Saturday 20 September 2014

Internet Censure Somewhere Near You Soon

Internet Censure Somewhere Near You Soon
Interesting news program on the TV last night, as I only caught the last few minutes but I reckon I heard enough to air my criticisms about what was being proposed. The program was about the internet and attacks on or in cyberspace,primarily the US government official and a US military officer complained about cyberspace attacks and the damage it could do to the infrastructure of the United States, power supplies and industry as well as being able to control or not as the case maybe, make contact with their own security and the military forces.

Now before we get too deep into this subject, let's just step back a minute and consider the recent events that may be responsible for this outburst ( yes outburst ) Wiki leaks and the online publishing of secure or maybe not so secure documents that were published on the internet for all too see, embarrassing the US government because of their inability to keep a secret, secret !

The finding of a print cartridge with wires attached and white powder seemingly harmless and claimed earlier in the day not to be an explosive device, later it becomes something other that the truth and the next day bombs supposedly found on planes all over Europe with explosive devices attached to print cartridges. See my post from 29/11/2010 Print Cartridge bombs

The determination by the British and American government to tarnish another Country, the Yemen, by claiming that it was they who were responsible or the denominating factor in the planting of such devices. Just another reason to go to war and control or usurp another government or leader who didn't see eye to eye with the west.

Concerted attacks by certain groups or individuals, against large internet companies or businesses as well as banks and institutes as a reprisal against those supporting the US governments attempts to extradite Julian Assange for publishing their material or files. DDOS direct denial of service attacks that crashed servers and stopped business from going about their everyday chores.

What these officials were claiming was that we could be entering a third World War, not one fought in or on a battlefield but rather on the internet or through cyberspace. They suggested the enemy had to be contained or stopped and fought against, the ploy is to gather Intelligence in order to stop such DDOS atacks or security hacking of computer servers in order to keep their businesses and government and armed forces free from the interference of others.

Note the key word others, these officials had no bloody idea who the enemy were or are ! I can smell a rat ! it would seem that moves are afoot to censure the internet and here I was listening to these two not so well informed cretins talking about something they hadn't done their homework on. The intention was to sow a seed in the minds of the public by way of an acceptance of what could become fact,this is almost subliminal!

So does this mean that we as bloggers or writers of internet post are also in the firing line, so called conspiracy theorist could they be next to be extradited for crimes against the state! were will it all stop ? Memories of Stalinist Russia prevail, China and it's one in three government or party members, Nazi Germany during the second World War. Are we going to take this lying down or will we be forever looking over our shoulders?

It is clear in my mind that if they are allowed to get away with monitoring more of the airwaves, then none of us are safe or have any privacy regarding what we do write or say or contact by way of cyberspace. The reason that certain individuals or groups attack the internet is because they aren't happy with the state of affairs and that they feel democratically right in staging their protest by way of cyberspace, the hidden agenda is not for us but some higher authority who claims to have our interests and safety paramount; I'm not so sure...

"I have a new Blog called Just Gassin and if you have finished here, go and have a look. It's different and light hearted with write ups on cars, bikes and a smattering of politics as well as computer operating systems analysis and alternatives....

"Spoof Reporting

Hee ! Haw !

Is this an UFO with An Alien Entity hanging on for dear life ?

Are you like me browned off seeing lousy pictures and videos of so called UFOs that are either just a light on a plane coming in to land or a Chinese lantern. Let's put a stop to this illicit reporting that is placed on certain Blogs purely to get visitor figures high.

Give them the big heave Ho! if this is what your favourite Blog is publishing then let them know you want something more intellectual, don't visit them until they get their act together.Get rid of the Blaggers who don't Blog.

The number of so called UFO blogs and websites publishing Crap is unbelievable and if you are giving them your time then you too are unbelievable, show some commonsense and look for your UFO information some where else,preferably where you will be responded to like an Adult..enough said.


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