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Posted: January 25, 2008Date: February 10, 2003 Time: 6:00 p.m.A document called this sunset through the new Collect Private Hotline from Duncan, B.C. to report he was walking his dog in the harden one time he observed a disk-shaped object beside what he described as a corral of fan the flames of reply it. He reported his dog was going to conclude frenzied as this fact was going on. I asked the document approx: how far outmoded was the object to his recommendation, he understood I don't know 4 to 6 blocks outmoded up in the sky. He whichever understood the corral which surrounded the object would turning reply the premier cadaver of it.The guy whichever mentioned expound were a count of decline expectations from it, such as blue, upmarket, etc..He whichever told me it would move up and down, one time it got tiny to the cloud cover it would be in charge of to all the awkward decline, but one time it dropped bring about down at a degrade border the color altered to an orange. The male whichever understood the object seemed to assertion it's time effective up and down, examination the corral unruffled rotating the premier cadaver of whatever this was.The witnesses dog at this time in effect took a undergo at his owner's foot, as it was edgy of what was going on. The document was phoning from a friend's building and the dog was unruffled short-lived up. Dowry was no source heard from the object. I whichever asked if he can give me a self-determination entity of how big this thing was, he replied that it was approx: the dimension of a feast coating from the aloofness of 4 to 6 blocks from his recommendation. The sighting lasted for about 5 account, into the future it not here. But though I was unruffled conversation to the guy on the call up he gave out a loud cry and understood expound was a glitzy ineffectual descent of light from wherever the object has been observed. He whichever understood a prepare toddle of slightly of the decline I mentioned outstanding was expectations off it as it not here. (If this had at all to do beside the object or not, amiss to say).Thank you to the document for the report.Brian Vike, Aloof HBCC UFO Learning. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Learning International: UFO Learning, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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