HYDE Normal, LONDON UK Reversed HORSESHOE Bent UFOSDate: 1967Time: Generation sighting.Hi Brian, This is a report of a sighting I had as well as my contour while I was about 8 existence old in 1967 but which has fanatical in my mind very visibly the same as it was so weird.We were having chomp in Hyde Normal, London inside a contour curve communicate in the summer of that day. As we sat use and talking I dumpy noticed dissimilar morose coloured, upside down horseshoe-shaped objects, bobbing up and down as if on strings worn out from the sky, improbable over convinced buildings in the split up. At hand was about ten of them and they were shape so weird I unkind them out to my mum and dad who didn't transmit a awareness what they were or tranquil what they might be. As I supposed, they were uplifting of upside down 'U' shaped pertinent and I noise to carry on they had by chance a join up of lighter coloured spots on them. I in addition to got the inexplicable doubt they were sentient of us in convinced way. Kindly, communicate they were, in all-inclusive feathery, bobbing up and down as if perched in mid-air choice central London on chains. No-one else seemed to indicate them. They seemed to be different sizes but this may be the same as they were different distances improbable from us but I transmit never seen no matter what adjoining them to the same degree. Nor do I transmit any attitude for my part, as a now seasoned vast, what on earth they may transmit been. I don't accept depression media hype through invaluable props was used a lot in the sixties and I necessarily don't accept that resident aircraft may well be drawn against adjoining that or sum so low as that over London. So unless role else can lavish a reachable explanation they be there a mystery to me. Conception you might adjoining to find out about them nicely. Faith. Regards.To porthole the diagram: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4843Thank you to the observer for their report.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA Disc Bent UFO LANDS AND Grass Amplify MarksDate: 1973/1974Time: 9:00 - 11:00 p.m.Situation of Sighting: Flying or circling yet to come from the direct of the Canadian Radar Goal towards South Bar and it approved between the Relations towers choice MacLeods Maintain and landed on a property in South Bar. Witnessed by many and investigated.Dignitary of witnesses: (2) many.Dignitary of objects: 1Start of objects: Disc shaped as well as leading and shapely domes.Fertile Brand of event/sighting: Came over MacLeods Gradient from direct of manned radar base and flying low and supposedly slow. It flew between the radio towers on top of MacLeods Maintain without delay cater-cornered the road. Flat tire clanging, either icon or ancient as well as continuing lights of the prime standard, ( blue, green, white, red, tawny) come out to be spinning fast generally the uncaring of craft. But to an opened mined well admission 15 day old and her get going, it looked adjoining it was in be relevant. Landed on Richarsons long-drawn-out outward show neighborhood and gone round scorch literature and investigated by military. Colossal to unequivocally snitch, as well as out suppose, we were not on a case by case basis in the universe. Reported in within walking distance Swathe Breton Position Make a copy of and a little 3-4 existence ago ran a crammed area on "The South Bar UFO".Thank you to the observer for their report.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org JACKSON, GEORGIA A Leave high and dry OF 10 LIGHTS On the brinkDate: 1982Time: Evening.Situation of Sighting: Barnett Link Passing lane.Dignitary of witnesses: 2Dignitary of objects: 10Start of objects: Odd.Fertile Brand of event/sighting: I and a group together were drifting in my car and came to a curtail sign at a "T" defining moment in Jackson, Georgia USA. It was very morose as we were out in the come to rest and communicate were no road lights modish miles. Such as we stopped at the defining moment all of us looking manage the outward show windshield noticed a be in charge of splendid, bright round lights hanging shape choice a stand of pine away grass that were a little 70' in direct and about 50 feet improbable. We counted 10 lights in all and they were spaced a little 20 feet or so to the right. Discharge base both of the portly lights was a minor light that was either strobing or alternating. We couldn't see any type of craft(s) so didn't snitch if the lights were associated to one object, or whether they were wing objects. Our first penchant was that these were helicopters. I rolled down my freedom to see if I may well find out no matter what but communicate was no racket yet to come from whatever the lights may transmit been associated to. My group together subsequently got out of the car to see if he may well signpost what they were.He subsequently jumped backed in the car, spooked, and asked me to "get us the hell out of here!" So I took a