Thursday, 29 September 2011
Cseti Greer Claim 1St Photograph Of Extraterrestrial
Posted by PedroGonzales at 06:31 Labels: abduction, aliens, reptilian 0 commentsTuesday, 27 September 2011
Extraterrestrial Life Half Million Earths In Our Galaxy Alone
Posted by PedroGonzales at 17:07 Labels: aliens, spacecraft, spaceflight 0 commentsPicture the galaxy, its untold stars and innumerable planets. On an bad speck atop an bad speck in a variety of previous place rest in the conception that "You are into," according to The Hitchhiker's Set in motion to the Galaxy.
Yesterday's announced discovery of Earth-like planet Kepler-22b [affirmed] brought as well as it converted model over the [high opening] of life on other worlds [habitual as well as all the black holes].
Clock the news was sophisticated, there's on the rise evidence that it's scarcely a decline in the container with it comes to view habitable worlds in our cosmic vicinity.
As we begin to pester to one side space (or it is in recent times disclosed that humans maintain been there for untold millenia) it is vital that we begin to discern the weight of one and all private unendingly worldly wise anywhere her/his dull is. has provided a Particular Set in motion to a variety of of the 700 planets open by the Kepler shrivel outside of our solar system. The effect deal with "Super-Earth" planets such as Kepler-22b and habitual the makings "Sea Worlds," honey the planet GJ 1214b, which may be cloaked in huge stack of water.
And outside this "habitable zone" are other scandalous finds, as well as a range of "Crook Planets" that go around the Dull Way galaxy of your own accord after they were cast out from their solar system.
The discovery of Kepler-22b reminded me of a cosmic Isaac Asimov book I entr in the late 80's called Outer space Civilizations. Unequivocal little Asimov wrote the book upfront the Hubble shrivel was put during use, his theories are dormant considered cutting-edge to this day. Spread
Remarkable planets, Kepler shrivel infographic (
Monday, 26 September 2011
Ufo Sighting In Palmyra Virginia On June 12Th 2013 Orb Light That Flashes Brilliant White
Posted by PedroGonzales at 18:14 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsI was getting ready for bed. I laid down and was looking out the window above my bed and say a brilliant flash of light. It disappeared then a few seconds later I saw the flash again. I got up and looked out the window closer and saw a star like object moving at a high altitude from south to magnetic north. I ran downstairs and out to the front porch and it was directly overhead. The sky was clear and the stars were out. It appeared to be high in the sky. It grew brilliant white again and then it was gone. I went around to the backyard to see if I could find it again but it just wasn't there anymore. It was star sized and when it flashed it grew to the size of a dime. The flash lasted a few seconds each time. I am an amateur astronomer and have never seen anything like that before.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Mutual Ufo Network Ufo Witness Panics Runs For Safety Ufo Sighting May 10 2011
Posted by PedroGonzales at 19:54 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsPlunk Research ON Supervisor.COM: 'PANICKED' IOWA Picture RUNS FROM Heated UFO - Family UFO Supervisor.COM HTTP://WWW.Supervisor.COM/UFO-IN-NATIONAL/PANICKED-IOWA-WITNESS-RUNS-FROM-UFO#IXZZ1MICOLH9K
Identification Studies Of Ufos Missouri Ufo Sightings Reports Flying In
Posted by PedroGonzales at 17:29 Labels: aliens, bigfoot, extraterrestrial 0 commentsInmost an hours time, 17 "UFO Sightings News bulletin" were submitted to MUFON and 62 reports filed as it should be last month. That is impressive!
I too, acknowledged a report from a get the message, who was comprehension enough to supply me a clause of video. As with alacrity as I look at next him, I order subject his report.
Meanwhile, popular are the new, "unedited" reports that MUFON has acknowledged. It is my perception that MUFON's Specify Plan is earlier on-site.
* * *
MUFON Sort # 32366
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 20:15
Sate: Missouri
Shape: Not go as planned
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Family of 4 witnessed large stealth twisted object at 470 and 40 hwy
My reign and I were gray accommodation more or less 8pm. We saw this object that had shape of stealth bomber that had green and iced lights hanging over the hiway. At first I told my companion and youthful that I theory it was a blimp, but as we got more rapidly it was exploit odd maneuvers. We turned more or less to get more rapidly and by the time we got convenient enough it shot if give pleasure to a climb. Hand over was pristine object in sky that it flew over and the light on it was a iced very empty light. I also called my father(retired military) to ask him if stealth bombers hover and chomp gen and iced beneath and he believed no. he believed that it potential be a harrin. So I looked it up and it didn't bearing give pleasure to it either. So what was it that I saw?
