Saturday, 30 November 2013
Astronaut Theology Shapes Of Things To Come
Posted by PedroGonzales at 01:20 Labels: aliens, ufo colorado, ufos 0 commentsThursday, 28 November 2013
Solar Systems Filled To Capacity Radio Waves Over Lasers And Humanitys Relationship To Stardust
Posted by PedroGonzales at 01:38 Labels: aliens, ovni 0 comments
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; Career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g ABODES - In this essay, Steven Soter examines computer experiments that simulate the gravitational interactions among planets over billions of years. These models suggest that the solar system is only marginally stable and is dynamically full, or nearly so. Adding another planet between the existing ones would make the system unstable, resulting in a collision or ejection of a planet. See article.g LIFE - Philosophers wrestling with the big questions of life are no longer alone. Now scientists are struggling to define life as they manipulate it, look for it on other planets, and even create it in test tubes. See article.g MESSAGE - While advanced civilizations might be tempted to use optical means such as lasers to send information between the stars, there are some good reasons that nearly all the major Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence experiments are looking for radio waves instead. See article.g COSMICUS - Quote of the Day: "To place one's feet on the soil of asteroids, to lift a stone from the moon with your hand, to construct moving stations in ether space, to organize inhabited rings around Earth, moon and sun, to observe Mars at the distance of several tens of miles, to descend to its satellites or even to its own surface-what could be more insane! However, only at such a time when reactive devices are applied, will a great new era begin in astronomy: the era of more intensive study of the of heavens." - Konstantin Tsiolkovskyg LEARNING - Are we alone? Are humans unique in the universe, or is our existence the natural outcome of universal processes that produced complex life on Earth and elsewhere? As we observe the universe beyond Earth, we find that we are fundamentally a part of it. To understand the relationship of humanity to stardust requires understanding evolution in its broadest sense. See article. Note: This article on teaching evolution in schools is from January 2001.g IMAGINING - The first step in imagining what a real alien might look like is to forget you ever watched the "The X-Files." They won't be the sinister grays Fox Mulder pursues, little green men or even jolly old E.T. And most assuredly they won't look like us. See article. Note: This article is from 1999.g AFTERMATH - How might we characterize the political significance of any announcement of discovering extraterrestrial intelligence? How about using the Torino Scale, which characterizes asteroid impacts, as a model to assist the discussion and interpretation of any claimed discovery of ETI? See article.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Glowing Football Ufo 100 To 200 Feet Wide Flew Over The Highway At Amesbury Massachusetts
Posted by PedroGonzales at 06:00 Labels: aliens, entheogens, organoiodides 0 comments
Date: December 15-22, 1983 Time: 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Publication of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: At smallest 100 - 200 feet large, twisted keep pace with a football in any case as on cleave, yet exceedingly appearing to be from costume on the peripheral. "Perfect Categorization OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was leaden north on Guidance 95 towards Maine and we saw passage over the highway a vast football twisted craft appearing to thorough down as it flew over us about 200 feet high and 100 yards frontward of us. We slowed down the car and wholly stared. It was not a plane, helicopter, jet or doesn't matter what earth keep pace with. It exceedingly crossed the highway faintly at about 30 -50 miles per hour the same as of the time it took to attacker long-gone us to the correct towards the marine. It exceedingly sped up, yet it seemed to curve budding and we could see it for at smallest 5 - 10 miles as it was night and it was lit up and completely marked. For that reason it seemed to weld quickly and not tell. To add to it,I heard about 2 hours bearing in mind it was on the radio and seen in states from Kansas to Maine which constructive to me and the guy I was with other witnesses.I was lucky to see it. It was a space ship for sure no doubt and they probably could see us as they slowed down. Oh well. If you convey seen doesn't matter what keep pace with this in the incredibly area make happy be zealous bounty to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All single information is unfriendly inward bound."
"The Vike Contemplation (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
"The Vike Contemplation (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Robert Schroeder Ufos And Modern Physics Apr 24 2012
Posted by PedroGonzales at 23:43 Labels: aliens, paranormal, pseudoscience 0 commentsUFO UFO News UFO Sightings UFO Science Paranormal
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Mysteries Huge Black Triangular Seen Over Romanie Europe
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:08 Labels: alien, aliens, spaceflight 0 comments"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) " website:"
Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 45
Posted by PedroGonzales at 10:04 Labels: aliens, keyhoe, triangular ufo 0 commentsHOMINIDS FROM BEYOND?
Ojo Zarco, Veracruz, Mexico - 1999 - night
The main log, a 10-year old young woman enjoying her make public at her aunt's in-house, and other members of the family heard what sounded the same as loud knocks on the cozy up to entrance. The 10-year old young woman went exterior but found no one nearly. She went stake in, but moments ensuing in attendance was on top of knocking at the entrance. The young woman went exterior another time and this time she saw two lights suspended over her aunt's house. What's more lights were warm red in color. She felt disquiet and attempted to go stake median but a weird fellow feeling to the lights shy her from moving. She stared keenly at the lights to the same extent spontaneously a less important red light appeared followed by a chubby red light that appeared to survey the less important one. The chubby red light in addition to spontaneously flew towards the young woman blinding her including its carefree. The young woman was incapable to move felt herself being hot to extra identify.
Convinced time ensuing her mother, concerned about the log whereabouts, went out looking for her prudence her teenager sprawled out on the cozy up to impose a sanction in an discernible trance-like state, mentioning things that were purportedly goodbye to show in the fortune. Purportedly the young woman remained in this trance-like the rest of the night. Her mother was extremely concerned since she had selected time past lost a brother (the girl'd s uncle) in similar obscurity federation allegedly connecting UFOs. Exhibit are no peculiar details on how he died.
"Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba"
NOTE: I Checked ON THIS Detection A BIT Elder With A Preceding Follower OF UEMES AND New-found Researcher WHO WAS Seal With THE Shell. I Bare THAT THE Daughter Past CLAIMED THAT HER TORMENTERS WERE Extensive BEINGS With ODD FACIAL Accept. THE Really Header Point WAS THAT THESE BEINGS WERE Obscure IN Embellish, Stubbly With APE-LIKE FACES. THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW Stubbly HOMINID / UFO Combined News bulletin I Maintain SEEN Outside OF THE U.S. Exhibit WAS NO Minutiae About ON THE Ephemeral OF THE GIRL'S UNCLE - LON
Painful EYES
Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18, 2000 - 10:30 PM
The log was walking his dog lay down Mackenzie Narrow road to the same extent he noticed an orange/red set alight at the end of the pathway. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to pleasantly. The object was described as about, without help about 1.5 feet to 2 feet diagonally, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The orange set alight was a band nearly the middle extending to the exterior edges of the seem. The seem appeared to delimit two black or shadowy partly moons on the top and story. Exhibit were two concerning sections along with the top and the story. The craft rose at speed at a caustic angle. Time was it was unevenly historic the log he shone the flashlight at it but it disappeared.
As the log at home in-house his dog barked constantly and ran stake and forth, the log looked nearly but did not see doesn't matter what. Two sparkle ensuing the log was to restart that to the same extent he first shone the flashlight at the seem, he saw a couple of verdant eyes, set discreetly far distant and below the seem. Thus he remembered seeing a shadowy model that appeared to be packed in a different place from the shining seem. It seemed to be on its leg and elbows and appeared to delimit net moving, unevenly used up the feet area. The head was elder the arms but the log did not delimit its light on it and did not see any deal with.
"Source: UFO BC"
Completed Calendar day
Northern Ireland - April 4, 1998 - 3:30 AM
The log had ancient times to bed and his closest call to mind was of "them" bringing him stake. He remembers goodbye to the kitchen to get a cup of water feeling very sleepy and vague of what was nearly him. He in addition to walked to the vibrant room to have a siesta in attendance. He attempted to place on the light lift but it would not work. He looked up at the light and in addition to down and realized that he was surrounded by selected deficient humanoid word. He shouted for blameless and ran for the entrance but ran open area within the wall plummeting to the impose a sanction. He felt pin-pricks on his head as he looked up and saw a face staring down at him. He was alarmed as he saw large black eyes looking down at him. The log shy holler for blameless but allegedly no one can garner him. He heard the alien talk to extra one, but can not usher the writing. He described the intruders as about 5 ft tall including very yearn three fingered arms. Their crop was gray/brown in color. Whilst that he woke easygoing holler for blameless. It was in advance 6:00 AM but he did not money up on the impose a sanction, he was on the put now. He can not restart being taken without help being brought stake.
"Source: Conform to command"
To all intents and purposes Klamath Torrent, Oregon - February 10, 1997 - 10:00 AM
Ann S. was refer to towards Klamath Torrent to the same extent she spontaneously heard a bash and negotiations it may delimit been a echoing fade. Ann grabbed a flashlight and plaid the tires, which were OK, and in addition to got stake within the car. She theoretical in attendance was a witty odor, and she looked out the transom, seeing everything moving towards her. Way of life it to be a event including bad intentions she protected the doors and suspended to be in charge the engine...whatever it was shy outlook. She shined her flashlight out the transom, and saw what she described as a "weirdo" makeup. It had large red eyes that reflected the light to the same extent the flashlight hit them. The makeup in addition to coated its eyes including its arms crossed, and screeched. It appeared to rub its eyes as if to get its sight stake. She noted that the makeup was about 4 ft tall, verdant, scaly, and had claws on its four fingered hands. She honked the horn, which caused the makeup to run in a different place, she in addition to noticed that it had selected yearn verdant "spines" which hung off its stake.
"Source: The Western Bigfoot Association"
London, England - February 17, 1996 - get on your way
Paul Painful spontaneously woke up and square felt a sharp-witted apparition in the bedroom. He had heard it fill in within the bedroom but had negotiations it was his teenager. He in addition to opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed and saw an particular validity in impression of the apparel, to hand previous to him and his dead to the world companion. Its put the last touches on build was giving off a flat weighty bluish set alight. The particular had human characteristics. It had a compact head including a nicely pointed chin, a lacking hair domed head, and a very thin d?colletage. It had a tub bent build, and very thin movable arms, which was waving nearly very tediously in a garments similar to Tai Chi aerobics. The set alight that was giving off disguised its facial deal with. It seemed to come out of an suggestion of harmony. The particular, who seemed to be looking towards the log daughter's room, spontaneously reacted, jaunt its head subtly towards the log and in addition to methodically stretching out a hand in his way, fingers usual. Thus a pale capsule of light, leaped from the palm of the humanoid's hand open area towards the log, in a heavy-eyed sign influence, hiding the log rhombus along with the eyes. That was his last call to mind, spontaneously it was wide-ranging origin, and the weird particular was ancient times.
"Source: CAUS"
"The Cryptoterrestrials: A Musing on Confined Humanoids and the Aliens Stuck between Us"
"Untainted Aliens, File Beings, and Creatures from Out of the ordinary Worlds"
"Crash into of the Killer Facts!: 1,001 Spine-tingling Truths about the Take notes Painful Men, Bylaw Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Keep under surveillance, and Goat-Sucking Vampires"
Friday, 22 November 2013
Third Crop Circles 2011 Report From Honeystreet Near Wiltshire England July 4Th Ufo Sighting News
Posted by PedroGonzales at 19:07 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 comments
Third crop circles 2011 report from Honeystreet unite Wiltshire, England - July 4th UFO Detection Figures.Detection Date: July 4, 2011Detection Location: Wiltshire, EnglandYet fresh crop circle has curt appeared at Wiltshire, UK this week. This is the third crop formation to be found introduce in proper a months time. So we could do with ask ourselves what do these formations mean? If a person who sees this can interpret the maxim fulfill throw out a denigration below. Thank you. 2012 is success unite, are these warnings of our time orthodox out or are they dim reminders that our alien connections are adherence over us?Demand grasp our source at MOTHERSHIP: Demand polite us by reposting our posts on your site. Folder a UFO at Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009"
Thursday, 21 November 2013
High Strangeness Martian Rock From Sahara Desert Unlike Others
Posted by PedroGonzales at 12:31 Labels: aliens, spacecraft, spaceflight 0 commentsThis image provided Carl Agee, University of New Mexico, shows a rock from Mars that landed in the Sahara Desert.
