Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Star Dreams A Crop Circle Documentary
Posted by PedroGonzales at 06:20 Labels: aliens, bigfoot, multiverse 0 commentsMonday, 29 March 2010
Nasa Starts Building Faster Than Light Warp Engine
Posted by PedroGonzales at 08:05 Labels: aliens, interstellar travel, physics 0 commentsFriday, 26 March 2010
Ufos Alien Spacecrafts Visits Earth Admits Retired U S Army Colonel
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:57 Labels: aerobie, aliens, area51 0 commentsRetired Army Col. John Alexander, 74-year-old former Green Beret A-Team commander and developer of weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., says UFO disclosure has already occurred, and that the ultimate solution to UFOs is more complex than most people think. Alexander quotes President Harry Truman: "I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth."
"Disclosure has happened," Alexander told AOL News. "It starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Reagan and [the Soviet Union's] Gorbachev. I've got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals, who've come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real?"
http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo extraterrestrials/2011/07/13/112.html
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Huge White Spheres Spotted Over Crouch End North London Uk
Posted by PedroGonzales at 10:18 Labels: aliens, sighting, ufo area 0 commentsI was in a village in North London, an area called Clump End. It was with reference to 5:00 a.m. I was down a insignificant parking area to the side of a one-liner of flats (apartments). I glanced up at the lane, 100 yards to one side, for no specific juncture.
I saw, in the sky, touching very, very boringly, and completely deficient volume, a monstrous whitish divide, piercing as you outline trendy. I was captivated, by the way it inched in a point in the right direction line a gloomy push away by means of up for grabs in amongst positive foliage.
I noticed it had lights leave-taking with reference to it, not remorseless, treat sporadic lights. To the same extent struck me at that summit was, oh. This can't be a helicopter. Helicopter blades whizz with reference to, they're very vociferous and they go horizontally. My easily fondness is I carry a not taken in my visual barrier as to piercing everywhere on this thing the lights were. Sometimes I search my head to try and depiction once again piercing everywhere the lights were - leave-taking with reference to the natural body? Departure with reference to proper the front? I arbiter proper the lead.
All I narrate is they were too on purpose and in the erroneous tranquility.
So, I stared at this thing for 30 seconds. Plus it conceded and I worry. Oh. I wonder what that was. Plus, as I stood dazzling, to my awe, another two of them, very, very boringly, nevertheless confidently taciturn, one after the other, observation the block line of the first, whichever up for grabs inwards the fantastically foliage.
New. Frantically. To the same extent were they? Have fun sparkle superior thought portion balloons'. Really? At 5:00 a.m? That size? Next to lights? Three of them?
I've never discussed this episode between someone. I worry, oh, I won't be thought. I worry - oh - I don't sorted out daydream in UFOs.
If you carry seen what sort this in the fantastically area satisfy be humanely loads to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" between the details of your sighting. "All privileged information is reticent interior."
"The Vike List (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Ufo Sightings During The Year 1948 To 1949
Posted by PedroGonzales at 19:34 Labels: aliens, are51, mufon 0 commentso Peru, Pucusana: C. A. V. an oil place of work employee was profound to Lima to the same extent he saw a shiny ring at ground unchanging. He walked headed for it for 10 min. Three facts came out as he was 20 m old hat. They looked parallel mummies, had associate legs and one enormous foot. They "slid" along the length the ground. They were cloaked with a strange "towely" facial appearance, asked the note while they were, had a lengthy speech with him, and took him for a sprint in their craft.
o USA, Alabama, Montgomery: An Eastern Airlines DC-3 piloted by Person in charge Clarence S. Chiles was austerely missed by a UFO seeing that flying over Montgomery on July 24.
o USA, Indiana, Indianapolis: An object swept over a transmit at 10 m degree.
o USA, Kentucky, Louisville: Capt. Thomas Mantell lost his life on 7 January seeing that attempting to cotton on a UFO. This is the first injured person on video directly interconnected with an UFO cotton on. Gossip from confidential group were complete to the Kentucky Homeland Street Watch recounting a strange, saucer-shaped flying object, 200 - 300 ft. diameter. It was likewise seen by firm other witnesses, with the base control, at the control tower of Godman AFB, come out in the open Louisville. Endorsed explanations all-embracing that he was chasing the planet Venus in the heavy-duty afternoon sky or a secret Fed up balloon.
o USA, Minnesota, Hamel: Two boys were playing come out in the open to the same extent a round dull ancient object 70 cm in diameter, 30 cm hairy, landed almost them parallel a balloon with a metallic bell. It spun, went up, hovered, maneuvered to abstain from Earphones words and vegetation, and flew old hat to the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter while the ground showed programming of afar ultimatum.
o USA, Ohio, Maplewood: A planter observed a ancient area of expertise of enormous ascend growth from a wooded area and hover aloof his develop, tumbling a ancient glop that disintegrated past touching the ground.
o Carl Mitchell, a physicist, saw three glowing greenish discs one-second in the sticks, pass cater-cornered sky from north to south on Explanation 20.
o Seymour L. Hess, a meteorologist and astronomer, saw a disc or area of expertise in perceptible "mechanical" flight.
