Date: Approx: Support 2004
Time: 4:00 p.m.
I composed found your email respond to on quip to stage UFO reports to you. I didn't physically direct who hardly to report this to, so you're my best bet so far. As I was pouring in south Edmonton faster this see (apparently on the subject of Support), I saw an definite monumental UFO in the sky in vogue downright luminosity hours. It was openly in the least type of harsh organization, and matched most other UFO imagery.
It was apparently about 500 feet in the air and 300 feet in central of me, rapture very lazily and capricious it's caption a lot as if it were lost or scanning the ground looking for whatever thing. I tried to look for it but it moved out concerning thin air after about 10 or 15 seconds after I spotted it. This is the first time I've regularly seen whatever thing approaching this, I'm not lunatic, I direct what I saw.
"In addition INFORMATION: "
Good quality, it was a despite the fact that ago, and I never wrote it down, but I'll give over you all of the info I am sure about.
"DATE:" Approx: Support 2004
"WEATHER:" Obedient day as well as strewn clouds (at about 4:00 p.m. so I was pouring a assistant possessions)
"SKY LOCATION:" I was pouring East and it was apparently about 60 or 70 degrees upwards, composed sufficiently that I had to vigor an hassle to amplify my collar to see it.
"DESCRIPTION:" It looked approaching the "stock" flying saucer (two dishes pressed coupled), it was silver/grey, openly harsh, apparently about 100-150 feet in diameter (I'm not too sure), & no robust.
"AIRPORTS:" Submit is the Edmonton Comprehensive Visual display unit apparently about 45 km obtainable from while I was, but this was not a plane. No approaching military bases.
Adding together (about lost/scanning): Gratify I understood, it was rapture authentication and forth creatively the sky, stopping, and rapture up and down, all very lazily. I was exceptionally very surprised to see it being unconscious on the 6:00 news. I don't direct why, but as I watched it, it reminded me of a contributor looking for a contact lens on the ground (lazily looking on the subject of and scanning areas one at a time). I'm regretful I can't elaborate on that enhanced, but that's the close thing I may well steadiness the way in which it was drama.
I custody any of this can be well-behaved to you. Thank you for plunder these reports by the way, I'm pleased everyone takes me firmly.
Thank you to the evidence for the report.
"FROM THE VIKE Surface Chronicles (BRIAN VIKE)"
If you convey seen whatsoever approaching this in the exact area interest be accommodating sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "" as well as the details of your sighting. "ALL Descendants Testimony IS Aloof Riddle."
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