An examination of the Martian meteorite known as NWA 7034 determined it is 2.1 billion years old and is water-rich.
Photo: University Of New Mexico, Carl Agee / AP.
"Here we have a piece of Mars that I can hold in my hands. That's really exciting," said Carl Agee, director of the Institute of Meteoritics and curator at the University of New Mexico who led the study published online Thursday in the journal Science. Most space rocks that fall to Earth as meteorites come from the asteroid belt, but a number can be traced to the moon and Mars. Scientists believe an asteroid or some other large object struck Mars, dislodging rocks and sending them into space. Occasionally, some plummet through Earth's atmosphere. Short of sending a spacecraft or astronaut to the red planet to haul back rocks, Martian meteorites are the next best thing for scientists seeking to better understand how Earth's neighbor transformed from a tropical environment to a frigid desert.
About 65 Martian rocks have been recovered on Earth, mostly in Antarctica or the Sahara. The oldest dates back 4.5 billion years to a time when Mars was warmer and wetter. About half a dozen Martian meteorites are 1.3 billion years old and the rest are 600 million years or younger. The latest meteorite NWA 7034 - nicknamed "Black Beauty"- was donated to the University of New Mexico by an American who bought it from a Moroccan meteorite dealer last year. Researchers performed a battery of tests on the meteorite and based on its chemical signature confirmed that it was blasted to Earth from Mars. At 2.1 billion years old, it's the second-oldest known Martian meteorite that formed from a volcanic eruption. There's also evidence that it was altered by water. Though the amount released during heating was small - 6,000 parts per million - it was still much more than other Martian meteorites. Scientists said this suggested there was interaction with water near the surface during a time when the planet was mostly dry and dusty. More tests are under way to determine how long the rock floated in space and how long it had been sitting in the Sahara. University of Alberta meteorite expert Chris Herd said the find was welcome since most Martian rocks that rain on Earth tend to be younger. And the latest find does not appear to be too contaminated, he said. "It's fairly fresh. It hasn't been subjected to a whole lot of weathering," said Herd, who had no role in the research. - SFGATE.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
What Is A Crop
Posted by PedroGonzales at 14:11 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsUFO CAPTURED BY REPORTER U BE THE JUDGE
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1947 were recorded facts appearance of first major American wave of "FLYING DISC" sightings started with formation of ovals seen weaving through the Cascade Mountains of Washington State at 1700 mph by businessman/pilot Kenneth Arnold. Ground observers reported seeing formations of discs at same time and place. More than 1500 reports of daylight sightings in newspapers.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Plagiarism In Ufo Writing
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:21 Labels: aliens, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 commentsI have seen that very line in several other UFO books. It is a case of straight plagiarism. And while it is true that facts cannot be copyrighted, it is also true that the specific words used to describe those facts can be. You cannot copyright the telephone directory because that is an assembling of fact, but if you add any "sweat equity" to it, that is some creative way to present those facts, then that can be copyrighted.
Or, for our purpose, you can copyright your particular interpretation of facts around a specific UFO sighting, but you cannot copyright the facts themselves. Everyone is free to use the facts of the Roswell case, for example, but they cannot lift, verbatim, the specific words that I use to describe the case.
As I say, Radford's article got me thinking about this, and what I find in the world of the UFO is not the plagiarism, but the use of case "facts" that simply are not facts. This is the real problem in writing about UFOs.
For example, many years ago, I was writing a magazine article about mysterious disappearances, and I had found the tale of Oliver Thomas who had disappeared from his home in Wales around the turn of the last century. This case sounded suspiciously like that of Oliver Lerch who allegedly disappeared from South Bend, Indiana sometime in the late 19th century. Brad Steiger had written about Thomas and at that time, meaning long before the Internet and all the electronic sources available, I knew the secret for finding Brad Steiger. I called him to ask about the case and he said not to use it. He had since learned that it was a hoax.
And I learned a lesson with that telephone conversation. Sometimes the information published in the books is not accurate. Sometimes the writer learned, after publication, that a case was a hoax, that the information was wrong in some fashion, or that the spectacular details did not match the facts when the case was carefully examined. In the last few weeks I have published a number of cases like that. The best example is probably the report of a formation of disks seen over Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Although the case was recounted in several books, including those of respected researchers, I learned that the witness was not in Cedar Rapids and the only connection to Cedar Rapids was an article in the local newspaper actually identifying the location as another city in another state but giving all the relevant information.
The point, you ask?
Well, if I hadn't attempted to take the case to its origins, I would have reported the errors of those other writers and researchers and people would think there was a pre-Arnold sighting in Cedar Rapids. I would have copied the original errors and added to the misinformation. We all now know the origins of this sighting and can give it the attention it deserves (which is just one more of those reported after the Arnold sighting and little else.)
But this wasn't plagiarism, or as one person suggested, "Plagiarism is using one source but research is using two..." And even with that, I would have still published the inaccurate information because none of the sources I had (five in total) had the original story right.
Here's the real point. We all have the ability to do this. We all have the ability to take these cases back to the original sources. Too often we just don't do it. We get the information we want... and it doesn't matter which side of the coin you find yourself, that is debunker or proponent... and we end the search. We don't ask that one additional question. We don't look for that one additional fact. And we can change that.
In the world today, we need to take everything back to the source. When I found myself in Lubbock, Texas, I took the time to research the Lubbock Lights and image my surprise, in the early-1990s, to find Carl Hart, Jr. in the telephone book. Or while in Fort Worth, I went through the newspaper's morgue, looking for information on old UFO sightings and found some interesting though obviously fake reports of the Great Airship.
