Astronaut Sandra Bullock does complicated stuff above the planet in GRAVITY (AP).
LATEST BATCH OF RESULTS FROM KEPLER IS ILLUMINATING AND BAFFLING"When it comes to public appreciation of astronomy, NASA's exoplanet-hunting space telescope "Kepler" is the most successful instrument the agency has launched since "Hubble". Astronomers have been spotting exoplanets -- those that orbit stars other than the sun -- since the 1990s. But "Kepler" has transformed the field from a cottage industry into a production line. On Nov. 4th astronomers gathered at NASA's Ames Research Center in California to hear the latest news. The headline was the release of the most recent batch of data from the spacecraft. The 833 new planets thus identified bring the total found by "Kepler" to 3,538.
The akasha deva loka", space, from Hubble telescope's ultra deep slice (onbeing.org)
Technically these are only "candidate" planets, whose presence is inferred by the tiny dimming they cause when they pass in front of their host stars. Such candidates must await confirmation by other telescopes before being promoted to full discoveries. But astronomers expect a low rate of false positives.
(1967SANDER) ET technology exists on the Moon, "Project Golden Dragon." Author Roc Hatfield ("Ancient Man on the Moon "and" Moon Base Cover Up?") describes UFO machine: "Our brains are not used to seeing alien technology, so it might take a few minutes to see it. It is clearly a vast machine.... It is made of thousands of inter-locking plates, like scales on an alligator. I believe this allows it to undulate like a snake or caterpillar.... By being flexible it can wrap its huge length around the curvature of the Moon's surface.... I believe the machine can fly and has been to Earth in the past. Could be the dragons seen by ancient Chinese people."
This exoplanetary smorgasbord allows researchers to conduct statistical analyses and extrapolate "Kepler"'s results to the rest of the galaxy. A group led by Erik Petigura of the University of California, Berkeley, having crunched the numbers, told the meeting that around a fifth of sun-like stars in the Milky Way [Galaxy] are likely to host planets roughly the size and temperature of Earth.
By the researchers' definition, sun-like stars are a fifth of the total, so that means only about one star in 25 would have such a planet. But the galaxy is a big place, so if they are right there are billions of Earthlike planets in it. The closest is expected to be less than 12 light-years from Earth. MORE
Space is full of life. Cosmonaut reveals what NASA will not. Starts at 2:33
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