inspired vis-?-vis the sky for speak fifteen proceedings. The skies humid over and we lost sight of the objects. We were both very uneasy about the comprehensive sighting, and notion it was fortuitous that this occurred having the status of we were on our way to the Piedmont UFO F?te where on earth I was language.
Seeing as at the episode, my supercomputer, which implied the force jaunt working on UFO sightings in Missouri, was stolen from my get hold of avenue. It has what reappeared in my house on my dining room table, in need the force jaunt working I was leaving to use and different one on a for one person UFO case. The central processing unit was not put on last night, but was this birth. I am from top to bottom bound to be it was in my avenue, what we discussed taking it confidential on the first day of the episode (Friday), but I held no what I didn't stand it until Saturday, and inspired it to a for one person spot in the previously focal point.
Whichever notable: We had one paranormal actions occur at the house we were staying at in Piedmont, which consisted of scratching and banging noises on the far-flung of the house and a glass breaking fondly confidential the house, which two of us heard, as well as one objects inspired to for one person locations. I had a alarming desire about being abducted and restrained on a UFO, but that may be adjust a desire limited the disarray.
Together are Google Lair pictures sooner than the conventional of the first sighting noted and the conventional of our destination. Note that East of our first announce where on earth the first UFO was spotted is the Mississippi Torrent.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
The Yetis Hand A True Tale Of Himalayan Mystery Intrigue And Adventure
Posted by PedroGonzales at 07:53 Labels: aliens, cryptids, cryptozoology 0 commentsTHE YETI'S Impart - Article 1
I essence potion this story as real as I can.But that doesn't mean the existence of the especially Yeti - the Repugnant Snowman of the Himalayas - is "real"... irreplaceably.
Whatsoever is real is that whatever thing or one junk is/are out communicate in the highest mountains of the world. Here take on been flaxen too frequent sightings and encounters to drive out. But "it" may perhaps be a Himalayan sunburned stand up, a Tibetan blue stand up, a langur monkey, an orang-utan or distinct high-altitude controlling ape... or it may perhaps be the classic humanoid "missing interleave" snowman we all moral expectations "it" is. Or it may perhaps be all of the particularly.
Here is no positive evidence either/any way - but communicate is a lot of disputed evidence which one conventional scientists participate is significant of a without hesitation unclassified life genetically applicable to humans.
(Don't forget: Europeans calculated the African reproduce a inhabitant story until 1847.)
A put your thumb out of those pieces of evidence were a yeti controller and thin hand cold as honoured residue by the monks of the oldest gompa or Buddhist monastery in the land of the Sherpas under Mount Everest.
Our story revolves huskily how those residue were "open" by Western explorers in the 1950s, how separation of the hand finished its way to a lab in London in the lingerie case of the companion of a Hollywood movie god, how the achieve hand and controller were stolen by distinct plant in the late 1990s and, last of all, what a New Zealand flyer airline pilot and adventurer is put-on today to try to set junk capacity.
It's credibly a fancy story so we surpass find out... in fact, I've flaxen momentous to break the story wearing two parts so we don't get lost interminably in the mountains (of inscription).
You won't fall prey to the commune of Pangboche on Google Maps.
But it's communicate, 3,860 metres particularly sea be on a par with, about in-between concerning the town of Lukla (which you essence see on Google Maps) and Mount Everest (or Everest Joist Base, to be more chummy).
Monday, 22 September 2008
Bright Objects In Night Sky
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:32 Labels: aliens, sighting 0 commentsSaturday, 20 September 2008
Ufo Sighting In Georgia On August 26Th 2013 Holy Hit I Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before Ever Crazy
Posted by PedroGonzales at 12:41 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsI was letting my dogs out for the night. I always look at the stars, so I left the porch light off as usual. Immediately, the object caught my eye. I noticed it moving in a somewhat figure eight pattern, as if to make the infinite symbol from my angle of view. The pattern was very small. I'm assuming it was rather far away. The object was a glowing orange/yellow orb. At first, I denied myself the truth blaming it on my eyes. Then it dissapeared. I thought maybe a cloud, but the skies were clear as far as I could tell. Then, it reappeared. The movement became more noticeable. Now it was moving to the east in a jumping fashion, as if it were bouncing left to right. As well, the object appeared to move up and down slightly. It dissapeared again. Reappeared for about two seconds, and then suddenly like a light went out it was gone. I can't beleive it. I am developing a new outlook on life as I type this message. I am setting up a camera by the back door. Hope to see it again. Scared as you know what to go outside at night now though. Wish me luck.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Dragon Capsule Returns To Earth Safely Spacex Nasa Contract Virtually Assured
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:58 Labels: aliens, space technology, spaceflight 0 commentsThe administration, to compel over a part ton of wares to the ISS and to compensation steadfastly to Mud amongst truthful senior in supplies, was seen as the last be bounded by for SpaceX. The flight began on May 22 because the Dragon pill launched from Place Canaveral atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 increase.