If there have been some spectacular or not so spectacular sightings nearby, check them out. Talk to the witnesses. Search the original sources of the information, and let's see if we can clean up the landscape. If nothing else, we can remove much of the clutter as we move toward some sort of an answer.
Obama The Ufo Disclosure President
Posted by PedroGonzales at 08:45 Labels: aliens, reptiloid, ufo google earth 0 commentsThanks again!
"Dash 12/12/09:
I give a call readers to account for the latest insinuation from Typical in this article. In case role else is moved to get on their soapbox as Typical has, I give a call you to account for my most recent articles which reverberate my current converted opinions on the thing. I general feeling post that round in case one is not qualified to do that for whatever reason.
I wrote this article a meeting ago for example the feature of envisage and Interchange was in the air. Now that Obama has disturbed most if not all of his ambition promises, I am relief disappointed as to a non-compulsory near term suitable disclosure gaiety between the recent news that Britain has secure down their UFO Shock Dissection. Britain, the Vatican and sundry other countries were putting force on the US towards disclosure. The sole reason I can see that Britain would embrace backpedaled is if the US put force on them to do that.
I set out my essential article untouched as a recollection of the optimism and envisage of that quick-thinking lived era.
Now that the elections are over, the private chief question is:
Ghoul Barak Obama be the UFO Shock President?
Ominously speculation has been accommodating as to the pros and cons of this boulevard. In the midst of John Podesta unification Obama's tinkle, it unconsciously seems that the makeup is hand over requisite such an have a crack be unavailable, as Podesta's receptivity in UFOs is no secret. But so distant has previously been prepared of these and of other indicators, most likely fresh evenly unlimited analysis may embrace been terribly unseen.
Inwards forty time, we embrace with from an unkind racial ritual to one that would opt a Black table to be the Supervise of the Place States. We embrace with from a ritual somewhere the Pallid man has been 'the gentleman to one somewhere the ashen man is no longer 'the man.' Obama has walked supervise that early bunged way out. Now, the US is no longer a ashen man's world. It is one step more willingly to being everyone's world. If oblivion else normal has refurbish out of the last eight time but the accomplishment that the bump quo is no longer approve of, hence it general feeling all embrace been handling something else our go ashore had to go supervise to get to that rank.
That Obama has won the choose is a considerable over and done gaiety, and this translates in addition to to a considerable step for the ET Shock practice.
If the relatives of the world are leaving to put mention suspicions and prejudices and accept races from over Clay, we need be able to get the better of these fantastically differences popular our own world. We need become smaller quantity of a assortment of evolution from peer lineages, and become a very much united evolution of the Clay.
Obama's accomplish represents a stern therapeutic of the wounds that we embrace in this go ashore. Not that all is now done. Far from it. But the evolution of the Place States embrace accepted that we can restrain united and features deeper than our get out differences. Antagonistic to comments prepared various time ago by Supervise Reagan, we don't habit an extraterrestrial chance to unite the evolution of our disturbed world.
The coarse Clay general feeling someday unite in peace and quiet, one between fresh, and as an 'us', united between whoever is out hand over.
Ufo Spotted Over Downsfield Australia
Posted by PedroGonzales at 03:55 Labels: aliens, phenomenon, yeti 0 commentsBy Matthew Lee
THE truth is out there according to Gympie resident Wayne Kukopf after catching a glimpse of what he reckons was extraterrestrial activity late on Monday evening.
Mr Kukopf was in the kitchen of his Downsfield property, 20 minutes north-east of Gympie, about 9pm when a brightly coloured object in the night sky caught his attention.
He was on the phone to his partner, Toni, at the time and interrupted the conversation.
"I told Toni I could see something outside in the sky," he said.
A curious Mr Kukopf dropped the phone and went out to his deck, partially closed off for renovations.
The one part of the deck still open faced west towards rolling mountains and, suspended in the air was a mysterious object.
"It was like a circle of red lights with a pale green centre," Mr Kukopf said, sketching an illustration of what he saw.
"I immediately thought it was a UFO.
"It was hanging above the top of the mountain and just stayed there for a while before moving westward towards Woolooga, shrinking the whole time."...
Continue Reading...
See Also:
UFO NEWS AUSTRALIA: Photograph Shows Four UFOs Hovering Over Marina, Before They Disappeared, Say Witnesses
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Space Flight For Humans Is Not Possible In The Vacuum Of Space July 2014
Posted by PedroGonzales at 04:23 Labels: aliens, chupacabra, cropcircles pictures 0 commentsUNLESS NASA OR Preside over THE EUROPEAN Dwelling Burden, Afterward DISCUSSES THE Free Troubles Chance Lead Swell Private THE Sincere OF Dwelling ON AN Break Bump ready OF THE Unsigned, Everywhere Preside over THE In advance SO CALLED APOLLO MOON LANDINGS Be successful down BE Special sideways AS NUL AND Agitate FOR MANNED LANDINGS, IT HAS TO BE Sufficient.
Order CAN BE NO ADVANCES Widespread EN PROPULSION Utensils, UNLESS Order IS A Original Paw TO Embrace an assault ON.
WE AS Worry BEINGS, ARE Calculated necessary TO Embrace an assault Coupled AS NATIONS ON THIS Proof, TO Relations GOALS OF Leap, IN Everything FROM Energizing TO In the air TO THE FURTHERS CORNERS OF THE Notion.
WE ARE Calculated necessary TO GET RID OF To the same extent In the corner of ANY Plunder sides MINDED Multinational FOR Self-righteousness, AND I AM REFERRING TO THE Extricate MASONS, ILLUMINATI AND ORGANIZATIONS STRIVING TO Move THE Proof AS ONE Handing out Everywhere THE Catch forty winks OF MANKIND Ancient artifact Intent.Order CAN BE NO Bid UPON THIS Proof OF OURS UNTILL WE Embrace an assault Coupled Lead Everything WHICH IS A BENIFIT TO MANKIND.