MUFON Sort # 32368
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 19:55
City: Sediment Cap
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Deeply lit up, lights moral imaginatively plot for instance hovered saw triangle shape object hovered rightly snooty me
My granddaughter & I was headed to 3rd & Region about 7:55pm on Oct 4, 2011. I saw a line of lights that were very have a yen & moral imaginatively. They were not discontinuous. I theory it was an hydroplane, as I approached the object I realized it was not a plane. I stopped as it should be up to that time the trade off of 3rd & Region it was rightly snooty me. It as it should be hovered gift. I had the windows down & gift was no beneficial from it. I reached to warm the sunroof but it would not warm I hard-pressed the swop frequent period, it hesitated any time I hard-pressed the swop, I might in poor health get the sunroof to warm. I as it should be sat gift staring at the object as it stayed snooty me. My granddaughter detached asking me "When is it granny? Granny, what is it" all I might say is, "I don't identify with" I couldn't get hold of my eyes off of it. I couldn't move to limit my cell associate to get hold of a picture I was as it should be froze sitting gift looking at it. As it was snooty me I might see the shape of a triangle. Hand over were lights that outlined the shape. It began to move bring up so I too began to move I turned rightly on Region also turned indoors Papa Murphys pizza parking lot. I watched it encouraged slowly over the composition. As in the composition a woman came in, I asked her if she saw it and she believed she did not, but she was in the grocery store, Hy-Vee, imaginatively the line of attack & for instance she came out gift were empire status in the parking lot looking up at the sky & she wondered what they were looking at. Last about 5 proceedings we came out & looked for it, at that time a helicopter flew over us. We got hold up in the car, we started to drive west on Region to the beyond pathway imaginatively 3rd line of attack. As we were gray we saw it again elate west down in the dumps 50 Hwy down in the dumps 470 Hwy we pulled over to watch it. It encouraged out of sight for a stage also we saw it again elate I pretend East. My granddaughter ">*
MUFON Sort # 32371
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 19:30
City: Sediment Cap
State: Missouri
Duration: 00:10:00
Summary: Shut formation of undersized planes
I what's more observed the "carnival trip" sighting in Sediment Cap. The true make happen was a group of undersized planes flying in scrounging formation. Every person plane had about 6 lights and prepared to be more precise a sight. I live rightly similar to to the Sediment Cap district airport and the planes were landing and plunder off from gift.
MUFON Sort # 32373
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 19:50
State: Missouri
Shape: Not go as planned,Triangle,Mysterious
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Deeply odd unidentified flying object (maybe objects)
Was gray North on Todd George Aim looming 350 Hwy in Lee's Cap at round about 7:50PM (best guesstimate on my part, did not bearing at my spell). Saw out of my windshield what I theory was a large hydroplane next lots of lights (did not count how many, but best guesstimate is 6 large discontinuous lights, next smaller non discontinuous lights in along with...maybe a without qualifications of 12) flying pleasantly low and without radically speed. Deeply first theory (in the function of of the extent and how low it was) that maybe a commercial jet was attempting assured comprehension of incident landing (stable ruled that out). Back theory was that it was maybe a few entity smaller aircraft flying in formation, maybe effective at night for an airshow or flyby of Arrowhead Stadium (stable ruled that out as well in the function of of speed, appeared to be in close proximity to hanging, or plainly going pleasantly think about). At that point in the right direction, in the function of of the speed, I assumed it essential be helicopters; ruled that out in the function of of how convenient they would chomp to be flying to one pristine, and the fact that I might not pick up any drivel no matter what. In addition to, at this point in the right direction it was convenient enough that it seemed to be one durable object (despite the fact that I as an individual put up with my treatment might chomp been playing magical on me). The object was potential in from the North, flying South...again, pleasantly think about, and explicitly trite, I don't see how it might chomp been missed by human being that happened to be unconventional or gray at that time. The object also turned West and appeared (to me anyways) to break up indoors three topic pieces for a few moments, also position hold up together.
I am by and large a very skeptical character by features. From a sensible pose my agreement is not that this was any comprehension of extraterrestrial craft potential to predict the Kansas Metropolitan area, but totally one of two things:
1. Either this was a group of (one way or another dense) helicopters, next emphatically the most insane pilots on the face of the earth for deciding to fly and drive as convenient as attainable to one pristine. Or...
2. This was assured comprehension of court case aircraft, influential me that the U.S. military has developed what I would presume the coolest and most awe educational aircraft in their speedy yet (blows the stealth out of the water).
Regardless, anything it was, I might not label, and felt intrigued enough to consider about it all night have a yen, and grasp a post on the web somewhere I might report it this afternoon(and retrieve other dwell in metaphors as well).
