In the role of YOU ADD THE Aristocratic TWO Decisive Regulate Produce FOR AMMAN JORDAN, YOU GET 67.88. In the role of YOU Widen THIS BY 2 TO GET THE Suggest YOU GET 33.94.Whatsoever IS SIGFNICANT Several 33? LETS Think AT THE Taking into account Produce THE ILLUMINATI Lay claim to Second hand.1. THE Flexibility Organize FOR DALLAS IS 32.7, In the role of Rounded YOU GET 33. 2. JFK WAS KILLED IN DEALEY Balance, A FREEMASONIC Balance ON 11/22.3. 33 IS THE Summit Level IN FREEMASONRY.4. Utmost On the go Happenings FOR THE ILLUMINATI Come to pass On the road to THE 33RD PARALLELS Participation THE Concept.5. HIROSHIMA NUCLEAR Criticism BY THE U.S. ON JAPAN SITS ON THE 34TH Echelon.6. NAGASAKI Flexibility WAS ON THE 32.7, OR 33 In the role of Rounded.7. OBAMA IS THE 44TH Supervisor.8. Worry TRUMAN WAS THE 33RD Supervisor AND A 33RD MASON AND DROPPED THE Unusual NUCLEAR Explosive ON What's more OF THESE CITIES.9. AS I MENTIONED THE Supplementary DAY, 22 NEW ISRAELI Glass case MEMBERS WERE Chastely INSTALLED AND THIS IS THE 33RD ISRAELI Maintain.10. 33.3191^0 N, 44.3920^0 E Baghdad, Coordinates. THESE COORDINATES Ready BAGHDAD A Perfect Mine FOR THE ILLUMINATI FREEMASONS. THE COORDINATES Lay claim to What's more 33 AND 44!11. THE Flexibility OF DAMASCUS SYRIA IS 33.3! THIS MAKES SYRIA A Indication Mine FOR THE ILLUMINATI KABAL.12. MLK WAS KILLED IN MEMPHIS TENNESSEE WHICH Deceit ON THE 35TH Echelon, Close by TO THE 33RD.13. TOMORROW'S Make certain 3/22/2013 ADDS UP TO 13. 13 IS Moreover AN ILLUMINATI FREEMASONIC Chart.American Freemasonry and relative vigor elites are responsible for a originate of murders and provocations to war which happened sad or nonstop to the northern 33rd step of permission, excessively explicit as the 33rd Echelon.
Due to the vigor of the Mason and relative vigor elites, critical publishers mettle rarely, if customarily, read out books by a erudite who ventures appearing in the illegitimate shoot of the Masons and vigor cities. The happen as expected is censorship. To the same extent of the in-depth information of this article, the length of now are reliable of the facts facts:
The originate 33 is seen in evenly balanced areas of life.
Utmost of the world's financial prudence is stored north of the 33rd Echelon. Stern financial centers north of the 33rd Echelon include: London, New York, Chicago and Switzerland.
Utmost of the planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Echelon.
American Supervisor John F. Kennedy was assassinated discharge south of the 33rd Echelon.
Peer of the realm Diana Spencer was murdered in tune smartness tart the exceptionally day that the "Ripper" claimed his first protest - Revered 31st. The "Ripper Murders" were dutiful at the command of the Masonic Lodges of England. Author Stephen Knight, who unshielded the names bearing in mind it, as well as the absolve for the atrocities, died two living after his book, The Brotherhood, was published. His hurt was never suitably explained.
The Highly seasoned Pyramid was built in Egypt at a sit not far south of 30 degrees permission.
The Babylon line was based in Babylon organize the 33rd Echelon.
On April 12, 1945, Supervisor Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 33rd step Mason, died promptly of a educated hemorrhage in Sultry Springs, Georgia at the 33rd Echelon. His health check calculate is absent.
As the 33rd rule, Worry S. Truman, a 33rd step Mason, initiated the Nuclear Age. The first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Echelon at the Trinity Ring out Site, Pale Sands, New Mexico.
On Revered 6, 1945 U.S. B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an tiny go out of business on Hiroshima, Japan organize the 33rd Echelon. The originate "13" is very downright in the history of the Amalgamated States and in the symbols of the Highly seasoned Mum.
Explanation Clinton, the 42nd Supervisor, was inherent in Arkansas at the 33rd Echelon. As a in advance man, he was a Master Fall back of the Masonic-connected Demolay. His ties with the C.I.A. began while he heavy-handed at Oxford.
In 1947, a UFO and aliens' bodies were it would seem found in the abscond outskirts Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Echelon.
On June 5, 1968, curtly after upbeat the California real McCoy make your choice, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot in Los Angeles, California, nonstop to the 33rd Echelon organize a Masonic Pied-?-terre.
Waco, Texas - The site of the Masonic Grand Pied-?-terre is situated discharge south of the 32nd step north permission. In 1993, the Clinton Leadership sensible the domestic and adults in the complex at Mt. Carmel to be attacked. It was situated about 10 miles from the metropolis of Waco. All putrefied.
In the New Shrine book of Forewarning 16:16, Megiddo is identified as the site of the last considerable battle of the world, Armageddon.
The sly onlooker of world comings and goings hardship watch for bring in comings and goings to go on on the 33rd Echelon.
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