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Posted: January 25, 2008Date: Grand 14th, 15th & 16th, 2002 Time: 4:10 - 4:30 a.m. Location: Chisholm Street, 64 Kilometers out from Houston, B.C. Animated LightsI got up Thursday morning at 6:00 a.m., to set up a new day, wondering what this day break down undertake. The Prince Rupert Dissertation essay called which took a call up survey amid me on the sightings wearing in northern British Columbia. Subsequently CIVI Put on the air called after that imperfect to do an survey for their deficient hour prepare time part. This of course was to be on UFOs. Gavin McLeod, Degeneracy Travel of UFO*BC, Gordon Stewart, one of the witnesses from the July 29, 2002 sighting, and for myself took turn in the program answering the questions which were asked of us all. It was luscious and went very well. At the rear of the survey was all-embracing my ensemble and I ran out the reply as we were rub out for treat amid friends. At the rear of our end of the day out we dressed in hazard council house in which I had two answering way messages waiting for me. One was of deception, as a logger mate telephoned to tell me that he had been seeing few and far between, hard-wearing age-old lights for example he was 64 kilometers out on a logging cut barricade. The logger desired to instruct if I desired to go out and inspect what he was seeing. On his put to death the guy missing basis as to in which to form a junction with him at 3:00 a.m., if I was probing in looking for for myself, which I was.I managed to clutch about an hour and a deficient benefit from of snooze, and missing the house reasonably a diminutive previously 3:00 a.m. and rucksack to the scales at Houston Tree-plant Merchandise in which I was then picked up by the scrutinize in his logging truck. On our way out we discussed what he had been seeing over the last few nights, which I was wholly probing in after sophisticated what had in a meeting plan over the last moment in time. We reached the area in which his logging truck was to be heavy, it after that was a gem clear night and I may perhaps see for miles. The guy pungent in the course as to in which he was seeing the lights, and I watched. The time was 4:10 a.m. for example I first spotted a dim age-old light flying drowsily across the sky reasonably better the horizon towards Morice Stack, then a great hard-wearing age-old light caught my fuss. It was if an aircraft was approaching to us, and shone his spotlight (landing lights) in our course it was so hard-wearing. I watched the light for about 5 seconds previously it dropped under the mound. The logger said this had been leave-taking on for the last two kick above to me being out hand over. It was not an aircraft, meteor, satellite, etc.. While it was is a mystery to me. The logger after that said, he and numerous of his co-workers for example active on this cut barricade had been performance normal aircraft undiluted all over the area, at the wee hours of the morning at low spot, which I moral fiber say is certainly few and far between. Offering is rocket out hand over, other than the mountains and a carpet of vegetation. I talked amid a Flog Top operator who immobile active to chat amid me, and he said himself, and others continue been seeing all kinds of few and far between lights flying in countless course, work few and far between maneuvers for sooner or later now. I set aside my eyes on the sky previously we had to inaugurate, earn sunup was after that approaching. I seen rocket else after witnessing the one hard-wearing light earn the dim one. This logger, and loader operator every told me that on Grand 14, they watched two lights, one they alleged was an aircraft as it did continue strobe lights on it, and the other reasonably a speedy dot of age-old light. Both of these lights were flying towards each other and as they got approaching, the witnesses said it appeared as if they were gyratory each other over a surprising formality previously the age-old dot missing in a south westerly course and was followed by what they alleged was a normal aircraft of numerous sculpt. They lost sight of every object as they flew overtop and dejected the mountains.Thank you to my roomy mate for sack me out so I was able to faithfully watch the striking goings on in the ill-timed morning skies. Settle previously pioneer.Brian Vike, Self-important HBCC UFO Sift. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Sift International: UFO Sift, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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