The "dead zones" with too little oxygen for life are expanding in the world's oceans. Sciertists have little clue as to what is causing this hypoxia in the marine world.
Some scietists believe the oceanic zones of under water hypoxia or lack of oxygen is caused by Extraterrestrial bases. These underwater UFO bases underwater are increasing exponentially all over the world.
If this uncontrolled hypoxia continues, the world could end up with no crabs, no shrimp, no fish. That is where these dead zones are heading unless we stop their growth.
According to statistical correlation studies, the whole ocean may be tapped by the extraterrestrials for resouces before we can do it.
The deal zones in the ocean porovide ideal hybernating grounds for the advanced Type III extraterrestrial UFOs.
According to conventional science, pollution-fed algae, which deprive other living marine life of oxygen, are the cause of most of the world's dead zones. Scientists mainly blame fertilizer and other farm runoff, sewage and fossil-fuel burning.
But that cannot casue the massive acceleartion in the dead zone formation. Something else is happening. Most likely as year 2012 comes nearer more and morte UFOs are packing up in the dead zones which in turn create more dead zones.
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