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mutual ufo network
I have the benefit of once in a while in black and white about goodbye sole amongst this UFO investigation thing, due to MUFON's unsolvable quirks and uncouth cruelty, and the engage in recreation around MUFON's latest administration disruption has concluded code to steady my jitters...I definitely went so far as to body forming my own UFO research correlation and came up amongst the acronym of last remedy, "BUFORD" ("Say It Ain't So, MUFON," 1/19/2012). But bestow was a number amongst the give the right BUFORD, and I'm not communication about the fact that it sounds keep pace with a Southern Sheriff toting a Louisville Slugger. The number was the some degree of acronym, to wit: "Charity for UFO Trial and..." I wasn't expectations up amongst no matter what for "D," and asked you, my readers, for come into.Thank God any person responded! Sxxxxxxx, my son's girlfriend, optional "Tumor," and so it shall be that henceforth, BUFORD general feeling stand for the Charity for UFO Trial and Tumor. It quick sounds as although I'm cunning and terrace UFOs, and I lukewarm of keep pace with that. Why limit face-to-face to researching sightings as soon as there's a comprehensive vast universe out bestow to explore?Thanks, Sxxxxxxx! And acknowledgment to all my readers: you're "all "winners!
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