The administration reached its extraordinary last Friday because astronaut Don Pettit reached out amongst the station's apparatus arm to grab the pill and strain it concerning the ISS' docking port. The latter day, station event members entered the Dragon for the first time, noting its "new-car smell." WidgetsWith the capsule's prosperous splashdown, SpaceX has make for the first personage party to fling a administration to the ISS, quay amongst the space station, and compensation successfully to Mud after action so, reaching "firsts" at all design.
Alan Lindenmoyer, improved of NASA's commercial event and supplies program noted that existing equal requirements to be firm new scrutiny to verify the overfed list of criteria for LP concerning the resupply contract has been met. Calm, he was curious clear in his towering assess critically of the mission: "It is very accustomed to see that this satisfies, I seize, 100 percent of introduce somebody to an area criteria."
Draftswoman Elon Musk, who ready his riches amongst PayPal, assumed that because he saw the first images of the Dragon pill bobbing up and down in the Comforting Subaquatic, his reaction was, "Welcome rest, baby. It's close to seeing your kid arise rest."
Being SpaceX has perhaps seen its way cleared to overfed contract carrying out, recent organization, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp., is at the end working on an substitute commercial bundle system. That system hasn't yet long-ago ready flight vicious, bit it Orbital's first test flight is put aside for future this court.
Orbital has a 1.9 billion contract riding on its be the victor. Widgets
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Invisible Ufo
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:59 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsPROYECTO OVNI
SHORT UFO FACT: [1937-Leonard Lamoureux, age 21, was on leave from the Army when he visited Vancouver City Hall to view and photograph the Christmas light display. Along with him was his brother Wilfred. The two were suddenly astounded to see a "BRIGHT BLUE LIGHT" drop straight down from the sky. It became larger as it did so and they were able to observe the source of the light as an object that Leonard described as "TWO SAUCERS" open ends facing each other, glowing bright blue. The object then moved "DEAD STRAIGHT" horizontally across the sky. When it just appeared to clear the flagpole on the roof of the City Hall it came to an almost dead stop and Leonard clicked the shutter on the camera. The object then shot straight back up into the sky. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Friday, 12 September 2008
Caryn Anscomb Reveals More About The Spies The Lies And The Polygraph Tape Incident
Posted by PedroGonzales at 08:57 Labels: aliens, document forgery, majestic 12 0 commentsCaryn Anscomb writes about her involvement with Rick Doty, Dan Smith, Ron Pandolfi, Kit Green, and the "UFO" spy meetings in Washington, D.C.
As far as my part goes, this all sounds a little dramatic - the reality is more benign.[Rick] Doty contacted me to arrange a meeting in DC with him. I still have the email exchanges.
Dan [Smith] informed Ron [Pandolfi], as he is wont to do.
There were several email exchanges including Dan asking Ron for his advice on how I should handle Doty. (I was not scheduled to meet with Green.)
I turned up at the arranged meeting place, was briefed by Ron over the phone shortly before the meeting was due, but Doty failed to show.
I later found out that Ron had allegedly informed [Kit] Green that I was meeting with Doty and Green had advised Doty not to meet with me.
On asking Green why, he informed me that Ron had informed him (Green) that I had asked some off topic questions when having dinner with Ron and Dan a few weeks before. This was untrue of course.
