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Direct from London, England, venerable UFO researcher Timothy Good joins us for an in-depth discussion on his latest book Need to Know as well as a number of elements of the UFO phenomenon which he has uncovered in his lengthy career investigating the phenomenon. We'll be discussing the early intelligence conflicts between the US and UK with regards to the Swedish 'Ghost Rockets' wave of the 1930's, Winston Churchill's failed attempts to find out about UFOs from the MoD, the story of Polish biophysicists and their visit to JPL where they saw remains of a dead alien possibly from Roswell, information that Good has received about alien bases located around the world and what their purpose might be, the ongoing, secret conflict between Earth and alien races, stories of retaliation by UFOs against planes that challenged them, the concept of "gradual disclosure" of the UFO phenomenon, the MJ-12 papers, Good's role in their publication and what he really thinks was going on back in the 1980's when they were released, and the state of Ufology in general. Plus, of course, tons and tons more. It's a thought provoking edition of BoA:Audio with a researcher who has uncovered some truly unique information that may have you taking a second look at the UFO enigma. Full Preview: We kick things off by finding out how Timothy Good first got interested in the UFO phenomenon. We then talk a bit about how Timothy has had some amazing sources over the years and he reflects on how one works with getting such information, especially bit and pieces over long periods of time. We then dive into some areas of discussion from Good's latest book Need to Know, beginning with how the US and UK had a rather chilly relationship with regards to UFOs during the 1946's Swedish 'Ghost Rocket' flap. This leads to some discussion on if that relationship changed over time and makes a startling revelation about US control over the UK's nuclear weapons. Timothy goes on to tell us further about Sweden's 'Ghost Rocket' flap of 1946 and why the UFOs probably weren't Soviet V1 rockets. We next talk about Winston Churchill's failed attempts to get UFO information from the UK MOD. This leads to some discussion on the early 1950's "UFO Working Party" in the UK, a precursor, of sorts, to Project Blue Book. Timothy talks about information he has received about Polish biophysicists who were first tasked with examining a piece of UFO wreckage and were, later, shown parts of a dead alien inside the secret lower levels of JPL in 1977. The story includes some interesting information regarding the blood of these particular aliens. We then cover what Timothy has learned about alien bases being located throughout the world and he shares information he's received since he first published these revelations. This leads to us talking about the aliens, themselves, and Timothy explains how there are different types of aliens with different agenda and histories of dealing with the human race. He talks about what may be the agenda behind the abductions and how there are conflicting perspectives on it, depending on whether you look at it from humans or aliens' point of view. Segueing from there, we muse about how deeply US interaction with ETs has been over the years, is there a working arrangement, hostility, etc. We then discuss the concept of "Needing to Know" and how that may be seemingly completely arbitrary depending on time and place. We ponder the concept of "gradual disclosure" and how it seems like the process has been almost too gradual. This leads to us finding out what happened between his previous book Unearthly Disclosure and his latest book Need to Know that made him change his mind about how UFO disclosure should unfold. We find out more about the conflict that has been ongoing with the US (and other nations) and the ETs. We next hear about the W56 group out of Italy, which is a fascinating story of human / ET interaction. Timothy shares stories, as told by Stephano Brecia in the book Mass Contacts, of ETs taking humans to their underground bases, a humorous tale of an ET trying to drive a car, and how the ETs got food for their base in Italy. Following that, we get Timothy's perspective on what seems to be the changing face of UFOs over the years, from balls of light to cigar shape to saucer shape to black triangles. Timothy shares his advice on how to tell if a UFO is "one of ours or one of theirs." He talks about joint operations between US jets and UFOs as well as information he has received about how extensive the UFO knowledge is inside the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). We also get Timothy to expand on his statement in Need to Know that he is certain that the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon is involved with UFOs as well as find out his thoughts on a potential Puerto Rico / UFO connection. This leads to a sidebar about the importance of emphasizing official statements about UFOs from high ranking and highly respected people such as Edgar Mitchell and, more recently, Col. Charles Halt regarding the Bentwaters Incident. We then talk about the popular notion of ETs on the moon and Mars and get Timothy's take on these ideas. Our conversation then moves further into the 'war' between UFOs and Earth and how it seems like this is one aspect of the phenomenon that Ufology does not want to discuss. This leads to us talking about the ETH and how Timothy endorses it "with qualifications" and challenges the notion of what is "extraterrestrial" if not just something from outside of Earth and, if 'ETs' were here first, then they are not really 'extraterrestrials.' Moving back into Need to Know, we cover one of the more interesting stories in the book: a richly detailed alien contact story from an Air Force reserve, Sid Patrick, in 1965. Timothy recounts the story with remarkable detail and draw some parallels from the information gained in the Patrick case to the Gary McKinnon revelations. We then briefly talk about the Gary McKinnon case as well. Next, we discuss Timothy's integral role in the MJ-12 'documents' story and get his opinion on the veracity of the documents and what he thinks was really going on in the mid-1980's when he was given that information. We then discuss who might be at the top of the UFO information pyramid in contemporary times and Timothy shares some surprising names and some expected ones. We then discuss Ufology's public relations problem and, if Timothy had his druthers, where he would like to see Ufology go in the future. This segues into some discussion on how the National Enquirer used to do some great reporting on UFOs, which is ironic given that it has such a terrible reputation. We also get Timothy's take on the 'Obama mania' that is sweeping some circles in Ufology. We also talk about the media coverage of the UFO phenomenon and how it has seemingly started to improve in the last few years. Timothy also makes a stunning and hilarious revelation about some of the much-ballyhooed UFO files being released by the UK government. Timothy also highlights the positive side of these file dumps, even if the Ufology community isn't getting much of substance from it. Timothy also discusses another element from Need to Know: the ten year study of UFOs by the Soviet military. Getting back to our discussion on 'gradual' disclosure, we talk about how it may be a generational movement and Timothy shares a story that encapsulates that idea. This segues into some discussion on the religious institutions and how they probably feel about the ET situation and we talk about the Vatican's announcement that it is 'okay' to believe in aliens. We also get Timothy to speculate on where Ufology may be in the next few decades and reflect on how the field seems to have gone off the rails in the last 30 years. Heading towards the close, we find out what Timothy may be working on for future projects. Right before the close, we also go down a brief side road and talk about Timothy's other work as a professional musician and he talks about recording with Paul McCartney.
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