Tuesday 16 December 2008

History Of Ufo Sightings

History Of Ufo Sightings
Some of you may already know the UFO or unidentified flyong object (in slovenian language they're called neznani leteci predmeti), but some of you may not already know that the term itself is for every flying object that unindentified to human, and not only for spacecraft used by alien. The first moden sighting of UFO can be traced back to the 1878 when a local farmer from Texas said that he saw a circular, dark, large flying object that shaped like a balloon flying at an amazing speed. He also said that its shaped and also sized like a saucer, which then popularize the term of flying saucer. But on that time the sighting of UFO was very rare, but there was an increased amount of sightings especially on the World War II when many pilots who participated in the war saw mysterious lights that travel in a fantastic speed and also with weird movement, they can go fast and then stop momentarily in the air and few seconds later, they fly high to the sky in a zap.

Source: ufoproofs.blogspot.com


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