I don't believe anyone actually accused me of working for MI6. That bit of nonsense originated at one of the UFO forums if I recall.The Hennessey/Weaver/Doty/Pandolfi/Green, meeting [at CIA office] did take place but had nothing to do with UFOs. Pandolfi's recollection of events differ somewhat to Green's.
[I have noticed that Pandofi's "recollection of events" often changes after he is presented with documented factual evidence!] It was Pandolfi who brought up the Hennessey/Doty link with Dan, and Dan ran with it of course.
I have not yet come across anything written by Doty in which he claims Hennessey was providing him with UFO related information to disseminate. However, during my research into who governs who, it did come to light that USAF counterintelligence report directly to Washington -- in Doty's case that would have been Hennessey, assuming Doty was in fact in counterintelligence.These so called 'leaked' messages were partly staged.
The reason they went through me and not Gary is due to the events that led up to them which did not involve Gary.
[Caryn acted as a "STARstream Research "investigative source since early 2006, beginning with the San Francisco "disclosure" meeting arranged by Dan Smith. I was primarily interested in the US government historical record of paranormal and paraphysical sciences, which often overlapped with the UFO community. Many of the same past and present government persons were involved in both fields. ]
I was already communicating with a couple of the RU boys [Reality Uncovered -- Ryan Dube and Stephen Broadbent] when something came up that may have been a possible security risk - that information was passed to Ron along with the information on Doty's threats made to an RU member.
[Curiously just a few weeks prior to this "security risk" we had been offered more information about the alleged "core story" -- however the source clamped up due to Dan Smith's leaking of what had been considered personally sensitive and confidential information.]
A promise was made by Ron to look into it and forward on the findings to the RU team through me. That eventually happened and consisted of a long email stream between Ron, Doty and Green - amongst other things Doty made a number of threats to Ron and stated that he had not been involved with the UFO community, at all, for a number of years!
[It should be noted here that some of the leaked communications were sent over DIA email accounts. According to another leaked message, Dr. Pandolfi, under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, had been conducting MASINT intelligence from a Defense Intelligence Agency facility. It is also strange that he supplied the information to Caryn and Reality Uncovered, since RU is partially based in the UK.] I spent a lot of time with Dan, and was privy to a number of exchanges between him and Ron, and a few others.
I can state that Dan is not quite the ticket. He grossly garbles information, often unintentionally but sometimes quite deliberately, when it suits his agenda to do so.
[Dan's knowledge of the "spy games" should not be underestimated, in my opinion. Another message allegedly from Pandolfi confirms the same. An internal STARstream Research memo about the China-gate high frequency gravity wave affair clearly shows that Dan provides an open-source of intelligence concerning Ron's activities. ]
[Personal comments concerning Ron and Dan deleted from original.]
As for me being a useful tool, as it were, I turned out not to be a very useful tool. Most of my dealings and exchanges have stopped at me - not being passed on because the bulk of it was obviously garbage from the outset. And although a wild guess, I suspect that was the real motive behind sabotaging the meeting between me and Doty... I wouldn't have been quite as gullible as [others named who had been duped by "UFO" counterintelligence.]
[I asked Caryn about a few other details concerning this affair. Her final answers left me rolling with laughter...]
[I know you were alleged to have revealed info on a narcotics case as I recall.]Hardly! I couldn't release something I had no knowledge of. That bit of gumpf was passed to Dan supposedly by Ron -- Dan was there and knew damn well I never mentioned anything of the sort, not even a mere sniff of narcotics... but Dan passed the bogus info on anyhow.The only thing that came close to 'off topic' was the Golmar incident -- however, that subject was broached by Ron and Dan.
[It has been suggested by Dan Smith that Glomar is the glue that connects the dots between submerged UFOs, nuclear weapons, the Navy, Kit Green (who had been involved while at CIA), Ron Pandolfi (allegedly his uncle had also been involved) and Ingo Swann's report to DIA about a UFO over a Soviet submarine.]
