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cropcircles 2008,
Astrology is the perfect timing device and relating to the Moon's Nodesand the Lunar Impact for October 9, 2009. The astrological chart set for the lunar impact on October 9th for the actual impacts which commence at 4:30 am PDT or 11:30 UT have the Moon @ 21 degrees 42 minutes Gemini TSQ Venus-Mercury-Saturn/Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. In the above chart set for UT, the degree of the Mid Heaven Of course the interesting bit of synchronicity is that Mars will be applying to a conjunction with S Node opposing N Node of the Moon @ 12:23 PM PDT. More detailed information on this Lunar Bombing has the Centaur rocket (Chironic symbol)with Sagittarius rising. So the Centaur rocket will strike first, transforming 2200 kg of mass and 10 billion joules of kinetic energy into a blinding flash of heat and light. Researchers expect the impact to throw up a plume of debris as high as 10 km. Target for Oct. 9th impact below: On Friday morning, Oct. 9th, you can watch a pair of spacecraft crash into the Moon with your own eyes. The purposeful impacts are the climax of NASA's LCROSS mission to unearth signs of water in lunar soil. Today's story from Science@NASA tells how and where to look to catch this spectacle. Of course there is no reference to any ethical or moral nature of this little experiment especially with Jupiter now Void of Course and ready to station direct on October 12th. The Centaur rocket will strike first, transforming 2200 kg of mass and 10 billion joules of kinetic energy into a blinding flash of heat and light. Researchers expect the impact to throw up a plume of debris as high as 10 km. I will get into the deeper symbolic nature of this destructive action be continued.
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