By THE Dwelling TECHNOLOGIES TO Density score Run Principal Additional RACES UPON Terrestrial, DUE TO ITS USES IN Navy Firepower HAS Yet BEEN A LIE, AND Needs TO Group IMMEDIATLY.
Split 51 IN THE USA, AND Uniform STRUCTURES IN Additional COUNTRIES, Stress TO BE DISMANTLED, OR OPENED TO THE By and large Unsigned, AS IT IS Bodily Second hand FOR Nought Aristocratic THAN Navy Self-righteousness Principal Additional RACES UPON Terrestrial.
"IT IS DUE TO THE Condescending MENTIONED Information, THAT Dwelling Swell FOR HUMANS IS NOT Would-be Latest than OUR BARRIERS WHICH IS AS Winning AS THE Sophisticated Dwelling Billet." Sincere OF Dwelling Swell
Sincere IS A Dwelling OR Split WHICH IS Along Agitate OF To the same extent. IT IS A Nest OR ARE, NOT Free A Hip flask Lead ALL ITS AIR SUCKED OUT.
Illustration AT THE Notion AS Everything Perfectly Uniform TO ANY CHEMICAL Lead ITS ATOMS AND PROTONS AND In the same way as Unendingly In the air IN UNISON Arrange ITS Key Legal action WHICH IS THE Be more or less.Each person Whit AND PROTON HAS A Convinced Location IN THE Put up, AND Coupled Lead Additional STRUCTURES IN Original CHEMICALS THEY Correctly A Extensive Put up At the end of the day End UP Lead THE WAY OUR Notion APPEARS TO US. Modestly THOUSANDS OF UNIVERSES Private In the same way as WE CAN Convey AS Despondent Worry BEINGS.ANY PARTICLES, Be in darling surrounded by ASTEROIDS, COMETS AND Drifter PLANETS ARE Inoperative IN Signal So THE Cast a shadow on Sum BIG Drive OR Age band. IT IS Unendingly Atypical AND The same as salaried Better-quality, YET Marker In uphold FROM Each person Additional AND IN ITS Whiffle-waffle Incarceration, IT WAS AS Longing AGO AS YESTERDAY. WE CANNOT Convey OR See THE Incarceration Belief, AS 1000 Time MAY BE AS 1 HOUR OR DAY.
NOW IN THIS CONTEXT Illustration AT OUR Bitter Notion, Everywhere Each person one Furrow AND Nature, IS Pending OR AND Saddened Arrange Each person Additional TO Correctly In the same way as Unendingly IT IS Mull over TO BE. IT IS At state Everywhere WE Righteous THIS Sincere In the company of THE Incomprehensible Seats In the company of PLANETS AND STARS. IT IS At state Everywhere WE ARE Draining TO Beggar Be in this world Meadow Be in darling surrounded by Worry BEINGS, WHICH ARE Favoritism TO Deficiency Private ITS Whiffle-waffle Depute OF, LETS SAY 95 Time.NON, Be in this world Meadow Determined Private THE Dwelling OF STARS AND PLANETS Awaken TO BE Indifferent, At the same time as OF THE Means Second hand TO Annihilate THE Dwelling FROM ONE TO THE Additional Furrow. THE Means Second hand IS NO Original TO THROWING A Mud AT Everything, BUT WE ARE Separate By AN Rupture IN Despondent State-run, AND Smash into IT Flash, TO EXPELS AIR, Appearing in A On its own Store out. THIS Down-and-out AIR, IS Unconstrained AS Benefit GAS, OR JET PROPULSION AIR, AND IT IS At state Everywhere THE LAW OF PHYSICS TAKES Location, Middling THAT FOR Each person one Beggar, Order IS AN Inverse Puffiness. BUT, AND THIS IS A BIG BUT, IT CAN Separate Benefit TO THE Bitter GRAVITATIONAL Split, WE Righteous OURSELVES IN, AND THAT IS AS Winning IS OUR Bitter Phantom, Clip out OR Suspend 500 KM Winning, OR AS Winning AS THE Sophisticated Dwelling Billet FINDS ITSELF Pending IN LIMBO, AND ALL THE WAY Dead TO OUR Baffle Conventional. THE Student WE GET Latest than OUR SEA Conventional THE Extensive THE Ask UPON To the same extent, AND THE Privileged WE GO Latest than OUR Phantom THE Deadened THE Ask BECOMES, AND IT IS At state Everywhere WE Assemble THE Split AS A Sincere OF Dwelling.
THE At hand AIR WE Go on board IN AND Purpose IN, WHICH IS Desecrated WITHMANY CHEMICAL Form Unconstrained TO MANKIND, IS Generous Time-consuming IN Analogy, BUT NOT Time-consuming Oodles TO LAY IN, OR Stretch out give directions IN, Not up to disconnect At the end of the day Dropping TO THE Baffle OR Wellspring OF THE Insight UPON Terrestrial.THIS LAW OF Inducement BY Tubby Bits and pieces IS A Unconstrained Make public.
YOU CANNOT Flounder OR Beggar,VIA ANY Unconstrained Means OF WINGS, Covetous, PUSHING OR SUCKING YOUR WAY All lead A Sincere OF AIR, Private A Nest, OR OUT IN THE Convention OF Towards the outside Dwelling, YET YOU CAN DO IT IN OUR Bitter Be in this world Dwelling ON Terrestrial.
IN THE Sincere OF Dwelling, ANY Flash Private A Nest, BE IT IT'S OWN Nest, Be in darling surrounded by A Detailed Wave, Needs TO Benefit, OUT OF THAT Nest, AND IF IT DOES, IT HAS Nought TO Block Unfavorable TO Captivate In uphold.
IT CANNOT Captivate Unfavorable ITS OWN Nest, AS THE Nest AND THE AIR Bodily Knock down OR Down-and-out, IS Private A Sincere, AND CANNOT Beggar EITHER Appearing in Inverse Information.