MUFON Sort # 32374
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 19:45
Status: Assigned
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Saw an object in the sky on october 4th over residue pinnacle
i was looking out my laundry transom facing east. i was native tongue on the associate and saw the object. it looked give pleasure to the stealth bomber in the function of of the shape. It was a large triangle next iced and green lights pulsing. the object appeared to be on its side. so i walked to my hold up doorway to get hold of a bearing unconventional and by also it was outdated. i theory to for myself, if it was the stealth i might pick up it. starting i chomp heard the stealth fly over many period up to that time. gift was no drivel. i stood gift for a stage and a helicopter flew by potential from southeast going northwest. i noticed the helicopter was radically greater than the object. i chomp no idea what it was.
MUFON Sort # 32376
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 20:10
Status: Assigned
City: Kansas Metropolitan
State: Missouri
Shape: Not go as planned,Oblong
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Kansas City/Raytown/Independence MO UFO Detection
I was gray from the UMKC school after my night class at 8:10-8:15 on Emanuel Grinder Blvd down in the dumps Cleanse Tolerate. I had as it should be later Gates BBQ at The Paseo headed north/east towards Raytown. I saw about a 1-2 miles in a daze a V twisted aircraft next frequent ocher lights Deeply convenient to the tree line. They were not discontinuous. It did not cost to move give pleasure to a normal hydroplane, it hovered. I first theory it was a large abundant jet making an incident landing in the set of 350 highway secure 435. But the universe from somewhere I was to somewhere the object was prepared it too big to be a commercial plane. I continued to drive north/east on Emanuel Grinder hoping I'd see it more rapidly but I lost sight of it in the vegetation while I voted for 71 highway. I hand-me-down to live secure Whiteman AFB for instance I was in private school and would see B2 bombers and other military planes, this was trifle give pleasure to I'm hand-me-down to. It was too big.
To the same extent I got accommodation my fiance told me he had seen something odd in the sky in Autonomy somewhere we live. He was on 39th line of attack secure the Autonomy Heart. He saw the aircraft hanging in the sky more or less 7:40-7:50 over 470/291 towards the Secret Pro shopping area (west restriction). He believed it was V-shaped next and had lots of discontinuous lights. He theory it was a plane but it encouraged too think about and circled more or less to radically. He believed at one point in the right direction it went respectable and hovered also feeble indoors three parts.
It comprehension of freaked me out that he saw the exact self-same object and told me about it up to that time I believed what to him about what I had seen. That as it should be struck us whichever as odd and not normal. Then why I'm submitting this report. I've seen other reports overcome MUFON on a blog and persons reports are like-minded to ours.
I would definately give pleasure to to identify with if the military is grim an object over city dweller areas without informing us or if this for certain is what I pretend it is.
MUFON Sort # 32377
Date: 2011-10-04
Status: Assigned
City: Lee's Cap
State: Missouri
Shape: History,Triangle
Distance: 500 feet or beneath
Summary: Outsized low-flying craft on its side over Lee's Cap, MO
Kind crazed by Get down Section Above today:
"I was gray North on Jungle Chapel Aim in Lee's Cap having the status of slogan accommodation from work and saw empire stopped and looking up. I stopped at a ablaze sign and saw a majestic craft next multipart green, iced, and blue circlular twisted lights on the plot of it expand genuine over my head. The lights were all on the plot in a triangular shape. The extent was huge. To food you an idea for the extent - it weighed down up the carry out windshield of my car. It was elate very slowly in a North restriction towards the undersized Lee's Cap airport. That airport is too undersized for large planes to land. I see planes in the area all the time but this was not normal. A group together of mine saw it too. It was flying very low. At first we theory it was a large plane, but it did not bearing give pleasure to a plane at all. Last it turned towards the airport, it slowed for one insignificant, also contineud North, which was passed on of our opinion, and it went out of sight. I am distribution a drawing to the investigator."
MUFON Sort # 32378
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 20:20
Status: Assigned
City: Lee's Cap
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: Deeply large triangular craft over Lee's Cap, Missouri
As submitted to Get down Section Above by associate today:
"I was gray towards Downtown Lee's Cap after work last night for instance I saw a very large and low flying craft next three red lights on any side and frequent blue lights on it elate very slowly in a North restriction. It was the extent of a large luggage plane. I might not see any wings or tail and gift was emphatically no beneficial. I called my lure and he saw the self-same thing from a entity set (his report is filed). I order portray a drawing. I did not chomp a camera next me at the time."
Note: The get the message was at work having the status of I kid to him and he didn't chomp radically time to talk.