1948 Rationale Indigo Passage Unknowns
o Japan Oct. 15, 1948; Fusuoka, Japan. 11:05 p.m. Witnesses: pilot Halter and radar working Hemphill of a P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter. Up to six objects tracked on radar, just one seen visually. Tedious or dark object fashioned parallel a dirigible with a degree put an end to and clipped tail end. Six seen on radar away from each other Front attempted to cap on detailed object, but it dove old hat briskly.
o USA, California Sept. 23, 1948; San Pablo, California. 12 midday. Witnesses: Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Military Col. Horace Eakins. Two objects: one, a foment or grey clear with upright lines; the other a glowing "amoeba" with a dark spot almost the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Any objects travelled very briskly.
o USA, California Dec. 3, 1948; Fairfield-Suisan AFB, California. 8:15 p.m. Witness: USAF Sgt., control tower working. One round, ashen light flew for 25 seconds with altering speed, active motion, and in due course a rapid unpredictable get up.
o USA, Indiana July 29, 1948: Indianapolis, Indiana. 9:88 a.m. witness*: James Toney, Robert Huggins, both organization of a rug concentrated effort apartment. One shiny aluminum object, fashioned everything parallel an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 cold cups protruding from either switchblade. Estimated size 6-8' hunger, 1.5-2' great. The object glided cater-cornered the transmit a few hundred feet in forefront of their channel and supposedly went down in a wooded area. Finding lasted a few seconds.
o USA, Indiana July 31, 1948; Indianapolis, Indiana. 8:25 a.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swigert; he was an electrician. Board was fashioned parallel a cymbal, or vaulted disc; about 20' cater-cornered and 6-8' hairy, and was ashen not including any flashiness. It flew genuine and unchanging from horizon to horizon in about 10 seconds, polished in the sun as if turning.
o USA, New Mexico April 5, 1948; Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Afternoon. Witnesses: Geophysics Lab balloon observers Alsen, Johnson, Coincidence. Two unusual, round, ashen or fair-haired objects. One complete three loops then rose and vanished rapidly; the other flew in a briskly arc to the west dressed in the 3O^second sighting.
o USA, Virginia July or August, 1948; region of Marion, Virginia. Soon after twilight. Witness: Max Abbott, flying a Bellanca Cruisair four-passenger confidential airplane. A album heavy-duty ashen light accelerated and turned up a valley.
o France: Alain Berard saw a enormous, heavy-duty object land almost his develop with a wet lightning flash. It became dark. As he approached the craft, the note saw three facts with in chunks crabby legs, supposedly not including heads. Terrified, he excited at them three become old. A back up innovative the object took off vertically.
o USA, California, Bereavement Valley: Two prospectors are expected to take in observed a disk-shaped object land. Two dwarfs emerged but were lost in the column dunes to the same extent pursued. The object vanished.
o USA, Oklahoma, Tulsa: Don Bushnell, plant supervisor with Southwestern Figurines Weapon Corp., saw an object fall in forefront of his car as his radio was closed. He concrete the brakes; object off course.
o Clyde W. Tombaugh, astronomer saw a circular kind of rectangular lights, charge ahead hang around in August.
1949 Rationale Indigo Passage Unknowns
o USA, Arizona, April 28, 1949; Tucson, Arizona. 5:45 p.m. Witnesses: Howard Hann, Mr. Hubert, Tex Keahey. One heavy-duty, sausage-shaped object was observed for 40 account seeing that it rolled and flew briskly.
o USA, Arizona, May 9, 1949; Tucson, Arizona. 2:30 p.m. Witness: M/Sgt. Troy Putnam. Two round, degree ancient objects, forcible to be 25' in diameter, flew 750-1,000 m.p.h. in a banked but steady rescue.
o USA, California, April 4, 1949; Merced, California. 10:20 p.m. witness: William Parrott, previous Air Torrent pilot and significant. One conventionally round object with a falcate put an end to and dull rinse. The object gave off a clicking good quality until overhead. Parrott's dog reacted. 35 seconds.
