Tuesday 16 December 2008

Alien Contact The 1980S

Alien Contact The 1980S


As the 1980s began, one of the most significant UFO cases of strange lights, landed objects, and even tales of contact with alien beings occurred at the Bentwaters-Woodbridge bases in Rendlesham Forest in England.

See the details of this case at The Rendlesham Forest Landings.


In 1983, an incident occurred known as the Copley Woods Encounter. Debbie Jordan-Kable, of Indiana, relates an extraordinary account of a UFO and an encounter with alien beings.

Drawn to a basketball-sized light in her backyard, she proceeded to check it out. She was hit by some type of force, enough to knock her to the ground. Regaining her feet, she could now see six beings standing about in the yard.

After that, she could remember little. She awoke the next morning with her eyes swollen shut. She had to be treated by an eye specialist. The doctor said her eyes appeared to have been burned by a welder's torch. Her event was made into a CBS movie.

In 1985, well known writer and UFO abduction researcher Whitley Strieber would have an encounter he would never forget. In upstate New York, he was staying in an isolated cabin with his wife and son. He had installed a state-of-the-art alarm system on the cabin.

On the night of December 26, Strieber activated the alarm at 11:00 PM, and the family retired for the night. A couple of hours later, he was jarred awake by a sound. As he got up to check his house out, he saw a creature in his bedroom.

The very next memory he had was being in the woods. His memory of the events of that night had to be recalled by regressive hypnosis, administered by Dr. Donald F. Klein.

These sessions would produce details of Strieber being floated from his cabin, and into a UFO, where he saw four different types of alien beings. His experiences would produce a book, and also a movie, both titled "Communion."


In 1987, a woman from Toms River, New Jersey, had an eerie encounter with alien beings. As she lay down to sleep about 10:00 PM, she had an uneasy feeling as if she was being watched. Then she heard a voice say:

"We have come for you... You will not be hurt."

Her body was totally paralyzed, except for her eyes. The five foot tall beings with long, slender arms subjected her to various tests. One of the beings seemed to be their leader, and when he communicated with the others, the woman could hear a buzzing in her head.

She would later discover that she was taken by the alien beings and subjected to medical testing. She suffered other medical maladies, and it was years before she felt healthy again.

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