Thursday 29 January 2009

The Roswell Nm Ufo Crash Of 1947 Witness Deathbed Confessions

The Roswell Nm Ufo Crash Of 1947 Witness Deathbed Confessions
Dear Reader, In 1947 there was a historic UFO crash in Roswell, NM. An Unidentified Flying Object had crashed into a field that was part of a farm owned by Mac Brazel. The Air Force came to the ranch and recovered the wreckage quickly issuing a press release stating that they did indeed collect wreckage from a UFO. Two hours later a second press released was issued from the Air Force stating that the "wreckage" had come from a top secret weather balloon project called Project MOGUL. There are a lot of questions surrounding this event. A lot of believers seem to think that this crash is where we got the ideas and components to create our stealth technology. The videos I have posted here are an in-depth look at some recent deathbed confessions made by some of the head insiders that worked this case. Take a listen, it's quite interesting.


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