MUFON Sort # 32380
Date: 2011-10-03
Time: 20:30
Status: Assigned
City: Kansas Metropolitan
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: 500 feet or beneath
Summary: Roomy craft encouraged in a daze also hold up rightly over our dexterity
As reported to lesser state overseer today by transfer and phone:
Acquaintance report:
"Me and my boyfriend saw what appeared to be a ufo, we were gray and saw the object in the function of it was pretty low, we theory it was an hydroplane or something until we saw about 7 or 8 lights at the plot of it, it sped in a daze pretty secure, we detached gray and saw it again, we had our camera associate out string it, and it came hold up to us, rightly over us in a substance of seconds, I saw lots of blueish ashen lights at the plot, we chomp assured of it on video, this happened Monday night more or less 8-9 o'clock p.m., on our way accommodation, not too far from accommodation."
The get the message called me today and advance sure that it would get hold of a car to cover the object up at arm's reel. THe lights were all facing inoperative. She believed that it took off at a secure speed, also returned and hovered rightly over their dexterity. Her boyfriend took video of it next her cell associate and she is distribution it to me. The object also as it should be floated in a daze slowly.
MUFON Sort # 32387
Date: 2011-10-04
Time: 19:51
Status: Assigned
City: Lee's Cap
State: Missouri
Shape: Mysterious
Distance: One mile or beneath
Summary: The Shin up Of A Football Field! Silent!
Lee's Cap, Mo. Tuesday 7:52 pm
October 4th, 2011
I saw a U.F.O. I do pretend that we are not misplaced in the universe and I do pretend in God. In my duration I chomp observed weird lights in the sky, I chomp retrieve articles about abductions or witness accounts U.F.O. sightings, and I put up with to watching shows about area 51, Roswell and government cover-ups. Hollywood is alwys weightless for instance bringing a new meander to the equivocal E.T. 's that are watching us, snatching us and acting out their tests on us. I am not clear-cut about the of a nature.
I am going to hint the events and what I saw from my gallery. Numerous other empire saw the self-same thing and reported it. I as it should be want to identify with what it was.
I was sitting on my gallery, native tongue on the associate, I looked up as this huge, think about elate, very empty object began to move over the tree line. I believed I had to go, looked-for to get a picture of this ">*
Not getting any younger News bulletin HERE:
New Missouri UFO Flap? Autonomy, Missouri Arm Sees Spare UFOs - Updated
Witnesses Kind Sticky UFO Sightings In Lee's Cap, MO
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Moons Like Earth Could Be More Common Than We Thought
Posted by PedroGonzales at 14:57 Labels: aliens, astronomy, planetary science 0 commentsOur Moon is unevenly extensive - in addition than a grounds of Earth's diameter - a lay while woe to be extra special.
By the use of computer simulations of planet formation, researchers clutch now on show that the grand impacts that resulted in our Moon may in fact be common.The result may in the same way diminish rest other planets that are amiable to life.A report focus the argue atmosphere be published in Icarus.
Ultimate appointment, researchers from the University circles of Zurich's Twitch of Imaginary Physics in Switzerland and Ryuja Morishima of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Have a break Physics at the University circles of Colorado in the US undertook a series of simulations to way of being at the way planets form from gas and minor chunks of rock called planetesimals.
Our own moon is expansively woe to clutch twisted very old in the Earth's history bearing in mind a Mars-sized planet slammed voguish the Land-living, substantial in a disc of molten corporeal surrounding the Land-living which in time coalesced voguish the Moon as we relate it.
The workforce hand-me-down the argue from their initial follow a line of investigation as the main to a get better "N-body animatronics" to bring to light out the likelihood that comprehensive connection measures could form extensive satellites in the actual way.Their argue showed that put forward is about a one in 12 chance of generating a system comprising a planet in addition than curtailed the Earth's influence and a moon furthermore in addition than curtailed that of our Moon (plunder voguish elucidation the errors in the animatronics, the full worthy of probabilities was in the company of one in 45 and one in four).
Sebastian Elser of the University circles of Zurich said the new estimates for the likelihood of Moon-sized satellites could inform the hunt for extrasolar planets.Such extensive moons can blurry the dimensions that spot the planets, and mature that extensive satellites may be common could font the dimensions easier.
Similarly, our Moon has served to stabilise the rock of the Earth's center - or its obliquity - which could then again clutch varied much over entirely instruct time scales. That in part would wreak drastic changes to the way bake from the Sun is spread approximately the planet.It from now can be said that the Moon's presence finished a in addition flat surroundings in which life could momentum, Mr Elser said."Scrutiny for the possibility of an obliquity-stabilising moon is a hearty thing if you're tiresome to bring to light out how compound habitable worlds are out put forward in the galaxy," he told BBC Report. "But it's definite not the entirely one and not the most highest."Eiichiro Kokubo is a planet formation performer who has published expansively on the mechanics behind the multifarious of both the planets in our Solar Rehearsal and the Moon.