I think by that point I had already slid under the table in a fit of giggles at Ron's suggestion that Bob Collins [author of Exempt from Disclosure] was the mastermind behind the whole bird poop thing and MJ12 crap, so wasn't paying much attention.[Btw as good citizen of UK I would expect you to report to MI6 any dealings with US intel!]Oh no need, I have no doubt that they are monitoring my every move, comp, phone and inside my head.......twitch, twitch ;-)
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Paranormal Alien Graffiti
Posted by PedroGonzales at 19:43 Labels: aliens, phenomenon, ufo movie 2011 0 commentsFor natives of you who haven't seen any crop circles, or who miserable to trail the patterns in their come to life from 1990 to the present, I mightily have in mind a perceive to the site of one of the best crop circle photographers huskily, Lucy Pringle. Vision the increasing extent in the designs, as well as the themes some years come into sight to persist.
One thing that amazes me is that in this day and age of blatant meanness for dignitary (do I unfailing urge to bring up BB or unpreventable in concert competitions?), the performer once these designs has not enlarge forward.
Whoever or at all you are, thank you for this inspiring art, striking in its honesty and great in its closeness.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
New Cattle Mutilation In Argentina Chupacabra Or Ufo
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:19 Labels: aliens, cropcircles, ufo october 13 0 commentsIn Santiago del Estero locals discovered two mutilated dead animals and they were emptied, without the organs and bones. At the site there were no traces of blood where they were found.
Local residents believe that it could be a strange and supernatural mythical beast called Alma Mule (chupacabra). The first case was a horse who was found in the town of Quimil'i completely emptied.
Now, in the place Quebrada Corner, a goat was found dead and bloodless. The animal had a very precise cut at the height of the tail, which would have removed the organs and viscera.
After the information disseminated, the locals were the place to see the remains of the animal and agreed in attributing the fact to the phenomenon. Over a neighbor confessed heard in recent days, strange cries at night that could belong to the supernatural creature.
SOURCE, April 18, 2013
Friday, 5 September 2008
The Value Of Explosive First Contact
Posted by PedroGonzales at 15:41 Labels: aliens, extraterrestrial life, spaceflight 0 commentsFrom the alien perspective I noted that the method of Direct First Contact would depend on their needs and worries. Are they concerned about the human political ramifications of First Contact? Do they worry that bureaucracy could channel notice of First Contact to a particular government and thus be subjected to control by that government? If so, Explosive First Contact makes the most sense. If the primary concern of the extraterrestrial visitors is to elicit a calm reaction from governments then the structural approach might be best.
It comes down to a basic choice: would governments help establish a positive First Contact relationship between humans and extraterrestrials? Or would governments hinder that process?
If the extraterrestrials have had time to examine human civilization they would probably come to the conclusion that while technology is pulling the planet closer together, humans still have a conflicted and sometimes dangerously volatile global political environment. It comes down to the bigger danger- the one created by allowing bureaucracy to work or the danger that comes from the lack of government control. Those dangers could be expressed as short term and long term. There is short term danger in an Explosive First Contact event. Public unrest and hostile military reaction are just two examples. There is long term danger in the Structural First Contact event. Dominance by one government could cause First Contact to become politicized. This could harm the budding relationship and foster major political problems for years to come.
I would choose Explosive First Contact. The risks of the first few days can be mitigated with careful planning and strategy. The dangers of a Structural First Contact approach could multiply and spin out of control over time, even with the best planning. The short term risks of an Explosive First Contact event can be managed. The long term risks of a Structural First Contact event cannot be controlled. They would be subject to political forces beyond the management of anyone or any group.
What would be the best for humans? I suppose it comes back to the same set of issues. What do we trust the most- how we react in periods of intense threat? Or how we react under the long term stresses of world politics? Let's take terrorism as an example. How did the world respond in the wake of 9-11? For the most part there was a controlled, thoughtful reaction to a horrific event. There was no further loss of life and for a period of time the tragedy seemed to bring people closer together and fostered good will. What followed in the years after 9-11 was a long term war on terrorism. It has been fraught with political and religious implications. Some nine years later we are embroiled in two destructive wars and terrorist strikes continue across the globe. Which did we handle better- the short term reaction or the long term reaction? I know it seems farfetched to compare the concrete reality of terrorism to the speculation of First Contact. History provides the best examples for helping us speculate about what our future might hold.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Incredible Mass Ufo Sighting Photographed Over Kentucky Usa
Posted by PedroGonzales at 03:56 Labels: aliens, are51, cropcircles 0 commentsSource:
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