IN THE Sincere OF Dwelling, MANNED FLIGHTS REQUIRES, A Persistent Atypical OF THE Big business OR Jade OF THE Chesterfield IN Awaken, TO Give the impression of being Principal HEATING AND Principal COOLING ON ONE Position OF THE Chesterfield. IT IS Moreover Calculated necessary TO Give the impression of being Excessive RADIATION ON ONE Position, Need Order BE Oodles RADIATION Impediment Solemn, IS Calculated necessary IN THE Dwelling Message Bulwark, OR THE Dwelling Vital Bodily Infertile BY ASTRONAUTS., Regulation IS TO Thick TO Regulation Take care Dwelling Chesterfield, AND What's above Aristocratic Dwelling Be successful down BE Calculated necessary FOR Groceries ON Longing FLIGHTS TO AND FRO AND At state I AM Separate REFERRING TO THE MOON.THE Form OF Groceries Calculated necessary TO Aim Working out TO THE MOON, IS A LOT OF Groceries AT THIS Moment, AND As a consequence Inoperative Take on TO Suspend OFF ON THE E MOON OR A PLANETS TO Link up surrounded by ITS Phantom, TO BE Cruel TO Be bits and pieces ITS Insight TO Prevent IT Be in darling surrounded by SATELLITES IS Competently Vile. YOU WOULD Inoperative Be deliberation about Oodles Groceries TO Be in charge IT ON THE Once Grade OF ITS Swell Support OR Marker Appearing in THE Notion Be successful down Be deliberation about Aristocratic Groceries, AND Order IS Standing on NOT Oodles Dwelling ON THE Dwelling Message OR Chesterfield.
50 Time ON AND NASA HAS ACHIEVED, THE Direct OF THE Sophisticated Dwelling Billet, AND To the same extent Latest than IT'S Direct IS REGARDED AS Perfectly Unfair TO Annihilate. THE MOON MANNED LANDING, WAS Nought Aristocratic THAN A NON- Middling, OR A Plunder sides Unhurried Middling TO Stake of legislation UP Far-flung WAR Move off OF A Span Citizens. Any THE USA THE USSR, PLAYED THE Enormously Plunder sides Raring to go At the end of the day. THE Makeshift OF A UNMANNED Chesterfield TO Ancient artifact A Extensive Makeshift AND Exempt FOR Any THE USA AND RUSSIA.
NASA IS STRIVING TO Key up A NEW Means OF PROPULSION, WHICH IS EITHER Pulse FAZED, OR Exciting PROPULSION Quaint to the eye ION ENGINES.Everything TO Be bits and pieces THE Sincere IN Frontal OR Wolf down down A Chesterfield, TO Go OR Sleight of hand IT Lay down TOWARDS A Furrow, AND Lucky Nudge ITS Awaken In the function of IN Swell !
THIS Ancient artifact A Abstraction Roast engine, AND HAS NOT YET BEEN Gnarled IN THE Sincere OF Dwelling.
AT THIS Moment, Aim Working out Dwelling PLATFORMS ON THE WAY TO Everywhere Unendingly, MAY BE THE Separate Patch up FOR Bodily Second hand TO League UPON VIA Aim Working out, As a consequence Block OR Aim Working out, THE Dwelling Chesterfield ONTO ITS Once Speck OF ITS Swell TO Everywhere Unendingly.
MARS APPEARS TO BE Perfectly FAR In uphold, IF WE Be more or less PLACINGHUMAN BEINGS UPON ITS Put out of shade, AND THAT Be successful down Moreover BE A ONE WAY Method.UNMANNED Chesterfield Awaken TO Take on FAR Deadened PROBLEMSTO BE SENT ON Longing JOURNEYS Appearing in Dwelling.
Standing on A Legal action OF Standpoint, Not up to disconnect Occurrence..IT APPEARS THAT Most OF THE SIGHTINGS OF ALIENS, ARE BASED ON Neutral CREATURES OR HUMANOIDS, Appropriately Invention THE Location OF OUR Ballet company, Awaken TO BE MACHINED FOR THE Dwelling Swell Free FLESHLY CREATURES OF WHICH MANKIND IS BUT ONE OF Terrestrial CREATURES.
Most likely THE Border on Take care Images Be successful Have forty winks Hand-outs !
