The asseverations cited above are a denial of the most elemental norms of Logic and Rational Thought.1) Stanton Friedman tells us that "There is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that the earth is being visited by Intelligent controlled extraterrestrial space crafts. "2) Stanton Friedman tells us that "THERE IS NO WAY TO PROVE OR DISPROVE THIS CLAIM," either due to classification or "LACK OF SAID EVIDENCE."3) Stanton Friedman "DOES NOT PERSONALLY CLAIM TO POSSES ANY EVIDENCE OF ALIEN VISITATION ON EARTH."
4) In other words, Stanton Friedman believes that we are stupid. He tells us that there is overwhelming evidence of ET visitation on Earth, but that neither he nor anyone else has that evidence, and that there is no way to prove or disprove this claim. OF COURSE STANTON FRIEDMAN ARGUMENT ABOUT ET EVIDENCES HAS ABSOLUTELY NO RATIONAL VALUE.
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