Friday 5 December 2014

My Mystery Ufo How Does It Fly

My Mystery Ufo How Does It Fly
The My Mystery UFO has a pretty bad reputation, but does it deserve one?The manufacturer's blurb reads as follows:"'My Mystery UFO will allow you to amaze your friends, their jaws will drop in disbelief and shock. They'll be scratching their heads in amazement as the Magic UFO floats around you like magic. Is it static electricity? Magnetism? Psychic powers? Mystify your friends. You can toss My Mystery UFO to brainiacs and sceptics and challenge them to make it float. They won't be able to, no matter how hard they concentrate. Only you know the answer to the mystery. There are no batteries or radio controls and it's completely silent. The amazing effect sets up in under 15 seconds. Throw the Magic UFO like a flying disc, spin it like a top, and make it hover and float. We aren't going to spoil the mystery here, full detailed instructions are included in the pack, all we can tell you is that it is Magic. Suitable for children over eight years old.'"After reading the blurb, you are bound to go, "Wow, I WANT ONE!" When you read the reviews, you think again and decide not to part with your money. You will read, "rubbish, blue tak on a piece of string" etc etc, however, these people, although they are right, are oh so wrong.The Mystery UFO is brilliant. It is the perfect magic trick you can impress a group of people with, whether it be an audience, a group of friends, or just your family. I personally demo the product where I work, and can honestly say 99% of people that walk past look as bemused and intrigued as anything. I have posted a video below, this is what I do, and this is the customers reaction to the product. After watching the video below, and undoubtedly deciding you want one! Please check out our astore, linked with amazon, and feel free to drop us a comment. :)


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