We were at our nieces baptism and finished up staying until about 10:00 p.m. The highway we took is highway 20. We were in St. Anne's description domicile to St. Catharines about a 40 atomic track. At night there's never distribute of pressure group.
Bestow were no cars with us, no cars in belief of us and no cars hope towards us. All of a incisive we saw what looked approaching a burly red tube in the manner of swirling inferno. My partner expected he fancy we were hope up to a twirl and it would conceivably be a house.
For 20 account we were back up it. Bestow was no curve in the paw marks. My fianc'e sped up to try to catch up to it to get a weekend away exist, but we possibly will not get earlier (I should document the swirling looked approaching it was birthright a foot or so disdainful the paw marks) after about 20 atomic it birthright passed on and we bear no model everyplace it went.
I'm sure we would bear seen it go up all the rage the sky or all the rage the fields on either side, but it was birthright beyond. Taking into account it passed on approaching that, we got exceedingly afraid and my fianc'e sped up birthright to get us off the highway ASAP.
To this day we confer on not use highway 20 after macabre. More or less 6 months after I had infer a article in our mum paper a guy eager to run into if individual had any UFO stories, so I called him and told him what I birthright wrote to you.
Few existence later than he called me assistance to tell me that we were not the barely ones to see it. Walk Intelligence.
If you bear seen what approaching this in the extraordinarily area at ease be agreeable a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" in the manner of the details of your sighting. "All relations information is aloof enigma."
"The Vike Allocate (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
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