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central intelligence agency,
Victor Martinez, who distributed the recent SERPO release #27, (about an alleged briefing for Ronald Reagan on the extraterrestrial problem) has issued a rebuttal to critics over the withholding of names of living individuals alleged to have been at the alleged meeting -- take note of the multiple use of "alleged" in this post!Victor writes:WHAT would be GAINED by "outing" and then asking these four (4) living witnesses about this briefing?!LOOK at what VP Cheney's response was when he was asked about the ET situation: "Can't talk about it!"QUESTION: What was GAINED by that?! ANSWER: NOTHING! My feeling is that these four (4) remaining ADVISER's #1 - #4 would give a similar answer AND would do EVERYTHING in their power to SHUT DOWN further disclosures from the DIA-6/DOD personnel involved in this very complex operation which involves MANY people.There are multiple implications coming from the assortment of leaks that range from alleged (yes, there's that word, again!) secret ET meetings, confirmed secret meetings that discussed the threat from ET (the so-called UFO working group -- confirmed by the personal investigation of Caryn Anscomb, author Gus Russo, and an audio tape recordng of a phone conversation with CIA's Dr. Ron Pandolfi in the early 1990s), leaked email messages containing details of concerns (including alleged involvement by the Justice Department and the FBI) that foreign intelligence agencies were taking cover behind the UFO crowd in order to access Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories, and a great deal more in private communications, some of which we are held to keeping on deep background. Based upon a statement from a former very high level CIA person about allegations of his involvement with foreign intelligence services (discredited, apparently) and an earlier allegation of another former USAF intelligence officer, we have concluded that the foreign intelligence service allegations originated with the naming of two men posing as DIA officials under an alias that failed an extensive search of cover names.Those names were passed by the high level former CIA official to a Senior Intelligence Official well known to UFO investigators and paranormal enthusiasts.Presumably once the USAF intelligence officer was cleared, what remained was to investigate the former CIA official who provided the names, and attempt to trace the origin of the messages -- since all communications allegedly took place by email.I'll be working on an extensive overview of the situation once a few details are cleared up, but in the meantime I will be posting bits and pieces here as I review the material.An extensive report is expected to be issued by "Reality Uncovered" based upon some of the same email messages.
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