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Posted: July 13, 2008Date: Summer 2004Time: Twelve noon.Locate of Sighting: Deduct Renfrew Vancouver IsleNumber of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 1Touch of objects: Sasquatch.HBCC UFO Investigate Note: I ply re-posted the report below as I did a telephone interview between a amusing lady today and ply provided you all between a 37 minute interview. Cut #1 - MARIE Forum In this area HER Raid Together with THE BRITISH COLUMBIA Sasquatch AND Further RELATES HER AND HER HUSBAND'S Go through Together with Seeing that CAN Single-handedly BE AN Strange Self. MARIE WOKE UP IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE Crack of dawn, NOTICED A Highly seasoned Rough Reasonable Coming FROM Outskirts HER Announcement AND A Self Average LEVITATING HER TOWARDS THE Highest OF THE Announcement. THE Spectators IS Distinctly Enthralling TO Attempt. Port Renfrew Interview.mp3Far-reaching Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian! I straightforwardly clarify the post about that Sasquatch sighting in Deduct Renfrew; the exact thing happened to me in the summer of 2004. We had a mineral straight up an dissolute logging way straightforwardly further than the resolution of Deduct Renfrew. One afternoon, I was bewildered at the tail, my ensemble was functioning. I had to go to work in my opinion in the afternoon, so I got in the van and started pouring down the old way. Not plane a 100 meters departure, I saw what at first I believed to be a retain, being we knew put on was a big and also a minor retain hovering in the area. So I started to lock the van. It had obtain out of the bush from the not here side of the way, anyplace the land drops throw out a bit, and later it got in the center of the way, it froze, seeing my van yet to come. In addition to he bolted towards the other side of the way, anyplace put on was a rock face. There's in fact an rat trail going up that rock, and also unorthodox dissolute way on top of it which is on the whole over full-grown. I think of underdone in my opinion, being my brain couldn't date what I was seeing. It was incredible a retain might straightforwardly obtain out of the bush, contention up, walk on the way and in addition to come to pass successive, slothful contention on two legs, and hop up the trail! It was grim creep, about 7 foot tall, walked absence a man. I might see it favorably being by the time I stopped up the van, it wasn't plane 20 meters departure and it was on very a spanking new day. I saw it's face later it turned violently to askew at the van. It for practical purposes did askew absence Sasquatch depictions I ply seen up to now. I think of accomplishment of the van and inspection the way and up the trail if I might see whatever. But I didn't believe to be whatever. I didn't collect or saw it anew afterwards.Thank you to the witness for a massive sighting of the Sasquatch.Brian Vike, Pilot HBCC UFO Investigate and pack of the Vike Paperback UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International: Privilege foster, the Vike Paperback Infrastructure Undertaking Blog. You can condition the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and arrival programs I do. UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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