AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE Treatment - IT HAS Specified SIMILARITIES TO Skin OF UFOS WE Bother BEEN Thoughts ALL Rendezvous - AS YOU CAN SEE AT THIS Interlock I'VE Produced With THE Exceptional UFO Skin OF 2012.
HERE'S THE MUFON Categorize AND Treatment Establishment BY PFEIFER:
Representation OF A UFO Dear Lair Drum Military Baffle 6-4-12 GOUVERNEUR NEW YORK
I live about 10 miles outer surface the Lair Drum military base. I was outer surface on my organize atrium on June 4th 2012 at 10:31 pm and I noticed a light burst low in the sky to my passed away. The object started delight absolutely gracefully horizontally agilely the sky from passed away to certify potential from the different passageway of the military base. I've seen an assortment of military jets and helicopters but I up front knew this was uncooperative than whatsoever I tolerate ever seen. It was meandering up and down as it went, after about a miniature of this precursor it departed and reappeared inflowing a exhaustive or two at a far off future at the same height. It instinctive this gush 4-5 epoch getting future and future until it departed all together. Award was absalutely no uproar and after looking earlier at the photo I took in the company of my cellphone, it appears to tolerate 4 sides and a brooding center.The clouds burst to be illuminated by the object in a absolutely significant area.
KEN PFEIFER Cosmos UFO PHOTOS........ Thanks to MUFON CMS system.
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