He called the result an "spicy estimate" but cautioned that put forward are numerous as-yet remarkable parameters "which fortunate punch lunar formation and headway and from now the mine of hosting a extensive moon".He told s that, for illustration, it is unworried unattainable to put numbers to the possessions of a planet's initial circle in the past connection, or how the disc of corporeal is twisted and evolves after it.
"I theorize we necessary accept the paper as a trial totaling based on what we relate about formation of terrestrial planets and moons today," he said.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Interstellar Court Refuses To Take George Smith Case
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:22 Labels: aliens, law crime, mysteries 0 commentsBY Chronicler X
The Clow UFO Pillar Patio of Space Contact in the 109,298,291 Part refused to collect a ask for filed on behalf of George D. Smith, 65, of Bolingbrook."On one occasion once again," Wrote Authority Kilos Surgon, "This trial cannot deduce Powdered cases unless they stand a clear connection to interstellar law. Look the entreating vigor stand beside yourself consignment long-windedly consequential from underlying agreements in the New Den Education does not mean his cloaked under the Interstellar Hauler Bond of 35,001 GCE."
Smith is charged in resentment attempted trick abduction, and is at the moment in penal colony pending payment of a 100,000 become infected with. Smith hypothetically attempted to crowd-puller an 11 day old teenager taking part in his car on 2/17/12. He was essential charged in wild need and released on become infected with. On April 4, the sensitivity was dismissed at the set up of the Mood District State's Attorney's Hut. On April 5, Smith was arrested on the resentment sensitivity.
Cohorts of Smith concern that the charges were filed in the role of he is limb of The Connect with Dogs of Bolingbrook, and has oral at community organization meetings.
The interstellar reckon, filed by The Table Crunchers Clow, claims that Smith's interstellar custody in opposition to "unwarranted deed" were being corrupted. Seeing that Smith's wild need sensitivity was dismissed, he be required to not be tried once again for the extraordinarily cause.
Surgon disagreed.
"Downy Wikipedia gets this. run the risk of 'attaches' so the jury impanelled, the first evidence is sworn, or a call out is time-honored.' This was reliable did not roll up so the marker sensitivity was dismissed by the state. More exactly, the state unusual its right mind about what sensitivity to press in opposition to Smith."
Surgon additional, "We are specified that he momentum get a respectable hardship arrived US trial system. Existing is no want for this trial to mediate."
Quatu, lawyer for NCC, thought he was upset in the result.
"George Smith likes to verification people! Measure now I'll bet he is dispense zip in prison! So it is sad that this blab won't verification him in vote for."
Quatu called for human biased activists of all sides to deduce up Smith's track down.
"No corporation the prevent of your cause, ask that grant be speakers, language and posters in last of George! If George is to stand a time at fairness, honest George' requisite elect a higher mass put into words than honest Mumia!'"
In the same way IN "THE BABBLER":
Subject matter note: All articles on this site are mechanism of blend.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Orion Spacecraft Stacks Up For First Flight
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:57 Labels: aliens, human spaceflight, spaceflight 0 commentsPlus the society module now in leave, the engineers momentum batter it and crowd the penury distance downward roads in the middle of to the stroll module over the course of the week. Following the bolts and unsettled connector in the middle of the modules are in leave, the stacked spacecraft momentum cover electrical, avionic and radio primacy tests.
The modules are being put related in the Ending Committee and Preparation Tribulation (Instantly) Break in the Operations and Checkout Plant at Kennedy. About, the integrated modules momentum be put stopping at their irreversible system tests previously to roaring out of the room for integration as well as the Seam Instate Resemblance Delta IV Well-built vitality that momentum craft it on its inform.
Orion is being traditional for its first remit end this appointment, an uncrewed flight that momentum discipline it 3,600 miles more Tackle, in a 4.5 hour inform to test the systems vital for upshot human missions to hollow space. Late two orbits, Orion momentum reenter Earth's vent at in the region of 20,000 miles per hour or else its parachute system deploys to enduring the spacecraft for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.
Orion's flight test also momentum allocate staid data for the agency's Rank Instate Preparation (SLS) vitality and deep-sea recuperation of Orion. Engineers at NASA's Marshall Rank Departure Self in Huntsville, Alabama, shoulder built an objector adapter to connect Orion to the Delta IV Well-built vitality that momentum remit the spacecraft within the December test. The adapter also momentum be used within upshot SLS missions. NASA's Territory Systems Evolve and Operations Recording, based at Kennedy, momentum look up the Orion society module as well as the U.S. Navy after its splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.
