Monday 27 October 2014

Earth Magnetic Field Has Massive Breach

Earth Magnetic Field Has Massive Breach
In October of 2005 the interplanetary magnetic field had a large hole punched in the magnetosphere [a magnetism that surrounds the Earth] which has still not closed. The event was researched by NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft launched in 2007 around the Earth and they flew through the breach. NASA put out very little information about this event when it happened.

The breach did not penetrate the magnetosphere it just punched a large hole in it. This allowed particles of the solar wind to flow into the magnetosphere at 10 to the 27 power [1 followed by 27 zeros] something that changed the ideas of space physics. The same process on Mars over millions of years has removed a large portion of the its atmosphere and continues today. Since we know so little about the magnetosphere this event could happen quite often but more research by scientists and space probes are needed.

Watts Up With That December 16, 2008


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