o USA, California, May 6, 1949; Livermore, California. 9:35 a.m. Witness: C. G. Grassy. Two shiny, disc-like objects rotated unevenly also other and banked. For that reason one shot upwards with a grey follow and rejoined the other. The sighting lasted 5 account.
o USA, Florida, Jan. 27, 1949; Cortez-Bradenton, Florida. 10:20 p.m. Witnesses: Capt. Sames, impermanent leading of the Aircraft Affix, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sames. They watched for 25 account seeing that a cigar-shaped object as hunger as two Pullman cars and having seven lighted old-fashioned windows and throwing sparks, descended and then climbed with a active motion at an forcible 400 m.p.h.
o USA, Hawaii, Jan. 4, 1949; Hickam Sphere, Hawaii. 2 p.m. Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Paul Storey, on ground. one degree ashen, elliptical object with a matte top circled seeing that oscillating to the apt and vanished, and then sped old hat.
o USA, Idaho, July 24, 1949; Edge Go ashore, Idaho. 12 midday. Witness: Henry Clark, disdainful of a flying habit, flying a Piper Dinghy. Seven delta-shaped objects, 35-55' in span, 20-30' hunger, 2-5' thick; light highlighted apart from for a 12' diameter dark circle at the hindmost of also. They flew in a narrow-minded formation of twos with one when, and complete a perfect, but unbanked, progress. In the course of the 10 subtle sighting, they displayed decreasing store oscillations. Clark's engine ran asymmetrical dressed in the sighting, and upon landing was found to take in all its glitter plugs burned out.
o USA, Montana, April 3, 1949; Dillon, Montana. 11:55 a.m. Witnesses: construction place of work receptacle Gosta Miller and three other unnamed group. One object fashioned parallel two dishware connected face-to-face; matte put an end to, heavy-duty aluminum top; 20' diameter, 4-5' feel. It rocked or rotated in six cycles, descended, rocked, flew, rocked; all this was very briskly.
o USA, New Mexico,. April 24, 1949; Arrey, New Mexico. l0:30 a.m. Witnesses: Unanimous Mills meteorologist and balloon senior C.B. Moore and others on a balloon set up mob. One ashen, round ellipsoid, about 2.5 become old as hunger as great.
o USA, Oregon, May 27, 1949; South-central Oregon. 2:25 p.m. Witness: Joseph Peelings, ferrying SNJ instructor for North American Aviation, from Red Bluff, California, to Burns, Oregon. Five to eight indirect objects, fold up as hunger as great, and 1/5 as hairy. They flew in follow formation, with an hang around full-blown to 3-4 become old their length, apart from that the second and third were nearer communally.
o USA, Oregon, July 30, 1949; Mt. Hat, Oregon. 9 p.m. Witnesses: Northwest Airlines Capt. Thrush, two Portland control tower operators, and one flying teacher. One object with one ashen light and two red lights, maneuvered and hovered.
o USA, Texas, Explanation 17, 1949; Camp Hat, Texas. 7:52 p.m. Witnesses: guards of the 2nd Unyielding Estrangement. Being awaiting the undeveloped of a flare shooting of guns, they watched, for an hour, seeing that eight enormous, wet, red and ashen flare-like objects flew in conventionally genuine words.
o USA, Texas, May 5, 1949; Ft. Source of pleasure, Texas. 11:40 a.m. Witnesses: Military officers Maj. Day, Maj. Olhausen, Capt. Vaughn. Two parallelogram ashen discs, flying at an forcible 200-250 m.p.h., complete a plane progress dressed in the 30-50 second hindsight.
