Caryn Anscomb writes about her involvement with Rick Doty, Dan Smith, Ron Pandolfi, Kit Green, and the "UFO" spy meetings in Washington, D.C.
As far as my part goes, this all sounds a little dramatic - the reality is more benign.[Rick] Doty contacted me to arrange a meeting in DC with him. I still have the email exchanges.
Dan [Smith] informed Ron [Pandolfi], as he is wont to do.
There were several email exchanges including Dan asking Ron for his advice on how I should handle Doty. (I was not scheduled to meet with Green.)
I turned up at the arranged meeting place, was briefed by Ron over the phone shortly before the meeting was due, but Doty failed to show.
I later found out that Ron had allegedly informed [Kit] Green that I was meeting with Doty and Green had advised Doty not to meet with me.
On asking Green why, he informed me that Ron had informed him (Green) that I had asked some off topic questions when having dinner with Ron and Dan a few weeks before. This was untrue of course.
I don't believe anyone actually accused me of working for MI6. That bit of nonsense originated at one of the UFO forums if I recall.The Hennessey/Weaver/Doty/Pandolfi/Green, meeting [at CIA office] did take place but had nothing to do with UFOs. Pandolfi's recollection of events differ somewhat to Green's.
[I have noticed that Pandofi's "recollection of events" often changes after he is presented with documented factual evidence!] It was Pandolfi who brought up the Hennessey/Doty link with Dan, and Dan ran with it of course.
I have not yet come across anything written by Doty in which he claims Hennessey was providing him with UFO related information to disseminate. However, during my research into who governs who, it did come to light that USAF counterintelligence report directly to Washington -- in Doty's case that would have been Hennessey, assuming Doty was in fact in counterintelligence.These so called 'leaked' messages were partly staged.
The reason they went through me and not Gary is due to the events that led up to them which did not involve Gary.
[Caryn acted as a "STARstream Research "investigative source since early 2006, beginning with the San Francisco "disclosure" meeting arranged by Dan Smith. I was primarily interested in the US government historical record of paranormal and paraphysical sciences, which often overlapped with the UFO community. Many of the same past and present government persons were involved in both fields. ]
I was already communicating with a couple of the RU boys [Reality Uncovered -- Ryan Dube and Stephen Broadbent] when something came up that may have been a possible security risk - that information was passed to Ron along with the information on Doty's threats made to an RU member.
[Curiously just a few weeks prior to this "security risk" we had been offered more information about the alleged "core story" -- however the source clamped up due to Dan Smith's leaking of what had been considered personally sensitive and confidential information.]
A promise was made by Ron to look into it and forward on the findings to the RU team through me. That eventually happened and consisted of a long email stream between Ron, Doty and Green - amongst other things Doty made a number of threats to Ron and stated that he had not been involved with the UFO community, at all, for a number of years!
[It should be noted here that some of the leaked communications were sent over DIA email accounts. According to another leaked message, Dr. Pandolfi, under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, had been conducting MASINT intelligence from a Defense Intelligence Agency facility. It is also strange that he supplied the information to Caryn and Reality Uncovered, since RU is partially based in the UK.] I spent a lot of time with Dan, and was privy to a number of exchanges between him and Ron, and a few others.
I can state that Dan is not quite the ticket. He grossly garbles information, often unintentionally but sometimes quite deliberately, when it suits his agenda to do so.
[Dan's knowledge of the "spy games" should not be underestimated, in my opinion. Another message allegedly from Pandolfi confirms the same. An internal STARstream Research memo about the China-gate high frequency gravity wave affair clearly shows that Dan provides an open-source of intelligence concerning Ron's activities. ]
[Personal comments concerning Ron and Dan deleted from original.]
As for me being a useful tool, as it were, I turned out not to be a very useful tool. Most of my dealings and exchanges have stopped at me - not being passed on because the bulk of it was obviously garbage from the outset. And although a wild guess, I suspect that was the real motive behind sabotaging the meeting between me and Doty... I wouldn't have been quite as gullible as [others named who had been duped by "UFO" counterintelligence.]
[I asked Caryn about a few other details concerning this affair. Her final answers left me rolling with laughter...]
[I know you were alleged to have revealed info on a narcotics case as I recall.]Hardly! I couldn't release something I had no knowledge of. That bit of gumpf was passed to Dan supposedly by Ron -- Dan was there and knew damn well I never mentioned anything of the sort, not even a mere sniff of narcotics... but Dan passed the bogus info on anyhow.The only thing that came close to 'off topic' was the Golmar incident -- however, that subject was broached by Ron and Dan.
[It has been suggested by Dan Smith that Glomar is the glue that connects the dots between submerged UFOs, nuclear weapons, the Navy, Kit Green (who had been involved while at CIA), Ron Pandolfi (allegedly his uncle had also been involved) and Ingo Swann's report to DIA about a UFO over a Soviet submarine.]
I think by that point I had already slid under the table in a fit of giggles at Ron's suggestion that Bob Collins [author of Exempt from Disclosure] was the mastermind behind the whole bird poop thing and MJ12 crap, so wasn't paying much attention.[Btw as good citizen of UK I would expect you to report to MI6 any dealings with US intel!]Oh no need, I have no doubt that they are monitoring my every move, comp, phone and inside my head.......twitch, twitch ;-)
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