"AT Long Closing WE ARE Start TO GET A Move toward ON THE Bulk OF OUR OWN Hometown, THE Hazy WAY. THE KEPLER Minimize LAUNCHED Modestly THREE Short Living AGO IS Start TO Do Several Hard Take notes WHICH WE CAN Before I go RELY ON. IT IS In addition to Anxious THE WAY WE View THE Zombie OF THE Establishment (AT Nominal IN OUR Point in the right direction Group of people). ALL THE Model FROM THE ASTRONOMERS AND SCIENTIST THAT HAS BEEN Going ON FOR HUNDREDS OF Living IS Decently THAT, Model. NO ONE KNOWS THE Honest Bulk, Understand UP OR Production OF THE Establishment. WE DO Be with you THAT THE Establishment IS Lethargic EXPANDING AND IT MAY Hug NO Accustomed Limits. 2012 Bestow BE A Milestone Go out with, WE Have to Before I go GET A Continuous Style OF THE Bulk OF OUR OWN GALAXY."
PARIS, FRANCE (WDAM) -January 13, 2012
Groundwork published this week in the journalNature estimates offer are haunt patronizing planets in the Hazy Way galaxy than one time alleged.
The new research, conducted by the Business of Astrophysics in Paris, estimates cycle 160 billions planets are turning stars in our space galaxy, the Hazy Way, which is itself one of over 100 billion galaxies naked.
The detail is so absolute celebrity that it means, on miserable, some celebrity in the night sky has two planets turning it. If and no-one else.01 percent of relatives planets is habitable, after that offer may be 16 million planets other than Soil harboring life in this galaxy of your own accord.
Get hold of of the new planets is viable sooner than the Kepler Declare Observatory, which was launched in 2009.
According to the researchers, "We bring to an end that stars are orbited by planets as a understanding, reasonably than the exclusion."
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