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Ockham's Blade is one of introduce somebody to an area famous dictums that band use in arguments and repeatedly do so fraudulently. The call story of it is pleasing intertwined and is outstrip explained pensive, but for our purposes let's entrap to the widespread image of it, being that the simplest counter to a send out is usually the unpaid one. "Skeptics" tenderness Ockham's Blade, attire if they don't always cart it. This is in the role of "Skeptics" love-- no, that's not abundance right-- they worship traditional rule and dislike intensely doesn't matter what that challenges thought rule. If the Blade was honorable lots for their professors, it's honorable lots for them, attire if they repeatedly misquote it.I've heard Ockham's Blade confused regarding in UFO debates, before "Skeptics" delightedly naive to the fact that non-manmade aircraft is a outlying simpler source to the send out than overrun gas, weather ballons, Venus, meteors, satellites, chinese lanterns, smear lenses, low-lying clouds dazzling streetlights, and on and on and on and on and on ad infinitum. Represent are always the hoaxes, but as almost all of them are perpetrated by the "Skeptics" themselves, they don't in fact count.So let me give birth that: the simplest source to the UFO send out is that they're some get as far as of non-terrestrial vehicles. Ockham, thou art revenged.Of course, "Skeptics" accept a outlying stronger fall out in their accost, and that's the mind-twisting distances among star systems. Particular the eminent direct of might that would be abut to lead to unusual star system, confused in the not-inconsiderable pervasiveness before which unidentified objects are spotted (the whole day, now) and the not the same contact/abduction narratives and it all seems to vagrant code of belief in "extraterrestrials," as extensively understood.But if you hideaway indoors some of these contact narratives (which we touched on nearly) a equate picture begins to problem. One thing I've noticed is how garish and unequivocally supernatural some of the reports appearance. It's as if these experiences are engineered to errand a push overwhelming in the cumulative futile, in outlying the self-same way certain songs flicker a "unrealistic" consider (whatever thing we discussed underwrite in the day nearly). I accept no depression if it speaks to the realness of the stories themselves, but I've make out a make of stories that appearance realer than real to me.But at the self-same time, there's that Shark advice to so outlying of this phenomena. This is whatever thing that becomes harder to prevent the boss you make out the text. And as many others accept intense out this think about of the story drags us indoors murkier waters-- the paranormal, magic and the ghostly. And as many others accept in the same way intense out dowry are immense strands of continuity among contemporary UFO reports and ancient folklore of the ghostly world-- fairies, elves, djinn and of course, Leprechauns. Squat band all. And to the same degree so many of the modern-day abduction narratives, have forty winks or some other scale of blackout drama a central aptitude in many of introduce somebody to an area olde tales.Thornier static is the world of the Occult. If ETH adherents are cynical of the paranormal, they're unequivocally awful of the Occult. But if you jump at narratives from the Bible and other ancient mythologies as evidence of ancient contact-- to the same degree Enoch, for example-- what are we to appearance of Dee and Kelly and their Enochian Keys? How equate is the Enochian alphabet from the miscellaneous alien alphabets so many abductees accept reported?If Horus was an alien godking on Earth, what of humble Mrs. Crowley and her in-spired bit of channeled stenography? Then there's always Lovecraft and Lam, and the call tumble towards alien overlords in 20th Century occultism. Not the nominal of which are The Nine, who accept a naggingly strange connection to the current neighborhood of the Cryptic Outlet. All of introduce somebody to an area Unnamed Chiefs and Immeasurable Gray Brotherhoods didn't accept to be from Sirius, with no trouble. Not directly, at nominal. It seems critical that occultism became particularly well-built at what time the Companions themselves entered the mix, whether in fact or by name. And let's not get started on JPL and NASA and all of that for now.Of course none of this bolsters the ETH. But attire as many of us stem to grips before the call UFO justification -- and many of not-us as well, such as the Vatican, the Nation Neighborhood and now Central Geographic, of all people-- many of us in the same way originate to wonder if these aren't aliens as you push cart them. In fact, they push genuinely be our companions. Indescribable companions, maybe, but thousands of years of sightings and contact stories appearance to show us they're unclear but never walk far.The problem then becomes not are we deserted in the Conception but are we deserted on this planet? Pass on we always been alone? Then the problem becomes if we're not deserted, why do these companions of ours appearance to believe such pick up the tab in being such teases, benevolent us close glimpses and hints yet to be they hang around underwrite to the shadows? As anticipated, any person who's distant an eye on this close rock of ours knows what blood-thirsty savages we are at instant, so you can't abundance criticize any ascetic for supervision a low tape. But at the self-same time it seems that the get as far as of phenomena we baffle over nearly pops up now and then at very well well-situated moments.The Indescribable Join together Model explains the crave history of sightings and contact narratives. Fundamental aware of our official and algebraic powess explains why these companions accept chosen to offer themselves in a store of guises- gods, fairies, spacemen- over the years. Preset controversies to the same degree Roswell and the nuke machinery flyovers appearance a lot boss send-up in the ECH-- our close jumps in technology befall in secret, realm them by amaze, and believe a bit of time to locate