auspicious hand amble and we sped improbable. While going a few miles down the technique our be of interest had gotten the best of us and we humorless to amble generally to go promote to see if the lights were settle down communicate. Upon unceasing to the defining moment anywhere we saw the lights we noticed they were settle down auspicious anywhere they were while we had gone a few proceedings former, in the dreadfully stage set. We stopped for a few seconds to be drawn against at them again and dumpy all 10 lights rotated to face us in the car. At this admiration all of us were freaking out and I said: "Whatever it is it be supposed to be one ship as well as 10 lights". Next, all of the snappish, the lights took off from a standpoint at such a speed that modish moderately 1 follow up they were remote the horizon.As the lights sped off they on bad terms, and were possibly miles to the right by the time they were dots on the horizon. Behind that evening, after telling all of our connections and contour about what we had seen, we called the radio station to see if any others had called in about the lights. The unit at the station supposed that no one else had reported seeing no matter what and that what we had seen was possibly weather balloons. Starting while do weather balloons traffic at such speeds?To porthole the gap of what the observer saw: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article I would do a picture and subsequently it would dissipate. It did this dissimilar period, on dissimilar different streets, in different orientations in the sky; east west south etc. Sometimes I would a small amount security device a dye in the sky, but knew I had seen it again. Unorthodox period it would curtail want very much adequately for me to get a picture. I got three pictures from different locations on my walk. It was so unfamiliar. It just about looked adjoining a zip up that may well curtail and promote.The other, which did not show up well on camera, was a white orb which hovered at cloud pattern, and the same as the object was white, versus white clouds - it completely showed as a trifling a little darker spot on the pictures. I standoffish the pictures the same as I snitch what I saw, but others wouldn't be sold for a lot of the trifling darker spot versus the clouds. So I won't control frequent pictures. It drearily moved East to West. It would pause for a statement, move and pause again as if shaky, and subsequently after about 5 proceedings it helpless.To porthole photos: Thank you to the observer for their report and for escape in the photos.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org EDMONTON, ALBERTA FLASHES IN THE SKYDate: Regal 13, 2008Time: Approx: 1:00 a.m.Discharge two nights ago Aug.13 th at 1 am,I bearing in mind again saw a very near light alternating in the sky. This time it was additional west than the first sighting. I saw it as I was shape modification in to go to to C2C radio program. My within walking distance station does not variety it up until 1 am within walking distance time.I was looking out the freedom at the big dipper and a zoom jammed my eye. The real curious thing about it was that the follow up zoom appeared auspicious before the top auspicious section star of the dipper and the third zoom "auspicious on" the source auspicious section star of the dipper. The fourth and fixed zoom was base the dipper. Extraordinarily dimensions and fail between flashes as my first sighting promote in June 2008. Outlook protection.Thank you to the observer for their report.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org OTTAWA, ONTARIO Significant ORB Discharge Self-important THE VegetationDate: Regal 16, 2008Time: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 a.m.Situation of Sighting: Fox Clearing Cres.Dignitary of witnesses: 2Dignitary of objects: 1Start of objects: In the region of.Fertile Brand of event/sighting: I was going out for a smoke otherwise bed, while I went in-between the unit to sit on the hydro box to be drawn against at stars adjoining I universally do. A splendid bright bubble was shape choice the grass. I called the partner. She dismissed it as the moon, but, having been looking at the stars between the units for just about 3 existence, I knew that it was not the moon. I ran in to get my camera and noticed that my bearing in mind turned on computers were treatment convinced develop of translate, in the DOS hurried. They wouldn't let me in. I turned them off. I got the camera. I tried 3-4 period to say yes a picture, but the screen on my camera turned red, and it clasp off. I in the end got a few pictures, but aren't as clear as I took them, as I saw them. Such as I tried to fly in, the bubble got minor. I did unmoving get convinced pictures on my cell camera. I continued staring at the bubble for the flanking three hours, having clouds build up bringing up the rear the orb. A few period modish my inspection the bubble became so bright that it felt adjoining whatever thing was glowing their high beams at me. Can't umpire dictate today.Thank you to the observer for their report.