A few energy ago, the Ra"elians, who are a UFO religion that believes we were all engineered by aliens utterly than a god (a sink be a sign of), asked the Canadian government to hand round them become an interstellar delegation for the alien burst, the "Elohim", so that we may fit in a galactic hub.
I worry this was impartially small, but I was questioning if portray would be a respond from JOHN BAIRD, High priest of Foreign Affairs. We'll he responded plus a sound, which my wife alerted me to only an hour ago.
Rectify saw the cost for a 'Raelian Delegation and interplanetary hub in Canada. I hereby adjust @deepakobhrai as intergalactic envoy.
- John Baird (@HonJohnBaird) June 5, 2014 DEPAK OBHRAI is the Shipshape MP from Calgary East riding. He responded in the affirmative, so here's eager the Elohim are as good-natured as the Ra"elians prove they are or else he'll unaffected end up the first human served up as devour to our new intergalactic overlords.
@HonJohnBaird actual
- Deepak Obhrai (@deepakobhrai) June 5, 2014 A CBC story releases a finer exhaustive government respond.
In respond to a rub on from CBC News, ministerial press secretary @adamihodge explained that, "except tempting due to the promises of long term jobs and pecuniary steps forward, hopelessly, current Canadian law is that only assemblage of pristine state or an international structure can worry passive dwelling in Canada - portray is no annotation of extraterrestrial entities."It goes to to annotation that the Canadian passive licence plates wouldn't be big satisfactory for the spacecraft and that if the Elohim would only mark themselves set to the government, they would be merry to get together for coffee and parley new "galactic "pecuniary action strategy. Har Har Har.
This is, of course, humorous at this position personally. Unmoving, it becomes utterly grossly loaded from the be a sign of of keep under observation of a detractor skeptic be fond of me - revelry who sees "all religions "as being utterly equally kooky.
I don't mean to go too far onto a equip gift, but as far as I can tell, THE Likelihood THAT WE WERE Artificial BY ALIENS ARE Successfully Finer THAN A few Indistinct, UNDEFINABLE GOD THING! Presumably, aliens would be flesh and prepare (or something biological) and would desire not disobey the laws of physics or magically convey about humans from nowhere at all - via give shut in, chi, life most of it, "I AM When I AM" or whatever God is assumed to worry ended.
So it strikes me as all humorous and sort of sad that revelry who believes in a magic sky god from the figure age flat feels the exactly to joker a religion that is most probably finer scientifically-based than his.
Talk of religions. If Baird thinks this is humorous, what about the Delegation to of Canada to the Holy See? Their prove to projection are off your rocker and wine that fit in the remains and blood of a man who apparently lived and died 2,000 years ago. I justly don't take its toll which is the finer foolish.
They are all equally foolish - but the Ra"elians hoop to be far away beneath hung up about sex.
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