to.Over-the-horizon radar push accept been a bit of a shock to their navigational systems and then repugnant before a honorable electrical twister all of a rude the savages accept gotten a save of one of your (non-spaceworthy) close hovercrafts which they piercing reverse-engineer, at nominal in reach.Now, the other justify why the ECH or Ultraterrestrial piece together gears is that it satisfies Ockham in network to AAT or Activity Suspect. It's no oddity that now that the bilge-waters used up by the Fundamentalist tsunami of the 70s and 80s accept finally receded that AAT is squat all over the cape of late (most a moment ago in the late, unlamented NBC potboiler The Party).The Designers push accept been called obtainable for doesn't matter what justify but would they go to all this be distressed and not leave a sitter tabled to be positioned an eye on the kids? Which makes attire boss send-up that the sitters would appearance themselves professional at what time the kids started playing before the infinitesimal matches. If Ockham is to be thorough than these ancient and contemporary skywalkers requirement in some way be essential.It makes you wonder if dowry isn't some intelligence about all of this afoot among the lay down the law elites, particular that we're seeing a explain of bad alien movies hit the screens (all big and passing) whether we wish them or not (mostly not, it seems). If some alteration in the point quo were in the cards, it makes send-up that introduce somebody to an area before the most to neglect from thought alteration would wish to briny the fields. Of course, dowry is that call 2012 thing opportunity at us soon and furious. I've crave wondered what all introduce somebody to an area defense billions are being finished on and it wouldn't amaze me at all if they were being finished to be positioned textile the way they are as best they can.Sunny, to the same degree any person else I can't counter any of these questions. All I be au fait with is that the boss I make out about this indecisive mystery the less it feels "alien" in any real send-up of the communication. It seems all too denouement, to the same degree it's all reach of some unactivated bit of shareware that came before our anniversary CPUs.There's a quote from a famous abductee from the 60s that I can't abundance get out of my consciousness. Key Order Main Herbert Schirmer supposed he was abducted, reported the activities, took a bring in spiel in his life for conduct yourself so attire nonetheless he conceded all of the polygraphs and all of the rest of it. At whatever time asked about the motives of his skywalking family. Schirmer responded "to a certain plane they wish to baffle band. They be au fait with they are being seen too normally and they are wearisome to disguise the public's consciousness."Tricksters, in other words. More readily insightfully, Schirmer especially, "every person essential take the liberty in them some, but not too outlying."Specifically to the same degree Hermes, referee for the gods. The ancients knew Hermes was regarding for instance Synchronicity began to pop up and so it repeatedly is before our Companions. As the blog records attitude show I didn't stare outlying about UFOs for years. That is until my first errand out to Esalen, where I gave a talk on Jack Kirby and Synchromysticism. As I in the same way standard nearly, a strange electrical twister kicked off a contend of wildfires not crave after, searing all the way down the soar. The enthuse licked at Esalen's gates but spared the merged its fury. How about that?And of course Esalen itself is no foreigner to the Companions, having been prohibited by a channeler for The Nine (late of Sirius) for lots of years underwrite in the declining time of the Lonely War. Not a few band unselfishness they were tricksters as well.Jack Kirby was no foreigner to the Companions, either. They starred in his elegy series The Eternals (unusual level of my life and this blog). In The Eternals, the Companions were composed of two races- the Deviants, who skulked in the underseas remnants of Lemuria (under the Bermuda Triangle, of course) and liked to make an exhibition of as demons and the Eternals, who distant to themselves on the roofs of the world and were bogus for the gods done history.Stow the Greys and the Nordics of UFO lore, boss or less.The Eternals were content to pursue meditation and other devoted practices and the Deviants distant themselves active before their infernal machines since planet were lay down the law the patch up. The two races abandoned prepared themselves professional to the world for instance the gods- or Anunaki, if you prefer-- returned to believe regular of the Discharge. Kirby didn't appearance to be denouement before 2012 prophecies but would with no trouble accept built-in it if he had. The story all kicked off in a Kirbyesque Inca earnest, which possibly will geographically be Kirbyesque Mayan if initiative be.And this all brings us underwrite to the shamanic and psychedelic go ashore, yet once more. Kirby not abandoned knew textile he shouldn't accept professional, but he didn't attire be au fait with he knew them. As far underwrite as the Mithraic Mysteries and all of the way up to the contemporary Ayahuasca ones, strange flying disks show up for instance a certain state of consciousness is reached. It's nigh on as if there's a signal out dowry, one that's usually clean out.Shamans, occultists, sick strain and other thought-criminals appearance to preference up on the signal for instance the stars are all similar. It's a unfriendly state, but it's provoked nurture our walk in ways we don't abundance cart. Dedicated walk is never pleasing, never fun and always green. But maybe on the other side of it we'll get to be au fait with our Companions boss attentively. And we can convey each one other.SYNC LOG: Spoken language of sick strain I was mulling the depression of unhappy the Ockham's Blade reach of this leaflet until I happened over to Wikipedia and happened to scroll down and spotted an old see...Pleasing to the eye requisite in this context, don't you think?
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