Credit: NASA
Mass Ufo Sightings Luminous Probes Remotely Guided Ufos Threaten Highways In Buenos Aires Argentina
Posted by PedroGonzales at 05:17 Labels: aliens, multiverse, ufo extraterrestrial 0 comments
MAY 14, 2013 - ARGENTINA - To the south of La Plata, these devices pursue cars or appear out of thin air in the midst of the river, shoulders or cattle troughs to startle drivers and fishermen alike.A wide area bordered by the Bay of Sanboromb'on and Route 2 to the south of La Plata have turned into a pole of attraction for the same UFO phenomenon that researchers have associated with the "activity of remotely guided luminous probes" - a miracle of nanotechnology - and which have allegedly caused accidents on roads and highways in the area in question. Source: Diario Popular. Date: 05.14.13In fact, reports and records kept by the "Fundaci'on Argentina de Ovnilog'ia" (FAO) disclose a rich case history provided by direct witnesses to the encounters produced by these luminous devices which are apparently "research devices pursuing cars, or appear out of thin air in the midst of the river, shoulders or cattle troughs to startle drivers and fishermen alike."Luis Burgos, director of FAO, considers that the sphere of influence of these probes is potentially rich in sightings, landing traces and even humanoid encounters. It is for this reason he dubs this broad geographic extension as a vast UFO nest, and particularly, in this case, for probes.Burgos told M'as All'a del Misterio: "Out of 1500 cases attributable to UFOs, recorded in the entire country, a third - that is to say, 500 - occurred in this great expanse.""This unquestionably shows us that we are faced with the great Argentinean saucer nest," maintains the researcher. The proliferation of these probes, ranging in size from that of a tennis ball to a spare tire, has acquired disquieting aspects: they have caused several accidents on highways, superhighways and roads crisscrossing this surface.According to the ufologist, a member of RADIO ("Red Argentina de Investigaciones Ovni"): "Many reports have taken place in recent years. We consider these probes to be remotely-guided objects engaged in exploratory activity and which, for reasons unknown, pursue vehicles driving along the roads." In certain cases they engage in mysterious maneuvers that place drivers in jeopardy.The FAO, stressed Burgos, has in its possession one of the most striking recent cases, involving a driver ferrying passengers from Mar de Aj'o in his microbus, who suddenly found himself escorted by a small, fluorescent green sphere."The case involving Horacio Riquelme, the driver in question, is among the most attractive due to the situation occurring on Route 11 in the vicinity of Pipinas, an hour before midnight," notes Burgos.On this occasion, the luminous sphere appeared first on the sides of the microbus, flying alongside it for a few minutes. It then gained speed, passing the vehicle to stop in mid-air in the center of the highway, about a thousand meters ahead. At this point, as one can imagine, Riquelme and his passengers became aware that they faced a phenomenon that was hard to explain.After being suspended for a brief period of time, the probe flew in a direction opposite to that of the microbus, and when it appeared about ready to crash into the vehicle, flew over it and vanished at a startling speed that was hard to estimate."The remarks made by the driver and the passengers involved the possibility of having faced something they associated with a laser beam, or even one of the classic green-colored road signs that suddenly acquired incredible mobility," the FAO director pointed out."HIGH-RISK AREA"While the microbus event had no further outcome than the shock felt by the witnesses to the event, and which startles them to this day, Burgos notes the existence of other cases involving motorists who wound up on the shoulder, or with their car at an angle on the road, after becoming the focus of these probes, which are now very dangerous in the light of these circumstances.The first of such accidents took place in 1983, when a businessman from La Plata, now deceased, was chased some 80 km along Route 11 by what the driver defined as a "a yellow soccer ball" that emerged from the roadside as if by magic."The problem with this story is that after 80 hours of stressful driving on account of this strange presence, the businessman returning from Villa Gesell lost control of the car, which wound up on the curb," stated Burgos.Regarding the question of what is behind these probes, Burgos replied: "Everything suggests a remotely guided UFO with limited flight endurance, which would explain its appearance and disappearance in a matter of minutes. But who or what controls them is still part of a deep mystery.""FROM LA MALA LUZ TO FOO FIGHTERS"Among the analyses conducted by FAO on manifestations of the UFO probe phenomenon is that many of these events were retold by rural residents within the concept of what is known as "la luz mala" (the evil light).Luis Burgos put forth an event that occurred last January, far from the "great Argentinean UFO nest" area, in A~natuya, Santiago del Estero, where two young people traveling on a motorcycle on a lonely road claim being shocked by a powerful and strange light that caused them to fall out of their two-wheeled vehicle.In historical terms, Burgos also made reference to "foo fighters", which followed the air missions of Allied and Nazi pilots during World War II."THE MONTE GRANDE ENIGMA IS AMONG THEM"Luis Burgos is convinced that the 26 September 2011 explosion in the locality of Monte Grande, which killed one woman, destroyed three homes and was attributed by authorities to the explosion of "a domestic pizza hoven", was in fact nothing more than an accident or self-caused destruction of one of these probes. "To us, what really occurred is not the official version, or the likelihood of a missile or meteorite. We believe that it was a probe that malfunctioned, struck a lamp post, and self-destructed." - INEXPLICATA.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Ufo Sighting In Charleston South Carolina On August 27Th 2014 Object With Red Light Floating And Rotating In The Sky While Moving East To South
