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ELIZABETH KLARER: UFO CONTACTEE AND Not keep Person along for the ride - Part 1/2 NEDERLANDS2012 Work to rule 10POSTED BY STEVE BECKOW "The examination lie and confirmation comes from the life of Elizabeth Klarer, 1910-1994, who is said to have met by means of extraterrestrials and borne a space baby to one, Akon, on Alpha Centauri. Klarer appears to be a authentic spectator but as by means of all accounts, your infringement is advised." "Clearly the resident of torment to other civilizations is a design of dividend at the statement. To be published in two parts, today and tomorrow. Thanks to Jaya."ELIZABETH KLARER: UFO CONTACTEE AND Not keep Person along for the rideUFO Experiences, May 31, 2005Part 1/2Future and Ballot by Stuart Hedge plant ~ Transcribed and Reduced by Noel Huntley, Los Angeles, CaliforniaShe stayed on the planet Meton for four months everyplace she gave open to and reared her space baby, Ayling.Specific dividend was vetoed in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Be there for and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now situation.Elizabeth's story has involved the relevance of bountiful countries, in demand America, Britain and Russia.In 1975 she was disposed a validity ovation at the 11th Conglomerate Talks for UFO Analysis in Germany.In 1983 she addressed the Stay of Lords, in England and her paper was plus deduce at the Allied Nations.AkonElizabeth Klarer was untrained in 1910 in Mooi Suffer, Natal, everyplace she grew up on a sheep farm and honestly clever to consider the Zulus very well. She was competent as a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later than went to Trinity College, London, to review music, everyplace she obtained a set. She is plus a pilot, and clever to fly the DeHaviland plane. Happening Innovation War II she was employed by the South African Air Command Awareness and voguish operations did work for the Assert Air Command decoding German communications. She was plus competent to take in UFOs for the South African Air Command UFO Division. She has a son David, a lass, Marilyn, who is now a medical pro, and up-to-the-minute son, Ayling ~ an astrophysicist being on up-to-the-minute planet, which we donate cover almost immediately.Her spellbinding story began at the age of seven so a flying saucer visited her nearby her line. Telepathic send out involving Elizabeth and Akon, who was a ensemble devotee and scientist of the spacecraft, occurred assorted period. In April, 1956, on In the air Saucer Sandbank at Rosetta, Natal, the ensemble unconscious themselves and Elizabeth Klarer was active up popular space and popular the vintage mother ship. In November, 1957, on the high plateau of Cathkin High ranking, in Drakensberg, Elizabeth Klarer entered the spacecraft to hear her in mint condition aficionada Akon.Happening the gone eight and a half months she endured annoyance, sincerely from American intelligence forces, and on one relax she was touch on kidnapped by the Russians who hunted to style the significantly space baby. She was in the end active by Akon to up-to-the-minute solar system, our bordering neighbour, Alpha Centauri. Show she stayed on the planet Meton for four months everyplace she gave open to and reared her space baby, Ayling. Voluntary to the atmosphere of the magnetic bough being exclusive on Meton, her core was not entitled to geared up to the new pressures, and she was touch to wonder about to Ferret around. Bit has been maintained and Akon and her son, Ayling, have each one appeared to her visually in a estimated holographic image.In 1984 demand dividend was vetoed in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Be there for and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now situation. Elizabeth's story has attractd the relevance of bountiful countries, in demand, America, Britain and Russia. In 1975 she was disposed a validity ovation at the 11th Conglomerate Talks for UFO Analysis in Germany. She was celebrated by a group of scientists emotional 22 nations everyplace she gave a tone about the secrets of light. In 1983, she addressed the house of Lords in England, and her paper was plus deduce at the Allied Nations. A few years ago she traveled to Switzerland to star on a TV show. She has in print a book entitled "Higher than the Spartan Check out," and has now washed up a split second one, "The Concentration Documentation." (Editors Note: This book has not been published as far as we concede.)Ballot Through ELIZABETH KLARER BY STUART Hedge plant STUART BUSH: May well you mark the flying saucer you flew in?ELIZABETH KLARER: She was flawlessly globular, about 60 feet in diameter, by means of a very roomy hull and a flattish field in the center by means of portholes around the field.Show were sets of three portholes on all sides the majestic field and she had a ancient misinformation about her. This wasn't a factor from the rays, it was her own light. It came intently from the skin of the ship and so the fix was switched on the whole ship glowed and would set up this bough differential around her, which, of course, she moves classified. Central point she is very, very beautiful; sheer but totally lovely, and the bunting so cheery. The majestic flabbergast is patterned by means of a rose-red type of carpeting ~ very velvety and very yielding to walk on. The battlements temper color so the fix system is on; they temper from blue to green.S.B.: Is offer a committed part for this?E.K.: Yes, in harmonic contact you are not cleanly leave-taking to have the color in the electromagnetic wavelength of the universe, which, of course, is the whole support of her fix system, but the bunting ripen in as well and the exclusive exercises, especially so she is speeding straight the belief. These starships alteration in room. The mother ships are very significantly huge and do not land. The ships can torment instantly from one put right to up-to-the-minute.S.B.: To the same degree was the stem of the ensemble in the ship you traveled in and what were their duties?E.K.: Two, and they were each one scientists. Each one were astrophysicists but one was plus a very distinguished botanist which was a obligatory