A 2008 post, "ALIEN MONOLITH FOUND ON SATURN'S MOON IAPETUS," provides description of fascinating, esoteric relationship that pairs Clarke with the monolith on Iapetus: "Author of the 1968 '2001: A Space Odyssey', Arthur C. Clarke, writes about Iapetus. In the final chapters of the book, astronaut Dave Bowman finds an enigmatic alien monolith waiting for him on the surface of Iapetus."
"DID ARTHUR C. CLARKE HAVE ACCESS TO SECRET KNOWLEDGE? It is speculated that some of Hollywood's best writers, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have been privy to accessing secretive occult knowledge. In other words: not all of their ideas are original. IT IS INTERESTING THAT ARTHUR C. CLARKE WROTE ABOUT AN ALIEN MONOLITH ON SATURN'S MOON IAPETUS, AT A TIME IN THE 1960'S WHEN NASA KNEW VERY LITTLE ABOUT THIS MOON. THEN, IN 2004 IT IS DISCOVERED AN INCREDIBLE MOUNTAIN RIDGE ENCOMPASSES NEARLY THE ENTIRE PLANET - IN WHAT IS LIKELY THE MOST BIZARRE FORMATION IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. WHAT IS INSIDE THE EQUILATERAL RIDGE? DOES AN ALIEN MONOLITH AWAIT US?"Iapetus will continue to fascinate for years to come. Please check out PRIOR POST on Iapetus that asks if the Saturn moon is artificial? IS THERE A MONOLITH ON ARTIFICIAL SATELLITE CALLED IAPETUS?
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