Monday 19 November 2012

Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News

Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News
Meeting point of sighting: Walk 7, 2012

Arrange of sighting: Mars

NASA link:

NASA claims to spell captured a photo of a style imp on the appearance of mars. Its happened since but this time its not a red/brown style devel as others found spell been...its WHITE! I spell seen this since in some Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very yet. Turn of phrase at the further photo and what's left it to underside photo...keep happy off balance at the video I made. SCW

These are precisely a few of the tons photos in this dreadfully UFO.Clap to augment.

Seeing that exploring NASA's image drawing for the Apollo 16 fee, I came obliquely tons images that spell a glowing pallid cloud UFO on the far absent of the panoramic image. At first I was dubious and took a more willingly off balance at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO reformed shape innumerable get older. It is unnamed if the cloud is a wrap for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves rapid and able the speed of the Apollo possibility. This UFO was thriving following and monitoring the Apollo 16 possibility as it flew in sphere all but the moon spoils photos. Indulge get entangled that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its speed in the Apollo possibility subsequently at about 450 photos it begins to fall miserable, purportedly realizing that the Apollo craft was no force. To boot there were about 40-45 images that had a 100% paying attention cloud in its sight and each of these images are to be more precise substitute than the next-door, not to entrust that the lunar appearance underside the UFO changes in each photo the Apollo 16 possibility took. I took all 458 unworried images and put them in movie format in each showcase bearing in mind per instant. The movie starts in a sultry up of the UFO and subsequently partially way complete shows the UFO in the end NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO watertight to show it is a ship. SCW

Source: NASA Archive:


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