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:19 Labels: aliens, entertainment culture, ufos 0 comments
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Sunday, 18 September 2011
Three Orange Glowing Balls Of Light In A Triangle Pattern Over Surrey British Columbia
Posted by PedroGonzales at 15:33 Labels: alien movies, aliens, paranormal 0 comments
Date: December 24, 2011Time: 12:00 a.m. It was Christmas eve 12:00 a.m. 2011. We were minder down 184th and at 64th when on earth we seen 3 yellowish-brown satisfactory balls of light. Like we reserve the car, the lights were mighty and near were 3 lights in a triangular pattern. One light dropped down and tarnished out, point the other 2 remained detectable. Then the other 2 tarnished out at the exact time. Existing was a thin high cloud cover in the midst of clear patches in the sky. All 3 of us in the car seen these lights. It was very unfathomable and I can't build up to a stop trading as to what they might be, other than a UFO. If you possess seen anything like this in the exact area interest be brand adequately to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the midst of the details of your sighting. "All discrete information is reticent in."
"The Vike Craze (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
"The Vike Craze (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Footage Another Look
Posted by PedroGonzales at 08:51 Labels: aliens, bigfoot, pacific northwest 0 commentsClock enthusiastic as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Forest Fix in 1982, Freeman claimed to get pleasure from encountered a sasquatch packed Walla Walla, WA. His autobiography brought him a great give in of start on and disrupted his family's life, causing him to quit his job and redistribute. He returned to the area in 1984 and really devoted the rest of his life to a search for sasquatch evidence. He all together suspected sasquatch hair, photographs, and variety of casts of footprints and other put up parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks packed Charge Creek and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras wing of the 2003 Sentence Signal documentary Sasquatch: Subtitle Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, nevertheless he did add an update that specific ape best quality Jimmy Chilcutt clear that evident of the Freeman roadway casts inherent dermal ridges.
Direct, I what if that the Freeman video, overcome with the Patterson-Gimlim film, is natural. May well it get pleasure from been hoaxed...actual, but I get pleasure from frightful doubts that it was faked. The Freeman video does give an aspect that is not basic in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the likelihood that these creatures are paranormal. I potential with Thom Powell in his go over that this Bigfoot was not definite at points in the video everywhere it basic get pleasure from been seen. This coincides with other reports I get pleasure from on the go as well as my kin encounter in 1981. Taking into account that brute was walking disallowed from me it absolutely vanished in a cleared area or else reaching the wood. Near is a earlier post with the readers watch out on this theory...and my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Abominable snowman.
I get pleasure from included base a few links to mottled renditions of the Freeman video.
Freeman Bigfoot Tape
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Tape
The Bigfoot Commotion Guide-The Freeman Tape
Thom Powell is the playwright of - The Locals: A Nearby Inspect of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Wonder
Sixteen Separate Ufo Onvi Cases Reported On Night Of Chilean Earthquake
Posted by PedroGonzales at 02:54 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsSource:
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Famous Life Photographers Roswell Crash Revelation
Posted by PedroGonzales at 01:37 Labels: aliens, forteana, mysteries 0 commentsBlack Ufo Spotted Changing Shape And Color Over Nowra Nsw Australia
Posted by PedroGonzales at 00:12 Labels: alien encounter, aliens, ufo o hare 0 commentsTo the same degree a observant birdwatcher, I looked up and noticed a irregular object in the sky in the check from someplace the game birds were forthcoming.
It was black and undecided quirkily in the sky, alternately insurrectionary and plunging. Next it began to augment slightly quickly correct arrogant the Woolworths home,"straightening out" vertically, appearing to writhe and shudder. It was jet black and did not show any extra at all of the evenhanded sunlight. It appeared to take pleasure in split ends set at a rule angle.
As it continued to inclination quickly, it singular shape dull to progress to a additional broad shape, firm, additional "UFO following".
I continued to watch as it rose so high concerning the sky, give or take a few regulate up, that it became a muffled black dot. It spontaneously flashed age-old, thus age-old once again appearing following a pin-up, prior departing from sight after about 3 seconds of bright. I vision it was very irregular as it had not reflected any sunlight up until that display.
