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ufo 2004,
UFO SIGHTING IN NORTH PITCHER, NEW YORK ON AUGUST 3RD 2013 - GOT VERY BRIGHT DIMMED OUT, FOUR SEPARATE TIMESI was sitting on my friends porch talking about college, we had been watching the sky for shooting stars, planes, etc...I had been facing the west with my feet on the railings leaning back in the chair staring at the sky. We saw several shooting stars pass by, planes, then I saw what looked like a star get brighter than the other ones around it. This immediately caught both our attention, I stood up so I wasn't on a chair that wobbles to see it's direction and movement. It wasn't moving more than a few hundred miles an hour, based on planes that had been passing by. The object became extremely bright, then dimmed out to approximately the light a plane would give off, then repeated this three more times over approximately a minute and a half to two minutes. I couldn't tell whether the it changed it's direction by the distance from us, but we both counted four separate extremely bright pulsating moments. Only one light was observed. I didn't have my phone or a camera on me to record the event, but there were two observer's. My other is a friend and business partner of mine who is 58, and has owned a highly reputable business here in town for 30 years. I am going to college for Biotechnology, and have a great passion for astrophysics. Hope this helps. I can absolutely draws a sketch for you since I am a artist.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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