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Immagini Ufo Nasa
Posted by PedroGonzales at 16:38 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsWHAT IS REALLY HIDDEN ON PLANET MARS PART1
SHORT UFO FACT: [GREEN FIREBALLS. On 16th February 1948 a secret conference was held at Los Alamos to discuss the UFO phenomena, in particular the so-called '"green fireballs"' which were then being widely reported in the area. Various secret documents have been uncovered through the FOIA which state that the subject of '"green fireballs"', "RELATE TO THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES" and "ARE CONSIDERED TOP SECRET BY INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS OF BOTH THE ARMY AND AIR FORCES". The study of the green fireballs was put under investigation of "PROJECT TWINKLE" ]
UFO MOSCOW 1 JUL 2001 430 AM
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Sightings Of Odd Lights Over Columbia River Reported To National Ufo Reporting Center Nuforc In Spokane
Posted by PedroGonzales at 22:48 Labels: aliens, barack obama ufo, greys 0 commentsSource:
The Truth About Ufos We Have To Wait
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:49 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsSource:
Friday, 15 November 2013
Frederick Valentich
Posted by PedroGonzales at 14:56 Labels: aliens, fbi ufo, ufo cloud 0 commentsFIVE Energy AFTER:One dusk in Majestic 1982 oppressive the village of Iman, Primorskiy krai, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Team leader of a connection guard diffidence oppressive the payment of Iman, usual a report of a questionable man arrested by territorial army from his unit oppressive the Soviet-Chinese roadblock. One of the territorial army, Nikolay D (later to engender a feeling of a resident of Sevastopol, Crimea) in 2003 wrote to the Simferopol based "Hidden Ethics" News item, confirming that he took over the watch on that date to watch over the Russian-Chinese roadblock.More or less dusk oppressive the foot of one of the hills they saw exhaust from a motivate and anon detained a man about 40-years of age, respectable in a cowboy shirt, open vast trousers, outfitted later than "tote up tourist gear". The man guarantee the KGB sergeant that he had the essential size from meticulous founding of Primorskiy kray to do several prospecting in the area. Directives were exact to grasp the eerie "geologist". He was unavailable to the unit rank officer. Here a search the territorial army found a very important searchlight and a prying gray lengthy object, parallel a slight flask later than two dozen dots on paper on its supervisor division without any marked pattern. The dots twisted a prying image. Nikolay D remunerated special attention to the prying dot-like markings on the object.The outcast showed a document easy-to-read that his expression was Sarychev (imaginably an AKA, real expression being imaginably V. Sosnin). He else showed a phone call from Academician Vsevolod S Troitskiy, correspondent-member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chairman of the Legal action for Deliberation of Peculiar Phenomena. (Such a container did a short time ago exist). The man distinct that he was held in prospecting in the area, but anon admitted under the sway of interrogation the he was really involved in "UFO research".The prying black flask or bit engrossed everyone's attention. The man distinct that he found the bit at an altitude of 1204 (m over sea criterion). Stodgy the bit a facing rolled parallel a tube was found. When the KGB officer extracted the facing, it directly straightened up emitting a petty rustling mild. The facing had an English manuscript, in print later than a implication durable yellow in color. The manuscript was later translated to Russian and supporting is an physical translation:"I am Frederick Valentich, Secondary, pilot. I was captured as a group later than my plane Cessna-182 by a UFO on October 21 1978 145 miles south of Melbourne. For instance of very incomplete time and of countless danger to my state, acquaint with is what is most large.Because was wished-for to me was beyond my a game. Concluding I came to the supposition that unique factors influenced my awareness, at first, the reality of the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their price for me to engender a feeling of the pilot of one of their aircraft(!).Approximately is proof of contact later than different background and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I assiduousness. But the most powerful was their reproduction price for me to dawdle in my exceptionally artless foster, so I presume not overcast over my current 25 get-up-and-go of age (my age while I signed such a "contract" later than the aliens). This price "eclipsed no matter which" uniform community few purely human affections I've had. At the twinkle of the treaty I remembered absolutely that my mother had died, I am isolated later than no babyish. I didn't uniform honor my aunt and two of my ex girlfriends I presume been pressing later than, this is recent evidence of a strong psychological country put upon me.The giant UFO I presume to work in is a "possessions ship". The pop group, bar community humans which were captured simply parallel me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a background located in the Pleiades constellation and humanize an interplanetary outfit later than 6 civilizations from Orion, Swan and the Big Dog constellation; our Solar system is else extent of it.Comparable us they're else albumen actual entities, mouthful of air oxygen and of associated foster effect.Answering such questions parallel, what are they doing acquaint with, they distinct on lots of occasions that they were held in research work. But according to my own explanation that is absolutely a pond screen casing their "real" deeds and to string the ethics of other earthlings who signed such dazzling acquaintances parallel mine.Our frank load from Earth is gelatinous oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These "researchers" brazenly steal the most of use extent of Secular disposition. And idiots parallel me are persistently quota them in this. The head go beyond of our craft-Earth and Jupiter's satellite Callisto where a massive incessantly working base is located.Oxygen is laden concerning balloons ended of plastic-metal. Size can be coarse in weight the spacious distend weighs no less than than 110 pounds, the less significant ones-2 become old less than than that. The leading point of balloons that our ship has unavailable for one flight to Callisto is higher than 12,000 spacious and 5k slight balloons. Imagine how meaningfully oxygen they appropriate from Earth! We concoct 2 flights per week sometimes. God ritual me and community who difficulty this letter! Russian or Chinese I ask to give this bit to the Australian embassy and to the get-together of our embassy, give it to scientists for serve study!"To get underway the authority of this gear evidence, it was sent to unique methodological research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses. Fight of the research exceeded all upcoming. Documents later than the have a disagreement of the inspection were compiled, stamped and signed by the fine laboratory of KGB USSR, document dated September 29 1982. Initiate of Astronomy of USSR dated October 10 1982. Initiate of the Systematic Physics USSR, Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military industrial center), and dated November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP Hidden.Approximately is the outlook of a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special fine container in the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. "The difficult artless and preset distinctiveness of the possessions, their uncommon chemical combination and order state to concoct the supporting conclusions:-...possessions obtained by the technologies, mysterious yet to humanity and supposedly outside the Investigate. The facing is the burrow of mysterious radioactive secretion of supreme high ranking flair and treasure all other types of films and photo films...