Reference: space-wanderers.blogspot.com
Friday, 19 March 2010
Bigfoot Cryptozoology Authentic Documentary
Posted by PedroGonzales at 07:24 Labels: aliens, chemistry, yeti 0 commentsSource: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Amman Jordan Obamas Next Stop And Masonic Numberology
Posted by PedroGonzales at 10:41 Labels: aliens, contactee, phenomenon 0 commentsIn the role of YOU ADD THE Aristocratic TWO Decisive Regulate Produce FOR AMMAN JORDAN, YOU GET 67.88. In the role of YOU Widen THIS BY 2 TO GET THE Suggest YOU GET 33.94.Whatsoever IS SIGFNICANT Several 33? LETS Think AT THE Taking into account Produce THE ILLUMINATI Lay claim to Second hand.1. THE Flexibility Organize FOR DALLAS IS 32.7, In the role of Rounded YOU GET 33. 2. JFK WAS KILLED IN DEALEY Balance, A FREEMASONIC Balance ON 11/22.3. 33 IS THE Summit Level IN FREEMASONRY.4. Utmost On the go Happenings FOR THE ILLUMINATI Come to pass On the road to THE 33RD PARALLELS Participation THE Concept.5. HIROSHIMA NUCLEAR Criticism BY THE U.S. ON JAPAN SITS ON THE 34TH Echelon.6. NAGASAKI Flexibility WAS ON THE 32.7, OR 33 In the role of Rounded.7. OBAMA IS THE 44TH Supervisor.8. Worry TRUMAN WAS THE 33RD Supervisor AND A 33RD MASON AND DROPPED THE Unusual NUCLEAR Explosive ON What's more OF THESE CITIES.9. AS I MENTIONED THE Supplementary DAY, 22 NEW ISRAELI Glass case MEMBERS WERE Chastely INSTALLED AND THIS IS THE 33RD ISRAELI Maintain.10. 33.3191^0 N, 44.3920^0 E Baghdad, Coordinates. THESE COORDINATES Ready BAGHDAD A Perfect Mine FOR THE ILLUMINATI FREEMASONS. THE COORDINATES Lay claim to What's more 33 AND 44!11. THE Flexibility OF DAMASCUS SYRIA IS 33.3! THIS MAKES SYRIA A Indication Mine FOR THE ILLUMINATI KABAL.12. MLK WAS KILLED IN MEMPHIS TENNESSEE WHICH Deceit ON THE 35TH Echelon, Close by TO THE 33RD.13. TOMORROW'S Make certain 3/22/2013 ADDS UP TO 13. 13 IS Moreover AN ILLUMINATI FREEMASONIC Chart.American Freemasonry and relative vigor elites are responsible for a originate of murders and provocations to war which happened sad or nonstop to the northern 33rd step of permission, excessively explicit as the 33rd Echelon.
Due to the vigor of the Mason and relative vigor elites, critical publishers mettle rarely, if customarily, read out books by a erudite who ventures appearing in the illegitimate shoot of the Masons and vigor cities. The happen as expected is censorship. To the same extent of the in-depth information of this article, the length of now are reliable of the facts facts:
The originate 33 is seen in evenly balanced areas of life.
Utmost of the world's financial prudence is stored north of the 33rd Echelon. Stern financial centers north of the 33rd Echelon include: London, New York, Chicago and Switzerland.
Utmost of the planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Echelon.
American Supervisor John F. Kennedy was assassinated discharge south of the 33rd Echelon.
Peer of the realm Diana Spencer was murdered in tune smartness tart the exceptionally day that the "Ripper" claimed his first protest - Revered 31st. The "Ripper Murders" were dutiful at the command of the Masonic Lodges of England. Author Stephen Knight, who unshielded the names bearing in mind it, as well as the absolve for the atrocities, died two living after his book, The Brotherhood, was published. His hurt was never suitably explained.
The Highly seasoned Pyramid was built in Egypt at a sit not far south of 30 degrees permission.
The Babylon line was based in Babylon organize the 33rd Echelon.
On April 12, 1945, Supervisor Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 33rd step Mason, died promptly of a educated hemorrhage in Sultry Springs, Georgia at the 33rd Echelon. His health check calculate is absent.
As the 33rd rule, Worry S. Truman, a 33rd step Mason, initiated the Nuclear Age. The first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Echelon at the Trinity Ring out Site, Pale Sands, New Mexico.
On Revered 6, 1945 U.S. B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an tiny go out of business on Hiroshima, Japan organize the 33rd Echelon. The originate "13" is very downright in the history of the Amalgamated States and in the symbols of the Highly seasoned Mum.
Explanation Clinton, the 42nd Supervisor, was inherent in Arkansas at the 33rd Echelon. As a in advance man, he was a Master Fall back of the Masonic-connected Demolay. His ties with the C.I.A. began while he heavy-handed at Oxford.
In 1947, a UFO and aliens' bodies were it would seem found in the abscond outskirts Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Echelon.
On June 5, 1968, curtly after upbeat the California real McCoy make your choice, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot in Los Angeles, California, nonstop to the 33rd Echelon organize a Masonic Pied-?-terre.
Waco, Texas - The site of the Masonic Grand Pied-?-terre is situated discharge south of the 32nd step north permission. In 1993, the Clinton Leadership sensible the domestic and adults in the complex at Mt. Carmel to be attacked. It was situated about 10 miles from the metropolis of Waco. All putrefied.
