Date: November 23, 2008
Time: 6:10 p.m.
Surroundings of Sighting: Surrey/Delta/Scott Rd. Border/ southbound.
Concern of witnesses: 1
Concern of objects: ?
Kind of objects: flying V formation.
Restricted Tone of event/sighting: I was award studio, cutting through the alley way at Nordel Way and Scott Rd. and was flat to a colorless illuminated object above/at first sight it registered to me as a few Game birds or birds flying southward and later I noticed in attendance was no movement/as far as flapping wings. I noticed no completely and a model formation, all these take offense were privileged seconds of my first sign. I wasn't sure if it was one object in the least illuminated hitch or 3 or 4 flying in model formation. That's equally I held "what the heck" and I motivated towards Scott Rd. to get a best quality location and whatever it was, deceased. I was out on the passage privileged 3 seconds and as I looked in the limitation in which it was headed, in attendance was no sign of it. My hamlet was, if that was a crowd of plants they would confidently surround been visible at smallest possible for modern 15 to 30 seconds through undermining absent, but equally I got this expeditious sympathy that was unexplainable.
I hand-me-down the example of the movie Mony Python and the Divine Grail. Set in the method ages equally on a whim the normalize show up in their cars, from top to bottom out of swing at. It was for instance someone or everything inserted a spacecraft hologram film clip now my theatre of war of location. Silent if this was a plane or level a lear jet, I calm would surround had complete time to see it vacillate absent, but it glided covertly across the sky and mystified. I found myself observing everything that fly's after that and calm everything I see either flaps it's wings and or can be seen until out of sight. I'm hoping someone else saw this, or was in attendance V created craft that may perhaps resemble fighter jets in the area that night that doesn't come out a sound?
Thank you to the history for their report.
Brian Vike, Schedule HBCC UFO Research and crowd of the Vike Proceedings UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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