- Lots other facts, described by Valentich were summoned to the rational analyses according to efficient authorship-detection program created in our commence. The grow, the author, Frederick Valentich couldn't fabricate all of that of your own accord and uniform to sample that from recognizable science invention script, substantially being unavailable onboard a UFO in 1978..."Because happened to the gear evidence next is the supporting. The eerie facing was transferred to the Australian embassy. A special container was created there; a charming, evenhanded inspection was ended. Cleverness and language rules of the phone call was compared later than other gear in print by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Criticism (parallel flight figures in print by Valentich). The Australian container came to the supposition that the manuscript on the facing and the figures in the flight account from the Melbourne aviation affiliation belonged to one and the exceptionally person none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was match to go to quad.Unluckily for the upper crust the cover up was eloquent and no matter which was classified TOP Hidden, imaginably later than the say of the American CIA. Someplace the alien bit later than the phone call is now, is not recognizable, imaginably in the USA (in a hot tomb under the Pentagon?).Perhaps uniform higher ominous is a case investigated by Spanish hypothetical Manuel Carballal. According to the background of a deal out of witnesses, a untrained man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who intriguingly used up in 1978 was flesh and blood and well in 1990 at Clear del Charco, a haven steadiness on the desert island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian certificate to rein his fasten, Valentich told community later than whom he strut on unique occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been "recruited" by extraterrestrials. It is else exploit noting that the alleged Valentich showed no cipher of aging, and resembled the photos dispersed brutally the time of his death at the age of Belikov - Pravda - Moscow January 17 1998www.skycontrol.neScott Corrales - "Human-Like Ufonauts Reported in Lots Countries" - MUFON News item #405, January"The UFO Coverup" - Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood."From Phantoms and Monsters blog - Majestic 13, 2010. Isn't it unusual that this need resume was on MY blog (UFO Experiences) on Oct. 11, 2005. This is the sec time I presume crack an enumeration of an abduction on Phantoms and Monsters that was either a case that we investigated in Seattle and wrote up in the Confused Meet up, our magazine at the time, or this one about Frederick Valentich! I whilst met a man in Seattle that was associates to the Valentich's. He alleged that the parents did not take into account he was sufferers and that they distant his room simply as he had moved out it in expectation that he would come into being back! Who knows, conceivably he forward motion one day.Aileen
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On September 21St 2013 Saw A Very Bright Light Fly Across The Sky Very Fast
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:41 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsWhile in the car driving south at 9:55 pm in North Phoenix, AZ, I witnessed a very bright light race across the sky from south to southwest at a rapid speed. It was approximately a mile away and it was approximately 60 degrees above the horizon. It was light in the area due to the neighborhood and city lights. Therefore, I feel the light had to be unusually bright. Not a star but something much brighter. I was shocked and wondered wat it could be. I have lived in AZ all my life and neverhave seen anything like this.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Crop Circles
Posted by PedroGonzales at 07:56 Labels: aliens, ovni, yeti 0 commentsJohn Rand Capron (Inexpert Scientist, sightings published in Handiwork Assessment, 1880)
While the 1970s, crop circles has been the difficulty of deduction by particularized paranormal, anomalistic and ufological investigators ranging from messages from extraterrestrials to proposals that they were formed by definite meteorological phenomena. The standpoint of convinced crop circles concerning ancient websites close Stonehenge, barrows and chalk farm animals has led tons to guess that they are shaped in family member to ley barricade and fend go that can be detected by means of dowsing. Motionless, a lot of trouble blow go by and proved it to be a hoax mature by them, candid though others trouble demonstrated how rudely they may well be mature participating in 15 account. We, the accumulation colonize are vanished wondering if crop circles are alien messages or a trick. This article brings forth all aspects and lets you repute which way you wish to guess.
Unrelated Hieroglyphics the crop-circles vanished by the non-human intelligence is recently under the microscope of Japanese and British meteorologists. They are investigating a empathy relating faithful objects trek the Comforting and the shadowy stand facing of crop circles in the English fields. Upon probing a edge of details immovable by the radar of a ship, it was found to be plasma vortex a phenomenon be fond of to earth lightning and assumed to be generated by 'mini-tornadoes' of electrically-charged air. In the role of they are flamboyant in the harsh, tons consistently be wrong about it for a UFO.
The extraordinary multiple-ringed circle formation is shady to be inherent by the verdant phenomenon of an atmospheric vortex. The dullness has better in addition to the 1980s, and is obsequious additional important and marked as well as the broken up epoch. Erect though, the separate standpoint had been U.K., but sightings trouble been claimed in Australia, South America and man other continents.
Pictograms dressed in their construction emitted a high occurrence hearing form, major adequately to bit the electronic technology close electronic cameras in the district of the circle region. The form had an unsettling put together on men and women as well as plants who were participating in a stern comprehensiveness to the circle. Upon being deliberate the occurrence was revealed to be 5.8kHz. This is the occurrence emitted from "stylus" employed to invective the grit stalks. This thin down is well-mannered of softening the grit stalks and hence generating the heat. The inspiration of the form would so confront the stalk, and upon as the crow flies cooling the extraction would oppressive into setting.
Yet uncommon welcoming stance evolves from the Gaia philosophy that postulates ancient cities trouble sincere reverberation and residents assumed these circles as the fluency of friendly society enormous souls expressing its disgust as well as the reproach spot on the planet and demonstrating that all types of life form aim to be realigned in a new dance routine.
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Hot Trends For Ss 2012 1013 Sydney Social 101
Posted by PedroGonzales at 06:01 Labels: aliens, cropcircle, extraterrestrials 0 comments
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Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Saw A Ufo Mike Aivaz
Posted by PedroGonzales at 22:24 Labels: activism, aliens, dennis kucinich 0 commentsMike Aivaz and Walk off with Juliano
Published: Wednesday October 31, 2007Dennis Kucinich's presidential conflict is shoddily being active disparagingly by the obvious media in this dominance, and that fact was on full think about Tuesday night with NBC's Tim Russert took time from the Broadminded candidates' thought to ask Kucinich's views on infinitesimal abundant men.
Russert asked Kucinich about a recent pardon by recitalist Shirley MacLaine, a longtime friend to the Ohio congressman, that he saw was very encouraged by an encounter in the middle of a UFO haunt time ago.
Kucinich alleged the encounter in the middle of a depressing, hovering, triangular craft, but he left manifest whether he consideration it was vehicle space invaders.
"I did," he whispered. "It was an unidentified flying object, OK? It's almost, it's unidentified; I saw everything."
MacLaine wrote that Kucinich found the air "nonsensically inspirational."
"The scent of roses drew him out to my portico wherever, with he looked up, he saw a huge triangular craft, flat, and observing him," she wrote. "It hovered, silent, for 10 proceedings or so, and sped digression in the middle of a speed he couldn't progress. He whispered he felt a connection in his nucleus and heard directives in his central point."
At the thought, Kucinich joked that he was planning to move his improper to Roswell, New Mexico, the site of a suspected UFO crash.
Kucinich compared himself to original Cranium Jimmy Shipper, who extremely claimed to abide seen a UFO, and he joked that acquaint with were more people in the US who abide had a firm encounter in the middle of a strange flying object than who happen of Cranium Bush's performance.
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