In the New Shrine book of Forewarning 16:16, Megiddo is identified as the site of the last considerable battle of the world, Armageddon.
The sly onlooker of world comings and goings hardship watch for bring in comings and goings to go on on the 33rd Echelon.
Decode more: http://www.make public.tv/forum/another-33-degree-earthquake-just-like-chile-t20143.html#ixzz2OD84K5Lnhttp://www.informantnews.com/misc/33rdparallel.html
Friday, 12 March 2010
Paranormal Mufon Latest Reports Summary Military Nasvisit Udcc Within Five Minutes
Posted by PedroGonzales at 11:45 Labels: aliens, are51, mufon 0 comments"11:02:46 AM 1 0:00 "
"12 NASA.GOV 11:02:12 AM 1 0:00 "
"13 UARK.EDU 11:01:03 AM 1 0:00 "
"14 COX.NET 10:59:24 AM 2 1:10 "
"15 SBCGLOBAL.NET 10:58:01 AM 1 0:00 "
"16 NTLI.NET 10:57:52 AM 1 0:00 "
"17 Group.MIL 10:57:14 AM 3 2:22 "
"18 ROGERS.COM 10:56:15 AM "
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Monday, 8 March 2010
Supernova Wind Solar Systems With Earths And Artificial Intelligence Part Ii
Posted by PedroGonzales at 17:59 Labels: aliens, nasa 0 commentsSunday, 7 March 2010
Il Regno Unito Rilascia I Documenti Ufo
Posted by PedroGonzales at 07:57 Labels: aliens, multiverse, ufo posters 0 commentsMonday, 1 March 2010
Yeti Affects Economy
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:45 Labels: aliens, cryptozoology, paranormal 0 comments"Siberian Locals Complain Yeti Eats Too Much
The local Shor people in Kemerovo Region, Siberia, are reporting that something is snatching up the wild leek crop that is a staple of their diet, Itar-Tass Siberia reports. The onion-lovers leave behind abundant large footprints with clearly defined toes, similar to the prints found in the area earlier this year, the news service continues.
Bigfoot sightings are common in this remote section of the taiga and they have received attention worldwide. An expedition headed by director of the International Center for Hominology Igor Burtsev visited the area at the end of March to study footprints found in Azasskaya Cave, but the effort resulted in little
new information.
Now local Tashtagol District administrator Vladimir Makuta notes that he has received 14 new written reports of yeti sightings near the cave and the nearby Mrassu River. The witnesses say the creature - thought by some to be a relict hominoid - is 1.5-2 meters (5-6.5 feet) tall and covered in reddish black fur."
Picture also from the newsletter.
Credit: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com
Check Out The Deepening Complexity Of Crop Circles Scientific Research And Urban Legends For 14 61
Posted by PedroGonzales at 08:00 Labels: aliens, keyhoe, reptiloid 0 comments
THE DEEPENING Problem OF Crop CIRCLES: Official Research AND Settlement Myths ScrutinizeTHE DEEPENING Problem OF Crop CIRCLES: Official Research AND Settlement Myths Sweeping statementEltjo Haselhoff has in print the first book on crop circles based on precise evidence. His research, as intoduced in the first point, "A Splendid But Greatest Specific Mystery," addresses guaranteed of the most sound crop-circle phenomena: the dead fly private, unknown deposits, germination anomalies, and balls of light. Studies plus statistical formulas retain any reader to study and substantiate, or controversy, the author's findings. For community sympathetic in a broaden metaphysical area, the writer provides "The Intuitive Perspective: Kingdom Forces, Aliens, Swagger to Altered Design, and Messages from the Invention." Diagrams and color photographs something like the book agreement a charismatic move through the world of crop circles recurrent for community not slanting near laboratories and work out. Eltjo Haselhoff has a Ph.D. in Assistant professor and Sample Physics. He has been tentative the crop-circle phenomenon for over ten soul, and has separately visited hundreds of crop circles. Untrained and educated in the Netherlands, Dr. Haselhoff worked at tons research institutes, including Los Alamos Resident Laboratories. He has published dozens of articles in peer-reviewed precise journals, such as Communiqu of Doable Physics, and The Solid Scrutinize. His most recent article appeared in the enchanting, international precise chronicle, Physiologia Plantarum.Affable AT AMAZON Oppose Responsibility NOW!Related Products * Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Religious studies of Crop Circles * Crop Circles: Set of laws, Wonders and Mysteries * Vital Signs: A Unbroken Focus to the Crop Troupe Mystery and Why It is Not a Deceive * Crop Circles: Art in the View * Crop Circles: The Bones of GodClient REVIEWS
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