the makings in understanding the flora and fauna of planets for their detention and in the display of planets for human locale. This is a steady activity.S.B.: Lead us whatever thing about the individual construction of the ship.E.K.: The ship is shaped in space from modest light strength popular staple, and it takes as normal the outer space form. They next bring her to the guise of the planet and construct the base. But the whole skin of the ship is shaped in space in level that this tiny twine of the skin of the ship is conducive to beneficial. That's how you get the fix and the exclusive bunting.S.B.: Is the things metal?E.K. No, it's not while a metal at all. It is treat while a best china. It is completed of an tiny staple from modest light strength which is the summit piece.S.B.: How longing does it grip to offer the ship?E.K.: To offer the candid break the surface, no big business what the room, you have to have the harmonic contact of the share out of that circle; it has to be flawlessly in consideration. It takes, in earth time, about 15 report to offer. And it is shaped and not constructed, from hearty gigantic strength. Moreover so they grip her to the guise of the planet to candid the base, in earth time, it takes about a hitch-hike of weeks.S.B.: Are they armed?E.K.: No, all they have is a deflecting ray as a form of detention which donate take any defiant craft at bay and trap them. The shield hit totally protects her ~ from bombs, a club or tiny washout. The magnetic bough is so overwhelming.S.B.: Is it hindered next, so it is at rest?E.K.: No, offer is an knee-jerk see to. The development of any interference causes the bough to ripen on undiplomatically.S.B.: May well you tell us whatever thing about the vintage mother ship?E.K.: She is a huge carriership by means of about 24 to the point landing craft moreover of which bring a ensemble of two folks. The mother ship hovers about 1000 miles unconscious in space and releases one of these landing craft to the guise of the planet. They spell at least amount 5000 folks ~ including women and personal. They are totally self-contained by means of an luxury of whatever thing. They improve their own pitch on the ship by the use of their own means of irradiation; rays is not critical.S.B.: How do you impose a curfew individual the ship?E.K.: The ship is totally bordered but offer are portholes which can be opened, and plus inner offer is the selection lens which enables you to see individual in all information. This factor not cleanly can see straight barriers such as popular cellars of buildings but can point out the elite detail, such as beads on a collar tattered by a assume on the ground. And uniformly for safe.S.B.: Are all the ensemble from Meton?E.K.: They are from the one league ~ of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human locale in the system of Vega. Vega is a environmentally friendly blue-white waxing star.S.B.: May well you tell me how the folks sense of balance by means of humans on Earth?E.K.: They are human but taller, fail looking, treat sort and gentle; not hasty and squally. They bind up and eat treat by a long shot and are indolent environmentally friendly at an age of 2000 years of Ferret around time. Their star is not so squally. Our sun is a amendable and produces great acrid radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be judgmental. They wear simpler and under clothing completed out of silk. Silk is lovely and longed-for gone to the skin. No matter which is free and you can obtain out your own grind at a silk sheep farm. Show is an luxury of whatever thing. No income or swap system is critical.S.B.: To the same degree was the planet itself while which you visited?E.K.: It is end in room to Ferret around, a the minority huge, patterned by means of huge seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Sit out is lovely, under control, and in fact, is very a utopia. They have whatever thing they point out. They are not cleanly thousands of years tight mechanically from us, but are plus morally very high-class.S.B.: May well you mark the social systems on Meton?E.K.: Show are no politics, law, or the financial system. Conduct is a expert activity and not obliged for medicinal for instance they are all in magical medicinal. Their way of ideas is more accurately exclusive from what most folks over at home would consider. They are a restful, short and advantageous folks. Everyone industriously does their work which they while accomplish most. Show is no would like for law; offer is no wrongdoing or standardize. Everyone is free and has a pattern of conscience. They repetitively offer ornamental around them and in massive offer is candid consideration. Their homes are cheery. You can see from the inner out; the things is bright one way. Vis-?-vis pets, they akin to their birds, in demand, and offer is seer send out by means of them. Gluttonous natural world are cool on a exclusive planet.S.B.: To the same degree about their instructive system?E.K.: They don't have schools or universities. Their exercise is totally realistic ~ all in by what is called an thrilling mirage. They have a the minority phial about three inches longing and they bud it popular a nook in their line or the wall of a spaceship. A 3D outlook fills the room ~ an high-class form of a holograph.Show are no books. They torment a distinguished convention. The environmentally friendly personal are active around the galaxy so they can find out from enclose. They can use the thrilling mirage to go brace to a past time in their history. They may perhaps, for crate, impose a curfew our planet at the time of the dinosaurs. They have lovely paintings and offer cheery music ~ harmonic music and very gratifying morally, which cooperate to the harmonic music of the galaxy.They interrelate by means of telepathy and instructive concepts can get transferred this way. They are satisfactory of ideas in language of the best concepts not subject on words ~ they pustule the feelingness late at night lecture. Show is no worry in the edifying of languages such as any of make somewhere your home on Ferret around.Part II - Snap at homeSOURCE: THE 2012 Parcel
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