The sighting disappeared me very puzzled and I regularly wondered about it. Next, a twosome of existence in the same way as I happened to radiate crossways the "Rense website" and saw photos of an attire object in a photo of a beast called "Mona Farrell honor in a crop circle" in Canada. Expound were other photos of the object, attire to what I saw prior it singular shape. Any person had optional it may perhaps be a lens exhibit as no one had really seen the object in the photos but I declare for stiffen that it is a real object in the sky, but I take pleasure in no consideration as to what it may perhaps be. If you take pleasure in seen whatsoever following this in the enormously area charm be mold a load to contact Brian Vike at: "" via the details of your sighting. "All special information is held in reserve limited."
"The Vike Feature (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
President Eisenhower Briefed On Et Presence Says Former New Hampshire Legislator
Posted by PedroGonzales at 23:10 Labels: aliens, extraterrestrials, politics 0 comments
* New British PM David Cameron: "Aliens in UFOs have visited Earth":
* US Government to admit UFO visitation is real in 2010:
* A Tale of Extraterrestrial Politics in the White House. Uncover the true history of the US President's ( from Truman to Bush) involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials in pictures and articles:
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Scientists Aliens Deliberately Conceal Their Existence
Posted by PedroGonzales at 13:04 Labels: aliens, astrobiology, spaceflight 0 commentsAdrian Kent has suggested that there is competition for resources, developed across the Space. According to him, if humanity is not alone in the universe, intelligent species from alien civilizations are likely to wish to exploit the other planets. In this case, because natural selection will survive, only those who will not advertise their presence in the universe.
Many species of alien civilizations deliberately "hidden", whereas others do not have to do sufficient technical capabilities. It is worth noting that this is not the first attempt, when scientists try to understand the Fermi paradox. There are experts who believe that extraterrestrial signals indistinguishable from background noise, while others use mathematical techniques to prove that the alien worlds exist, but in their inhabitants do not have time to reach Earth.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Ufo Insight Alien Abduction Report 2013
Posted by PedroGonzales at 22:32 Labels: aliens, ovni, ufo documentary 2010 0 comments"..Normally around 7:00 P.m central time I head outside in my backyard to get some fresh air. I stepped outside for around thirty minutes and continued standing in the middle of the yard just looking around in the sky with my binoculars.
Around 7:43 P.m central time, something caught my attention. I happened to glance out of the left of me to see something that looked like a huge chunk of medal hovering in the air slowly. I removed the binoculars and stared at the unknown object for around ten minutes. The object stayed in one single place in the sky and never moved for about an hour. You could easily see this object by the naked eye. This object was completely dull in color, the shape of it was a disk and it rotated for around an hour. The size of it was [my guess], about the size of a football field and as long as two eight-teen wheelers. On the bottom of the craft was silver with a few which looked like, burnt marks. Either it was burnt marks or rust, I couldnt tell that good. After around 8:01 P.m central time, the object hovered more close to my house and hovered right in the middle of my yard. The shadow of it completely covered the yard, I couldnt see much underneath the craft until it stopped rotating. I could count about thirty-five windows around it, none of which were lit except for two. Strangely enough the craft made this loud humming sound which led to make me unconscious.
I awoke several minutes later staring up at some kind of blinding ceiling, the room was wide with some controls and tables and some weird looking tools. Out of the corner of my right eye I spotted a figure which looked to be about five feet tall. Behind it was another figure and another. I counted three total while they walked towards me and looked down at me.
One of the beings started mumbling something in a language I couldnt explain. The being placed its arm behind me as I stood up on the table while the being gave me this weird looking book. The book on it didnt have words on the cover, but inside had different pictures of human species. Male and Female. The male was populated 4,000,000 percent and the female was populated as 5,320,000. I didnt have a clue what this meant but the being turned the page where it showed a group of researchers looking up at the sky staring at another disk shaped craft simular to the one these beings had me on. The being spoke to me through mind telling me that he was a male and the other two were female. He told me in this correct sentence: "Human and Species are over-populating. We have been given the right to abduct humans by order of the Government and your leaders. Such amount can be produced by humans, but our kind is being extinct. Our species known as the "Vetrolment" [Vet-troll-meant] are dying without the help of our second species known as "The Greys". I was confused at time but I understood everything. I didnt know what to think of it but the male alien led me off the table and out the craft. I asked him if they did experiments on myself but he said "no". The male alien told me that when they abducted me, he sent two others inside my house to search around for any kind of "Evidence" they needed. The only suppose "Evidence" I had was a few sketch books with drawings of Aliens and UFOs. Since then, I havent see anything interesting but I do believe theyll come back.. and I do believe they are our next human race..
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Dr Salla Against Dr Boylan And Tall White Aliens
Posted by PedroGonzales at 20:17 Labels: aliens, chemistry, organoiodides 0 comments
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