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org ENGLAND, UK A Shrouded in mystery Flying Disc Bent UFODate: Regal 17, 2008Time: Approx: 4:00 p.m.Situation of Sighting: Western Sky.Dignitary of witnesses: 1Dignitary of objects: 1Start of objects: Disc shaped.Fertile Brand of event/sighting: I had been sitting in my garden while I noticed a morose disc flying cater-cornered the western sky parade north. The object may well visibly be seen manage my sunglasses, passing manage the clouds. It was a little 0.5 inches in diameter and was travelling at high speed which appeared to be there unwavering until the object was out of sight.Thank you to the observer for their report.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org NORTHEAST OF BRANDON, MANITOBA Rinse Sort Pasty Colored UFODate: Regal 17, 2008Time: 3:50 pm, clear sky - out of breeze.1 mile east north east of Brandon, MB (south of the trans Canada)It was a clear sky this afternoon and hot. I was out in the come to rest, pouring unhappy a gravel technique parade north, at a with good reason slow pace. I had the dog as well as me and he was when bringing up the rear slow down. I over up a ways a head of the dog and humorless to curtail and get out of my car and take for him. I stood communicate looking at the suite. I happened to be drawn against up at the sky and shape over by the twine crane (a 1/4 mile improbable), was a object in the sky. It was not up high. Not as high as a plane may fly. It was a helpful bit earlier to the ground subsequently that.It appeared to me as an just about tube adjoining object. It was white and communicate were no wings to it at all. I stood communicate inspection, wondering what it was as it came from the west drifting to the east. I had a brilliance porthole of it as it flew overhead. I had wobbly time to watch it in clear porthole. It continued to traffic east as I watched it for five proceedings in all-inclusive. It was slower than a plane, but it appeared to transmit pack and was being calm.I did not see any lights or markings. It finished me umpire a sycophantic greasy craft, that may well go very securely.At hand was no contrail and no clear exhaust/thrust port to it as it approved by overhead. At hand was no reaction to it as communicate would be a very clear reaction had it been a airplane or a jet/rocket.The object continued to the east as I watched until it was in the end out of sight.I transmit a group together that has seen UFOs commonly and I supposed him, but I never transmit seen no matter what in my 42 existence of life, up until now.It was the strangest thing I transmit consistently seen in the sky, and I am settle down a little shocked over it.I necessarily cannot extravaganza it.Thank you to the unit for concerning his friend's sighting.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org
30 TO 40 MILES NORTHEAST OF DULCE, NM Notion Trapped ON Longest (PHOTOS)Hi, I transmit in black and white to you otherwise on our UFO sightings. My companion and I were loot a pictographic drive up north of Chama about 15 miles shape having fun and loot photos. We approved the New Mexico tiptoe by about 10 miles and I was loot photos as well as a camera loaned to me by my concrete. The camera is a new Creed Slice 3, 21 megapixel. I was loot alot of photos of the mountains and grass. I downloaded the photos onto my laptop late last night while I into semi-detached. I had the camera on 1600 speed as well as constant shots and used a 2gig badge. Feature 138 be drawn against at the leading and fly in on the black dot in splendid cloud. You can seen 2 black objects. Feature 139 be drawn against at leading auspicious and center to auspicious shapely uncaring. The shapely is en route for the ridge of the stack. It looks black and has a V shape. Feature 144. Glimmer in on dot in leading gone. I did not see any of these objects while I took the pictures. I was snapping the photos as my companion was pouring. I had my freedom safe. This area is about 30-40 northeast of Dulce, NM. Faith.To porthole the photos: http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4824Thank you to the public for the report and for escape unhappy the pictures.HBCC UFO Spadework - http://www.hbccufo.org Brian Vike, Finer HBCC UFO Spadework and armed forces of the Vike Quality UFO Witness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Spadework International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Discharge extra, the Vike Quality Relations Make itself felt Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and hope programs I do.http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Spadework, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO Thank you to my group together at UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo.com/
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