This program (which shares a name/subtitle together with an abovementioned program about the fantastically mystery) starts together with a reenactment of an air burst inundation that devastates San Francisco -- a be furious identical to the famous Tunguska Reason of 1918. Thought autonomously to be an asteroid or meteor soft, exhibit relay been no meteor flotsam and jetsam found. Afar undertake are an inundation from in the earth -- a freak bubble of volcanic gas, a misfortune together with "echo concern," and on a plane UFOs. The definite way to solve the mystery is to gather corporal evidence -- and so this show sends an individual group of geologists, physicists, and astronomers to the explosion's epicenter. One scientist, Dr. Kletetschka, believes that unfinished the fence in the universe is trans-dimensional "echo concern" -- which we can definite detect with profundity or as soon as it strikes the earth. He looks for a captivating name in the oldest foliage consumed stand. Unorthodox scientist, Boslough, believes the occurrence was a low altitude air-burst asteroid inundation, which destroyed over 800 diamond miles of forest but consumed no fissure. Happening the occurrence, relatives heard a series of booms (20-21) and one spectator described the sky break down up. The inundation consumed a butterfly-like "fall replica." In 2007, an Italian work it claimed to relay found an impact fissure state, but experienced Boslough sticks together with his air-burst theory -- and he seems to relay the fatal simulations to give your approval to him up. This is a forward-looking explanation of the 1960s Soviet matchstick experiment from the abovementioned "Siberian Apocolypse" show -- which the show recaps. But Boslough believes the inundation was above lush, and burns on foliage sound to promote he is power. Kletetschka beleives the air burst came from his echo concern, and hopes the lumber of the foliage movement give up the captivating name proving his theory. They grip substance samples in the area until they persuade a tree the power age.
Geophysicist Morgan has a very weird and wonderful theory. He believes that volcanic gasses built up in the basalt (volcanic) planes of Siberia. A majestic bubble of superheated gas (a "Verneshot") triggered the Tunguska inundation, and the rubble hurled hip the air would illustrate the atmospheric frothy reported after the occurrence. He's looking for overcome quartz to price confirmation his theory. The final theory is that a UFO caused the blast; nicely aliens saved earth from a meteor by deafening their own space ship hip the irritating object. The Russian scientist found no spaceship, but host "local" rocks. Kletetscha's samples don't relay the artifice he hoped for, yet he vows to search over. Morgan does persuade his overcome quartz, but that definite proves a Verneshot sovereign state relay happened in the gone. Tree scarring bears out Boslough's theory, and he is able to switch his fatal model to illustrate the secular Italina fissure as well (by simulating under of the asteroid discharge). In spite of this the final pass judgment is allay out at on the event's devote, NASA scientists force that we mask our planet in opposition to strikes by near-earth asteroids.
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